Destiny of the Republic Part 17
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53 "We have not got to that yet": Ibid., 647. "We have not got to that yet": Ibid., 647.
54 So frequent were Guiteau's visits: Ibid., 202. So frequent were Guiteau's visits: Ibid., 202.
55 "he had, in my opinion": Ibid., 647, 117. "he had, in my opinion": Ibid., 647, 117.
56 Before Lucretia had fallen ill: Hinsdale, Before Lucretia had fallen ill: Hinsdale, Garfield-Hinsdale Letters Garfield-Hinsdale Letters, 489.
57 "perfidy without peril": Shaw, "perfidy without peril": Shaw, Lucretia Lucretia, 95.
58 Not only had Garfield not consulted: Peskin, Not only had Garfield not consulted: Peskin, Garfield Garfield, 470.
59 "treacherously betray[ed] a secret trust": Connery, "Secret History of the Garfield-Conkling Tragedy," 149. "treacherously betray[ed] a secret trust": Connery, "Secret History of the Garfield-Conkling Tragedy," 149.
60 " "casus belli": Garfield, Diary Diary, March 27, 1881, 4:565.
61 "I owe something": Hinsdale, "I owe something": Hinsdale, Garfield-Hinsdale Letters Garfield-Hinsdale Letters, 490.
62 Of more than one hundred newspapers: Peskin, Of more than one hundred newspapers: Peskin, Garfield Garfield, 569.
63 "has recognized Republicans": "What the Newspapers Say," "has recognized Republicans": "What the Newspapers Say," New York Times New York Times, May 6, 1881.
64 Just two years earlier: "Marriage Starts Bride Down Aisle to Misery," Just two years earlier: "Marriage Starts Bride Down Aisle to Misery," Was.h.i.+ngton Times Was.h.i.+ngton Times, July 13, 2002. Kate Sprague's husband would eventually divorce her, leaving her not only publicly humiliated and a social pariah, but penniless. By the end of her life, she would be reduced to selling eggs door to door, and, in 1899, would die from disease and malnutrition at the age of fifty-eight.
65 It was not until early May: Connery, "Secret History of the Garfield-Conkling Tragedy," 146. It was not until early May: Connery, "Secret History of the Garfield-Conkling Tragedy," 146.
66 "Garfield has not been square": Ibid. "Garfield has not been square": Ibid.
67 After Robertson's appointment: Doenecke, After Robertson's appointment: Doenecke, The Presidencies of James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur The Presidencies of James A. Garfield and Chester A. Arthur, 42.
68 "smiled and looked at me": Connery, "Secret History of the Garfield-Conkling Tragedy," 147. "smiled and looked at me": Connery, "Secret History of the Garfield-Conkling Tragedy," 147.
69 "G.o.d will be merciful": Garfield, "G.o.d will be merciful": Garfield, Diary Diary, May 15, 1881, 4:592.
70 "rebuke the President": Peskin, "rebuke the President": Peskin, Garfield Garfield, 57172.
71 "Sir, Will you please": "A Sensation in Politics," "Sir, Will you please": "A Sensation in Politics," New York Times New York Times, May 17, 1881.
72 "seemed to stupefy": Ibid. "seemed to stupefy": Ibid.
73 "a great big baby": Peskin, "a great big baby": Peskin, Garfield Garfield, 572.
74 "a very weak attempt": Garfield, "a very weak attempt": Garfield, Diary Diary, May 16, 1881, 4:593.
75 A few days later, he announced: Ibid., March 21, 1881, 4:561. A few days later, he announced: Ibid., March 21, 1881, 4:561.
76 "Having done all I fairly could": Ibid., May 16, 1881, 4:593. "Having done all I fairly could": Ibid., May 16, 1881, 4:593.
77 "with emphasis, it is ended": Ibid., May 31, 1881, 4:602. "with emphasis, it is ended": Ibid., May 31, 1881, 4:602.
78 "Stung with mortification": "Conkling's Few Friends," "Stung with mortification": "Conkling's Few Friends," New York Times New York Times, June 2, 1881.
79 "A deep strong current": Garfield, "A deep strong current": Garfield, Diary Diary, May 31, 1881, 4:602.
Chapter 10: The Dark Dreams of Presidents
1 "like a flash": "like a flash": United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 593.
2 "If the President was out of the way": Hayes and Hayes, "If the President was out of the way": Hayes and Hayes, A Complete History A Complete History, 428.
3 Guiteau was certain: Guiteau was certain: United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 597.
4 "with renewed force": Ibid., 593. "with renewed force": Ibid., 593.
5 "no ill-will to the President": Ibid., 215. "no ill-will to the President": Ibid., 215.
6 In fact, he believed that he had given: Hayes and Hayes, In fact, he believed that he had given: Hayes and Hayes, A Complete History A Complete History, 428.
7 "It seems to me that the only way": "It seems to me that the only way": United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 210.
8 "Until I supposed": Ibid., 211. "Until I supposed": Ibid., 211.
9 "immediate resignation": Ibid., 117. "immediate resignation": Ibid., 117.
10 "he should be quietly kept away": Crook, "he should be quietly kept away": Crook, Through Five Administrations Through Five Administrations, 26667.
11 "That is the way I test the Diety": "That is the way I test the Diety": United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 593.
12 "I kept reading the papers": Hayes and Hayes, "I kept reading the papers": Hayes and Hayes, A Complete History A Complete History, 428.
13 "the divinity of the inspiration": "the divinity of the inspiration": United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 593.
14 "I thought just what": Hayes and Hayes, "I thought just what": Hayes and Hayes, A Complete History A Complete History, 430.
15 "Two points will be accomplished": "Two points will be accomplished": United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 219.
16 "in proper shape": Hayes and Hayes, "in proper shape": Hayes and Hayes, A Complete History A Complete History, 429.
17 "a new line of thought": Guiteau, "a new line of thought": Guiteau, The Truth The Truth, preface.
18 "better than the Bible": "better than the Bible": United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 677.
19 Even Even The Truth The Truth's publication: Ibid., 581; Clark, The Murder of James A. Garfield The Murder of James A. Garfield, 22.
20 The next stage of Guiteau's plan: "Eyewitness," The next stage of Guiteau's plan: "Eyewitness," American Heritage American Heritage, February/March 1980.
21 "did not call it by name": "did not call it by name": United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 224.
22 Two days later, George Maynard: Ibid., 223, 224. Two days later, George Maynard: Ibid., 223, 224.
23 "He had a peculiar manner": Ibid., 222. "He had a peculiar manner": Ibid., 222.
24 Guiteau explained that he had received: Ibid., 22022. Guiteau explained that he had received: Ibid., 22022.
25 That same day, Guiteau returned: Ibid., 636. That same day, Guiteau returned: Ibid., 636.
26 "One of the strongest pistols made": Ibid., 22425. "One of the strongest pistols made": Ibid., 22425.
27 After striking a deal with O'Meara: Ibid., 224. After striking a deal with O'Meara: Ibid., 224.
28 "I knew nothing about it": Ibid., 637. "I knew nothing about it": Ibid., 637.
29 "The Lord inspired me": Ibid., 593. "The Lord inspired me": Ibid., 593.
30 "I wanted to see what kind": Ibid., 701. "I wanted to see what kind": Ibid., 701.
31 "I thought it was a very excellent jail": Ibid., 701. "I thought it was a very excellent jail": Ibid., 701.
32 "It would not do to go": Hayes and Hayes, "It would not do to go": Hayes and Hayes, A Complete History A Complete History, 430.
33 "there could not possibly be": Ibid. "there could not possibly be": Ibid.
34 A member of the Disciples of Christ: Two other presidents have also been members of the Disciples of Christ: Lyndon B. Johnson and Ronald Reagan. A member of the Disciples of Christ: Two other presidents have also been members of the Disciples of Christ: Lyndon B. Johnson and Ronald Reagan.
35 He had been an active and involved paris.h.i.+oner: He had been an active and involved paris.h.i.+oner: Foster, The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement Foster, The Encyclopedia of the Stone-Campbell Movement, 349.
36 "a wise and holy purpose": "A Pastor's Tribute," "a wise and holy purpose": "A Pastor's Tribute," New York Times New York Times, August 19, 1881.
37 Guiteau knew exactly where Garfield's church: Guiteau knew exactly where Garfield's church: United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 695.
38 "That," he judged, "would be good chance": Hayes and Hayes, "That," he judged, "would be good chance": Hayes and Hayes, A Complete History A Complete History, 430.
39 "a very stupid sermon": Garfield, "a very stupid sermon": Garfield, Diary Diary, June 12, 1881, 4:609.
40 "Next Sunday": Hayes and Hayes, "Next Sunday": Hayes and Hayes, A Complete History A Complete History, 430.
41 Before the next Sunday sermon: Ibid. Before the next Sunday sermon: Ibid.
42 "we have concluded to take her": Garfield, "we have concluded to take her": Garfield, Diary Diary, June 16, 1881, 4:610.
43 "I was all ready": Hayes and Hayes, "I was all ready": Hayes and Hayes, A Complete History A Complete History, 431.
44 "intended to remove the President": "intended to remove the President": United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 216.
45 Garfield arrived back in Was.h.i.+ngton: Garfield, Garfield arrived back in Was.h.i.+ngton: Garfield, Diary Diary, June 27, 1881, 4:617.
46 "sea air is too strong for her": Ibid., June 28, 1881, 4:617. "sea air is too strong for her": Ibid., June 28, 1881, 4:617.
47 On June 30: Taylor, On June 30: Taylor, Garfield of Ohio Garfield of Ohio, 26162; "A Great Nation in Grief," New York Times New York Times, July 3, 1881.
48 "death-like stillness about me": "Lincoln's Faith in Dreams," "death-like stillness about me": "Lincoln's Faith in Dreams," New York Times New York Times, April 7, 1898.
49 "an ugly dream": Shenk, "an ugly dream": Shenk, Lincoln's Melancholy Lincoln's Melancholy, 209.
50 "reveal G.o.d's meaning in dreams": "The Burden of the Presidency," "reveal G.o.d's meaning in dreams": "The Burden of the Presidency," New York Times New York Times, September 25, 1881.
51 "I started to plunge": Garfield, "I started to plunge": Garfield, Diary Diary, January 21, 1881, 4:531.
52 "as foolish as it does to you": "The Burden of the Presidency," "as foolish as it does to you": "The Burden of the Presidency," New York Times New York Times, September 25, 1881.
53 The night after his cabinet meeting: Garfield, The night after his cabinet meeting: Garfield, Diary Diary, 4:614, n. 191.
54 "had never heard him speak": "The Night Before the Shooting," "had never heard him speak": "The Night Before the Shooting," New York Times New York Times, July 20, 1881.
55 After Henry left: Garfield, After Henry left: Garfield, Diary Diary, 4:61819, n. 206.
56 "let the matter drop": "let the matter drop": United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 692.
57 When Garfield reached Blaine's house: Hamilton, When Garfield reached Blaine's house: Hamilton, Biography of James G. Blaine Biography of James G. Blaine, 516.
58 As he waited for Blaine: Harriet S. Blaine and Beale, As he waited for Blaine: Harriet S. Blaine and Beale, Letters of Mrs. James G. Blaine Letters of Mrs. James G. Blaine, 215.
59 "Mr. Garfield had sold himself": "Mr. Garfield had sold himself": United States v. Guiteau United States v. Guiteau, 694.
60 "engaged in the most earnest conversation": Ibid., 694; Hayes and Hayes, "engaged in the most earnest conversation": Ibid., 694; Hayes and Hayes, A Complete History A Complete History, 434.
61 "My mind": Hayes and Hayes, "My mind": Hayes and Hayes, A Complete History A Complete History, 436.
Chapter 11: "A Desperate Deed"
1 "as if we were in fact two babies": Comer, "as if we were in fact two babies": Comer, Harry Garfield's First Forty Years Harry Garfield's First Forty Years, 55.
2 "You are President": Hamilton, "You are President": Hamilton, Biography of James G. Blaine Biography of James G. Blaine, 516.
3 To his sons' astonishment: Comer, To his sons' astonishment: Comer, Harry Garfield's First Forty Years Harry Garfield's First Forty Years, 55.
4 "There are a few additional lines": Quoted in Feis, "There are a few additional lines": Quoted in Feis, Mollie Garfield in the White House Mollie Garfield in the White House, 67.
5 "The work of the campaign": Stanley-Brown, "Memorandum Concerning Joseph Stanley-Brown's Relations with General Garfield," 11. "The work of the campaign": Stanley-Brown, "Memorandum Concerning Joseph Stanley-Brown's Relations with General Garfield," 11.
6 "the tact and ability": "Mr. Rogers' Successor," "the tact and ability": "Mr. Rogers' Successor," Was.h.i.+ngton Post Was.h.i.+ngton Post, March 17, 1881.
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