Traitor's Knot Part 49

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p.r.o.nounced: el-deer root meaning: eldir - to ponder, to consider, to weigh ELKFOREST.

free wilds located in Carithwyr, Havish.


daughter of the Lord Mayor of Erdane, became Princess of Avenor when she married Lysaer s'Ilessid, mother of the heir apparent, Kevor, who is believed to be deceased.

p.r.o.nounced: el-lane not from the Paravian ELSSINE.

town on the coast of Alland, Shand.

p.r.o.nounced: el-seen root meaning: elssien - small pit ELTAIR BAY.

large bay off Cildein Ocean and east coast of Rathain; where the River Severnir was diverted following the Mistwraith's conquest.

p.r.o.nounced: el-tay-er root meaning: al'tieri - of steel,'a shortening of original Paravian name; dascen al'tieri - which meant 'ocean of steel,' which referred to the color of the waves EMRIC s'GANNLEY former caithdein of Tysan, and father of Diarin s'Gannley who was once handfasted to the clan chieftain of Westwood.

p.r.o.nounced: em-rick root meaning: arn'ric - plenty, 'state of wealth'


seeress living in the town of Erdane. Originally a Koriani sister who was freed from her initiate's vow of service by Fellows.h.i.+p Sorcerer Asandir's intervention.

p.r.o.nounced: en-ith-en too-er root meaning: en'weihen - far-sighted; tuer - crone ENNA.

girl-child who was once a weaver's apprentice.

p.r.o.nounced: enn-na not from the Paravian.


old Paravian city, later taken over by Men. Seat of old princes of Camris until Desh-thiere's conquest and rebellion. Erdani-meaning, from Erdane.

p.r.o.nounced: er-day-na with the last syllable almost subliminal root meaning: er'deinia - long walls ERIEGAL.

second youngest of the fourteen child survivors of the Tal Quorin ma.s.sacre known as Jieret's Companions. Renowned as a shrewd tactician, he was ordered to serve Jieret's son Barach as war captain in the Halwythwood camp rather than fight Lysaer's war host in Daon Ramon Barrens in Third Age Year 5670.

p.r.o.nounced: air-ee-gall root meaning: eriegal - snake ERLIEN s'TALEYN High Earl of AUand; caithdein of Shand, chieftain of the forest clansmen of Selkwood. Once fought Arithon s'Ffalenn at sword-point over an issue of law bound over by Melhalla's caithdein and also as a trial of a sanctioned crown prince's honest character.

p.r.o.nounced: er-lee-an root meaning: aierlyan - bear; tal - branch; an - one,'first 'of first branch'


trade city built across the Mathorn Pa.s.s by townsfolk after the revolt that cast down Ithamon and the High Kings of Rathain. Nest of corruption and intrigue, and policy-maker for the North. Lysaer s'Ilessid was ratified as mayor upon Morfett's death in Third Age Year 5667. Raiett Raven subsequently appointed as ruling High Chancellor. Also the seat of the Alliance armed forces.

p.r.o.nounced: ee-tar-ah root meaning: e - prefix for small; taria - knots ETTIN.

river that empties into Rockbay Harbor at the border between Shand and Havish. p.r.o.nounced: et-tin root meaning: e'tennd - the slow EVENSTAR.

first brig stolen from Riverton's royal s.h.i.+pyard by Cattrick's conspiracy with Prince Arithon. Currently of Innish registry, running merchant cargoes under joint owners.h.i.+p of Fiark and his sister Feylind, who is acting captain.


coastal city on Instrell Bay, located in Araethura, Rathain, famed for its gla.s.s-works.

p.r.o.nounced: fall-gair - to rhyme with 'air'

root meaning: fal'mier - to sparkle or glitter FALLOWMERE.

north-eastern princ.i.p.ality of Rathain.

p.r.o.nounced: fal-oh-meer root meaning: fal'ei'miere - literally, tree self-reflection, colloquialism for 'place of perfect trees'


see Daelion's Wheel.


sorcerers bound to Athera by the summoning dream of the dragons and charged to secure the mysteries that enable Paravian survival. Achieved their redemption from Cianor Sunlord, under the Law of the Major Balance in Second Age Year One. Originators and keepers of the covenant of the compact, made with the Paravian races, to allow Mankind's settlement on Athera in Third Age Year One. Their authority backs charter law, upheld by crown justice and clan oversight of the free wilds.


widow of Jieret s'Valerient, Earl of the North, and caithdein of Rathain.

p.r.o.nounced: faith-an root meaning: feiaihen - ivy FEYLIND.

daughter of a Scimlade fisherman and Jinesse, twin sister of Fiark, currently master of the brig Evenstar a merchant brig of Innish registry.

p.r.o.nounced: fay-lind root meaning: faelind'an - outspoken or noisy one FIARK.

son of a Scimlade fisherman and Jinesse, twin brother of Feylind, currently a merchant-factor at Innish, also handles all of Arithon's covert sh.o.r.e-side affairs.

p.r.o.nounced: fee-ark root meaning: fyerk - to throw or toss FIONN ARETH CAID'AN.

goatherd's child born in Third Age 5647; fated by prophecy to leave home and play a role in the Wars of Light and Shadow. Laid under Koriani spell-craft to mature as Arithon's double, then used as the bait in the order's conspiracy to trap the s'Ffalenn prince. Rescued from execution in Jaelot in 5669-70. Currently in the protective custody of the Prince of Rathain, held through Dakar's binding promise.

p.r.o.nounced: fee-on-are-eth cayed-ahn root meaning: fionne arith caid an - one who brings choice FORTHMARK.

city in Vastmark, Shand. Once the site of a hostel of Ath's Brotherhood. By Third Age 5320, the site was abandoned and taken over by the Koriani Order as a healer's hospice.

root meaning not from the Paravian FREYARD.

elderly servant in Hans.h.i.+re.

p.r.o.nounced: free-ard root meaning not from the Paravian GACE STEWARD.

Palace Steward of Avenor.

p.r.o.nounced: gace - to rhyme with 'race'

root meaning: gyce - weasel GANISH.

trade city located south of Methlas Lake in Orvandir, Shand.

p.r.o.nounced: gan-eesh root meaning: gianish - a halfway point, a stopping place GARDE.

Lord Mayor of Hans.h.i.+re, father of Sulfin Evend, brother of Raiett Raven.

p.r.o.nounced: guard root meaning not from the Paravian GLENDIEN.

a Shandian clanswoman handfasted to Kyrialt s'Taleyn, heir designate of the High Earl of Alland.

p.r.o.nounced: glen-dee-en root meaning: glyen - sultry; dien - object of beauty GREY BOOK OF OLVEC.

an old genealogy that listed clan lineages and recorded the inheritable talents of each family.

p.r.o.nounced: oll-veck root meaning: olvec - record GREAT WAYSTONE.

see entry for Waystone.


a circle of spells of Paravian making "that seal and isolate the dire dreams of dragon haunts, a force with the potential for ma.s.s destruction. With the disappearance of the old races, the defences are maintained by embodied Sorcerers of the Fellows.h.i.+p of Seven. There are seventeen separate sites listed at Althain Tower.

HALDUIN s'ILESSID founder of the line that became High Kings of Tysan since Third Age Year One. The attribute he pa.s.sed on, by means of the Fellows.h.i.+p's geas, was justice.

p.r.o.nounced: hal-dwin root meaning: hal - white; duinne - hand HALWYTHWOOD.

forest located in Araethura, Rathain. Current main campsite of High Earl Barach's band, predominantly survivors of the Battle of Strakewood and Daon Ramon's late war.

p.r.o.nounced: hall-with-wood root meaning: hal - white; wythe - vista HANHAFFIN.

river running through Selkwood in Alland and emptying into the Cildein Ocean.

p.r.o.nounced: han-haf-fin root meaning: hanha - evergreen; affein - a dance step HANs.h.i.+RE.

port city on the Westland Sea, coast of Korias, Tysan; reigning official Lord Mayor Garde, father of Sulfin Evend; opposed to royal rule at the time of Avenor's restoration.

p.r.o.nounced: han-sheer root meaning: hansh - sand; era - place HASPASTION.

ghost of the dragon contained in the grimward located in Radmoore.

p.r.o.nounced: has-past-ee-on root meaning: hashpashdion - Drakish for black thunder HAVENS.

an inlet on the north-eastern sh.o.r.e of Vastmark, Shand, now known as the site of the ma.s.sacre enacted by the Spinner of Darkness, preceding the Battle of Dier Kenton Vale, Third Age Year 5647.


one of the Five High Kingdoms of Athera as defined by the charters of the Fellows.h.i.+p of Seven. Ruled by Eldir s'Lornmein. Crown heritage: temperance. Device: gold hawk on red field.

p.r.o.nounced: hav-ish root meaning: havieshe - hawk HAVISTOCK.

south-east princ.i.p.ality of Kingdom of Havish.

p.r.o.nounced: hav-i-stock root meaning: haviesha - hawk; tiok - roost HELFIN.

Lord Mayor of Erdane, father of Princess Ellaine.

p.r.o.nounced: h.e.l.l-fin root meaning: hal - white; fiomn'd - a fib HIGHSCARP.

city sited near the stone quarries on the coast of the Bay of Eltair, located in Daon Ramon, Rathain. Also contains a sisterhouse of the Koriani Order.

IAMINE s'GANNLEY woman who founded the caithdein's lineage for Tysan.

p.r.o.nounced: ee-ahm-meen-e root meaning: iamine - amethyst IANFAR s'GANNLEY cousin and heir designate of Lord Maenol s'Gannley, caithdein of Tysan, sent to fosterage with High King Eldir of Havish in Third Age Year 5652.

p.r.o.nounced: ee-an-far root meaning: ianfiar - birch tree ILITHARIS PARAVIANS.

centaurs, one of three semimortal old races; disappeared after the Mistwraith's conquest, the last guardian's departure by Third Age Year 5100. They were the guardians of the earth's mysteries.

p.r.o.nounced: i-li-thar-is root meaning: i'lith'earis - the keeper/preserver of mystery INNISH.

city located on the southcoast of Shand at the delta of the River Ippash. Birthplace of Halliron m.a.s.t.e.r.b.a.t.*rd. Formerly known as 'the Jewel of Shand,' this was the site of the high king's winter court, prior to the time of the uprising.

p.r.o.nounced: in-ish root meaning: inniesh - a jewel with a pastel tint INSTRELL BAY.

body of water off the Gulf of Stormwell, separates princ.i.p.ality of Atainia, Tysan, from Des.h.i.+r, Rathain.

p.r.o.nounced: in-strell root meaning: arin'streal - strong wind IPPASH.

river that originates in the southern spur of the Kelhorns and flows into the South Sea by the city of Innish, southcoast, Shand.

p.r.o.nounced: ip-ash root meaning: ipeish - crescent ISFARENN.

etheric Name for the black stallion ridden by Asandir.

p.r.o.nounced: ees-far-en root meaning: is'feron - speed maker ISHLIR.

town on the eastsh.o.r.e of Orvandir, Shand.

p.r.o.nounced: ish-leer root meaning: ieshlier - sheltered place ITHAMON.

Historically significant in the First Age, site of a Paravian focus, a Second Age Paravian stronghold, and a Third Age ruin; built on a fifth lane power-node in Daon Ramon Barrens, Rathain, and inhabited until the year of the uprising. Site of the Compa.s.s Point Towers, or Sun Towers. Became the seat of the High Kings of Rathain during the Third Age and in Third Age Year 5638 was the site where Princes Lysaer s'Ilessid and Arithon s'Ffalenn battled the Mistwraith to confinement.

p.r.o.nounced: ith-a-mon root meaning: itha - five; mon - needle, spire ITHISH.

city located at the edge of the princ.i.p.ality of Vastmark, on the south-coast of Shand. Where the Vastmark wool-factors once s.h.i.+pped fleeces.

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