Her Own Way Part 11

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LIZZIE. He's gone, miss.

[_She goes out also._

GEORGIANA. [_Calls._] Ready!

[PHILIP _turns and looks about the room, then begins to look under things. He sees his_ AUNT GEORGIANA _first and is about to touch her, but she laughingly motions him not to and points out_ TOOTS'S _hiding place._

PHILIP. [_Finding_ TOOTS, _touches him._] You're it!

TOOTS. [_Very pleased._] I'm it! I'm it!

[_Jumps up and down._

CHRISTOPHER. [_Disappointed._] Somebody find me.

PHILIP. Oh, come on out from behind the curtain--you're--easy.

[CHRISTOPHER _comes out. Meanwhile_ COLEMAN _is heard calling, "h.e.l.lo, Phil, Phil," outside as he comes up the stairs._

PHILIP. [_By the hobby horse._] It's Mr. d.i.c.k!

THE CHILDREN. It's Mr. d.i.c.k!


[_Starts to get out from under the table, but_ COLEMAN _enters, so she crawls back._

[LIEUTENANT RICHARD COLEMAN _is a handsome, finely built man of about thirty-two. He is a West Pointer, is a good oarsman, a crack shot, and a good fellow all around. No finicking about him, no nerves. Just a sane, healthy, fine fellow._

d.i.c.k. h.e.l.lo! Many happy returns, Phil. [_Shakes hands._] Where's your Aunt Georgiana! [_Silence._] Is she out?

PHIL. No, she's under the table!

CHRISTOPHER AND TOOTS. [_Delighted._] She's under the table! She's under the table!

d.i.c.k. [_Laughing._] What!

PHILIP. Hide and seek.

[d.i.c.k _looks under the table; he and_ GEORGIANA _laugh._

d.i.c.k. Good morning, are you at home?

GEORGIANA. [_Very embarra.s.sed._] Oh, mercy! Do go away so I can get out!

d.i.c.k. [_Tremendously amused._] Come on out!

GEORGIANA. No! I can't with you there. [_Laughing_.] Please leave the room for just one minute!

d.i.c.k. Not if I know it! Come on out!

GEORGIANA. Not for worlds! Go away, please! [d.i.c.k _shakes his head "No."_] Then I shall never come out.

d.i.c.k. Ah, but that's hardly fair, because I want to talk to you comfortably.

GEORGIANA. Well, then, come on under!

d.i.c.k. Is there room?

GEORGIANA. A cable car conductor who knew his business could seat four more people in here.

d.i.c.k. Still--I think I'm more comfortable up here.

GEORGIANA. Selfis.h.!.+ Go on away! [d.i.c.k _shakes his head._] Children, if you love your auntie, go for Mr. d.i.c.k with all your might and main and push him into the hall.

[_The children shout and rush toward_ d.i.c.k; _they catch hold of him._


d.i.c.k. [_With mock ferocity._] The first child I get hold of I'll _spank_!

[_The children laugh and shout and run away from him to behind the table._


GEORGIANA. Ogre! Very well! After all, I'm not vain! It would take Barnum's human snake to get out of this gracefully, anyway!

[_Coming out, arranging her dress and hair._

d.i.c.k. Have some help?

GEORGIANA. No, thank you. But still, what a horrid person you are, aren't you?

[_They both laugh._

d.i.c.k. _You_ aren't!

GEORGIANA. O dear me! Making up now with a compliment! Well, what do you think of my birthday antics? Playing hide and seek--or, perhaps, trained elephants--doesn't interest you!

CHRISTOPHER. Lelephants! Oh, Auntie! Is the _circus_ coming?

[_The children give themselves up to transports._ PHIL _hugs_ TOOTS _and repeats "Circus."_

GEORGIANA. No, darling, but this circus is going--your old-maid aunt--to put herself to rights!

d.i.c.k. You couldn't improve on present appearances!

GEORGIANA. Really! Such fine speeches! But they don't go with your manners! Would you like to join in the game?

Her Own Way Part 11

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