Women of the Bible Part 28

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Confess: Any way you may have neglected prayer, especially in community with other believers.

Ask G.o.d: To help you make prayer a greater priority in your life.

Lift Your Heart It's interesting to note that the Holy Spirit directed Paul to Macedonia and, ultimately, to a group of women who had already gathered for prayer. It almost seems as though the women's faithfulness in prayer was a magnet that attracted G.o.d's Spirit. This week, invite a few friends to pray with you. Gather in your home or find your own "green sanctuary" outdoors. Sing hymns and ask G.o.d for a fresh outpouring of his Spirit in your churches, homes, neighborhoods, and nation. Pray for a greater opening for the gospel. Perhaps G.o.d will create an "uproar" in your city as a result of your prayers.

Lord, Scripture says that you inhabit the praises of your people. Come now and dwell with us as we seek your face. Let the fresh wind of your Holy Spirit fall on us. May our churches, homes, and neighborhoods become places of prayer, shaking the world around us in a way that brings you glory.

Priscilla HER NAME, THE DIMINUTIVE OF "PRISCA," MEANS "Worthy" or "Venerable"

Her Character: One of the first missionaries and a leader of the early church, along with her husband, Aquila, she risked her life for the apostle Paul. Priscilla was a woman whose spiritual maturity and understanding of the faith helped build up the early church.

Her Sorrow: To experience opposition to the gospel from both Jews and Gentiles.

Her Joy: To spread the gospel and nurture the church.

Key Scriptures: Acts 18 - 19; Romans 16:3 - 4; 1 Corinthians 16:19; 2 Timothy 4:19 Monday HER STORY.

How good it is to have Paul back again, she thought. Ephesus was on fire with the gospel, their young church growing stronger each day. Paul's preaching and miracles had brought many to faith. Even the touch of his handkerchief had healed illnesses and delivered people from evil spirits.

Priscilla couldn't help laughing when she heard the story of Sceva's seven sons, Jewish exorcists who had tried to duplicate such wonders by driving out an evil spirit with a magic invocation: "In the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, I command you to come out."

But the spirit had merely mocked them, saying: "Jesus I know and I know about Paul, but who are you?" Then the man they were trying to deliver beat them so soundly they ran bleeding and naked from the house.

The Ephesians were so impressed by what had happened that a number of sorcerers held a public bonfire to destroy their scrolls. Their magical formulations and incantations seemed like useless trinkets in light of the greater power of Jesus.

But despite the progress of the gospel, Priscilla was aware of growing opposition. One day, she heard the sounds of a crowd forming in the streets. A silversmith was shouting to other craftsmen, all of whom made their living selling miniature images of the many-breasted G.o.ddess Artemis: "Men, you know we receive a good income from this business. And you see and hear how this fellow Paul has convinced and led astray large numbers of people here in Ephesus and in practically the whole province of Asia. He says that man-made G.o.ds are no G.o.ds at all. There is danger not only that our trade will lose its good name, but also that the temple of the great G.o.ddess Artemis will be discredited and the G.o.ddess herself, who is wors.h.i.+ped throughout the province of Asia and the world, will be robbed of her divine majesty."

The crowd erupted into a riot, seizing two of Paul's companions. Priscilla was distressed when Paul insisted on addressing the mob. She was certain such boldness could only end in worse violence. With her husband's help, she was able to restrain Paul until a city official calmed the crowd and it dispersed. Soon after, Paul set out to spread the gospel in Macedonia.

Though the book of Acts describes the riot in Ephesus, it does not tell us that either Priscilla or Aquila were actually present, only that some disciples prevented Paul from entering the fray, possibly saving his life in the process. Since Priscilla and her husband were leaders of the church in Ephesus, it is quite possible they were among those who intervened on Paul's behalf.

Priscilla's faith had been planted years earlier in an atmosphere of strife and controversy, first in Rome and later in Corinth. The latter was a commercial center famous for its appet.i.te for vice, hardly a place to nurture the faith of a new believer. Yet that was where G.o.d transplanted her, along with her husband, Aquila, after Claudius expelled the Jews from Rome in AD 49, tired of their constant fighting about Chrestus (a probable reference to Christ).

Though various G.o.ds were wors.h.i.+ped in Corinth, none was more popular than Aphrodite, the Greek G.o.ddess of love, whose temple at one time boasted more than a thousand sacred prost.i.tutes. Throughout the empire, the phrase "Corinthian girl" was just another name for "prost.i.tute."

After the couple had been in Corinth for about a year, they met up with a man who would involve them in yet more controversy. Paul ofTarsus was a Jew who had ruthlessly persecuted Jesus' followers until his own dramatic conversion. Lately, he had been traveling in Asia Minor and Macedonia, preaching the gospel wherever he went. When he arrived in Corinth, he probably met the couple through their common trade as tentmakers. Priscilla and Aquila invited Paul to stay in their home and work with them.

As always, Paul preached the gospel first in the local synagogue and then to the Gentiles. And, as always, his preaching generated both faith and opposition. After eighteen months, leading Jews of Corinth hauled him before the proconsul to accuse him of spreading an illicit religion. After the charge was dismissed, Paul set sail for Ephesus, taking Priscilla and Aquila with him.

The three missionaries must have been eager to see a city that ranked in importance with Rome, Corinth, Antioch, and Alexandria. The capital of provincial Asia, Ephesus boasted a temple to Artemis (also known as Diana) so enormous that it was considered one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. After only a short while, Paul left for other ports, leaving the couple behind to lead the church that met in their home.

Before long another Jew arrived, preaching eloquently about Jesus to the Jews at Ephesus. But Apollos, a native of Alexandria, had grasped only a shadow of the gospel, one more in keeping with the message of John the Baptist than of Jesus. Rather than denouncing him for his inadequate presentation, Priscilla and Aquila merely took him aside and instructed him in the faith. They did their job so well, in fact, that believers in Ephesus eventually sent the gifted preacher to Corinth, where he advanced the work Paul had begun.

Priscilla must have been a spiritually mature woman, whose gifts equipped her for leaders.h.i.+p. Her name actually precedes Aquila's four out of the six times they are mentioned in the New Testament, probably signifying her greater abilities as a leader or the fact that her family may have hailed from a higher social strata than his. Whatever the case, Priscilla's role in instructing Apollos and leading the early church is remarkable.

Along with Aquila, she was the best friend Paul could have had, helping him establish the church and risking her life for his sake. Paul mentions the couple's courage in one of his letters but doesn't elaborate on the circ.u.mstances.

Rather than withering in the soil of controversy, Priscilla's faith seemed to flourish. She helped establish the early church in an atmosphere of great hostility, risking her own life for the sake of the gospel she loved.



Although tents themselves are often mentioned in the Bible, the skill of tentmaking is only mentioned once, here in Acts 18. Paul stayed with Aquila and Priscilla and worked with them in their tentmaking trade.

By New Testament times the Israelites had settled in towns and cities. They no longer lived a nomadic lifestyle, moving their tents from place to place. However, traders and travelers still used these tents, and some Near Eastern desert peoples still lived in them. Indeed, some desert peoples still live in tents today.

Tents of the time were made of strong cloth woven of goat hair. Lengths of the cloth were sewn together to form tents that were sometimes round and sloping, sometimes oblong. Poles held the tent up, along with ropes that were stretched to stakes, which were driven into the ground to hold the poles and the cloth firmly in place. Mats of papyrus or more goat hair formed side curtains and interior walls to divide the inhabitants from each other or from their animals.

Paul was originally from Tarsus, a major city of Cilicia, a province known for its production of superior cloth made of goat hair. Jewish parents took seriously the responsibility of teaching their sons a trade, and Paul's parents were no exception. Paul learned his trade and used it at times to support himself during his years of ministry.

As a tentmaker, Paul's skill may have been used in making things other than tents themselves. In the settled culture of his day, the market for tents was small. He may have instead produced leather products or clothing.

We usually think of Paul in terms of his great missionary adventures. Seldom do we think of him in terms of a trade that involved working not with his quick and able mind so much as with his hands. More than anything, Paul's work reveals to us the sacred nature of all work, whether esteemed or not by our culture. All work is valuable and worthwhile in G.o.d's sight, and all work is worth doing "with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters. . . . It is the Lord Christ you are serving" (Colossians 3:23-24).


Read Acts 18:1 - 28.

1. What does verse 2 tell you about what it was like to be a Jewish woman in the Roman Empire?

2. Make a list of everything this chapter says Priscilla did to advance the gospel.

3. What impression do you get of Priscilla as a person?

Read Romans 16:3 - 5.

4. What else do you learn here about Priscilla's service?

5. What role do you think G.o.d wants you to play in advancing the gospel?


Scripture doesn't tell us exactly what role Priscilla played in the circ.u.mstances described in the New Testament. Was she active as a teacher? Or did she work in the background? But the very fact that her name appears along with her husband's every time does tell us something: She was a valued disciple, one who made a difference in Paul's life and in her world.

Whatever your role as a woman in your church, whether in the background or in a leaders.h.i.+p position, you can be sure that what you are doing matters. Each task-no matter how small or large-is important to the spread of the gospel. You are an integral part of your church community, and G.o.d promises to use you.

Promises in Scripture When Priscilla and Aquila heard him [Apollos], they invited him to their home and explained to him the way of G.o.d more adequately.

-Acts 18:26 Greet Tryphena and Tryphosa, those women who work hard in the Lord. Greet my dear friend Persis, another woman who has worked very hard in the Lord. Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, and his mother, who has been a mother to me, too.

-Romans 16:12 - 13 Help these women [Euodia and Syntyche] who have contended at my side in the cause of the gospel.

-Philippians 4:3 Friday HER LEGACY OF PRAYER.

Greet Priscilla and Aquila, my fellow workers in Christ Jesus. They risked their lives for me. Not only I but all the churches of the Gentiles are grateful to them.

-Romans 16:3-4 Reflect On: Acts 18:18 - 28.

Praise G.o.d: For making both women and men central to his plan of salvation.

Offer Thanks: For women whose faith has nourished yours.

Confess: Any tendency to live out your own faith in a half hearted manner, limiting the way G.o.d wants to use you.

Ask G.o.d: To make you unafraid of the controversy generated by a faithful life.

Lift Your Heart It's a Wonderful Life is a movie that tells the heartwarming story of George Bailey's Christmas Eve visit with an angel, who cures his suicidal depression by showing him just how valuable his life has been. The truth is, most of us have affected others in far more positive ways than we might guess, especially if we belong to Christ. Though most of us won't encounter an angel who tells our life story from heaven's point of view, we can ask G.o.d for encouragement, remembering that any good we have done has been accomplished through his grace.

Here's a simple thing you can do to help you visualize the good effects of your faith. Consider that believers are like stones thrown into a pond-our lives are meant to have a rippling effect so others can feel the influence of our gifts and faith. This week, s.n.a.t.c.h a quiet moment on your knees or in your favorite chair and close your eyes. Imagine yourself as a stone in the hand of G.o.d. Watch him throw you out into the water. What kind of ripples do you see? Are they large or small? Perhaps your brother is a Christian because you shared your faith. Maybe a child has responded to G.o.d's forgiveness because she first experienced yours. Perhaps G.o.d has used you to bring justice to a situation of great injustice.

Thank G.o.d for all the ripples your life has already created, even if the circle of your influence still seems small. Unlike the ripples created by an ordinary stone, the ripple effect of faith need never stop as long as we live. Pray that G.o.d will make waves with your faith, even rocking a few boats along the way.

Father, I don't want to settle for the status quo, professing belief in you and then acting as though everything good in life comes from the world around me. Enable me to be like Priscilla, whose faith grew despite her surroundings. Let the ripple effect of my faith build up your church.


All the Women in the Bible Abigail 1..........1Sa 25; 2Sa 3:3 Abigail 2..............2Sa 17:25; 1Ch 2:16- 17 Abigail's Five Maids.......1Sa 25:42 Abihail 1................Nu 3:35 Abihail 2...............1Ch 2:29 Abihail 3..............2Ch 11:18 Abijah 1................1Ch 2:24 Abijah 2........2Ki 18:2; 2Ch 29:1 Abis.h.a.g.....1Ki 1:1 - 4, 15; 2:13 - 25 Abital...........2Sa 3:4; 1Ch 3:3 Acsah...............Jos 15:16 - 19. Jdg 1:12 - 15; 1Ch 2:49 Adah 1...............Ge 4:19 - 23 Adah 2.......Ge 36:2, 4, 10, 12, 16 Adulteress Pr2:16 - 19; 5:3 - 6, 8 - 10; 7 Ahinoam 1 .............1Sa 14:50 Ahinoam 2........1 Sa 25:43; 27:3, 30:5; 2Sa 2:2; 3:2; 1Ch 3:1 Ahlai...............1Ch 2:31, 34 Amaziah's Daughters .....Am 7:17 Amaziah's Wife..........Am 7:17 Anna................Lk 2:36 - 38 Apphia...................Phm 2 Arphaxad's Daughters.....Ge 11:13 Artaxerxes' Queen..........Ne 2:6 Artemis.............Ac 19:24 - 41 Asenath.......Ge 41:45 - 50; 46:20 Atarah.................1Ch 2:26 Athaliah____2Ki 8:26; 11; 2Ch 22:2, 10 - 11; 23:12 - 15; 24:7 Azubah 1............1Ch 2:18 - 19 Azubah 2.....1Ki 22:42; 2Ch 20:31 Baara...................1Ch 8:8 Barren Woman...........Ps 113:9 Barzillai's Daughter . . . . Ne 7:63 - 64 Basemath 1......Ge 26:34; 36:3, 4, 10, 13, 17 Basemath 2.............1Ki4:15 Bathsheba........2Sa11:1- 12:25; 1Ki 1:1 - 2:25; 1Ch 3:5 Belteshazzar's Queen . . . .Da 5:10 - 12 Bernice.....Ac 25:13 - 14, 23; 26:30 Bilhah.....Ge 29:29; 30:3 - 7; 37:2; 46:25; 1Ch 7:13 Bithiah................1Ch 4:18 A Bride................Joel 2:16 Bride of Christ........Rev 19:7 - 8; 21:2, 9; 22:17 Cain's Wife..............Ge 4:17 Candace.................Ac 8:27 Chloe.................1Co 1:11 Chosen Lady............2Jn 1 - 13 Claudia................2Ti 4:21 Compa.s.sionate Women.....La 4:10 Complacent Women . . . .Isa 32:9 - 20 Cozbi..............Nu 25:6- 18 Crippled Woman......Lk 13:11 - 13 Damaris................Ac 17:34 Dancing and Singing Women......1Sa 18:6 - 9 Daughter................Mic 7:6 Daughter of a Foreign G.o.d Mal 2:11 Daughter of Herodias (Salome 1)Mt 14:6 - 11; Mk 6:22 - 28 Daughter of Makir........2Ch 2:21 Daughter of the King of the South.......Da 11:6 - 7, 17 Daughter of the Philistines............Eze 16:57 Daughter of Tyre......Ps 45:12 - 15 Daughter-in-Law..........Mic 7:6 Daughters of Edom......Eze 16:57 Daughters of Jerusalem. . Lk 23:28 - 30 Daughters of Kings........Ps 45:9 Daughters of Men.......Ge 6:1 - 4 Daughters of Philip......Ac 21:8 - 9 Daughters Who Prophesy Eze 13:17 - 18 David's Ten Concubines . . 2Sa 15:16; 16:21 - 22; 20:3 Deacons' Wives.......1Ti 3:11 - 12 Deborah 1.........Ge 24:59; 35:8 Deborah 2...............Jdg 4-5 Deceitful Women........Ecc 7:26 Delilah.............Jdg 16:1 - 22 Dinah.........Ge 30:21; 34; 46:15 Dorcas (Tabitha).......Ac 9:36 - 43 Drusilla................Ac 24:24 Eber's Daughters.........Ge 11:17 Eglah............2Sa 3:5; 1Ch 3:3 Elisha's Mother.........1Ki 19:20 Elisheba.................Ex 6:23 Elizabeth..............Lk1:5 - 80 Elkanah's Daughters. . . . 1Sa 1:4; 2:21 Enoch's Daughters......Ge 5:21 - 24 Enosh's Daughters.......Ge 5:9 - 11 Ephah.................1Ch 2:46 Ephrath (Ephrathah)......1Ch 2:19, 50;4:4 Esther..................Est 2 - 9 Euodia..................Php 4:2 Eve........Ge 2:1 - 4:2; 2Co 11:3; 1Ti 2:13 - 14 Ezekiel's Wife.......Eze 24:15 - 27 F oreign Women...........Ezr 9:2; 10:2 - 3, 18 - 19, 44 Four Hundred Virgins.......Jdg 21 Free Woman.........Gal 4:30 - 31 Gideon's (Jerub-Baal) Wives.............Jdg 8:29 - 31 Girls 1..................Joel 3:3 Girls 2..................Zec 8:5 Girls Drawing Water . . . 1Sa 9:11 - 13 Gomer.................Hos 1; 3 Hadad's Wife........1Ki 11:19-20 Hagar...........Ge 16; 21:9 - 21; 25:12; Gal 4:21 - 31 Haggith.......2Sa 3:4; 1Ki 1:5, 11; 2:13; 1Ch 3:2 Hammoleketh...........1Ch 7:18 Hamutal.........2Ki 23:31; 24:18; Jer 52:1 Hannah.................1Sa 1 - 2 Harlot...................Na 3:4 Hazzelelponi.............1Ch 4:3 Helah................1Ch 4:5, 7 Heman's Daughters.....1Ch 25:5 - 6 Hephzibah........2Ki 21:1; Isa 62:4 Herodias . .Mt 14:3 - 11; Mk 6:17 - 28; Lk 3:19 Hodesh.................1Ch 8:9 Hodiah's Wife...........1Ch 4:19 Hoglah........Nu 26:33; 27:1 - 11; 36:10 - 12; Jos 17:3 Holy Women.............1Pe 3:5 Huldah 2Ki 22:14-20; 2Ch 34:22 - 28 Huram's Mother......1Ki 7:13 - 14; 2Ch 2:13 - 14 Hus.h.i.+m..............1Ch 8:8, 11 Ibzan's Thirty Daughters . Jdg 12:8-9 Ichabod's Mother......1Sa 4:19 - 22 Isaiah's Wife............Isa 8:3-4 Iscah..................Ge 11:29 Israel as a Wife.........Hos 2:2 - 23 Jabez's Mother............1Ch 4:9 Jael.......Jdg 4:17-22; 5:6, 24-27 Jairus's Daughter......Mt 9:18 - 19, 23 - 25; Mk 5:21 - 24, 35 - 43; Lk 8:41- 42, 49 - 56 Jared's Daughters ......Ge 5:18 - 20 Jecoliah........2Ki 15:2; 2Ch 26:3 Jedidah................2Ki22:1 Jehoaddin......2Ki 14:2; 2Ch 25:1 Jehosheba......2Ki 11:2; 2Ch 22:11 Jemimah...............Job 42:14 Jephthah's Daughter. . . .Jdg 11:30 - 39 Jephthah's Mother.......Jdg 11:1 - 2 Jeremiah's Mother........Jer 15:10 Jerioth.................1Ch 2:18 Jeroboam's Wife.......1Ki 14:1 - 17 Jerusha........2Ki 15:33; 2Ch 27:1 Jesus' Sisters. . . Mt 13:55 - 56; Mk 6:3 Jewish Widows..........Ac 6:1 - 4 Jezebel 1......1Ki 16:31; 18:4 - 19; 19:1 - 2; 21:5 - 25; 2Ki 9:7 - 10, 22, 30 - 37 Jezebel 2...........Rev 2:20 - 23 Joanna____Lk 8:1 - 3; 23:55; 24:1 - 11 Joash's Nurse.........2Ki 11:2 - 3; 2Ch 22:11 Job's Daughters Job 1:2 - 5, 13, 18 - 19; 42:13 - 16 Job's Wife............Job 2:9 - 10 Jochebed.............Ex 2:1 - 10; 6:20; Nu 26:59; Heb 11:23 Judith.................Ge 26:34 Julia...................Ro 16:15 Kenan's Daughters......Ge 5:12 - 14 Keren-Happuch..........Job 42:14 Keturah... Ge 25:1 - 6; 1Ch 1:32 - 33 Keziah.................Job 42:14 Lamech's Daughters.....Ge 5:28 - 31 Leah . . . Ge 29:15 - 35; 30; 31; 32:22; 33:1 - 7; 34:1; 35:23, 26; I 49:31; Ru 4:11 Lemuel's Mother...........Pr 31:1 Levite's Concubine . . . . Jdg 19:1 - 10, 20 - 30 Lois....................2Ti 1:5 Lo-Ruhamah...........Hos 1:6, 8 Lot's Daughters . Ge 19:12 - 17, 30 - 38 Lot's Wife..........Ge 19:15 - 26; Lk 17:32 - 33 Lydia ...........Ac 16:12 - 15, 40 Maacah 1.........2Sa 3:4; 1Ch 3:2 Maacah 2. . . 1Ki 15:1 - 2, 10, 13; 2Ch 11:20 - 22; 15:16 Maacah 3...............1Ch 2:48 Maacah 4............1Ch 7:15 - 16 Maacah 5..........1Ch 8:29; 9:35 Maacah 6......2Ch 11:20 - 21; 13:2 Mahalalel's Daughters . . .Ge 5:15 - 17 Mahalath................Ge 28:9 Mahalath...........2Ch 11:18 - 19 Mahlah 1.......Nu 26:33; 27:1 - 11; 36:10 - 12; Jos 17:3 Mahlah 2...............1Ch 7:18 Maid and Mistress........Ps 123:2 Maidens 1.........SS 1:3; 2:2; 6:9 Maidens 2.........La 1:4, 18; 2:21 Mara...............Ru 1:20 - 21 Martha............Lk 10:38 - 42; Jn 11:1 - 44; 12:1 - 3 Mary Magdalene ........Mt 27:56, 61; 28:1 - 10; Mk 15:40 - 41, 47; 16:1 - 19; Lk 8:2; 24:1 - 11; I Jn 19:25; 20:1- 18 Mary of Bethany.....Lk 10:38 - 42; Jn 11:1- 45; 12:1 - 3 Mary...................Ro 16:6 Mary, Mother of James and Joses ............. Mt 27:56, 61; 28:1- 10; Mk 15:40 - 41, 47; 16:1; Lk 24:1 - 11; Jn 19:25 Mary, Mother of Jesus.....Mt 1:16, 18 - 25; 2:10 - 23; 12:46 - 50; Mk 3:31 - 35; Lk 1:26 - 56; 2; 8:19 - 21; Jn 2:1 - 5; 19:25 - 27; Ac 1:14 Mary, Mother of John Mark..............Ac 12:12 - 19 Matred.........Ge 36:39; 1Ch 1:50 Mehetabel......Ge 36:39; 1Ch 1:50 Mephibosheth's Nurse......2Sa 4:4 Merab........1Sa 14:49; 18:17, 19; 2Sa 21:8 Meshullemeth...........2Ki 21:19 Methuselah's Daughters . .Ge 5:25 - 27 Micah's Mother.........Jdg 17:1 - 4 Michal........1Sa 14:49; 18:20 - 28; 19:11 - 17; 25:44 2Sa 3:13 - 14; 6:16 - 23; 1Ch 15:29 Midianite Women.........Nu 31:9 Milcah 1......Ge 11:29; 22:20, 23; 24:15, 24 Milcah 2.......Nu 26:33; 27:1 - 11; 36:10 - 12; Jos 17:3 Miriam 1 ..Ex 2:3 - 7; 15:20 - 21; Nu 12:1- 15; Nu 20:1; 26:59; Dt 24:9; 1Ch 6:3; Mic 6:4 Miriam 2...............1Ch 4:17 Moses' Cus.h.i.+te Wife.......Nu 12:1 Mother of the Zebedees (Salome 2)____Mt 20:20 - 24; 27:56; Mk 15:40 - 41; 16:1 - 8 Mother 1................Mic 7:6 Mother 2.........Eph 5:31; 6:1 - 3 Mother 3................1Th 2:7 Mother-in-Law...........Mic 7:6 Mothers.................La 2:12 Mothers Who Ate Her Sons...........2Ki 6:26 - 30 Naamah 1...............Ge 4:22 Naamah 2 . .1Ki 14:21, 31; 2Ch 12:13 Naaman's Wife.........2Ki 5:2 - 3 Naarah..............1Ch 4:5 - 6 Nahor's Daughters........Ge 11:25 Naomi..................Ru 1 - 4 Nehushta........2Ki 24:8; Jer 29:2 Nereus's Sister...........Ro 16:15 Noadiah................Ne 6:14 Noah..........Nu 26:33; 27:1 - 11; 36:10 - 12; Jos 17:3 Noah's Wife/Noahs' Son's Wives. .Ge 6:18; 7:1, 7, 13, 23; 8:16, 18; 9:10 Nympha...............Col 4:15 Oholah..................Eze 23 Oholibah.................Eze 23 Oholibamah.........Ge 36:2 - 25 Old Women..............Zec 8:4 Older and Younger Women . . 1Ti 5:2; 2 t.i.t 2:3 - 5 One Wife................t.i.t 1:6 Oppressive Women........Am 4:1 Orpah...............Ru 1:4 - 14 Paul's Sister.............Ac 23:16 Peleg's Daughters.........Ge 11:19 Peninnah..............1Sa 1:2 - 7 Persis..................Ro 16:12 Persistent Widow........Lk 18:1 - 8 Peter's Mother-in-Law. . Mt 8:14 - 15; Mk 1:29 - 31; Lk 4:38 - 39 Pharaoh's Daughter . . .Ex 2:5 - 10; Ac 7:21; Heb 11:24 Philistine Daughters. . . .2Sa 1:20; Eze 16:27, 57 Phoebe..............Ro 16:1 - 2 Pilate's Wife.............Mt 27:19 Potiphar's Wife............Ge 39 Praying and Prophesying Women............1Co11:5 - 15 A Pregnant Woman........1Th 5:3 Priests' Daughters........Lev 21:9 Priscilla........Ac 18:2, 18 - 19, 26; Ro 16:3; 1Co 16:19; 2Ti 4:19 The Prost.i.tute........Rev 17:1 - 18 Puah................Ex 1:15 - 21 Putiel's Daughters.........Ex 6:25 Queen Mother............Jer 29:2 Queen of Sheba.. 1Ki 10: 1 - 13; 2Ch 9:1 - 12; Mt 12:42 Rachel____Ge 29 - 31; 32:22; 33:1 - 2, 7; 35:16 - 26; 46:19, 22, 25; 48:7; Ru 4:11; 1Sa 10:2; Jer 31:15; Mt 2:18 Rahab........Jos 2:1 - 21; 6:17 - 25; Mt 1:5; Heb 11:31; Jas 2:25 Rebekah...........Ge 22:23; 24; 25:20 - 28; 26:7 - 11, 35; 27; 28:5 - 7; 29:12; 35:8; 49:31; Ro 9:10 - 13 Reu's Daughters..........Ge 11:21 Reuel's Daughters......Ex 2:16 - 22 Rhoda..............Ac 12:12 - 19 Rizpah..........2Sa 3:7; 21:8 - 12 Royal Bride...........Ps 45:9 - 11 Rufus's Mother..........Ro 16:13 Ruth............Ru 1 - 4; Mt 1:5 Samson's Mother .... .Jdg 13; 14:2 - 6 Samson's Wife.......Jdg 14:1 - 15:6 Sapphira..............Ac 5:1 - 11 Sarah (Sarai)........Ge 11:29 - 31 12:5 - 13:1; 16:1 - 9; 17:15 - 21 18:1 - 15; 20:2 - 18; 21:1 - 12 23:1 - 19; 24:36, 67; 25:10, 12 49:31; Isa 51:2; Ro 4:19; 9:9; Gal 4:21 - 31; Heb 11:11; 1Pe 3:6 Serah Ge 46:17; Nu 26:46; 1Ch 7:30 Serug's Daughters........Ge 11:23 Servant Girl of Naaman's Wife................2Ki 5:2-4 Servant Girls at Peter's Denial............Mt 26:69 - 71; Mk 14:66 - 69; Lk 22:56 - 59; Jn 18:16 - 17 Servant Woman of En Rogel 2Sa 17:17 Seth's Daughters........Ge 5:6 - 8 Shallum's Daughters........Ne 3:12 Shaul's Mother. . . . Ge 46:10; Ex 6:15 She Who Is in Babylon .... 1Pe 5:13 Sheerah................1Ch 7:24 Shelah's Daughters........Ge 11:15 Shelomith 1.........Lev 24:10 - 12 Shelomith 2.............1Ch 3:19 Shem's Daughters.........Ge 11:11 Sheshan's Daughters. . . .1Ch 2:34 - 35 s.h.i.+meath.....2Ki 12:21; 2Ch 24:26 s.h.i.+mei's Daughters.......1Ch 4:27 s.h.i.+mrith..............2Ch 24:26 s.h.i.+phrah.............Ex 1:15 - 21 Shomer...............2Ki 12:21 Shulammite Woman.......SS 1 - 8 Sinful Woman.........Lk 7:36 - 50 Sisera's Mother........Jdg 5:28 - 31 Skilled Women.......Ex 35:22 - 29 Slave Girl............Ac 16:16 - 24 Slave Woman.........Gal 4:30 - 31 Solomon's Wives and Concubines.........1 Ki 11:1 - 13 Spirit-Filled Women......Joel 2:29 Susanna................Lk 8:2 - 3 Syntyche................Php 4:2 Syrophoenician Woman Mt 15:21 - 28; Mk 7:24- 30 Tahpenes...........1Ki 11:19 - 20 Tamar 1. . Ge 38:6 - 30; Ru 4:12; 1Ch 2:4; Mt 1:3 Tamar 2, Daughter of David . 2Sa 13; 1Ch 3:9 Tamar 3................2Sa 14:27 Taphath................1Ki 4:11 Ten Virgins...........Mt 25:1 - 12 The Wife of Their Youth Mal 2:14 - 15 Timna......Ge 36:12, 22; 1Ch 1:39 Timothy's Mother (Eunice) . .Ac 16:1; 2Ti 1:5 Tirzah.........Nu 26:33; 27:1 - 11; 36:10 - 12; Jos 17:3 Tryphena...............Ro 16:12 Tryphosa...............Ro 16:12 Two Prost.i.tute Mothers. 1Ki 3:16 - 28 Two Women with Wings. . Zec 5: - 11 Unbelieving Wife.....1Co 7:10 - 16 Vashti...............Est 1:1 - 2:1 Virgin 1.................Isa 7:14 Virgin 2.................Joel 1:8 Virgin Companions.... Ps 45:14 - 15 Weak-Willed Women......2Ti 3:6 Widow of Nain........Lk 7:11 - 15 Widow of Zarephath . . .1Ki 17:8 - 24; I Lk 4:25 - 26 Widow with Jars of Oil . . . 2Ki 4:1 - 7 Widow with Two Mites........Mk 12:41- 44; Lk21:1 - 4 Widows..............1Ti 5:3 - 10 Wife of n.o.ble Character .Pr 31:10 - 31 Wife Sold for Debt........Mt 18:25 Wise Woman of Abel Beth Maacah...........2Sa 20:15 - 22 Witch of Endor............1Sa 28 Wives Who Burned Incense......Jer 44:7 - 10, 15 - 30 Wives 1.............Eph 5:25 - 33 Wives 2.............Col 3:18 - 19 Wives 3...............1Pe 3:1 - 7 Woman and Her Dough. . . Mt 13:33; I Lk 13:21 Woman at the Well......Jn 4:1 - 42 Woman Caught in Adultery Jn 8:1 - 11 Woman Clothed with the Sun . . .Rev 12:1 - 17 Woman Giving Birth.......Jn 16:21 Woman in a Basket......Zec 5:7 - 8 Woman in the Crowd . . Lk 11:27 - 28 Woman of Bahurim. . . .2Sa 17:18 - 20 Woman of Shunem .... 2Ki 4:8 - 37; 8:1 - 6 Woman of Tekoa......2Sa 14:1 - 20 Woman of Thebez . .Jdg 9:50 - 54; 2Sa 11:21 Woman Who Lost the Silver Coin...............Lk 15:8 - 10 Woman with a Jar of Perfume...........Mt26:6 - 13; Mk 14:3-9; Jn 12:1 - 8 Woman with Seven Husbands . . . .Mt 22:25 - 32; Lk 20:27 - 38 Woman with the Issue of Blood . . .Mt 9:20-22; Mk 5:25 - 34; Lk 8:43 - 48 Women and Virgins........La 5:11 Women at Calvary........Mt 27:55 Women at the Mill.......Mt 24:41 Women at the Tent of Meeting . . . Ex 38:8; 1Sa 2:22 - 25 Women in the Church. . . 1Ti 2:9 - 15 Women of Antioch.......Ac 13:50 Women of Bethlehem . . .Ru 4:14 - 17 Women of Mixed Marriages.....Ne 13:23 - 29 Women of My People......Mic 2:9 Women of Zion.......Isa 3:16 - 4:6 Women Singers...........Ecc 2:8 Women Who Are Believers . .1Ti 5:16 Women Who Mourned Tammuz..............Eze 8:14 Young Widows.......1Ti 5:11 - 15 Young Women of Jerusalem. . La 2:10 Young Women 1.........Am 8:13 Young Women 2.........Zec 9:17 Zebidah...............2Ki 23:36 Zedekiah's Daughters......Jer 41:10 Zeresh...........Est 5:10, 14; 6:13 Zeruah............... 1Ki 11:26 Zeruiah........2Sa 17:25; 1Ch 2:16 Zibiah.........2Ki 12:1; 2Ch 24:1 Zillah...............Ge 4:19 - 23 Zilpah . . . Ge 29:24; 30:9 - 10; 35:26; 37:2; 46:18 Zipporah . . . . Ex 2:21 - 22; 4:25 - 26; 18:1 - 6 428 TIMELINE OF WOMEN OF THE BIBLE.

Timeline of Women of the Bible Women in Jesus' Family Tree Abraham (Sarah) Isaac (Rebekah) Jacob (Leah) Judah (Tamar) Perez (unknown) Hezron (unknown) Ram (unknown) Amminadab (unknown) Nahshon (unknown) Salmon (Rahab) Boaz (Ruth) Obed (unknown) Jesse (unknown) David (Bathsheba) Solomon (Naamah) Rehoboam (Maacah) Abijah (unknown) Asa (Azubah) Jehoshaphat (unknown) Jehoram (Athaliah) Uzziah (Jerusha) Jotham (unknown) Ahaz (Abijah) Hezekiah (Hephzibah) Mana.s.seh (unknown) Amon (Jedidah) Josiah (Zebidah) Jehoiachin (unknown) Shealtiel (unknown) Zerubbabel (unknown) Abiud (unknown) Eliakim (unknown) Azor (unknown) Zadok (unknown) Akim (unknown) Eliud (unknown) Eleazar (unknown) Matthan (unknown) Jacob (unknown) Joseph (Mary) JESUS.

Women in Jesus' Life and Ministry Jesus Meets ...

What Happens Scripture Mary, his mother She loves him as her son and Savior.

Mt 1-2; 12:46-50 Mk 3:31-35 Lk 1-2; 8:19-21 Jn 2:1-11; 19:25 Ac 1:14 Elizabeth She gives birth to Jesus' forerunner.

Lk 1:5-80 Anna She praises G.o.d for the baby Jesus.

Lk 2:36-38 Woman at the well She believes Jesus is the Messiah.

Jn 4:1-42 Peter's mother-in-law Jesus heals her.

Mt 8:14-15 Mk 1:29-31 Lk 4:38-39 Widow of Nain Jesus raises her son from the dead.

Lk 7:11-17 Sinful woman at Simon's house She washes Jesus' feet with her tears.

Lk 7:36-50 Joanna She supports Jesus financially.

Lk 8:1-3; 23:55; 24:10 Susanna She helps Jesus in his ministry.

Lk 8:1-3 Woman with the issue of blood She is healed when she touches Jesus.

Mt 9:20-22 Mk 5:25-34 Lk 8:43-48 Jairus's daughter Jesus raises her from death.

Mt 9:18-26 Mk 5:21-43 Lk 8:41-56 Syrophoenician woman Jesus responds to her plea.

Mt 15:21-28 Mk 7:24-30 Woman caught in adultery Jesus saves her and tells her to sin no more.

Jn 8:1-11 Mary of Bethany She sits at Jesus' feet.

Lk 10:38-42 Jn 11; 12:1-8 Martha Jesus sets her priorities straight.

Lk 10:38-42 Jn 11; 12:1-2 A woman in the crowd She calls out a blessing on Jesus' mother.

Lk 11:27-28 Crippled woman Jesus heals her.

Lk 13:10-13 Mother of James and John She asks Jesus a favor, and he admonishes her.

Mt 20:20-28; 27:56 Mk 15:40-41; 16:1-2 Widow with two coins She models a lesson on giving for the disciples.

Mk 12:41-44 Lk 21:1-4 Daughters of Jerusalem They weep as Jesus walks to his death.

Lk 23:27-31 Women at Calvary They mourn as Jesus dies.

Mt 27:55 Mary, the mother of James and Joses She helps take care of Jesus.

Mt 27:56, 61; 28:1 Mk 15:40-41,47; 16:1 Lk 24:10; Jn 19:25 Mary Magdalene She faithfully follows Jesus.

Mt 27:56, 61; 28:1 Mk 15:40-47; 16:1-11 Lk 8:1-10;24:10 Jn 19:25;20:1-18

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