Experimental Researches in Electricity Part 26
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--14. _On the Electricity of the Voltaic Pile; its source, quant.i.ty, intensity, and general characters._ -- i. _On simple Voltaic Circles._ -- ii.
_On the intensity necessary for Electrolyzation._ -- iii. _On a.s.sociated Voltaic Circles, or the Voltaic Battery._ -- iv. _On the resistance of an Electrolyte to Electrolytic action._ -- v. _General remarks on the active Voltaic Battery._
Received April 7,--Read June 5, 1831.
-- i. _On simple Voltaic Circles._
875. The great question of the source of electricity, in the voltaic pile has engaged the attention of so many eminent philosophers, that a man of liberal mind and able to appreciate their powers would probably conclude, although he might not have studied the question, that the truth was somewhere revealed. But if in pursuance of this impression he were induced to enter upon the work of collating results and conclusions, he would find such contradictory evidence, such equilibrium of opinion, such variation and combination of theory, as would leave him in complete doubt respecting what he should accept as the true interpretation of nature: he would be forced to take upon himself the labour of repeating and examining the facts, and then use his own judgement on them in preference to that of others.
876. This state of the subject must, to those who have made up their minds on the matter, be my apology for entering upon its investigation. The views I have taken of the definite action of electricity in decomposing bodies (783.), and the ident.i.ty of the power so used with the power to be overcome (855.), founded not on a mere opinion or general notion, but on facts which, being altogether new, were to my mind precise and conclusive, gave me, as I conceived, the power of examining the question with advantages not before possessed by any, and which might compensate, on my part, for the superior clearness and extent of intellect on theirs. Such are the considerations which have induced me to suppose I might help in deciding the question, and be able to render a.s.sistance in that great service of removing _doubtful knowledge_. Such knowledge is the early morning light of every advancing science, and is essential to its development; but the man who is engaged in dispelling that which is deceptive in it, and revealing more clearly that which is true, is as useful in his place, and as necessary to the general progress of the science, as he who first broke through the intellectual darkness, and opened a path into knowledge before unknown to man.
877. The ident.i.ty of the force const.i.tuting the voltaic current or electrolytic agent, with that which holds the elements of electrolytes together (855.), or in other words with chemical affinity, seemed to indicate that the electricity of the pile itself was merely a mode of exertion, or exhibition, or existence of _true chemical action_, or rather of its cause; and I have consequently already said that I agree with those who believe that the _supply_ of electricity is due to chemical powers (857.).
878. But the great question of whether it is originally due to metallic contact or to chemical action, i.e. whether it is the first or the second which _originates_ and determines the current, was to me still doubtful; and the beautiful and simple experiment with amalgamated zinc and platina, which I have described minutely as to its results (863, &c.), did not decide the point; for in that experiment the chemical action does not take place without the contact of the metals, and the metallic contact is inefficient without the chemical action. Hence either might be looked upon as the _determining_ cause of the current.
879. I thought it essential to decide this question by the simplest possible forms of apparatus and experiment, that no fallacy might be inadvertently admitted. The well-known difficulty of effecting decomposition by a single pair of plates, except in the fluid exciting them into action (863.), seemed to throw insurmountable obstruction in the way of such experiments; but I remembered the easy decomposability of the solution of iodide of pota.s.sium (316.), and seeing no theoretical reason, if metallic contact was not _essential_, why true electro-decomposition should not be obtained without it, even in a single circuit, I persevered and succeeded.
880. A plate of zinc, about eight inches long and half an inch wide, was cleaned and bent in the middle to a right angle, fig. 73 _a_, Plate VI. A plate of platina, about three inches long and half an inch wide, was fastened to a platina wire, and the latter bent as in the figure, _b_.
These two pieces of metal were arranged together as delineated, but as yet without the vessel _c_, and its contents, which consisted of dilute sulphuric acid mingled with a little nitric acid. At _x_ a piece of folded bibulous paper, moistened in a solution of iodide of pota.s.sium, was placed on the zinc, and was pressed upon by the end of the platina wire. When under these circ.u.mstances the plates were dipped into the acid of the vessel _c_, there was an immediate effect at _x_, the iodide being decomposed, and iodine appearing at the _anode_ (663.), i.e. against the end of the platina wire.
881. As long as the lower ends of the plates remained in the acid the electric current continued, and the decomposition proceeded at _x_. On removing the end of the wire from place to place on the paper, the effect was evidently very powerful; and on placing a piece of turmeric paper between the white paper and zinc, both papers being moistened with the solution of iodide of pota.s.sium, alkali was evolved at the _cathode_ (663.) against the zinc, in proportion to the evolution of iodine at the _anode_.
Hence the decomposition was perfectly polar, and decidedly dependent upon a current of electricity pa.s.sing from the zinc through the acid to the platina in the vessel _c_, and back from the platina through the solution to the zinc at the paper _x_.
882. That the decomposition at _x_ was a true electrolytic action, due to a current determined by the state of things in the vessel _c_, and not dependent upon any mere direct chemical action of the zinc and platina on the iodide, or even upon any _current_ which the solution of iodide might by its action on those metals tend to form at _x_, was shown, in the first place, by removing the vessel _c_ and its acid from the plates, when all decomposition at _x_ ceased, and in the next by connecting the metals, either in or out of the acid, together, when decomposition of the iodide at _x_ occurred, but in a _reverse order_; for now alkali appeared against the end of the platina wire, and the iodine pa.s.sed to the zinc, the current being the contrary of what it was in the former instance, and produced directly by the difference of action of the solution in the paper on the two metals. The iodine of course _combined_ with the zinc.
883. When this experiment was made with pieces of zinc amalgamated over the whole surface (863.), the results were obtained with equal facility and in the same direction, even when only dilute sulphuric acid was contained in the vessel _c_ (fig. 73.). Whichsoever end of the zinc was immersed in the acid, still the effects were the same: so that if, for a moment, the mercury might be supposed to supply the metallic contact, the inversion of the amalgamated piece destroys that objection. The use of _unamalgamated zinc_ (880.) removes all possibility of doubt[A].
[A] The following is a more striking mode of making the above elementary experiment. Prepare a plate of zinc, ten or twelve inches long and two inches wide, and clean it thoroughly: provide also two discs of clean platina, about one inch and a half in diameter:--dip three or four folds of bibulous paper into a strong solution of iodide of pota.s.sium, place them on the clean zinc at one end of the plate, and put on them one of the platina discs: finally dip similar folds of paper or a piece of linen cloth into a mixture of equal parts nitric acid and water, and place it at the other end of the zinc plate with the second platina disc upon it. In this state of things no change at the solution of the iodide will be perceptible; but if the two discs be connected by a platina (or any other) wire for a second or two, and then that over the iodide be raised, it will be found that the _whole_ of the surface beneath is deeply stained with _evolved iodine_.--_Dec.
884 When, in pursuance of other views (930.), the vessel _c_ was made to contain a solution of caustic potash in place of acid, still the same results occurred. Decomposition of the iodide was effected freely, though there was no metallic contact of dissimilar metals, and the current of electricity was in the _same direction_ as when acid was used at the place of excitement.
885. Even a solution of common salt in the gla.s.s _c_ could produce all these effects.
886. Having made a galvanometer with platina wires, and introduced it into the course of the current between the platina plate and the place of decomposition _x_, it was affected, giving indications of currents in the same direction as those shown to exist by the chemical action.
887. If we consider these results generally, they lead to very important conclusions. In the first place, they prove, in the most decisive manner, that _metallic contact is not necessary for the production of the voltaic current._ In the next place, they show a most extraordinary mutual relation of the chemical affinities of the fluid which _excites_ the current, and the fluid which is _decomposed_ by it.
888. For the purpose of simplifying the consideration, let us take the experiment with amalgamated zinc. The metal so prepared exhibits no effect until the current can pa.s.s: it at the same time introduces no new action, but merely removes an influence which is extraneous to those belonging either to the production or the effect of the electric current under investigation (1000.); an influence also which, when present, tends only to confuse the results.
889. Let two plates, one of amalgamated zinc and the other of platina, be placed parallel to each other (fig. 74.), and introduce a drop of dilute sulphuric acid, _y_, between them at one end: there will be no sensible chemical action at that spot unless the two plates are connected somewhere else, as at PZ, by a body capable of conducting electricity. If that body be a metal or certain forms of carbon, then the current pa.s.ses, and, as it circulates through the fluid at _y_, decomposition ensues.
890. Then remove the acid from _y_, and introduce a drop of the solution of iodide of pota.s.sium at _x_ (fig. 75.). Exactly the same set of effects occur, except that when the metallic communication is made at PZ, the electric current is in the opposite direction to what it was before, as is indicated by the arrows, which show the courses of the currents (667.).
891. Now _both_ the solutions used are conductors, but the conduction in them is essentially connected with decomposition (858.) in a certain constant order, and therefore the appearance of the elements in certain places _shows_ in what direction a current has pa.s.sed when the solutions are thus employed. Moreover, we find that when they are used at opposite ends of the plates, as in the last two experiments (889. 890.), metallic contact being allowed at the other extremities, the currents are in opposite directions. We have evidently, therefore, the power of opposing the actions of the two fluids simultaneously to each other at the opposite ends of the plates, using each one as a conductor for the discharge of the current of electricity, which the other tends to generate; in fact, subst.i.tuting them for metallic contact, and combining both experiments into one (fig. 76.). Under these circ.u.mstances, there is an opposition of forces: the fluid, which brings into play the stronger set of chemical affinities for the zinc, (being the dilute acid,) overcomes the force of the other, and determines the formation and direction of the electric current; not merely making that current pa.s.s through the weaker liquid, but actually reversing the tendency which the elements of the latter have in relation to the zinc and platina if not thus counteracted, and forcing them in the contrary direction to that they are inclined to follow, that its own current may have free course. If the dominant action at _y_ be removed by making metallic contact there, then the liquid at _x_ resumes its power; or if the metals be not brought into contact at _y_ but the affinities of the solution there weakened, whilst those active _x_ are strengthened, then the latter gains the ascendency, and the decompositions are produced in a contrary order.
892. Before drawing a _final_ conclusion from this mutual dependence and state of the chemical affinities of two distant portions of acting fluids (916.), I will proceed to examine more minutely the various circ.u.mstances under which the re-action of the body suffering decomposition is rendered evident upon the action of the body, also undergoing decomposition, which produces the voltaic current.
893. The use of _metallic contact_ in a single pair of plates, and the cause of its great superiority above contact made by other kinds of matter, become now very evident. When an amalgamated zinc plate is dipped into dilute sulphuric acid, the force of chemical affinity exerted between the metal and the fluid is not sufficiently powerful to cause sensible action at the surfaces of contact, and occasion the decomposition of water by the oxidation of the metal, although it _is_ sufficient to produce such a condition of the electricity (or the power upon which chemical affinity depends) as would produce a current if there were a path open for it (916.
956.); and that current would complete the conditions necessary, under the circ.u.mstances, for the decomposition of the water.
894. Now the presence of a piece of platina touching both the zinc and the fluid to be decomposed, opens the path required for the electricity. Its _direct communication_ with the zinc is effectual, far beyond any communication made between it and that metal, (i.e. between the platina and zinc,) by means of decomposable conducting bodies, or, in other words, _electrolytes_, as in the experiment already described (891.); because, when _they_ are used, the chemical affinities between them and the zinc produce a contrary and opposing action to that which is influential in the dilute sulphuric acid; or if that action be but small, still the affinity of their component parts for each other has to be overcome, for they cannot conduct without suffering decomposition; and this decomposition is found _experimentally_ to re-act back upon the forces which in the acid tend to produce the current (904. 910. &c.), and in numerous cases entirely to neutralize them. Where direct contact of the zinc and platina occurs, these obstructing forces are not brought into action, and therefore the production and the circulation of the electric current and the concomitant action of decomposition are then highly favoured.
895. It is evident, however, that one of these opposing actions may be dismissed, and yet an electrolyte be used for the purpose of completing the circuit between the zinc and platina immersed separately into the dilute acid; for if, in fig. 73, the platina wire be retained in metallic contact with the zinc plate _a_, at _x_, and a division of the platina be made elsewhere, as at _s_, then the solution of iodide placed there, being in contact with platina at both surfaces, exerts no chemical affinities for that metal; or if it does, they are equal on both sides. Its power, therefore, of forming a current in opposition to that dependent upon the action of the acid in the vessel _c_, is removed, and only its resistance to decomposition remains as the obstacle to be overcome by the affinities exerted in the dilute sulphuric acid.
896. This becomes the condition of a single pair of active plates where _metallic contact_ is allowed. In such cases, only one set of opposing affinities are to be overcome by those which are dominant in the vessel _c_; whereas, when metallic contact is not allowed, two sets of opposing affinities must be conquered (894.).
897. It has been considered a difficult, and by some an impossible thing, to decompose bodies by the current from a single pair of plates, even when it was so powerful as to heat bars of metal red-hot, as in the case of Hare's calorimeter, arranged as a single voltaic circuit, or of Wollaston's powerful single pair of metals. This difficulty has arisen altogether from the antagonism of the chemical affinity engaged in producing the current with the chemical affinity to be overcome, and depends entirely upon their relative intensity; for when the sum of forces in one has a certain degree of superiority over the sum of forces in the other, the former gain the ascendency, determine the current, and overcome the latter so as to make the substance exerting them yield up its elements in perfect accordance, both as to direction and quant.i.ty, with the course of those which are exerting the most intense and dominant action.
898. Water has generally been the substance, the decomposition of which has been sought for as a chemical test of the pa.s.sage of an electric current.
But I now began to perceive a reason for its failure, and for a fact which I had observed long before (315. 316.) with regard to the iodide of pota.s.sium, namely, that bodies would differ in facility of decomposition by a given electric current, according to the condition and intensity of their ordinary chemical affinities. This reason appeared in their _re-action upon the affinities_ tending to cause the current; and it appeared probable, that many substances might be found which could be decomposed by the current of a single pair of zinc and platina plates immersed in dilute sulphuric acid, although water resisted its action. I soon found this to be the case, and as the experiments offer new and beautiful proofs of the direct relation and opposition of the chemical affinities concerned in producing and in resisting the stream of electricity, I shall briefly describe them.
899. The arrangement of the apparatus was as in fig. 77. The vessel _v_ contained dilute sulphuric acid; Z and P are the zinc and platina plates; _a_, _b_, and _c_ are platina wires; the decompositions were effected at _x_, and occasionally, indeed generally, a galvanometer was introduced into the circuit at _g_: its place only is here given, the circle at _g_ having no reference to the size of the instrument. Various arrangements were made at _x_, according to the kind of decomposition to be effected. If a drop of liquid was to be acted upon, the two ends were merely dipped into it; if a solution contained in the pores of paper was to be decomposed, one of the extremities was connected with a platina plate supporting the paper, whilst the other extremity rested on the paper, _e_, fig. 81: or sometimes, as with sulphate of soda, a plate of platina sustained two portions of paper, one of the ends of the wires resting upon each piece, _c_, fig. 86. The darts represent the direction of the electric current (667.).
900. Solution of _iodide of pota.s.sium_, in moistened paper, being placed at the interruption of the circuit at _x_, was readily decomposed. Iodine was evolved at the _anode_, and alkali at the _cathode_, of the decomposing body.
901. _Protochloride of tin_, when fused and placed at _x_, was also readily decomposed, yielding perchloride of tin at the _anode_ (779.), and tin at the _cathode_.
902. Fused chloride of silver, placed at _x_, was also easily decomposed; chlorine was evolved at the _anode_, and brilliant metallic silver, either in films upon the surface of the liquid, or in crystals beneath, evolved at the _cathode_.
903. Water acidulated with sulphuric acid, solution of muriatic acid, solution of sulphate of soda, fused nitre, and the fused chloride and iodide of lead were not decomposed by this single pair of plates, excited only by dilute sulphuric acid.
904. These experiments give abundant proofs that a single pair of plates can electrolyze bodies and separate their elements. They also show in a beautiful manner the direct relation and opposition of the chemical affinities concerned at the two points of action. In those cases where the sum of the opposing affinities at _x_ was sufficiently beneath the sum of the acting affinities in _v_, decomposition took place; but in those cases where they rose higher, decomposition was effectually resisted and the current ceased to pa.s.s (891.).
905. It is however, evident, that the sum of acting affinities in _v_ may be increased by using other fluids than dilute sulphuric acid, in which latter case, as I believe, it is merely the affinity of the zinc for the oxygen already combined with hydrogen in the water that is exerted in producing the electric current (919.): and when the affinities are so increased, the view I am supporting leads to the conclusion, that bodies which resisted in the preceding experiments would then be decomposed, because of the increased difference between their affinities and the acting affinities thus exalted. This expectation was fully confirmed in the following manner.
906. A little nitric acid was added to the liquid in the vessel _r_, so as to make a mixture which I shall call diluted nitro-sulphuric acid. On repeating the experiments with this mixture, all the substances before decomposed again gave way, and much more readily. But, besides that, many which before resisted electrolyzation, now yielded up their elements. Thus, solution of sulphate of soda, acted upon in the interstices of litmus and turmeric paper, yielded acid at the _anode_ and alkali at the _cathode_; solution of muriatic acid tinged by indigo yielded chlorine at the _anode_ and hydrogen at the _cathode_; solution of nitrate of silver yielded silver at the _cathode_. Again, fused nitre and the fused iodide and chloride of lead were decomposable by the current of this single pair of plates, though they were not by the former (903.).
907. A solution of acetate of lead was apparently not decomposed by this pair, nor did water acidulated by sulphuric acid seem at first to give way (973.).
908. The increase of intensity or power of the current produced by a simple voltaic circle, with the increase of the force of the chemical action at the exciting place, is here sufficiently evident. But in order to place it in a clearer point of view, and to show that the decomposing effect was not at all dependent, in the latter cases, upon the mere capability of evolving _more_ electricity, experiments were made in which the quant.i.ty evolved could be increased without variation in the intensity of the exciting cause. Thus the experiments in which dilute sulphuric acid was used (899.), were repeated, using large plates of zinc and platina in the acid; but still those bodies which resisted decomposition before, resisted it also under these new circ.u.mstances. Then again, where nitro-sulphuric acid was used (906.), mere wires of platina and zinc were immersed in the exciting acid; yet, notwithstanding this change, those bodies were now decomposed which resisted any current tending to be formed by the dilute sulphuric acid. For instance, muriatic acid could not be decomposed by a single pair of plates when immersed in dilute sulphuric acid; nor did making the solution of sulphuric acid strong, nor enlarging the size of the zinc and platina plates immersed in it, increase the power; but if to a weak sulphuric acid a very little nitric acid was added, then the electricity evolved had power to decompose the muriatic acid, evolving chlorine at the _anode_ and hydrogen at the _cathode_, even when mere wires of metals were used. This mode of increasing the intensity of the electric current, as it excludes the effect dependent upon many pairs of plates, or even the effect of making any one acid stronger or weaker, is at once referable to the condition and force of the chemical affinities which are brought into action, and may, both in principle and practice, be considered as perfectly distinct from any other mode.
909. The direct reference which is thus experimentally made in the simple voltaic circle of the _intensity_ of the electric current to the _intensity_ of the chemical action going on at the place where the existence and direction of the current is determined, leads to the conclusion that by using selected bodies, as fused chlorides, salts, solutions of acids, &c., which may act upon the metals employed with different degrees of chemical force; and using also metals in a.s.sociation with platina, or with each other, which shall differ in the degree of chemical action exerted between them and the exciting fluid or electrolyte, we shall be able to obtain a series of comparatively constant effects due to electric currents of different intensities, which will serve to a.s.sist in the construction of a scale competent to supply the means of determining relative degrees of intensity with accuracy in future researches[A].
[A] In relation to this difference and its probable cause, see considerations on inductive polarization, 1354, &c.--_Dec. 1838._
910. I have already expressed the view which I take of the decomposition in the experimental place, as being the direct consequence of the superior exertion at some other spot of the same kind of power as that to be overcome, and therefore as the result of an antagonism of forces of the _same_ nature (891. 904.). Those at the place of decomposition have a re-action upon, and a power over, the exerting or determining set proportionate to what is needful to overcome their own power; and hence a curious result of _resistance_ offered by decompositions to the original determining force, and consequently to the current. This is well shown in the cases where such bodies as chloride of lead, iodide of lead, and water would not decompose with the current produced by a single pair of zinc and platina plates in sulphuric acid (903.), although they would with a current of higher intensity produced by stronger chemical powers. In such cases no sensible portion of the current pa.s.ses (967.); the action is stopped; and I am now of opinion that in the case of the law of conduction which I described in the Fourth Series of these Researches (413.), the bodies which are electrolytes in the fluid state cease to be such in the solid form, because the attractions of the particles by which they are retained in combination and in their relative position, are then too powerful for the electric current[A]. The particles retain their places; and as decomposition is prevented, the transmission of the electricity is prevented also; and although a battery of many plates may be used, yet if it be of that perfect kind which allows of no extraneous or indirect action (1000.), the whole of the affinities concerned in the activity of that battery are at the same time also suspended and counteracted.
[A] Refer onwards to 1705.--_Dec. 1838._
911. But referring to the _resistance_ of each single case of decomposition, it would appear that as these differ in force according to the affinities by which the elements in the substance tend to retain their places, they also would supply cases const.i.tuting a series of degrees by which to measure the initial intensities of simple voltaic or other currents of electricity, and which, combined with the scale of intensities determined by different degrees of _acting force_ (909.), would probably include a sufficient set of differences to meet almost every important case where a reference to intensity would be required.
912. According to the experiments I have already had occasion to make, I find that the following bodies are electrolytic in the order in which I have placed them, those which are first being decomposed by the current of lowest intensity. These currents were always from a single pair of plates, and may be considered as elementary _voltaic forces_.
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