A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication Part 2

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[2.] The moral life of _man, as also of other rational creatures_. This consists in his _sympathy of spirit with G.o.d_ in respect to those pure qualities which const.i.tute the Divine holiness.

(3.) Finally, there is _electric_ or _physical life_. But here again there are varieties.

[1.] There is _animal_ life, as of man and the lower animals. This I have already represented as consisting in the electro-vital force.

[2.] _Vegetable_ life. This is another modification of the same essential principle--electro-vitality.

But now, to return to the _physical_ or _animal life of man_--the electro-vital element. While this is in such _immediate_ relation to the visible body on the one hand, it holds, also, on the other hand, an _immediate_ relation to the mental part, both of man and of the other animated beings of earth. It serves to transmit, through the nervous system to the mind, all sensations and impressions from the outer world.

It, moreover, receives from the mind the action of its volitions and imaginary conceptions, and conveys through the nerves the impressions or impulsions thus obtained to the various parts of the body, and there secures the fulfillment of the mind's behests. It appears to be only in this way that communication is had between the mind and its outer body.

The natures of spirit and of gross matter are so totally unlike, that it seems impracticable for the mind and body to come into _immediate_ mutual relation, or to act reciprocally, without the aid of a _medium_--ethereal, semi-material and semi-spiritual, such as is the electro-vital fluid. And the Creator has accordingly provided this mysterious, invisible medium between the two, and thus, in a degree, extended man's likeness to himself by making him _a trinity in unity_.

3. _The mind or spirit._ This is immeasurably the highest and most important const.i.tuent of man. His body material may fall back to dust.

His body electrical may be reabsorbed in the great ocean of natural electricity that fills the earth and the heavens. But his mind is immortal. His spirit, made in the divine image, lives and acts, thinks and feels, independently of every other existence save Him from whom its being came. While in connection with its visible body, its good or ill, its bliss or woe, has, indeed, much to do with its bodily state. But, when separated from this body, its high and more independent existence is at once a.s.serted; and then its good or ill are determined by its Author only in accordance with the workings and affections within itself. A spiritual and indestructible being like its Creator, it can never cease to be while he exists.

But our present concern is with the mind in its relation to that electro-vital medium between it and the body, and to the body itself.

The mind's influence upon both of these lower parts of the entire man is truly wonderful, although perceptible mostly on the material body. Few persons are aware how much the state of the mind affects the bodily health, although the degree is often very great. Yet this is done by the mind's action, first on the electro-vital functions, and through these, by way of the nerves, upon the bodily tissue. Changes in the mental states will, in this way, frequently produce changed polarization in the physical organs, and thus determine infallibly the matter of health or disease. So, too, the condition of the bodily health will often determine irresistibly the mental state. Whatever bodily changes affect the polarization of the electro-vital medium in any part of the organism, do thereby produce corresponding changes in the mind.

These views of the reciprocal action between mind and body, through the medium of the electro-vital element, may serve to explain those psychological wonders exhibited in the cure of diseases by the imagination, as well as in diseases and even death induced by the imagination. I would much like to unfold and ill.u.s.trate this bearing of the subject; and, also, in the light of it, to show the _philosophy_ of one mind acting intelligibly on another mind, with, and even _without_, the aid of the physical organs, as is sometimes seen in the facts of mesmerism. This I have done in my written lectures, for the instruction of cla.s.ses; but my limits will not admit of it here.

There is another thought which I will offer in this connection. I maintain that all _functional_ action of our bodily organism, _ab initio_, is conducted by _thinking mind_, through the medium of organic electricity or the electro-vital fluid. Every organ as a whole, and every life-cell in detail, is charged with this active principle. I believe that every one of then is controlled and guided incessantly in its propagating, organizing and entire functional force by _intelligent mind_, acting through this wonder-working agent--the electro-vital fluid. In respect to our _voluntary_ exercises, this organic electrical force is made subject to our own mental activities, and executes its office upon the bodily organism mainly through the medium of the nerves.

But, as regards all the _involuntary_ functions, I believe that control is exercised _directly_ by the omniscient and all-pervading G.o.d, although in accordance with his own established laws.

Once more of the _mind_ let me remark, that _consciousness, sensation, and will belong to it alone_. The _body_ never thinks nor feels; nor does the organic electricity within it. The popular idea, especially with the less educated ma.s.ses, is that, if a man burn his finger, it is the finger that smarts. But this can not be true. Pain can exist only where consciousness is. And there is no consciousness in the finger, nor in any material part. Only the _mind_ is conscious of _existence_, even; and hence only the mind can be conscious of pleasure or pain. If a limb be paralyzed, by interrupting in any way the flow of the electro-vital fluid through its nerves, and thus depriving the _mind_ of its medium of communication with it, you may burn that limb to a crisp and the subject will feel no pain. When you burn your finger or break your arm, you disturb the action of the electro-vitality in the injured part, deranging its poles. This electric agent instantly communicates its disturbance along the nerves to the brain, where it reports to the mind and tells where the disturbance is. The conscious mind takes cognizance of the fact and feels distress.


It may, by some, be objected that, if we regard sensation as existing only in the _mind_, as affirmed above, then we must concede mind to the lower animal tribes, since they are subjects of consciousness, sensation and will, as truly as ourselves. I admit this necessity, and unhesitatingly take the position, as has been already done in the cla.s.sification of minds, that the lower animals are in fact endowed with a something higher and more spiritual than their material bodies or their animal vitality--something which bears distinguis.h.i.+ng characteristics of _mind_. I would not, however, be understood to say, or to imply, that they possess _all_ the characteristics of our minds, even in a rudimental degree. I do not believe they do. My theory does not accord to them either reason or immortality. Yet, in respect to the latter, my views are less decisive, and my utterances usually more reserved. But I think their minds may, and probably do, perish with their bodies. Nevertheless, the existence of consciousness, sensation and will, in any orders, does evidently presuppose some sort of mental const.i.tution. And such mental structure, in them as well as in us, must be distinct from and superior to the animal vitality--compelling service from the latter, and using it as a medium for communicating with the body, and with the outer world in general.


As to the vegetable kingdom, there is here, so far as we can discover, only a duality of principle, viz: the material body and a modified phase of electro-vitality. These component parts appear to sustain to each other, in the vegetable, relations quite a.n.a.logous to those of the corresponding parts in the animal. But here the _mental_ part is wanting; and consequently there is no consciousness, sensation, nor will; and the electro-vital action is guided in its elaborate and beautiful operations for the forming and developing of the plant, and in all its vital functions, by the all-pervading mind of G.o.d.


_The electro-vital fluid_, in the animal economy, is subject to the same principles of polarization as the magnetic current from the artificial machine, or the magnetism of the bar-magnet. In the material organism of man, the great nerve-centers--the brain, the spinal cord, and the ganglions--appear to act the part of fixed magnets, charged with the electro-vital fluid. Indeed, there is much reason to believe that this fluid is elaborated within these nerve-centers--more especially within the brain--from the inorganic electricity of the outer world, which is supplied through the lungs in respiration, and conducted thence to these laboratories by a remarkably interesting process--a process which I have not room here to describe, but which I have drawn out in detail in a ma.n.u.script lecture on the circulation of the blood, for my cla.s.ses, and which may some day see the light. These nerve-centers, viewed as magnets of electro-vitality, require to be regarded as having each a positive nucleus in the interior, on which are ranged the negative ends of the currents which go out from this positive nucleus in every direction to the surface of the medullary organ--so radiating, as it were, from center to periphery. And the nerve-lines and ramifications which issue from these great nerve-centers are polarized evidently in the same way--the electro-vital fluid being disposed with its negative ends to the positive surfaces of the nerve-centers, and its positive or plus ends to the "vital organs," and especially to the surfaces of the organism as a whole. There are many other polarizations in the human system, subordinate to those mentioned above; but I have no room to speak of them in detail.


There are two, and only two, primary cla.s.ses of disease--those in which the electro-vital force is abnormally _positive_, and those where it is preternaturally _negative_. The former cla.s.s comprises every variety and phase of hypersthenia, and the latter, every sort and degree of anaesthesia, or rather, of azoodynamia. _Inflammation_ may be taken as a general representative of the positive or hypersthenic cla.s.s--those forms of disease in which there is too much electro-vitality, or in which the vital force may be said to be too active. _Paralysis_ may stand as a general representative of the negative or azoodynamic cla.s.s--those in which the vital action is too low or weak.


In every part of the animal economy, polar derangements in the electro-vital principle are liable to occur. These derangements are always the real foundation of disease. They may be occasioned by a thousand agencies, which act as the _procuring_ cause of disease; but the _proximate_ and _sustaining_ cause is polar disturbance--derangement of the electro-vital poles. Parts which, in health, are relatively positive, may become negative, and that which should be negative may become positive. Or again, a part, naturally positive to its counterpart, may become _excessively_ so, and that which should be relatively negative may become negative to a _morbid degree_.

To correct these polar disturbances and restore the normal polarization, is to _cure the complaint_. This is, under the treatment of most physicians, often accomplished by the use of medicines, and by mechanical or surgical agency. We accomplish it by the proper application of the _poles_ of our electrical apparatus. In cases where there is _virus_ to be destroyed, or _abnormal growths_ to be removed, we also secure the _chemical_ action appropriate to these ends by the proper _selection of our current_. It often happens that _mechanical_ or _surgical action_ is demanded. In many _such_ cases, we do not profess to secure normal polarization and consequent cure by means of electricity alone. Yet, in a large proportion of the cases where mechanical or surgical agency is usually thought to be indispensable, we are able to cure by electric action only, since by it we can exert very considerable mechanical force at will; and can also, in many instances, attain much more happily, by means of electricity, the very ends or the _best_ ends which would be aimed at by skillful surgical operations.



_When the conducting cords are of equal length_, as commonly they should be, each of the two poles or electrodes produces a polar effect in the patient directly the opposite of that produced by the other. Also, _at any point_ in either half of the circuit, if it be within the person of the patient, the polar effect produced is the very reverse of what is experienced at the corresponding point in the other half of the circuit.

And further; each half of the current produces a polar effect, at every point in the parts of the patient through which it runs, the same in _kind_, though differing in _degree_, as is produced immediately under the pole or electrode with which it is connected; yet an effect antagonistic to that which is produced under the other pole, or at the corresponding point in the other half of the current.


From the above observations, it will be plain that, when we wish to bring a diseased organ under the influence of the _positive_ pole, we must carefully place our electrodes so that none of the organ, or none of the diseased part of it, shall appear on the positive[B] side of the _central point of the circuit_; it being understood that the current moves as nearly in direct lines as the best conducting medium will admit. Or again, if it be desired to bring a diseased organ, or any extended part of it, under the influence of the _negative_ pole, we must first calculate in placing our electrodes about where the central point will come, and then so apply them that no part of the lesion or disease shall appear on the negative[B] side of the central point; otherwise so much of it as lies on that side will come under the force of the wrong pole, and thus be affected in a way the opposite of what was intended.

The characteristic influence of each pole is felt throughout its own half of the circuit.


I have said that every disease is preternaturally either positive or negative. I have further said, that the application of either pole to a given part produces an effect the opposite of what would be produced in the same part by a reversal of the poles. The way is now prepared for me to announce THE CENTRAL PRINCIPLE of our system of practice. The reader will bear in mind that all acutely inflammatory or hypersthenic affections are electrically _positive_ in excess--having too much vital action--being _overcharged_ with the electro-vital fluid; and that all paralytic diseases, or those of a sluggish, azoodynamic character, are electrically _negative_--having too little electro-vital fluid--too little vital action. It is a universal law of electricity that positives repel each other, and that negatives repel each other; but that positives and negatives attract each other. This is a principle of electric action everywhere known, where any thing is known on the subject. _We appropriate it practically to therapeutic purposes._ Therefore, when I wish to repress or repel inflammation, which is electrically positive in excess, I put the positive pole to it; or, at least, I bring it under that half of the circuit with which the positive pole is connected, and as near to the pole or electrode as possible. And because two positives repel each other, and also because the direction of the current is always from the positive to the negative pole, carrying the electro-vital fluid with it, either I must withdraw my positive electrode, or that excess of electro-vitality in the diseased part which makes it morbidly positive, and thus produces inflammation, must give way. I _will not_ withdraw my positive pole, and therefore the positive inflammation _must_ retreat and be dispersed. In treating this case, I will place my _negative_ electrode either on some healthy part, or, if there be perceptible anywhere in the system a morbidly negative part, as is often the case, I will place my negative pole there. For example: if I am treating for _nephritis_--inflammation of the kidneys--when I do not perceive any part to be abnormally negative, I manipulate with my positive electrode over the inflamed kidney, having the negative electrode placed at the coccyx--lowest part of the spine.

My positive pole repels the positive inflammation from the kidney; or, rather, repels from it that excess of electro-vital fluid which makes it morbidly positive and induces the inflammation, while the negative pole attracts the same towards the coccyx. On its way, it becomes more or less diverted to adjacent nerves; or, if gathered in the healthy part, under the negative pole, it is immediately dispersed by the normal circulation as soon as the electrode is removed. But if I find _a spinal irritation_, say in one or more of the cervical or dorsal vertebrae, and, at the same time, a stomach affected with _chronic dyspepsia_, accompanied with _constipation of bowels_, I will work over the inflamed or irritated spine with my positive pole, because I know from its irritation that there is an excess of electro-vital fluid in the part, making it improperly positive; and, with my negative electrode, I will, at the same time, treat over the stomach, bowels and liver; because I know, from the _inaction_ of these organs, that there is a lack of the vital force--a deficiency of the electro-vital fluid--there, and that, consequently, they are too negative. Adopting this method, I accomplish two objects in the same treatment. _First_, my positive pole, applied to the spinal disease, repels from it the excess of electro-vital fluid which was there doing mischief; and, _second_, my negative pole attracts the same, along with the artificial or inorganic electricity, to the stomach and bowels where it is wanted, since negatives attract positives. Or I wish to rouse to action a _torpid liver_. Now, if I find _inflammation, or enlargement_ of the spleen, as is commonly the case in _chills and fever_, I place the positive pole upon the spleen, at the left side, just below the false ribs, and the negative pole on the liver, which is best reached immediately below the ribs on the right side, and around backward and upward as far as to the spine. The positive pole repels the excess of electro-vitality away from the positive spleen, and so reduces the improper excitement there, while at the same time it rushes, by attraction, to the negative liver, under the negative pole, and makes that more positive, and so more active. In this way, I change the polarization of the parts, and, in so doing, remove the sustaining cause of the disease. You here perceive that I treat a positive part with the positive pole, so as to repel the excess of electro-vitality from it, and thus repress its excessive action; and that I treat a negative part with the negative pole, so as to attract the electro-vital fluid, along with the current from the machine, to it from under the positive pole, and thus increase the action by making it more positive.

But suppose I do what nearly all of the doctors do, who use electricity with any regard to polarity; that is, if treating acutely inflamed eyes, for example, apply the negative pole to the eyes, thinking thereby to make them more negative; or, if treating amaurosis, apply the positive electrode to the affected parts, thinking thereby to make them more positive! I say, suppose I do this same thing, do you not see that, by the fixed laws of electricity, I necessarily increase the evils that I would remedy? Do you not see that, by placing my negative pole on the already overcharged and inflamed eyes, I attract to them yet more of the electro-vital fluid, and so increase their positive condition and aggravate the inflammation? and that, by presenting my positive electrode to the eyes already more or less paralyzed, I repel what little electro-vitality there was there, and so make the nerves all the more negative and dead? And yet, I repeat it, this is precisely the plan of almost all the men who use electricity in therapeutic practice with any regard to its polarization. They treat a positive disease--rather, a _hypersthenic_ disease, (for they seldom know anything of the _electrical_ states of diseased parts), with the negative pole, and an azoodynamic disease, which is negative, with the positive pole!--all directly antagonistic to science and success.

But the great ma.s.s of physicians, who attempt to treat electrically, have no knowledge either of the electrical condition of the various forms of disease, nor of the distinctive and peculiar effects produced by either pole of the artificial current; and consequently all their use of this powerful agent is entirely empirical--merely haphazard experiment.

I may have raised an inquiry a few moments since which ought to be answered. I said, in effect, that in treating a positive disease, such, for instance, as acute, inflammatory rheumatism or acute pleurisy, I would use the positive pole on the inflamed parts, and the negative pole on either some healthy part or on a morbidly negative part, if I could find such. So, too, I said I would treat a negative disease, such as amaurosis or torpidity of liver, with the negative pole, placing the positive pole on either some healthy or morbidly positive part. The query may have arisen, "By placing the one pole or the other on a healthy part, do you not derange the normal electro-vital action there, disturbing its healthy polarization?" I answer, yes, for the time being, I do; and if this disturbing force were to be steadily continued for any considerable time, the disturbance would produce manifest and serious disease. But then, a pole or electrode, placed on a healthy part, we generally move, or ought to move, more or less, every few moments, which prevents the establishment of any perverted action in the part; and the moment the electrode is withdrawn, the normal polarization and healthy action are resumed.


It is often desirable to bring the entire parts of the patient, through which the current is made to pa.s.s, under one and the same kind of influence--such as shall make them all more positive or more negative.

Especially is this true in many cases where we wish to run through but a _short_ s.p.a.ce. For this purpose, there is frequent advantage in using conducting cords of unequal length. As my views on this point have been disputed in certain quarters, I will endeavor here to place them in such a light that they shall not be rejected for want of being _rightly understood_.

I have previously remarked[C] that, for practical purposes, it is sufficiently exact to consider the _magnetic circuit_ as extending only from the _positive post_, around through the conducting cords, the electrodes, and the person of the patient, to the _negative post_. We will so regard it at present. This circuit may be viewed as one continuous magnet, made up of several sections or shorter magnets placed end to end--the positive end of the first to the negative end of the second, and the positive end of the second to the negative end of the third. In this arrangement, the negative end of the first section is the negative pole of the one whole magnet, and the positive end of the third section is the positive pole of the whole magnet. The minimum quant.i.ty of the magnetism is supposed to be at the negative pole, and the maximum quant.i.ty at the positive pole; and the quant.i.ty is supposed to increase, by _regular graduation_, from the negative to the positive pole. This being so, the quant.i.ty is _the same_ in the positive end of either section and the negative end of the adjoining section, at their point of contact.

Now, in practice, the body of the patient, or so much of it as is embraced between the two electrodes, may be regarded as the _second_ section in this magnet; and the cord connected with the positive post, together with its electrode attached, may be counted the _first_ and _most negative_ section; and the cord connected with the negative post, along with its electrode, may be the _third_ and _most positive_ section. And if this whole magnet be more and more positive, by regular degrees through all the sections, from its negative to its positive end or pole, then the nearer any given part of it, say the _second section_--the patient's person, may be to its positive pole in the negative post, so much the more _positive_ that section or part will be.

And the nearer such part or section may be to the negative pole in the positive post, so much the more _negative_ it will be. If the cords be of equal length, the central point in the circuit or magnet will be in the second section--the person of the patient, midway between the electrodes; and that section will be charged with the _mean_ quant.i.ty of the magnetic fluid. The _central point_ will hold _exactly_ the mean quant.i.ty. But if the cord in the _first_ section be _two_ yards long, and that in the _third_ section be _four_ yards, then section second--the patient's parts under treatment--will be nearest to the _negative_ pole in the positive post, and consequently will be charged with much _less_ than the mean quant.i.ty of the fluid, and will therefore be made so much the more _negative_. If, on the other hand, the cord in section _first_ be _four_ yards in length, and that in section _third_ be only _two_ yards, then the patient's body--section second--will be brought nearest to the _positive_ pole in the negative post, and of course be charged with much _more_ than the mean quant.i.ty of the magnetic fluid, and hence will be made so much the more _positive_.

It is true that the positive and negative poles of section second--the parts of the patient between the electrodes--will not be _reversed_ by any such changes in the length or relative positions of the conducting cords; nor is such reversal required in those cases where the use of the _long cord_ is indicated. The only change of polarization called for in such cases, is that _all_ the parts through which the current is to pa.s.s should, in greater or less degree, be affected alike, as being made more positive or more negative. Of course these parts will be so affected in different degrees--those nearest to the _short_ cord the _most_; those nearest to the _long_ cord the _least_.

The cla.s.s of cases where the use of the _long cord_ is more especially advantageous, comprises those in which it is desirable to run the current _out_ of the patient at the shortest admissible distance from the positive electrode. For example, in treating _cynanche tonsillaris_, (quinsy), if treating with the positive pole in the mouth, we would not wish to run the current further than to the back of the neck; or, if treating externally, we would not wish to carry the negative electrode further from the positive than from side to side. Here the _long cord_, with the negative electrode, would be a special advantage in subduing the inflammation. We would not care to _increase_ the inflammatory action, as we should necessarily do on the positive side of the central point, by using cords of _equal_ length.

Again, if treating a case of acute _enteritis_--inflammation of the intestines--we would not wish, while treating the abdomen with the positive pole, to increase the inflammation in the lower parts, by using equal cords and placing the negative pole at the sacrum or the coccyx.

Neither would we wish to reduce the strength of the lower limbs by carrying the negative pole to the feet. Nor, yet again, would we care to endanger the thoracic viscera by running the current from the abdomen up to the dorsal or cervical vertebrae. The true way, in such a case, would be to connect the negative electrode with a _long cord_, and then to run the current through the inflamed parts, and _out_ somewhere from the lumbar vertebrae to the coccyx, by treating over the abdomen with the positive pole, and placing the negative pole on the lower parts of the spine.

A Newly Discovered System of Electrical Medication Part 2

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