Washington's Masonic Correspondence Part 1
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Was.h.i.+ngton's Masonic Correspondence.
by Julius F. Sachse.
WAs.h.i.+NGTON's Masonic correspondence as found among the Was.h.i.+ngton papers in the Ma.n.u.script department of the Library of Congress, affords an insight of the great esteem in which WAs.h.i.+NGTON held the Masonic Fraternity, of which since his early days he had been an honored member.
This is further shown by his great courtesy to the Brethren, in his replies to their addresses, no matter whether they were from a Grand or Subordinate Lodge. In this collection, were also found some of the original drafts of WAs.h.i.+NGTON's replies, together with copies of the various masonic addresses and letters to him, and in the case of Dominie Snyder, press copies of his answers.
In the present work an attempt has been made to group this matter together in chronological order, also to show some of the surroundings and conditions under which this correspondence was made, and of the Brethren who were prominent in the presentation of these Eleven Addresses, which came to him from Seven of the Thirteen Colonies.
A complete set of photostatic fac-similes of these doc.u.ments in the Library of Congress, has been secured for the Museum of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. Efforts were also made to obtain photographic copies of such of the WAs.h.i.+NGTON Masonic letters as were still in existence, which were successful except in two instances as noted in the text.
It will be noted that on April 30, 1789, WAs.h.i.+NGTON, while Master of his Lodge, was inaugurated President of the United States; this is the only instance where one of the fourteen Presidents, who were Members of our Fraternity was a Master of a Lodge during their term as President.
The esteem in which WAs.h.i.+NGTON held the Masonic Fraternity, is shown by the fact, that in almost every case he had both the address and his reply, copied upon opposite pages of one of his folio letter-books, now in the Library of Congress. These copies are respectively in the handwriting of WAs.h.i.+NGTON's private secretaries, viz:--Major William Jackson: Tobias Lear: Bartholomew Dandridge and G. W. Craik.
In addition to the above copies we have WAs.h.i.+NGTON's original drafts of his letters to Watson and Ca.s.soul, to the Grand Lodges of Ma.s.sachusetts, South Carolina, and Maryland, to Paul Revere, and as before stated press copies of his answers to Mr. Snyder.
A perusal of these original doc.u.ments, as here presented, affords an excellent ill.u.s.tration of the _entente cordiale_, which existed between WAs.h.i.+NGTON and his Masonic Brethren.
Upon the other hand, how the Masonic Fraternity, during WAs.h.i.+NGTON's lifetime, venerated their august Brother, is shown by the addresses of this correspondence as retained by WAs.h.i.+NGTON.
Also by the various Masonic Memorial services held, after WAs.h.i.+NGTON's death, the chief of which was in Philadelphia, under the auspices of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The Masonic services held in every State of the Union, the many Eulogies and Sermons delivered and printed are matters of history.
How this veneration of the great WAs.h.i.+NGTON continued during the past years, is shown by the fact that there are no less than 53 Masonic Lodges in the United States, named after the ill.u.s.trious Brother. This is independent of the numerous Royal Arch Chapters, Commanderies, and other Masonic bodies, that bear the name "WAs.h.i.+NGTON."
Was.h.i.+ngton Lodges are found in thirty-eight of the forty-eight States of the American Union.
The other ten States, which thus far have no "Was.h.i.+ngton Lodge" within their Jurisdiction, are Mississippi and Texas, together with the newer western States lately admitted into the American Union, viz:--Nevada, North Dakota, Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona.
In addition to the fifty-three Was.h.i.+ngton Lodges, there is also one each in Canada, the Island of Cuba and the District of Columbia.
In the Masonic Fraternity throughout the world, the name of WAs.h.i.+NGTON is ever kept in remembrance, as one of the brightest luminaries in the Masonic constellation, one of the most prominent examples, being his full length oil portrait in Masonic clothing in the Hall of the Grand Lodge of England at London.
Acknowledgments are due to the Hon. Herbert Putnam, Librarian of Congress, for placing these doc.u.ments at the disposal of the writer, and giving permission to have photostat copies made of same; also to J.
Henry Williams, Esq., R. W. Grand Master of Masons in Pennsylvania and Masonic Jurisdiction thereunto belonging, for suggestions and encouragement in the preparation of this work.
Julius F. Sachse.
PHILADELPHIA, FEBRUARY 22, A.D. 1915--A.L. 5915.
The Masonic Correspondence of Was.h.i.+ngton
Much has been written pro and con about WAs.h.i.+NGTON and his connection with the Masonic Fraternity. Thus far no complete set of his Masonic writings have been compiled or published. Such portions as have been printed were fragmentary, and issued for what may be called local purposes.
How careful WAs.h.i.+NGTON was of his Masonic correspondence is shown by the fact that he had copies made, in his private letter books, of most all letters sent him by the various Masonic Grand and Subordinate bodies, and his answers thereto, usually upon opposite pages. He thus had both the addresses and his reply at hand for easy reference. This fact shows the esteem in which WAs.h.i.+NGTON held his Brethren of the Masonic Fraternity, as well as his own opinion of Freemasonry.
These letter-books are now in the Library of Congress, and photostat copies of such as relate to Freemasonry have been made for the Library of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
As to the authenticity of the Was.h.i.+ngton Letter Books, and how they came into the possession of the United States Government is explained by the following statement by Mr. Galliard Hunt, chief Ma.n.u.script division, Library of Congress:[1]
"They are a part of the Was.h.i.+ngton papers in "the Government's possession, purchased from the "Was.h.i.+ngton family, one lot in 1834 and the re- "mainder in 1849, and deposited in the Department "of State until 1903, when, by the President's order, "they were sent to this Library. They range in date "from 1754 to 1799. Some of them are partly "or wholly in Was.h.i.+ngton's hand-writing, and others "in the writing of his secretaries and their clerks.
"There are no volumes of press copies, but there are "some press copies among the papers."
WAs.h.i.+NGTON in writing his answer to the various greetings, in most cases would first make a rough copy of his reply, then digest, alter, correct or change such parts or sentences as he thought proper. Then after deliberate consideration, a fair copy would be made either by WAs.h.i.+NGTON or one of his Secretaries and signed by him, and sent to the Masonic bodies for which they were intended.
Fortunately some of the original drafts of these Masonic letters have come down to us; thus far five autographic copies have been found among the Was.h.i.+ngton papers in the Library of Congress at Was.h.i.+ngton.
1. Draft of letter written at Newburg, New York, August 19, 1782, to Watson and Ca.s.soul of Nantes, France, thanking them for the Masonic Ap.r.o.n, embroidered by the nuns at Nantes, and which is now in possession of Alexandria-Was.h.i.+ngton Lodge, No. 22, at Alexandria, Virginia.
2. To the Grand Lodge of Ma.s.sachusetts.
3. To the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania.
4. To the Grand Lodge of South Carolina.
5. To the Grand Lodge of Maryland; this draft is a two-page letter written upon a letter sheet and shows many changes and corrections; it is dated 1798.
In addition to the above original drafts there were found several addresses and the accompanying answers, which thus far have never been published, in fact no mention of them has ever appeared in print, viz:--
1. An address from the Grand Lodge of Georgia, together with WAs.h.i.+NGTON's reply.
2. A letter to Paul Revere, Grand Master of Ma.s.sachusetts and his Grand Officers.
3. An address from the Brethren of Prince George's Lodge, No. 16, Georgetown, South Carolina, presented to President WAs.h.i.+NGTON during his visit to South Carolina, April 30, 1791, also his reply to same.
4. An address from the Brethren of St. John's Lodge, No. 2, of Newbern, North Carolina, and the reply to same.
Photostat copies of the above have also been obtained which make the most complete collection of the Masonic Correspondence of WAs.h.i.+NGTON which has thus far been compiled.
A careful study of this correspondence so carefully cherished by WAs.h.i.+NGTON puts an entirely new phase upon WAs.h.i.+NGTON's connection with the Masonic Fraternity, and his esteem of Freemasonry.
These papers absolutely thrust aside all of the statements, arguments and libels, brought forth by our misguided enemies at the time of the Anti-Masonic craze during the last century, and in a small way kept alive even down to the present day by some people who are blinded by their ignorance or malice.
Referring to some of their published statements that WAs.h.i.+NGTON never belonged to the Masonic Fraternity, and that there were no authentic Masonic letters nor copies thereof among his records so frequently made during the political Anti-Masonic craze, which swept over New England and the Middle States about eighty-five years ago, the following quotations from the Masonic literature of the period will prove interesting examples.
One of the chief statements made by these people, and brought before all their conventions and heralded in the public prints was: "That though General Was.h.i.+ngton caused to be carefully copied in books kept for that purpose, all his letters on every subject, no trace whatever of any of the five letters under consideration,[2] nor any letters to any other Lodge or Masonic body whatever, are to be found among the records of his correspondence."[3]
The chief authority upon whom the leaders of the Anti-Masonic movement at that time depended in their defamation of WAs.h.i.+NGTON, was Jared Sparks of Boston, who at the time was engaged writing a life of WAs.h.i.+NGTON, and then had access to all the Was.h.i.+ngton letter-books and papers, and from his connection with the Was.h.i.+ngton correspondence, was supposed to be the best qualified to pa.s.s upon their authenticity.
Another of the charges made by the Anti-Masonic bigots whose chief object was to controvert facts was:
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