Traitor's Knot Part 51
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p.r.o.nounced: narms root meaning: narms - color NAYLA.
young girl taken in by the Koriani Order as a child candidate for initiation.
p.r.o.nounced: nay-lah root meaning: nayl - lack ODREY.
a merchant courtier and member of the regent's council in Avenor.
p.r.o.nounced: oh-dree not from the Paravian ORLAN.
pa.s.s through the Thaldein Mountains, also location of the Camris's clans hidden outpost, located in Camris, Tysan.
p.r.o.nounced: or-lan root meaning: irlan - ledge ORVANDIR.
princ.i.p.ality located in north-eastern Shand.
p.r.o.nounced: or-van-deer root meaning: orvein - crumbled; dir - stone PARAVIAN.
name for the three old races that inhabited Athera before Mankind. Including the centaurs, the sunchildren, and the unicorns, these races never die unless mishap befalls them; they are the world's channel, or direct connection, to Ath Creator.
p.r.o.nounced: par-ai-vee-ans root meaning: para - great; i'on - fate or great mystery PARRIEN s'BRYDION younger brother of Duke Bransian s'Brydion of Alestron, Keldmar, and older brother of Mearn. Broke Arithon's leg in Third Age Year 5654, and in rest.i.tution awarded Rathain's prince the service of two s'Brydion retainers, Talvish and Vhandon.
p.r.o.nounced: par-ee-on root meaning: para ient - great dart PRANDEY.
term for gelded pleasure boy.
p.r.o.nounced: pran-dee not from the Paravian QUAID.
trade town in Carithwyr, Havish, lying inland along the trade-road from Los Mar to Redburn. Famous for fired clay and brick.
p.r.o.nounced: qu-wade root meaning: cruaid - a clay used for brickmaking QUARN.
town on the trade-road that crosses Caithwood in Taerlin, Tysan.
p.r.o.nounced: kwarn root meaning: quarin - ravine, canyon QUINOLD.
Lord Chancellor of Avenor and a member of Lysaer's regent's council.
p.r.o.nounced: kwin-old root meaning: quen - one who is narrow-minded RADMOORE DOWNS.
meadow lands in Midhalla, Melhalla.
p.r.o.nounced: rad-more root meaning: riad - thread; mour - carpet, rug RAIETT RAVEN.
brother of the Mayor of Hans.h.i.+re; uncle of Sulfin Evend. Considered a master statesman and a bringer of wars. Currently serving as High Chancellor of Etarra, ruling in the absence of the ratified mayor.
p.r.o.nounced: rayett root meaning: raiett - carrion-bird RATHAIN.
High Kingdom of Athera ruled by descendants of Torbrand s'Ffalenn since Third Age Year One. Device: black-and-silver leopard on green field. Arithon Teir's'Ffalenn is sanctioned crown prince, by the hand of Asandir of the Fellows.h.i.+p, in Third Age Year 5638 at Etarra.
p.r.o.nounced: rath-ayn root meaning: roth - brother; thein - tower, sanctuary RAUVEN TOWER.
home of the s'Ahelas mages who brought up Arithon s'Ffalenn and trained him to the ways of power. Located on the splinter world, Dascen Elur, through West Gate.
p.r.o.nounced: raw-ven root meaning: rauven - invocation REDBURN.
town located in a deep inlet in the northern sh.o.r.e of Rockbay Harbor in Havistock, Havish.
p.r.o.nounced: red-burn root meaning not from the Paravian RIATHAN PARAVIANS.
unicorns, the purest, most direct connection to Ath Creator; the prime vibration channels directly through the horn.
p.r.o.nounced: ree-ah-than root meaning: ria - to touch; ath - prime life-force; an - one; ri'athon - one who touches divinity RTVERTON.
trade town at the mouth of the Ilswater River, in Korias, Tysan; once the site of Lysaer's royal s.h.i.+pyard, before the site burned in Third Age Year 5654.
body of water located on the southcoast, between Shand and West Shand.
mountain containing Rockfell Pit, used to imprison harmful ent.i.ties throughout all three Ages. Located in West Halla, Melhalla; became the warded prison for Desh-thiere.
p.r.o.nounced: rock-fell root meaning not from the Paravian s'AHELAS family name for the royal line appointed by the Fellows.h.i.+p Sorcerers in Third Age Year One to rule the High Kingdom of Shand. Gifted geas: far-sight.
p.r.o.nounced: s'ah-h.e.l.l-as root meaning: ahelas - mage-gifted s'BRYDION ruling line of the Dukes of Alestron. The only old blood clansmen to maintain rule of a fortified city through the uprising that defeated the rule of the high kings.
p.r.o.nounced: s'bride-ee-on root meaning: baridien - tenacity s'CALLIENT lineage of the caithdeinen of Melhalla, Fellows.h.i.+p chosen to succeed s'Dieneval after the fall of Tirans.
p.r.o.nounced: scal-lee-ent root meaning: caillient - most extreme form of fixed or stubborn - immovable SANPAs.h.i.+R.
desert waste on the southcoast of Shand. Home to the desert tribes.
p.r.o.nounced: sahn-pash-eer root meaning: san - black or dark; fash'era - place of grit or gravel SANSHEVAS.
town on the south sh.o.r.e in Alland, Shand, known for citrus, sugar, and rum.
p.r.o.nounced: san-shee-vas root meaning: san - black; s.h.i.+evas - flint SCARPDALE.
waste in Lans.h.i.+re, Havish, created by a First Age war with Seardluin. Site of the Scarpdale grimward.
p.r.o.nounced: scarp-dale not from the Paravian SCIMLADE TIP.
peninsula at the south-east corner of Alland, Shand.
p.r.o.nounced: skim-laid root meaning: scimlait - curved knife or scythe SECOND AGE.
Marked by the arrival of the Fellows.h.i.+p of Seven at Crater Lake, their called purpose to fight the drake sp.a.w.n.
s'DIENEVAL lost lineage of the caithdeinen of Melhalla, the last to carry the t.i.tle being Egart, who died at the side of his high king in the battle to subdue the Mistwraith. The blood line carried strong talent for prophecy, and was decimated during the sack of Tirans in the uprising in Third Age Year 5018, with Egan's pregnant wife the sole survivor. Her daughter, Meiglin was mother of Dari s'Ahelas, crown heir of Shand.
p.r.o.nounced: s-dee-in-ee-vahl root meaning: dien - large; eval - endowment, gifted talent SELIDIE.
young woman initiate appointed by Morriel Prime as a candidate in training for succession. Succeeded to the office of Prime Matriarch after Morriel's death on winter solstice in Third Age Year 5670, at which time an unprincipled act of possession usurped the young woman's body.
p.r.o.nounced: sell-ih-dee root meaning: selyadi - air sprite SELKWOOD.
forest located in Alland, Shand.
p.r.o.nounced: selk-wood root meaning: selk - pattern s'ELLESTRION lineage of the High Kings of Melhalla, died out in the course of the uprising in Third Age Year 5018. Gifted geas: wisdom.
p.r.o.nounced: sell-ess-tree-on root meaning: eliestrion - inspiration, from the word elya - air SETHVIR.
Sorcerer of the Fellows.h.i.+p of Seven, also trained to serve as Warden of Althain since Third Age 5100, when the last centaur guardian departed after the Mistwraith's conquest.
p.r.o.nounced: seth-veer root meaning: seth - fact; vaer - keep SEVRAND s'BRYDION heir-designate of Duke Bransian of Alestron.
p.r.o.nounced: sev-rand root meaning: sevaer'an'd - one who travels behind, a follower s'FFALENN family name for the royal line appointed by the Fellows.h.i.+p Sorcerers in Third Age Year One to rule the High Kingdom of Rathain. Gifted geas: compa.s.sion,'empathy.
p.r.o.nounced: s-fal-en root meaning: ffael - dark; an - one s'GANNLEY lineage of the Earls of the West, once the Camris princes, now bearing the heritage of caithdein of Tysan. Iamine s'Gannley was the woman founder.
p.r.o.nounced: sgan-lee root meaning: gaen - guide; li - exalted or in harmony SHADDORN.
town located on the Scimlade Tip in Alland, Shand.
p.r.o.nounced: shad-dorn root meaning: shaddiern - sea-turtle SHAND.
High Kingdom on the south-east corner of the Paravian continent, originally ruled by the line of s'Ahelas. Current device, purple-and-gold chevrons, since the adjunct kingdom of West Shand came under high crown rule. The old device was a falcon on a crescent moon, sometimes still showed, backed by the more recent purple-and-gold chevrons.
p.r.o.nounced: shand - as in 'hand'
root meaning: shayn or s.h.i.+and - two,'pair s.h.i.+PSPORT.
city located on the Bay of Eltair in the princ.i.p.ality of West Halla, Melhalla.
one of the Companions, "who were the fourteen boys to survive the Battle of Strakewood. Served Arithon at the Battle of Dier Kenton Vale, and the Havens. Second-in-command of Earl Jieret's war-band.
p.r.o.nounced: see-deer root meaning: i'sid'i'er - one who has stood at the verge of being lost.
s'ILESSID family name for the royal line appointed by the Fellows.h.i.+p Sorcerers in Third Age Year One to rule the High Kingdom of Tysan. Gifted geas: justice.
p.r.o.nounced: s-ill-ess-id root meaning: liessiad - balance SIMSHANE'S HOUSE OF EXOTIC DELIGHTS.
disreputable brothel located in Etarra, renowned for vice and peddling prandeys.
p.r.o.nounced: sim-shane not from the Paravian SITHAER.
mythological equivalent of h.e.l.l, halls of Dharkaron Avenger's judgment; according to Ath's adepts, that state of being where the prime vibration is not recognized.
p.r.o.nounced: sith-air root meaning: sid - lost; thiere - wraith/spirit SKYRON FOCUS.
large aquamarine focus stone, used by the Koriani Senior Circle for their major magic after the loss of the Great Waystone during the rebellion. p.r.o.nounced: sky-run root meaning: skyron - colloquialism for shackle; s'kyr'i'on - literally 'sorrowful fate'
mountain range that runs north and south along the eastern coast of Rathain.
p.r.o.nounced: sky-shee-ells root meaning: skys.h.i.+a - to pierce through; iel - ray SOUTHs.h.i.+RE.
town on the southcoast of Alland, Shand, known for s.h.i.+pbuilding.
p.r.o.nounced: south-s.h.i.+re not from the Paravian SPIRE.
town with a hostel of Ath's Brotherhood, located on the southcoast in Havistock, Havish.
s'TALEYN lineage of the caithdeinen of Shand.
p.r.o.nounced: stall-ay-en root meaning: tal - branch; an - one,'first 'of the first branch'
Earl of the North, caithdein and regent to the Kingdom of Rathain at the time of Arithon Teir's'Ffalenn's return. Chieftain of the Deshans until his death in the battle of Strakewood Forest in Third Year 5638. Jieret Red-beard's father. Barach and Jeynsa's grandfather.
p.r.o.nounced: stay-vin root meaning: steiven - stag STORLAINS.
mountains dividing the Kingdom of Havish.
p.r.o.nounced: store-lanes root meaning: storlient - largest summit, highest divide STORMWELL.
Gulf of Stormwell, body of water off the northcoast of Tysan.
forest in the princ.i.p.ality of Des.h.i.+r, Rathain; site of the battle of Strakewood Forest, where the garrison from Etarra marched against the clans under Steiven s'Valerient and Prince Arithon, in Third Age Year 5638.
p.r.o.nounced: strayk-wood similar to 'stray wood'
root meaning: streik - to quicken, to seed SULFIN EVEND.
son of the Mayor of Hans.h.i.+re who holds the post of Alliance Lord Commander under Lysaer s'Ilessid.
p.r.o.nounced: sool-finn ev-end root meaning: suilfinn eiavend - colloquialism, diamond mind, 'one who is persistent'
s'VALERIENT family name for the Earls of the North, regents and caithdein for the High Kings of Rathain.
p.r.o.nounced: val-er-ee-ent root meaning: val - straight; erient - spear TAERLIN.
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