Homer and His Age Part 13

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We now look into Noack's theory of the Homeric house. Where do the lord and lady sleep? _Not_, he says, as Odysseus and Penelope do (when Odysseus is at home), in a separate chamber (_thalamos_) on the ground floor, nor, like Gunnar and Halgerda (Njal's Saga), in an upper chamber.

They sleep _mucho domou_; that is, not in a separate recess in the _house_, but in a recess of the great hall or _megaron_. Thus, in the hall of Alcinous, the whole s.p.a.ce runs from the threshold to the _muchos_, the innermost part (_Odyssey_, VII. 87-96). In the hall of Odysseus, the Wooers retreat to the _muchos_, "the innermost part of the hall" (_Odyssey_, XXII. 270). "The _muchos_, in Homer, never denotes a separate chamber." [Footnote: Noack, p. 45. _Cf_. Monro, Note to Odyssey, XXII. 270.]

In Odyssey, XI. 373, Alcinous says it is not yet time to sleep _ev megaro_, "in the hall." Alcinous and Arete, his wife, sleep "in the recess of the lofty _domos_," that is, in the recess of the _hall_, not of "the house" (Odyssey, VII. 346). The same words are used of Helen and Menelaus (Odyssey, IV. 304). But when Menelaus goes forth next morning, he goes _ek thalamoio_, "out of his _chamber_" (_Odyssey_, IV. 310). But this, says Noack, is a mere borrowing of Odyssey, II 2-5, where the same words are used of Telemachus, leaving his chamber, which undeniably was a separate chamber in the court: Eurycleia lighted him thither at night (Odyssey, I. 428). In Odyssey, IV. 121, Helen enters the hall "from her fragrant, lofty chamber," so she _had_ a chamber, not in the hall. But, says Noack, this verse "is not original." The late poet of _Odyssey_, IV. has cribbed it from the early poet who composed _Odyssey, XIX. 53._ In that pa.s.sage Penelope "comes from her chamber, like Artemis or golden Aphrodite." Penelope _had_ a chamber--being "a lone lorn woman," who could not sleep in a hall where the Wooers sat up late drinking--and the latest poet transfers this chamber to Helen. But however late and larcenous he may have been, the poet of IV. 121 certainly did not crib the words of the poet of XIX. 53, for he says, "Helen came out of her _fragrant, high-roofed_ chamber." The _hall_ was not precisely "fragrant"! However, Noack supposes that the late poet of Book IV. let Helen have a chamber apart, to lead up to the striking scene of her entry to the hall where her guests are sitting. May Helen not even have a boudoir? In _Odyssey_, IV. 263, Helen speaks remorsefully of having abandoned her "chamber," and husband, and child, with Paris; but the late poet says this, according to Noack, because he finds that he is in for a chamber, so to speak, at all events, as a result of his having previously cribbed the word "chamber" from Odyssey, XIX. 53. Otherwise, we presume Helen would have said that she regretted having left "the recess of the lofty hall" where she really did sleep. [Footnote: Noack, pp. 47-48]

The merit of this method of arguing may be left to the judgment of the reader, who will remark that wedded pairs are not described as leaving the hall when they go to bed; they sleep in "a recess of the lofty house," the innermost part. Is this the same as the "recess of the _hall_" or is it an innermost part of the _house?_ Who can be certain?

The bridal chamber, built so cunningly, with the trunk of a tree for the support of the bed, by Odysseus (odyssey, XXIII. 177-204), is, according to Noack, an exception, a solitary freak of Odysseus. But we may reply that the _thalamos_, the separate chamber, is no freak; the freak, by knowledge of which Odysseus proves his ident.i.ty, is the use of the tree in the construction of the bed. [blank s.p.a.ce] was highly original.

That separate chambers are needed for grown-up children, _BECAUSE_ the parents sleep in the hall, is no strong argument. If the parents had a separate chamber, the young people, unless they slept in the hall, would still need their own. The girls, of course, could not sleep in the hall; and, in the absence of both Penelope and Odysseus from the hall, ever since Telemachus was a baby, Telemachus could have slept there. But it will be replied that the Wooers did not beset the hall, and Penelope did not retire to a separate chamber, till Telemachus was a big boy of sixteen. Noack argues that he had a separate chamber, though the hall was free, _tradition_. [Footnote: Noack, p. 49.]

Where does Noack think that, in a normal Homeric house, the girls of the family slept? _They_ could not sleep in the hall, and on the two occasions when the _Iliad_ has to mention the chambers of the young ladies they are "upper chambers," as is natural. But as Noack wants to prove the house of Odysseus, with its upper chambers, to be a late peculiar house, he, of course, expunges the two mentions of girls' upper chambers in the _Odyssey_. The process is simple and easy.

We find (_Iliad_, XVII. 36) that a son, wedding in his father's and mother's life-time, has a _thalamos_ built for him, and a _muchos_ in the _THALAMOS_, where he leaves his wife when he goes to war. This dwelling of grown-up married children, as in the case of the sons of Priam, has a _thalamos_, or _doma_, and a courtyard--is a house, in fact (_Iliad_, VI. 3 16). Here we seem to distinguish the bed-chamber from the _doma_, which is the hall. Noack objects that when Odysseus fumigates his house, after slaying the Wooers, he thus treats the _megaron_, _AND_ the _doma_, _AND_ the courtyard. Therefore, Noack argues, the _megaron_, or hall, is one thing; the _doma_ is another. Mr.

Monro writes, "_doma_ usually means _megaron_," and he supposes a slip from another reading, _thalamon_ for _megaron_, which is not satisfactory. But if _doma_ here be not equivalent to _megaron_, what room can it possibly be? Who was killed in another place? what place therefore needed purification except the hall and courtyard? No other places needed purifying; there is therefore clearly a defect in the lines which cannot be used in the argument.

Noack, in any case, maintains that Paris has but one place to live in by day and to sleep in by night--his [Greek: talamos]. There he sleeps, eats, and polishes his weapons and armour. There Hector finds him looking to his gear; Helen and the maids are all there (_Iliad,_ VI.

321-323). Is this quite certain? Are Helen and the maids in the [Greek: talamos], where Paris is polis.h.i.+ng his corslet and looking to his bow, or in an adjacent room? If not in another room, why, when Hector is in the room talking to Paris, does Helen ask him to "come in"? (_Iliad,_ VI. 354). He is in, is there another room whence she can hear him?

The minuteness of these inquiries is tedious!

In _Iliad,_ III. 125, Iris finds Helen "in the hall" weaving. She summons her to come to Priam on the gate. Helen dresses in outdoor costume, and goes forth "from the chamber," [Greek: talamos] (III.

141-142). Are hall and chamber the same room, or did not Helen dress "in the chamber"? In the same Book (III. 174) she repents having left the [Greek: talamos] of Menelaus, not his hall: the pa.s.sage is not a repet.i.tion in words of her speech in the Odyssey.

The G.o.ds, of course, are lodged like men. When we find that Zeus has really a separate sleeping chamber, built by Hephaestus, as Odysseus has (_Iliad,_ XIV. 166-167), we are told that this is a late interpolation.

Mr. Leaf, who has a high opinion of this scene, "the Beguiling of Zeus," places it in the "second expansions"; he finds no "late Odyssean"

elements in the language. In _Iliad,_ I. 608-611, Zeus "departed to his couch"; he seems not to have stayed and slept in the hall.

Here a quaint problem occurs. Of all late things in the Odyssey the latest is said to be the song of Demodocus about the loves of Ares and Aphrodite in the house of Hephaestus. [Footnote: Odyssey, VIII.

266-300.] We shall show that this opinion is far from certainly correct.

Hephaestus sets a snare round the bed in his [Greek: talamos] and catches the guilty lovers. _Now_, was his [Greek: talamos] or bedroom, also his dining-room? If so, the author of the song, though so "late,"

knows what Noack knows, and what the poets who a.s.sign sleeping chambers to wedded folks do not know, namely, that neither married G.o.ds nor married men have separate bedrooms. This is plain, for he makes Hephaestus stand at the front door of his house, and shout to the G.o.ds to come and see the sinful lovers. [Footnote: Ibid., VI. 304-305] They all come and look on _from the front door_ (_Odyssey_, VII. 325), which leads into the [Greek: megaron], the hall. If the lovers are in bed in the hall, then hall and bedroom are all one, and the terribly late poet who made this lay knows it, though the late poets of the _Odyssey_ and _Iliad_ do not.

It would appear that the author of the lay is not "late," as we shall prove in another case.

Noack, then, will not allow man or G.o.d to have a separate wedding chamber, nor women, before the late parts of the _Odyssey_, to have separate quarters, except in the house of Odysseus. Women's chambers do not exist in the Homeric house. [Footnote: Noack, p. 50.] If so, how remote is the true Homeric house from the house of historical Greece!

As for upper chambers, those of the daughter of the house (_Iliad,_ II.

514; XVI. 184), both pa.s.sages are "late," as we saw (Noack, p.[blank s.p.a.ce]). In the _Odyssey_ Penelope both sleeps and works at the shroud in an upper chamber. But the whole arrangement of upper chambers as women's apartments is as late, says Noack, as the time of the poets and "redactors" (whoever they may have been) of the Odyssey, XXI., XXII., XXIII. [Footnote: Noack, p. 68.] At the earliest these Books are said to be of the eighth century B.C. Here the late poets have their innings at last, and do modernise the Homeric house.

To prove the absence of upper rooms in the _Iliad_ we have to abolish II. 514, where Astyoche meets her divine lover in her upper chamber, and XVI. 184, where Polymele celebrates her amour with Hermes "in the upper chambers." The places where these two pa.s.sages occur, _Catalogue_ (Book II.) and the _Catalogue_ of the _Myrmidons_ (Book XVI.) are, indeed, both called "late," but the author of the latter knows the early law of bride-price, which is supposed to be unknown to the authors of "late"

pa.s.sages in the Odyssey (XVI. 190).

Stated briefly, such are the ideas of Noack. They leave us, at least, with permission to hold that the whole of the Epics, except Books XXI., XXII., and XXIII. of the Odyssey, bear, as regards the house, the marks of a distinct peculiar age, coming between the period of Mycenae and Tiryns on one hand and the eighth century B.C. on the other.

This is the point for which we have contended, and this suits our argument very well, though we are sorry to see that Odyssey, Books XXI., XXII., and XXIII., are no older than the eighth century B.C. But we have not been quite convinced that Helen had not her separate chamber, that Zeus had not his separate chamber, and that the upper chambers of the daughters of the house in the Iliad are "late." Where, if not in upper chambers, did the young princesses repose? Again, the marked separation of the women in the house of Odysseus may be the result of Penelope's care in unusual circ.u.mstances, though she certainly would not build a separate hall for them. There are over a hundred handsome young scoundrels in her house all day long and deep into the night; she would, vainly, do her best to keep her girls apart.

It stands to reason that young girls of princely families would have bedrooms in the house, not in the courtyard-bedrooms out of the way of enterprising young men. What safer place could be found for them than in upper chambers, as in the Iliad? But, if their lovers were G.o.ds, we know that none "can see a G.o.d coming or going against his will." The arrangements of houses may and do vary in different cases in the same age.

As examples we turn to the parallel afforded by the Icelandic sagas and their pictures of houses of the eleventh century B.C. The present author long ago pointed out the parallel of the houses in the sagas and in Homer. [Footnote: _The_ House. Butcher and Lang. Translation of the Odyssey.] He took his facts from Dasent's translation of the Njal Saga (1861, vol. i. pp. xcviii., ciii., with diagrams). As far as he is aware, no critic looked into the matter till Mr. Monro (1901), being apparently unacquainted with Dasent's researches, found similar lore in works by Dr. Valtyr Gudmundsson [Footnote: Monro, Odyssey, vol. ii.

pp. 491-495; _cf_. Gudmundsson, _Der Islandske Bottg i Fristats Tiden_, 1894; _cf_. Dasent, _Oxford_ Essays, 1858.] The roof of the hall is supported by four rows of columns, the two inner rows are taller, and between them is the hearth, with seats of honour for the chief guests and the lord. The fire was in a kind of trench down the hall; and in very cold weather, we learn from Dasent, long fires could be lit through the extent of the hall. The chief had a raised seat; the guests sat on benches. The high seats were at the centre; not till later times on the dais, as in a college hall. The tables were relatively small, and, as in Homer, could be removed after a meal. The part of the hall with the dais in later days was part.i.tioned off as a _stofa_ or parlour. In early times cooking was done in the hall.

Dr. Gudmundsson, if I understand him, varies from Dasent in some respects. I quote an abstract of his statement.

"About the year 1000 houses generally consisted of, at least, four rooms; often a fifth was added, the so-called bath-room. The oldest form for houses was that of one long line or row of separate rooms united by wooden or clay corridors or part.i.tions, and each covered with a roof.

Later, this was considered unpractical, and they began building some of the houses or rooms behind the others, which facilitated the access from one to another, and diminished the number of outer doors and corridors."

"Towards the latter part of the tenth century the _skaal_ was used as common sleeping-room for the whole family, including servants and serfs; it was fitted up in the same way as the hall. Like this, it was divided in three naves by rows of wooden pillars; the middle floor was lower than that of the two side naves. In these were placed the so-called _saet_ or bed-places, not running the whole length of the [blank s.p.a.ce]

from gable to gable, but sideways, filling about a third part. Each _saet_ was enclosed by broad, strong planks joined into the pillars, but not nailed on, so they might easily be taken out. These planks, called _SATTESTOKKE_, could also be turned sideways and used as benches during the day; they were often beautifully carved, and consequently highly valued."

"When settling abroad the people took away with them these planks, and put them up in their new home as a symbol of domestic happiness. The _saet_ was occupied by the servants of the farm as sleeping-rooms; generally it was screened by hangings and low panels, which part.i.tioned it off like huge separate boxes, used as beds."

"All beds were filled with hay or straw; servants and serfs slept on this without any bedclothes, sometimes a sleeping-bag was used, or they covered themselves with deerskins or a mantle. The family had bed-clothes, but only in very wealthy houses were they also provided for the servants. Moveable beds were extremely rare, but are sometimes mentioned. Generally two people slept in each bed."

"In the further end of the _skaal_, facing the door, opened out one or several small bedrooms, destined for the husband with wife and children, besides other members of the family, including guests of a higher standing. These small dormitories were separated by part.i.tions of planks into bedrooms with one or several beds, and shut away from the outer _SKAAL_ either by a sliding-door in the wall or by an ordinary door shutting with a hasp. Sometimes only a hanging covered the opening."

"In some farms were found underground pa.s.sages, leading from the master's bedside to an outside house, or even as far as a wood or another sheltered place in the neighbourhood, to enable the inhabitants to save themselves during a night attack. For the same reason each man had his arms suspended over his bed."

"_Ildhus_ or fire-house was the kitchen, often used besides as a sleeping-room when the farms were very small. This was quite abolished after the year 1000."

"_Buret_ was the provision house."

"The bathroom was heated from a stone oven; the stones were heated red-hot and cold water thrown upon them, which developed a quant.i.ty of vapour. As the heat and the steam mounted, the people--men and women--crawled up to a shelf under the roof and remained there as in a Turkish bath."

"In large and wealthy houses there was also a women's room, with a fireplace built low down in the middle, as in the hall, where the women used to sit with their handiwork all day. The men were allowed to come in and talk to them, also beggar-women and other vagabonds, who brought them the news from other places. Towards evening and for meals all a.s.sembled together in the hall."

On this showing, people did not sleep in cabins part.i.tioned off the dining-hall, but in the _skaale_; and two similar and similarly situated rooms, one the common dining-hall, the other the common sleeping-hall, have been confused by writers on the sagas. [Footnote: Gudmundsson, p, 14, Note I.] Can there be a similar confusion in the uses of _megaron_, _doma_, and _domos_?

In the Eyrbyggja Saga we have descriptions of the "fire-hall," _skali_ or _eldhus_. "The fire-hall was the common sleeping-room in Icelandic homesteads." Guests and strangers slept there; not in the portico, as in Homer. "Here were the lock-beds." There were b.u.t.teries; one of these was reached by a ladder. The walls were panelled. [Footnote: _The Ere Dwellers_, p. 145.] Thorgunna had a "berth," apparently part.i.tioned off, in the hall. [Footnote: _Ibid_., 137-140.] As in Homer the hall was entered from the courtyard, in which were separate rooms for stores and other purposes. In the courtyard also, in the houses of Gunnar of Lithend and Gisli at Hawkdale, and doubtless in other cases, were the _dyngfur_, or ladies' chambers, their "bowers" (_Thalamos_, like that of Telemachus in the courtyard), where they sat spinning and gossiping. The _dyngja_ was originally called _bur_, our "bower"; the ballads say "in bower and hall." In the ballad of _MARGARET_, her parents are said to put her in the way of deadly sin by building her a bower, apparently separate from the main building; she would have been safer in an upper chamber, though, even there, not safe--at least, if a G.o.d wooed her! It does not appear that all houses had these chambers for ladies apart from the main building. You did not enter the main hall in Iceland from the court directly in front, but by the "man's door" at the west side, whence you walked through the porch or outer hall (_prodomos_, _aithonsa_), in the centre of which, to the right, were the doors of the hall. The women entered by the women's door, at the eastern extremity.

Guests did not sleep, as in Homer, in the _prodomos_, or the portico--the climate did not permit it--but in one or other hall. The hall was wainscotted; the walls were hung with s.h.i.+elds and weapons, like the hall of Odysseus. The heads of the family usually slept in the aisles, in chambers entered through the wainscot of the hall. Such a chamber might be called _muchos_; it was private from the hall though under the same roof. It appears not improbable that some Homeric halls had sleeping places of this kind; such a _muchos_ in Iceland seems to have had windows. [Footnote: Story of Burnt _Njal_, i. 242.]

Gunnar himself, however, slept with his wife, Halegerda, in an upper chamber; his mother, who lived with him, also had a room upstairs.

In Njal's house, too, there was an upper chamber, wherein the foes of Njal threw fire. [Footnote:_Ibid_., ii. 173.] But Njal and Bergthora, his wife, when all hope was ended, went into their own bride-chamber in the separate aisle of the hall "and gave over their souls into G.o.d's hand." Under a hide they lay; and when men raised up the hide, after the fire had done its work, "they were unburnt under it. All praised G.o.d for that, and thought it was a _GREAT_ token." In this house was a weaving room for the women. [Footnote:_Ibid_, ii. 195.]

It thus appears that Icelandic houses of the heroic age, as regards structural arrangements, were practically identical with the house of Odysseus, allowing for a separate sleeping-hall, while the differences between that and other Homeric houses may be no more than the differences between various Icelandic dwellings. The parents might sleep in bedchambers off the hall or in upper chambers. Ladies might have bowers in the courtyard or might have none. The [Greek: laurae]--each pa.s.sage outside the hall--yielded sleeping rooms for servants; and there were store-rooms behind the pa.s.sage at the top end of the hall, as well as separate chambers for stores in the courtyard. Mr. Leaf judiciously reconstructs the Homeric house in its "public rooms," of which we hear most, while he leaves the residential portion with "details and limits probably very variable." [Footnote: _Iliad_, vol. i. pp. 586-589, with diagram based on the palace of Tiryns.]

Given variability, which is natural and to be expected, and given the absence of detail about the "residential portion" of other houses than that of Odysseus in the poems, it does not seem to us that this house is conspicuously "late," still less that it is the house of historical Greece. Manifestly, in all respects it more resembles the houses of Njal and Gunnar of Lithend in the heroic age of Iceland.

In the house, as in the uses of iron and bronze, the weapons, armour, relations of the s.e.xes, customary laws, and everything else, Homer gives us an harmonious picture of a single and peculiar age. We find no stronger mark of change than in the Odyssean house, if that be changed, which we show reason to doubt.



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