Conscious Eating Part 34

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Balances V, aggravates P and K Spring, Summer, and Fall Make any veggie pate you wish and add 1/4 cup chopped olives to every cup of veggie pate. Mix well and serve.


Three-Nut Carrot Loaf

Balances V, neutral for K, unbalances P All Seasons 1 cups carrots, grated 1 cup sprouts of your choice 1 cup parsley cup walnuts, soaked cup sunflower seeds, soaked cup pinenuts, soaked large avocado red pepper yellow pepper 1 clove garlic 1 tsp black pepper Nori sheets (optional) Blend all ingredients, except for red and yellow peppers, until slightly chunky. Shape into a loaf and garnish with peppers or wrap in dry nori sheets. Serves 2-3.

Almond-Miso Sculpture

Balances V, slightly unbalances P, unbalances K Spring, Summer, Fall 4 cups almonds, soaked and blanched Juice of 4 lemons 2 Tbs mellow miso Veggies, fruits, or edible flowers of the chakra colors Put almonds through the Champion Juicer. Mix thoroughly with the miso and lemon juice. Shape into any form you like and place on a bed of lettuce. Decorate with the colored vegetables to create a spectacular live-food sculpture. Our favorite is the rainbow person with chakras and their respective colors in place.

Remarks: The miso, almonds, and lemon are balancing for V, neutral to slightly aggravating for P, and aggravating for K. This dish is a strong builder and nerve tonifier for V and very good for gaining weight.


Seed sauces are made from soaked seeds and/or nuts blended with a fruit, juice, or water. The following seed sauces have been created to be enjoyed at breakfast time. They can be poured over fresh sliced fruit or the cereals found in the Grain Recipes section. As a way to add beneficial elements to your diet, try topping your dish with freshly ground flaxseeds and/or bee pollen.

Although best consumed immediately, refrigerated seed sauces are an excellent snack for those with hypoglycemia. Seed sauces may last up to 24 hours if kept in the refrigerator. (Seed sauces can also be converted into seed cheeses and seed yogurts. This process is discussed in Fermented Foods: Seed Cheese and Yogurt.)

Apple-Cinnamon Seed Sauce

Balances V and K, slightly unbalances P All Seasons 2 cups almonds, soaked and blanched 2 cups apples, diced 2 cups raisin soak water 1 Tbs cinnamon 1 cup water Blend, adding water to achieve desired consistency.

Banana-Almond Seed Sauce

Balances V, unbalances P and K All Seasons 3 cups almonds, soaked and blanched 2 bananas 1 cup raisin soak water 1 Tbs ginger Blend, adding water to achieve desired consistency.

Orange-Almond Seed Sauce

Balances V, unbalances P and K All Seasons 2 cups almonds, soaked and blanched 2 oranges, peeled 1 Tbs ginger Blend, adding water to achieve desired consistency.

OM Seed Sauce

Balances V, neutral for P and K All Seasons cup sesame seeds, soaked 2 mangos, peeled and pitted 2 oranges, peeled 2 dates or tsp raw honey Blend, adding water to achieve desired consistency Serves 4-6.

Banana-Sesame Seed Sauce

Balances V, neutral for P, slightly unbalances K All Seasons 2 cups sesame seeds, soaked 2 bananas 2 cups raisin soak water Blend, adding water to achieve desired consistency

Pear-Sesame Seed Sauce

Balances V, P, K All Seasons 2 pears 2 cups sesame seeds, soaked 2 cups raisin soak water Blend, adding water to achieve desired consistency.

Mango-Banana Seed Sauce

Balances V, slightly unbalances P and K Spring, Summer, and Fall 2 cups sesame seeds, soaked 2 cups raisin soak water 1 banana 1 mango 3 dates, soaked 1 tsp cardamom seed or tsp cardamom powder tsp nutmeg Blend, adding water to achieve desired consistency.

Banana-Pumpkin Seed Sauce

Balances V and P, slightly unbalances K All Seasons 2 cups pumpkin seeds, soaked 1 cup raisin soak water cup raisins Fennel to taste Blend, adding water to achieve desired consistency.

Sun Sauce

Balances V, P, K All Seasons 2 cups sunflower seeds, soaked 2 cups raisin soak water 1 Tbs cardamom seed or 1 tsp cardamom powder 1 tsp cinnamon Blend, adding water to achieve desired consistency.

Sweet Golden Sun Sauce

Balances V and K, slightly unbalances P All Seasons 1 cup sunflower seeds, soaked 1 cup almonds, soaked and blanched 2 cups raisin soak water 1 Tbs vanilla extract 1 tsp cinnamon Blend, adding water to achieve desired consistency. Serves 5-6.

Spiced-Banana Sunseed Sauce

Balances V, neutral for K, unbalances P All Seasons 2 bananas cup sunflower seeds, soaked 1 tsp cinnamon 1 tsp cardamom tsp nutmeg Blend, adding water to achieve desired consistency.

Remarks: These spices make this seed sauce very balancing for V and neutral for K.


Seed milks are made by blending soaked nuts and/or seeds with water and then straining the mixture through a cheesecloth or mesh colander. The fiber from the nuts and seeds may be discarded or used in other dishes. The remaining liquid is referred to as a "seed milk" and may be mixed with a number of different spices, flavorings, and fruits. It may also be served with breakfast cereals, porridges, and fruit. Seed milk is easily digestible and makes a wonderful snack. It is especially good for infants and people with poor digestion. Seed milk recipes may also be used to create delicious kefir (see Fermented Foods: Kefir).

Conscious Eating Part 34

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