Insectivorous Plants Part 24

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I made also several experiments on the action of the vapour of the carbonate on the glands; but will give only a few cases. The cut end of the footstalk of a young leaf was protected with sealing-wax, and was then placed under a small bell-gla.s.s, with a large pinch of the carbonate. After 10 m. the glands showed a considerable degree of aggregation, and the protoplasm lining the cells of the pedicels was a little separated from the walls. Another leaf was left for 50 m. with the same result, excepting that the hairs became throughout their whole length of a brownish colour. In a third leaf, which was exposed for 1 hr. 50 m., there was much aggregated matter in the glands; and some of the showed signs of breaking up into brown granular matter. This leaf was again placed in the vapour, so that it was exposed altogether for 5 hrs. 30 m.; and now, though I examined a large number of glands, aggregated were found in only two or three; in all the others, the, which before had been globular, were converted into brown, opaque, granular matter. We thus see that exposure to the vapour for a considerable time produces the same effects as long immersion in a strong solution. In both cases there could hardly be a doubt that the salt had been absorbed chiefly or exclusively by the glands.

On another occasion bits of damp fibrin, drops of a weak infusion of raw meat and of water, were left for 24 hrs. on some leaves; the hairs were then examined, but to my surprise differed in no respect from others which had not been touched by these fluids. Most of the cells, however, included hyaline, motionless little spheres, which did not seem to consist of protoplasm, but, I suppose, of some balsam or essential oil.

Pelargonium zonale (var. edged with white).--The leaves [page 351] are clothed with numerous multicellular hairs; some simply pointed; others bearing glandular heads, and differing much in length. The glands on a piece of leaf were examined and found to contain only limpid fluid; most of the water was removed from beneath the covering gla.s.s, and a minute drop of one part of carbonate of ammonia to 146 of water was added; so that an extremely small dose was given. After an interval of only 3 m. there were signs of aggregation within the glands of the shorter hairs; and after 5 m. many small globules of a pale brown tint appeared in all of them; similar globules, but larger, being found in the large glands of the longer hairs. After the specimen had been left for 1 hr. in the solution, many of the smaller globules had changed their positions; and two or three vacuoles or small spheres (for I know not which they were) of a rather darker tint appeared within some of the larger globules. Little globules could now be seen in some of the uppermost cells of the pedicels, and the protoplasmic lining was slightly separated from the walls of the lower cells. After 2 hrs. 30 m. from the time of first immersion, the large globules within the glands of the longer hairs were converted into of darker brown granular matter. Hence from what we have seen with Primula sinensis, there can be little doubt that these originally consisted of living protoplasm.

A drop of a weak infusion of raw meat was placed on a leaf, and after 2 hrs. 30 m. many spheres could be seen within the glands. These spheres, when looked at again after 30 m., had slightly changed their positions and forms, and one had separated into two; but the changes were not quite like those which the protoplasm of Drosera undergoes. These hairs, moreover, had not been examined before immersion, and there were similar spheres in some glands which had not been touched by the infusion.

Erica tetralix.--A few long glandular hairs project from the margins of the upper surfaces of the leaves. The pedicels are formed of several rows of cells, and support rather large globular heads, secreting viscid matter, by which minute insects are occasionally, though rarely, caught. Some leaves were left for 23 hrs. in a weak infusion of raw meat and in water, and the hairs were then compared, but they differed very little or not at all. In both cases the contents of the cells seemed rather more granular than they were before; but the granules did not exhibit any movement. Other leaves were left for 23 hrs. in a solution of one part of carbonate of ammonia to 218 of water, and here again the granular matter appeared to have increased [page 352] in amount; but one such ma.s.s retained exactly the same form as before after an interval of 5 hrs., so that it could hardly have consisted of living protoplasm. These glands seem to have very little or no power of absorption, certainly much less than those of the foregoing plants.

Mirabilis longiflora.--The stems and both surfaces of the leaves bear viscid hairs. young plants, from 12 to 18 inches in height in my greenhouse, caught so many minute Diptera, Coleoptera, and larvae, that they were quite dusted with them. The hairs are short, of unequal lengths, formed of a single row of cells, surmounted by an enlarged cell which secretes viscid matter. These terminal cells or glands contain granules and often globules of granular matter. Within a gland which had caught a small insect, one such ma.s.s was observed to undergo incessant changes of form, with the occasional appearance of vacuoles.

But I do not believe that this protoplasm had been generated by matter absorbed from the dead insect; for, on comparing several glands which had and had not caught insects, not a shade of difference could be perceived between them, and they all contained fine granular matter. A piece of leaf was immersed for 24 hrs. in a solution of one part of carbonate of ammonia to 218 of water, but the hairs seemed very little affected by it, excepting that perhaps the glands were rendered rather more opaque. In the leaf itself, however, the grains of chlorophyll near the cut surfaces had run together, or become aggregated. Nor were the glands on another leaf, after an immersion for 24 hrs. in an infusion of raw meat, in the least affected; but the protoplasm lining the cells of the pedicels had shrunk greatly from the walls. This latter effect may have been due to exosmose, as the infusion was strong. We may, therefore, conclude that the glands of this plant either have no power of absorption or that the protoplasm which they contain is not acted on by a solution of carbonate of ammonia (and this seems scarcely credible) or by an infusion of meat.

Nicotiana tabac.u.m.--This plant is covered with innumerable hairs of unequal lengths, which catch many minute insects. The pedicels of the hairs are divided by transverse part.i.tions, and the secreting glands are formed of many cells, containing greenish matter with little globules of some substance. Leaves were left in an infusion of raw meat and in water for 26 hrs., but presented no difference. Some of these same leaves were then left for above 2 hrs. in a solution of carbonate of ammonia, but no effect was produced. I regret that other experiments were not tried with more care, as M. Schloesing [page 353] has shown*

that tobacco plants supplied with the vapour of carbonate of ammonia yield on a.n.a.lysis a greater amount of nitrogen than other plants not thus treated; and, from what we have seen, it is probable that some of the vapour may be absorbed by the glandular hairs.]

Summary of the Observations on Glandular Hairs.--From the foregoing observations, few as they are, we see that the glands of two species of Saxifraga, of a Primula and Pelargonium, have the power of rapid absorption; whereas the glands of an Erica, Mirabilis, and Nicotiana, either have no such power, or the contents of the cells are not affected by the fluids employed, namely a solution of carbonate of ammonia and an infusion of raw meat. As the glands of the Mirabilis contain protoplasm, which did not become aggregated from exposure to the fluids just named, though the contents of the cells in the blade of the leaf were greatly affected by carbonate of ammonia, we may infer that they cannot absorb. We may further infer that the innumerable insects caught by this plant are of no more service to it than are those which adhere to the deciduous and sticky scales of the leaf-buds of the horse-chestnut.

The most interesting case for us is that of the two species of Saxifraga, as this genus is distantly allied to Drosera. Their glands absorb matter from an infusion of raw meat, from solutions of the nitrate and carbonate of ammonia, and apparently from decayed insects.

This was shown by the changed dull purple colour of the protoplasm within the cells of the glands, by its state of aggregation, and apparently by its more rapid spontaneous movements.

* 'Comptes rendus,' June 15, 1874. A good abstract of this paper is given in the 'Gardener's Chronicle,' July 11, 1874. [page 354]

The aggregating process spreads from the glands down the pedicels of the hairs; and we may a.s.sume that any matter which is absorbed ultimately reaches the tissues of the plant. On the other hand, the process travels up the hairs whenever a surface is cut and exposed to a solution of the carbonate of ammonia.

The glands on the flower-stalks and leaves of Primula sinensis quickly absorb a solution of the carbonate of ammonia, and the protoplasm which they contain becomes aggregated. The process was seen in some cases to travel from the glands into the upper cells of the pedicels. Exposure for 10 m. to the vapour of this salt likewise induced aggregation. When leaves were left from 6 hrs. to 7 hrs. in a strong solution, or were long exposed to the vapour, the little of protoplasm became disintegrated, brown, and granular, and were apparently killed. An infusion of raw meat produced no effect on the glands.

The limpid contents of the glands of Pelargonium zonale became cloudy and granular in from 3 m. to 5 m. when they were immersed in a weak solution of the carbonate of ammonia; and in the course of 1 hr.

granules appeared in the upper cells of the pedicels. As the aggregated slowly changed their forms, and as they suffered disintegration when left for a considerable time in a strong solution, there can be little doubt that they consisted of protoplasm. It is doubtful whether an infusion of raw meat produced any effect.

The glandular hairs of ordinary plants have generally been considered by physiologists to serve only as secreting or excreting organs, but we now know that they have the power, at least in some cases, of absorbing both a solution and the vapour of ammonia. As rain-water contains a small percentage of ammonia, and the atmosphere a minute quant.i.ty of the carbonate, this [page 355] power can hardly fail to be beneficial.

Nor can the benefit be quite so insignificant as it might at first be thought, for a moderately fine plant of Primula sinensis bears the astonis.h.i.+ng number of above two millions and a half of glandular hairs,* all of which are able to absorb ammonia brought to them by the rain. It is moreover probable that the glands of some of the above named plants obtain animal matter from the insects which are occasionally entangled by the viscid secretion.


The six known genera composing this family have now been described in relation to our present subject, as far as my means have permitted.

They all capture insects. This is effected by Drosophyllum, Roridula, and Byblis, solely by the viscid fluid secreted from their glands; by Drosera, through the same means, together with the movements of the tentacles; by Dionaea and Aldrovanda, through the closing of the blades of the leaf. In these two last genera rapid

* My son Francis counted the hairs on a s.p.a.ce measured by means of a micrometer, and found that there were 35,336 on a square inch of the upper surface of a leaf, and 30,035 on the lower surface; that is, in about the proportion of 100 on the upper to 85 on the lower surface. On a square inch of both surfaces there were 65,371 hairs. A moderately fine plant bearing twelve leaves (the larger ones being a little more than 2 inches in diameter) was now selected, and the area of all the leaves, together with their foot-stalks (the flower-stems not being included), was found by a planimeter to be 39.285 square inches; so that the area of both surfaces was 78.57 square inches. Thus the plant (excluding the flower-stems) must have borne the astonis.h.i.+ng number of 2,568,099 glandular hairs. The hairs were counted late in the autumn, and by the following spring (May) the leaves of some other plants of the same lot were found to be from one-third to one-fourth broader and longer than they were before; so that no doubt the glandular hairs had increased in number, and probably now much exceeded three millions.

[page 356]

movement makes up for the loss of viscid secretion. In every case it is some part of the leaf which moves. In Aldrovanda it appears to be the basal parts alone which contract and carry with them the broad, thin margins of the lobes. In Dionaea the whole lobe, with the exception of the marginal prolongations or spikes, curves inwards, though the chief seat of movement is near the midrib. In Drosera the chief seat is in the lower part of the tentacles, which, h.o.m.ologically, may be considered as prolongations of the leaf; but the whole blade often curls inwards, converting the leaf into a temporary stomach.

There can hardly be a doubt that all the plants belonging to these six genera have the power of dissolving animal matter by the aid of their secretion, which contains an acid, together with a ferment almost identical in nature with pepsin; and that they afterwards absorb the matter thus digested. This is certainly the case with Drosera, Drosophyllum, and Dionaea; almost certainly with Aldrovanda; and, from a.n.a.logy, very probable with Roridula and Byblis. We can thus understand how it is that the three first-named genera are provided with such small roots, and that Aldrovanda is quite rootless; about the roots of the two other genera nothing is known. It is, no doubt, a surprising fact that a whole group of plants (and, as we shall presently see, some other plants not allied to the Droseraceae) should subsist partly by digesting animal matter, and partly by decomposing carbonic acid, instead of exclusively by this latter means, together with the absorption of matter from the soil by the aid of roots. We have, however, an equally anomalous case in the animal kingdom; the rhizocephalous crustaceans do not feed like other animals by their mouths, for they are dest.i.tute of an [page 357] alimentary ca.n.a.l; but they live by absorbing through root-like processes the juices of the animals on which they are parasitic.*

Of the six genera, Drosera has been incomparably the most successful in the battle for life; and a large part of its success may be attributed to its manner of catching insects. It is a dominant form, for it is believed to include about 100 species, which range in the Old World from the Arctic regions to Southern India, to the Cape of Good Hope, Madagascar, and Australia; and in the New World from Canada to Tierra del Fuego. In this respect it presents a marked contrast with the five other genera, which appear to be failing groups. Dionaea includes only a single species, which is confined to one district in Carolina. The three varieties or closely allied species of Aldrovanda, like so many water-plants, have a wide range from Central Europe to Bengal and Australia. Drosophyllum includes only one species, limited to Portugal and Morocco. Roridula and Byblis each have (as I

* Fritz Mller, 'Facts for Darwin, ' Eng. trans. 1869, p. 139. The rhizocephalous crustaceans are allied to the cirripedes. It is hardly possible to imagine a greater difference than that between an animal with prehensile limbs, a well-constructed mouth and alimentary ca.n.a.l, and one dest.i.tute of all these organs and feeding by absorption through branching root-like processes. If one rare cirripede, the Anelasma squalicola, had become extinct, it would have been very difficult to conjecture how so enormous a change could have been gradually effected.

But, as Fritz Mller remarks, we have in Anelasma an animal in an almost exactly intermediate condition, for it has root-like processes embedded in the skin of the shark on which it is parasitic, and its prehensile cirri and mouth (as described in my monograph on the Lepadidae, 'Ray Soc.' 1851, p. 169) are in a most feeble and almost rudimentary condition. Dr. R. Kossmann has given a very interesting discussion on this subject in his 'Suctoria and Lepadidae,' 1873. See also, Dr.

Dohrn, 'Der Ursprung der Wirbelthiere,' 1875, p. 77.

Bentham and Hooker, 'Genera Plantarum.' Australia is the metropolis of the genus, forty-one species having been described from this country, as Prof. Oliver informs me. [page 358]

hear from Prof. Oliver) two species; the former confined to the western parts of the Cape of Good Hope, and the latter to Australia. It is a strange fact that Dionaea, which is one of the most beautifully adapted plants in the vegetable kingdom, should apparently be on the high-road to extinction. This is all the more strange as the organs of Dionaea are more highly differentiated than those of Drosera; its filaments serve exclusively as organs of touch, the lobes for capturing insects, and the glands, when excited, for secretion as well as for absorption; whereas with Drosera the glands serve all these purposes, and secrete without being excited.

By comparing the structure of the leaves, their degree of complication, and their rudimentary parts in the six genera, we are led to infer that their common parent form partook of the characters of Drosophyllum, Roridula, and Byblis. The leaves of this ancient form were almost certainly linear, perhaps divided, and bore on their upper and lower surfaces glands which had the power of secreting and absorbing. Some of these glands were mounted on pedicels, and others were almost sessile; the latter secreting only when stimulated by the absorption of nitrogenous matter. In Byblis the glands consist of a single layer of cells, supported on a unicellular pedicel; in Roridula they have a more complex structure, and are supported on pedicels formed of several rows of cells; in Drosophyllum they further include spiral cells, and the pedicels include a bundle of spiral vessels. But in these three genera these organs do not possess any power of movement, and there is no reason to doubt that they are of the nature of hairs or trichomes.

Although in innumerable instances foliar organs move when excited, no case is known of a trichome having such [page 359] power.* We are thus led to inquire how the so-called tentacles of Drosera, which are manifestly of the same general nature as the glandular hairs of the above three genera, could have acquired the power of moving. Many botanists maintain that these tentacles consist of prolongations of the leaf, because they include vascular tissue, but this can no longer be considered as a trustworthy distinction. The possession of the power of movement on excitement would have been safer evidence. But when we consider the vast number of the tentacles on both surfaces of the leaves of Drosophyllum, and on the upper surface of the leaves of Drosera, it seems scarcely possible that each tentacle could have aboriginally existed as a prolongation of the leaf. Roridula, perhaps, shows us how we may reconcile these difficulties with respect to the h.o.m.ological nature of the tentacles. The lateral divisions of the leaves of this plant terminate in long tentacles; and these include spiral vessels which extend for only a short distance up them, with no line of demarcation between what is plainly the prolongation of the leaf and the pedicel of a glandular hair. Therefore there would be nothing anomalous or unusual in the basal parts of these tentacles, which correspond with the marginal ones of Drosera, acquiring the power of movement; and we know that in Drosera it is only the lower part which becomes inflected. But in order to understand how in this latter genus not only the marginal but all the inner tentacles have become capable of movement, we must further a.s.sume, either that through the principle of correlated development this

* Sachs, 'Trait de Botanique' 3rd edit. 1874, p. 1026.

Dr. Warming 'Sur la Diffrence entres les Trichomes,' Copenhague, 1873, p. 6. 'Extrait des Videnskabelige Meddelelser de la Soc.

d'Hist. nat. de Copenhague,' Nos. 10-12, 1872. [page 360]

power was transferred to the basal parts of the hairs, or that the surface of the leaf has been prolonged upwards at numerous points, so as to unite with the hairs, thus forming the bases of the inner tentacles.

The above named three genera, namely Drosophyllum, Roridula, and Byblis, which appear to have retained a primordial condition, still bear glandular hairs on both surfaces of their leaves; but those on the lower surface have since disappeared in the more highly developed genera, with the partial exception of one species, Drosera binata. The small sessile glands have also disappeared in some of the genera, being replaced in Roridula by hairs, and in most species of Drosera by absorbent papillae. Drosera binata, with its linear and bifurcating leaves, is in an intermediate condition. It still bears some sessile glands on both surfaces of the leaves, and on the lower surface a few irregularly placed tentacles, which are incapable of movement. A further slight change would convert the linear leaves of this latter species into the oblong leaves of Drosera anglica, and these might easily pa.s.s into orbicular ones with footstalks, like those of Drosera rotundifolia. The footstalks of this latter species bear multicellular hairs, which we have good reason to believe represent aborted tentacles.

The parent form of Dionaea and Aldrovanda seems to have been closely allied to Drosera, and to have had rounded leaves, supported on distinct footstalks, and furnished with tentacles all round the circ.u.mference, with other tentacles and sessile glands on the upper surface. I think so because the marginal spikes of Dionaea apparently represent the extreme marginal tentacles of Drosera, the six (sometimes eight) sensitive filaments on the upper surface, as well as the more numerous ones in Aldrovanda, representing the central [page 361]

tentacles of Drosera, with their glands aborted, but their sensitiveness retained. Under this point of view we should bear in mind that the summits of the tentacles of Drosera, close beneath the glands, are sensitive.

The three most remarkable characters possessed by the several members of the Droseraceae consist in the leaves of some having the power of movement when excited, in their glands secreting a fluid which digests animal matter, and in their absorption of the digested matter. Can any light be thrown on the steps by which these remarkable powers were gradually acquired?

As the walls of the cells are necessarily permeable to fluids, in order to allow the glands to secrete, it is not surprising that they should readily allow fluids to pa.s.s inwards; and this inward pa.s.sage would deserve to be called an act of absorption, if the fluids combined with the contents of the glands. Judging from the evidence above given, the secreting glands of many other plants can absorb salts of ammonia, of which they must receive small quant.i.ties from the rain. This is the case with two species of Saxifraga, and the glands of one of them apparently absorb matter from captured insects, and certainly from an infusion of raw meat. There is, therefore, nothing anomalous in the Droseraceae having acquired the power of absorption in a much more highly developed degree.

It is a far more remarkable problem how the members of this family, and Pinguicula, and, as Dr. Hooker has recently shown, Nepenthes, could all have acquired the power of secreting a fluid which dissolves or digests animal matter. The six genera of the Droseraceae very probably inherited this power from a common progenitor, but this cannot apply to [page 362] Pinguicula or Nepenthes, for these plants are not at all closely related to the Droceraceae. But the difficulty is not nearly so great as it at first appears. Firstly, the juices of many plants contain an acid, and, apparently, any acid serves for digestion.

Secondly, as Dr. Hooker has remarked in relation to the present subject in his address at Belfast (1874), and as Sachs repeatedly insists,* the embryos of some plants secrete a fluid which dissolves alb.u.minous substances out of the endosperm; although the endosperm is not actually united with, only in contact with, the embryo. All plants, moreover, have the power of dissolving alb.u.minous or proteid substances, such as protoplasm, chlorophyll, gluten, aleurone, and of carrying them from one part to other parts of their tissues. This must be effected by a solvent, probably consisting of a ferment together with an acid. Now, in the case of plants which are able to absorb already soluble matter from captured insects, though not capable of true digestion, the solvent just referred to, which must be occasionally present in the glands, would be apt to exude from the glands together with the viscid secretion, inasmuch as endosmose is accompanied by exosmose. If such exudation did ever occur, the solvent would act on the animal matter contained within the captured insects, and this would be an act of true digestion. As it cannot be doubted that this process would be of high service to plants

* 'Trait de Botanique' 3rd edit. 1874, p. 844. See also for following facts pp. 64, 76, 828, 831.

Since this sentence was written, I have received a paper by Gorup-Besanez ('Berichte der Deutschen Chem. Gesellschaft,' Berlin, 1874, p. 1478), who, with the aid of Dr. H. Will, has actually made the discovery that the seeds of the vetch contain a ferment, which, when extracted by glycerine, dissolves alb.u.minous substances, such as fibrin, and converts them into true peptones. [page 363]

growing in very poor soil, it would tend to be perfected through natural selection. Therefore, any ordinary plant having viscid glands, which occasionally caught insects, might thus be converted under favourable circ.u.mstances into a species capable of true digestion. It ceases, therefore, to be any great mystery how several genera of plants, in no way closely related together, have independently acquired this same power.

As there exist several plants the glands of which cannot, as far as is known, digest animal matter, yet can absorb salts of ammonia and animal fluids, it is probable that this latter power forms the first stage towards that of digestion. It might, however, happen, under certain conditions, that a plant, after having acquired the power of digestion, should degenerate into one capable only of absorbing animal matter in solution, or in a state of decay, or the final products of decay, namely the salts of ammonia. It would appear that this has actually occurred to a partial extent with the leaves of Aldrovanda; the outer parts of which possess absorbent organs, but no glands fitted for the secretion of any digestive fluid, these being confined to the inner parts.

Little light can be thrown on the gradual acquirement of the third remarkable character possessed by the more highly developed genera of the Droseraceae, namely the power of movement when excited. It should, however, be borne in mind that leaves and their h.o.m.ologues, as well as flower-peduncles, have gained this power, in innumerable instances, independently of inheritance from any common parent form; for instance, in tendril-bearers and leaf-climbers (i.e. plants with their leaves, petioles and flower-peduncles, &c., modified for prehension) belonging to a large [page 364] number of the most widely distinct orders,--in the leaves of the many plants which go to sleep at night, or move when shaken,--and in the irritable stamens and pistils of not a few species.

We may therefore infer that the power of movement can be by some means readily acquired. Such movements imply irritability or sensitiveness, but, as Cohn has remarked,* the tissues of the plants thus endowed do not differ in any uniform manner from those of ordinary plants; it is therefore probable that all leaves are to a slight degree irritable.

Even if an insect alights on a leaf, a slight molecular change is probably transmitted to some distance across its tissue, with the sole difference that no perceptible effect is produced. We have some evidence in favour of this belief, for we know that a single touch on the glands of Drosera does not excite inflection; yet it must produce some effect, for if the glands have been immersed in a solution of camphor, inflection follows within a shorter time than would have followed from the effects of camphor alone. So again with Dionaea, the blades in their ordinary state may be roughly touched without their closing; yet some effect must be thus caused and transmitted across the whole leaf, for if the glands have recently absorbed animal matter, even a delicate touch causes them to close instantly. On the whole we may conclude that the acquirement of a high degree of sensitiveness and of the power of movement by certain genera of the Droseraceae presents no greater difficulty than that presented by the similar but feebler powers of a mult.i.tude of other plants.

* See the abstract of his memoir on the contractile tissues of plants, in the 'Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist.' 3rd series, vol. xi. p. 188.) [page 365]

The specialised nature of the sensitiveness possessed by Drosera and Dionaea, and by certain other plants, well deserves attention. A gland of Drosera may be forcibly hit once, twice, or even thrice, without any effect being produced, whilst the continued pressure of an extremely minute particle excites movement. On the other hand, a particle many times heavier may be gently laid on one of the filaments of Dionaea with no effect; but if touched only once by the slow movement of a delicate hair, the lobes close; and this difference in the nature of the sensitiveness of these two plants stands in manifest adaptation to their manner of capturing insects. So does the fact, that when the central glands of Drosera absorb nitrogenous matter, they transmit a motor impulse to the exterior tentacles much more quickly than when they are mechanically irritated; whilst with Dionaea the absorption of nitrogenous matter causes the lobes to press together with extreme slowness, whilst a touch excites rapid movement. Somewhat a.n.a.logous cases may be observed, as I have shown in another work, with the tendrils of various plants; some being most excited by contact with fine fibres, others by contact with bristles, others with a flat or a creviced surface. The sensitive organs of Drosera and Dionaea are also specialised, so as not to be uselessly affected by the weight or impact of drops of rain, or by blasts of air. This may be accounted for by supposing that these plants and their progenitors have grown accustomed to the repeated action of rain and wind, so that no molecular change is thus induced; whilst they have been rendered more sensitive by means of natural selection to the rarer impact or pressure of solid bodies.

Although the absorption by the glands of Drosera of various fluids excites move- [page 366] ment, there is a great difference in the action of allied fluids; for instance, between certain vegetable acids, and between citrate and phosphate of ammonia. The specialised nature and perfection of the sensitiveness in these two plants is all the more astonis.h.i.+ng as no one supposes that they possess nerves; and by testing Drosera with several substances which act powerfully on the nervous system of animals, it does not appear that they include any diffused matter a.n.a.logous to nerve-tissue.

Although the cells of Drosera and Dionaea are quite as sensitive to certain stimulants as are the tissues which surround the terminations of the nerves in the higher animals, yet these plants are inferior even to animals low down in the scale, in not being affected except by stimulants in contact with their sensitive parts. They would, however, probably be affected by radiant heat; for warm water excites energetic movement. When a gland of Drosera, or one of the filaments of Dionaea, is excited, the motor impulse radiates in all directions, and is not, as in the case of animals, directed towards special points or organs.

This holds good even in the case of Drosera when some exciting substance has been placed at two points on the disc, and when the tentacles all round are inflected with marvellous precision towards the two points. The rate at which the motor impulse is transmitted, though rapid in Dionaea, is much slower than in most or all animals. This fact, as well as that of the motor impulse not being specially directed to certain points, are both no doubt due to the absence of nerves.

Nevertheless we perhaps see the prefigurement of the formation of nerves in animals in the transmission of the motor impulse being so much more rapid down the confined s.p.a.ce within the tentacles of Drosera than [page 367] elsewhere, and somewhat more rapid in a longitudinal than in a transverse direction across the disc. These plants exhibit still more plainly their inferiority to animals in the absence of any reflex action, except in so far as the glands of Drosera, when excited from a distance, send back some influence which causes the contents of the cells to become aggregated down to the bases of the tentacles. But the greatest inferiority of all is the absence of a central organ, able to receive impressions from all points, to transmit their effects in any definite direction, to store them up and reproduce them. [page 368]


Insectivorous Plants Part 24

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