The Modern Scottish Minstrel Volume Vi Part 37

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Fareweel, ye fields and meadows green, vol. i., 121.

Farewell, and though my steps depart, vol. iii., 116.

Farewell, our father's land, vol. iii., 249.

Farewell ye braes of broad Braemar, vol. vi., 117.

Farewell, ye streams sae dear to me, vol. ii., 232.


Far lone amang the Highland hills, vol. ii., 139.

Far over yon hills of the heather sae green, vol. ii., 50.

Fierce as its sunlight, the East may be proud, vol. vi., 28.

Fife, an' a' the land about it, vol. ii., 112.

Float forth, thou flag of the free, vol. vi., 221.

Flowers of summer sweetly springing, vol. v., 251.

Flow saftly thou stream through the wild spangled valley, vol. iii., 243.

For mony lang year I hae heard frae my granny, vol. ii., 250.

For success a prayer with a farewell bear, vol. iii., 284.

For twenty years and more, vol. v., 80.

From beauty's soft lips, like the balm of its roses, vol. iv., 97.

From the climes of the sun all war-worn and weary, vol. ii., 220.

From the deep and troubled waters, vol. vi., 25.

From the village of Leslie with a heart full of glee, vol. i., 182.

Fy, let us a' to the wedding, vol. i., 136.

Gae bring my guid auld harp ance mair, vol. iv., 58.

Gane were but the winter cauld, vol. iii., 12.

Gang wi' me to yonder howe, bonnie Peggie, O! vol. iv., 133.

Give me the hour when bells are rung, vol. vi., 149.

Give the swains of Italia, vol. vi., 223.

Glad tidings for the Highlands, vol. ii., 335.

Gloomy winter's now awa', vol. ii., 145.

Good morrow, good morrow, warm, rosy, and bright, vol. v., 16.

Good night, and joy be wi' ye a', vol. ii., 214.

Good night, the silver stars are clear, vol. v., 246.

Go to Berwick, Johnnie, vol. i., 121.

Go to him then if thou canst go, vol. ii., 300.

Grim winter was howlin' owre muir and owre mountain, vol. iii., 55.

Guid night and joy be wi' ye a', vol. iv., 114.

Had I the wings of a dove I would fly, vol. v., 261.

Hae ye been in the north, bonnie la.s.sie, vol. ii., 308.

Hail to the chief who in triumph advances, vol. i., 295.

Hark, hark, the skylark singing, vol. ii., 202.

Hark, the martial drums resound, vol. ii., 164.

Haste all ye fairy elves. .h.i.ther to me, vol. iv., 131.

Heard ye the bagpipe or saw ye the banners, vol. iv., 78.

Heart, take courage, 'tis not worthy, vol. vi., 9.

Heaven speed the righteous sword, vol. i., 254.

Hech, what a change hae we now in this toun, vol. ii., 215.

Hech, hey, the mirth that was there, vol. i., 205.

He left his native land, and far away, vol. v., 111.

He loved her for her merry eyes, vol. v., 244.

Here 's to them, to them that are gane, vol. i., 237.

Her eyes were red with weeping, vol. iii., 136.

The Modern Scottish Minstrel Volume Vi Part 37

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