Quiet Talks about Jesus Part 19
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One day the disciples and followers of Jesus had met in Jerusalem, when Jesus Himself came again in their midst and talked with them quite a bit.
He said particularly that they were not to leave Jerusalem, but wait there. In a few days the Holy Spirit would come upon them, and they were to wait until He came. Then He asked them to go with Him for a walk. And they walk together along those old Jerusalem streets, out the gate and off past Gethsemane toward the top of Olives over against Bethany. On the way they ask Him if it was His plan to set up the kingdom then. He turns their thought away from Palestine toward the world, away from times and seasons toward telling a race about Himself.
And now they are standing together on the Mount of Olives. There is Peter, the new man of rock, and John and James, the sons of thunder, and little Scotch Andrew, and the man in whom is no guile, and the others. But one's eyes quickly go by these to the Man in the center of the group. These men stand gazing on that face, listening for His words. There is a consciousness that the goodbye word is about to be spoken. Yonder they can see the bit of a depression and the tops of some old trees. That is Gethsemane. And over beyond that is the city wall and the little knoll near by outside. That is Calvary. With memories such as these suggest they listen with eyes as well as ears. "Ye shall receive power," the Master is saying, "and ye shall be _My witnesses_ here in Jerusalem and in all Judea, your brothers, and in Samaria, the nearby people you don't like, and unto the uttermost part of the earth, everybody else." They are held by the words and by that face. Then He lifts up His hands in blessing upon them. And as they gaze they notice He is rising, His feet are off the earth, then higher and higher. Then a s.h.i.+ning glory cloud sweeps down out of the blue, and now they see Him no more.
Coming Again.
They continue gazing, held spellbound by the sight, thinking maybe they may get another look. Then two men in white apparel are in their midst and speak to them: "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into the heavens? This Jesus who was received up into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye beheld Him going into heaven." That word at once sends them back to the waiting-place of which the Master had spoken. From that time they never lost the upward glance, but they were ever absorbed in obeying the Master's command.
Jesus' ascension was a continuation of the resurrection movement. The resurrection was the beginning of the ascension. Having finished the task involved in dying, Jesus responded to the natural upward movement of His life. On His way up from the tomb to His Father's home and throne, He tarried awhile on the earth for the sake of these disciples and leaders, then yielded again to the upward movement. The two men in white apparel give the key to the ascension. Jesus will remain above until the next great step in the kingdom plan. Then He will return to carry out in full the Father's great love-plan for man and for the earth.
His last act with these men was conducting them to the Mount of Olives.
That is ever to be the point of outlook for His follower. Yonder in full view is Gethsemane and Calvary. Following the line of His eyes and pointing finger, as the last word is spoken, leads us ever to the man nearest by, to the uttermost parts of the earth, and to all between.
Following His disappearing figure keeps us ever looking upward to Himself and forward to His return.
Study Notes
a.n.a.lysis and References
The spirit-key to an understanding of G.o.d's Word is surrender of will and life to His mastery. "He that is willing to do His will will know of the teaching." The mental-key to a grasp of the contents of that Book is _habitual broad reading_. It cannot be too insistently insisted upon that wide reading from end to end of the Book, and from end to end of the year, is _the_ simple essential to a clear understanding and a firm grasp of the Bible. It is the only possible salvation from the piece-meal, microscopic study of sentences and verses that has been in common use _clear out of all proportion_. Such disproportionate study steals away very largely the historical setting, and the simple meaning in the mind of speaker and writer. Wide reading habitually indulged in should come first, and out of that will naturally grow the closer study. This is the true order. In giving references it is needful to mark particular verses. Yet this is to be regretted because of our inveterate habit of reading only the marked verses instead of getting the sweep of their connection. The connection is a very large part of the interpretation of any pa.s.sage. The references here are meant to be indices to the whole pa.s.sage in connection. They are not meant to be full, but simply to start one going. They should be supplemented by others suggested by one's own reading, by marginal references (those of the American Revision are specially well selected), and by concordance and topical text-book. What a student digs out for himself is in a peculiar sense his own. It is woven into his fibre. It helps make him the man he comes to be. Those who may want a course to follow rigidly without independent study will find these notes disappointing. For those who want a daily scheme of study the allotment for the day can be by certain designated pages of reading with the corresponding paragraphs in the Study Notes. The paragraphing will be found to be in some measure, though not wholly, a sub-a.n.a.lysis. The American Revision is used here.
I. The Purpose of Jesus.
1. The Purpose in the Coming of Jesus.
_G.o.d Spelling Himself out in Jesus_: change in the original language--bother in spelling Jesus out--sticklers for the old forms--Jesus' new spelling of old words.
_Jesus is G.o.d following us up_: G.o.d heart-broken--man's native air--bad choice affected man's will--the wrong lane--G.o.d following us up.
_The Early Eden Picture_, Genesis 1:26-31. 2:7-25: unfallen man--like G.o.d--the breath of G.o.d in man--a spirit, infinite, eternal--love--holy--wise--sovereign over creation, Psalm 8:5-8--in his own will--summary--G.o.d's thought for man.
_Man's Bad Break_, Genesis 3. the climax of opportunity--the tree of choice--the temptation--blended lies--the tempter's strategy--the choice made--the immediate result--safety in shame--the danger of staying in Eden--guarding man's home--the return, Rev. 2:7. 22:14, 2. John 10:10.
_Outside the Eden Gate_: a costly meal--result in the man himself--ears and eyes affected--looking without seeing--a personal test--Isaiah's famous pa.s.sage, Isaiah 6:9-10, see Isaiah 42:18, 20, 23. 43:8. 29:10.
Jeremiah 5:21. 6:10. 7:26. Ezekiel 12:2. Psalm 69:23. Micah 3:6. Acts 7:51.--Jesus' use of parables--Jesus' irony--Matthew 13:10-15. Mark 4:10-12. Luke 8:9-10. See John 12:40. Acts 28:26, 27. Romans 11:8. John 9:39-41--tongue affected--the tongue man's index--effect of seeing G.o.d--whole mental process affected--sense of dread--- Paul's seven steps down in mental process, Ephesians 4:17-19--Jesus the music of G.o.d, the face of G.o.d.
_Sin's Brood_: result in the growth of sin--three stages, flood, Moses, Paul--Paul's Summary, Romans I:18-32, see Matthew 15:19. Galatians 5:19-21. 2 Timothy 3:2-5.--Paul's Outlook--a summary of to-day--the conventional cloak--four great paragraphs--man still a king, Genesis 9:6.
1 Corinthians 11:7. James 3:9.--a composite picture--a.n.a.lysis of sin--the root of sin.
_G.o.d's Treatment of Sin_: "gave them up," Romans 1:24, 26, 28. see Job 8:4. 1 Kings 14:16. Psalms 81:12. Acts 7:42, Romans 9:22 (endured).--the worst thing and the best--sin's gait--Jesus is G.o.d letting sin do its worst upon Himself.
_A Bright Gleam of Light_: the non-Christian world--G.o.d has no favorites--all know G.o.d directly, Romans 1:20, 32. John 1:9--believing on Jesus--the outside majority--Peter's statement, Acts 10:34, 35.--Paul's statement, Romans 2:7.--persistent climbers--trusting the unknown Jesus--the Master's command--to help our brothers--Jesus is G.o.d sacrificing His best.
_The Broken Tryst_, Genesis 3:8-9: G.o.d keeping tryst--man not there--G.o.d's search--a lonely G.o.d--still calling--Jesus is G.o.d calling man back to the broken tryst.
_G.o.d's Wooing_: direct revelation to all--the inner light, John 1:9. Acts 17:26-28. Job 12:10. Psalms 139:1-16.--through nature, Psalms 19:1-6.--in the daily weave of life, Acts 17:28.--"The Lord's at the loom"--a special revelation, Romans 3:2. Deuteronomy 4:8.--in Jesus, Heb. 1:1-3.--the Book--the mission of the Book, John 20:31.--summary--chiefly Jesus.
2. The Plan for the Coming of Jesus.
_G.o.d's Darling_, Psalms 8:5-8.--the plan for the new man--the Hebrew picture by itself--difference between G.o.d's plan and actual events--one purpose through breaking plans--the original plan--a starting point--getting inside.
_Fastening a Tether inside_: the longest way around--the pedigree--the start.
_First Touches on the Canvas_: the first touch, Genesis 3:15.--three groups of prediction--first group: to Abraham, Genesis 12:1-3; to Isaac, Genesis 26:1-5; to Jacob, Genesis 28:10-15; through Jacob, Genesis 49:9-11. through Balaam, Numbers 24:17-19; through Moses, Deuteronomy 18:15-19, see Matthew 21:11. John 1:21. 6:14. Acts 3:22. 7:37.--second group: David, 2 Samuel 7:16, 18, 19. 23:3-5. Psalms 2nd, 110th. Solomon in 72nd Psalm. Forty-fifth Psalm.
_A Full Length Picture in Colors_: third group in prophetic books--one continuous subject--"day of the Lord," 134 times,--Somebody coming--His Person; _divine_, Isaiah 7:14. 9:6. 33:22. Micah 4:7. 5:2. Haggai 2:9.
_human_, Isaiah 32:2. Daniel 7:13. _manner of birth_, Isaiah 7:14. _of native stock_, Isaiah 9:6. Ezekiel 29:21. _of David's line,_ _ Isaiah 9:7.
11:1. 16:5. Jeremiah 23:5. 33:15, 17, 21, 26. Amos 9:11. Zechariah 3:8.
6:12. _a branch of Jehovah, _ Isaiah 4:2. _a King_, Isaiah 9:6. 32:1.
33:17. Jeremiah 23:5. Zechariah 6:13. 9:9. _called David_, Jeremiah 30:9.
Ezekiel 37:24, 25. Hosea 3:5. _a priest-king,_ Zechariah 6:13. _a preacher_, Isaiah 61:1-3. _a teacher_, Isaiah 9:6 (counsellor).--the kingdom, Daniel 2:34,44. Obadiah:21 (Jehovah's).--the capital, Isaiah 2:3.
4:5. 33:20,21. 59:20. 65:18, 19. Joel 3:16, 17, 20, 21. Micah 4:7, 8.--the presence of G.o.d, Ezekiel 37:27. Joel 3:21. Zechariah 2:10, 11. Zephaniah 3:17.--visibly present, Isaiah 4:5, 6.--characteristics, vengeance, Isaiah 61:2. 63:1-6. Zephaniah 3:19.--great victory, Zechariah 9:9.--- but without force, Isaiah 11:4. Zechariah 9:10.--peace, Isaiah 2:4. 9:6, 7.--established in loving kindness, Isaiah 16:5.--justice and right, Isaiah 9:7. 16:5. 32:1. Jeremiah 23:5. 33:15.--the poor and meek, Isaiah 11:4, 5.--broken-hearted, poor and imprisoned, Isaiah 61:1-3.--protection from all ills, Isaiah 32:2.--impartiality in judging even the most weak and obnoxious, Isaiah 42:3, 4.--gradual increase, Isaiah 9:7. 42:4. a great crisis, Zephaniah 4:1. Habakkuk 3:1-15. with unexpected suddenness, Malachi 3:1--effect upon Israel _nationally_; Spirit-baptized, Isaiah 44:2. Ezekiel 37:9-14. 39:29.--never withdrawn, Isaiah 59:21.--judgments removed, Zephaniah 3:14, 15.--impurity cleansed, Isaiah 4:4. Malachi 3:2, 3.--possession of land, Zephaniah 2:7.--capital holy, Joel 3:17.--weakness gone, Micah 4:6, 7. freedom from enemies, Isaiah 33:18, 19.--Jeremiah 30:8-10. Joel 3:17. Zechariah 14:11. Micah 5:6.--at peace, Isaiah 33:20.
Micah 5:5.--leaders.h.i.+p, Isaiah 2:2. Micah 4:1, 3. 5:8.--spiritual leaders.h.i.+p, Joel 2:28, 29.--supremacy, etc., Isaiah 60:1-22. 11:10. 2:2.
Micah 4:1, 3. 5:8. Zechariah 2:10.--Jerusalem center, Isaiah 60:10-14.
Zechariah 14:16. effect upon Israel _personally_; made over new, Ezekiel 11:17-20. 36:25-27. Jeremiah 31:31-34. Isaiah 4:3.--devotion and open-mindedness, Isaiah 32:3-4. 44:5.--sickness absent, Isaiah 33:24.--longer lives, Isaiah 65:20.--increase in numbers, Jeremiah 33:22.
Ezekiel 37:26. Isaiah 44:4.--no disappointed plans, Isaiah 65:21-23. Amos 9:14.--fear gone, Micah 4:4.--thrilled hearts, Isaiah 60:5. effect upon _other nations_; to come back to G.o.d, Micah 5:3 (see John 10:16).--Spirit upon all, Joel 2:28.--voluntary coming to Israel for instruction, Isaiah 2:3. Micah 4:2.--earth filled with knowledge, Isaiah 11:9.--her influence as the dew, Micah 5:7.--the only medium, Isaiah 60:12. wondrous blessings shared with all, Isaiah 42:1, 6, 7. 49:6. 51:4. 61:1.--universal peace, Micah 4:3-4. Zechariah 9:10. changes in nature; at Jerusalem, Isaiah 33:21. Joel 3:18 l.c. Zechariah 14:8. Ezekiel 47:1-5. Zechariah 14:4.--increased light, Isaiah 30:26.--overshadowed by presence of G.o.d, Isaiah 60:19 (Presence cloud, Exodus; as sun, Matthew 17:2 with parallels; above sun Acts 26:13).--renewed fertility, Ezekiel 36:29, 30. Hosea 2:21.
Joel 3:18. Amos 9:13. Zechariah 14:10. Isaiah 4:2.--removal of curse upon earth, Zechariah 14:11. Isaiah 65:17.--the animal creation, Isaiah 11:6-9.
65:25. Hosea 2:18 (see Romans 8:20-22).--without limit, Isaiah 2:2. 9:7.
Daniel 2:44. 7:14. Micah 4:1. 5:4. Zephaniah 3:20. Zechariah 9:10. Joel 3:20.--a return to original conditions--characteristics of the coming One--mental equipment, Isaiah 11:2. 42:1. 61:1.--personal beauty and dignity, Isaiah 4:2. 33:17. Daniel 7:14. Micah 5:14.--unpretentious, Zechariah 9:9.--direct touch with G.o.d, Isaiah 49:1-3. 50:4.--backed by power of G.o.d, etc., Isaiah 42:1, 6. 49:3. 52:13. 53:11. 59:20. Zechariah 3:8. Malachi 3:1.--the poor cared for righteously, Isaiah 11:3-5.--divine insight, Isaiah 11:3.
_Back to Eden_: a wild dream--the Hebrew Book's conception--Simeon and Anna, Luke 2:25-38.
_Strange Dark Shadowings_: weird forebodings--acted out, Joseph and David--Psalms 22. 69:20, 21. Isaiah 50:6, 7. 52:13-53:12. Daniel 9:24-26.
Zechariah 11:4-14. 12:10. 13:7. a valley-road to the throne.
3. The Tragic Break in the Plan.
_The Jerusalem Climate_: the contrasting receptions, Luke 2. the music of heaven, Job 38:6, 7. Luke 2:13, 14. pick out the choruses of Revelation, the crowning book.--the after-captivity leaders, see Ezra and Nehemiah--ideals and ideas--present leaders--Herod--the high priest--the faithful few, Luke 2:25, 38. 23:51.
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