The Psalms of David Part 63

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1 Loud hallelujahs to the Lord, From distant worlds where creatures dwell: Let heaven begin the solemn word, And sound it dreadful down to h.e.l.l.

Note. This psalm may be sung to the tune of the old 112th or 127th Psalm, if these two lines be added to every stanza, viz.

Each of his works his Name displays, But they can ne'er fulfil the praise.

Otherwise it must be sung to the usual tunes of the Long Metre.

2 The Lord! how absolute he reigns!

Let every angel bend the knee; Sing of his love in heavenly strains, And speak how fierce his terrors be.

3 High on a throne his glories dwell, An awful throne of s.h.i.+ning bliss: Fly thro' the world, O sun, and tell How dark thy beams compar'd to his.

4 Awake, ye tempests, and his fame In sounds of dreadful praise declare; And the sweet whisper of his Name Fill every gentler breeze of air.

5 Let clouds, and winds, and waves agree To join their praise with blazing fire; Let the firm earth, and rolling sea, In this eternal song conspire.

6 Ye flowery plains, proclaim his skill; Vallies, lie low before his eye; And let his praise from every hill Rise tuneful to the neighbouring sky.

7 Ye stubborn oaks, and stately pines, Bend your high branches and adore: Praise him, ye beasts, in different strains; The lamb must bleat, the lion roar.

8 Birds, ye must make his praise your theme, Nature demands a song from you; While the dumb fish that cut the stream Leap up, and mean his praises too.

9 Mortals, can you refrain your tongue, When nature all around you sings?

O for a shout from old and young, From humble swains, and lofty kings!

10 Wide as his vast dominion lies Make the Creator's name be known; Loud as his thunder shout his praise, And sound it lofty as his throne.

11 Jehovah! 'tis a glorious word, O may it dwell on every tongue!

But saints who best have known the Lord Are bound to raise the n.o.blest song.

12 Speak of the wonders of that love Which Gabriel plays on every chord: From all below and all above, Loud hallelujahs to the Lord!

Psalm 148:3. S. M.

Universal praise.

1 Let every creature join To praise th' eternal G.o.d; Ye heavenly hosts, the song begin, And sound his Name abroad.

2 Thou sun with golden beams, And moon with paler rays; Ye starry lights, ye twinkling flames, s.h.i.+ne to your Maker's praise.

3 He built those worlds above, And fix'd their wondrous frame; By his command they stand or move, And ever speak his Name.

4 Ye vapours, when ye rise, Or fall in showers, or snow, Ye thunders, murmuring round the skies, His power and glory show.

5 Wind, hail, and flas.h.i.+ng fire, Agree to praise the Lord, When ye in dreadful storms conspire To execute his word.

6 By all his works above His honours be exprest; But saints that taste his saving love Should sing his praises best.


7 Let earth and ocean know They owe their Maker praise; Praise him, ye watery worlds below, And monsters of the seas.

8 From mountains near the sky Let his high praise resound, From humble shrubs and cedars high, And vales and fields around.

9 Ye lions of the wood, And tamer beasts that graze, Ye live upon his daily food, And he expects your praise.

10 Ye birds of lofty wing, On high his praises bear; Or sit on flowery boughs, and sing Your Maker's glory there.

11 Ye creeping ants and worms, His various wisdom show, And flies, in all your s.h.i.+ning swarms, Praise him that drest you so.

12 By all the earth-born race His honours be exprest; But saints that know his heavenly grace Should learn to praise him best.


13 Monarchs of wide command, Praise ye th' eternal King; Judges, adore that sovereign hand Whence all your honours spring.

14 Let vigorous youth engage To sound his praises high; While growing babes, and withering age, Their feebler voices try.

15 United zeal be shown, His wondrous fame to raise; G.o.d is the Lord: his name alone Deserves our endless praise.

16 Let nature join with art, And all p.r.o.nounce him blest; But saints that dwell so near his heart, Should sing his praises best.

Psalm 149.

Praise G.o.d, all his saints; or, The saints judging the world.

1 All ye that love the Lord, rejoice, And let your songs be new; Amidst the church with cheerful voice His later wonders shew.

2 The Jews, the people of his grace, Shall their Redeemer sing; And Gentile nations join the praise, While Zion owns her King.

3 The Lord takes pleasure in the just, Whom sinners treat with scorn; The meek that lie despis'd in dust Salvation shall adorn.

4 Saints should be joyful in their King, Ev'n on a dying bed; And like the souls in glory sing, For G.o.d shall raise the dead.

5 Then his high praise shall fill their tongues, Their hands shall wield the sword; And vengeance shall attend their songs, The vengeance of the Lord.

6 When Christ his judgment-seat ascends, And bids the world appear, Thrones are prepar'd for all his friends, Who humbly lov'd him here.

7 Then shall they rule with iron rod Nations that dar'd rebel; And join the sentence of their G.o.d On tyrants doom'd to h.e.l.l.

8 The royal sinners bound in chains New triumphs shall afford; Such honour for the saints remains: Praise ye, and love the Lord.

Psalm 150. 1 2 6.

A song of praise.

1 In G.o.d's own house p.r.o.nounce his praise, His grace he there reveals; To heaven your joy and wonder raise, For there his glory dwells.

The Psalms of David Part 63

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