Experimental Researches in Electricity Part 48

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1609. I employed a voltaic battery of 100 pair of four-inch plates for experiments of a similar nature with electrolytes. In these cases the sh.e.l.l-lac was cupped, and the wire _b_ 0.2 of an inch in diameter.

Sometimes I used a positive amalgamated zinc wire in contact with dilute sulphuric acid; at others, a negative copper wire in a solution of sulphate of copper; but, because of the evolution of gas, the precipitation of copper, &c., I was not able to obtain decided results. It is but right to mention, that when I made use of mercury, endeavouring to repeat DAVY's experiment, the battery of 100 pair was not sufficient to produce the elevations[A].

[A] In the experiments at the Royal Inst.i.tution, Sir H. Davy used, I think, 500 or 600 pairs of plates. Those at the London Inst.i.tution were made with the apparatus of Mr. Pepys (consisting of an enormous single pair of plates), described in the Philosophical Transactions for 1832, p. 187.

1610. The latter experiments (1609.) may therefore be considered as failing to give the hoped-for proof, but I have much confidence in the former (1605. 1608.), and in the considerations (1603.) connected with them. If I have rightly viewed them, and we may be allowed to compare the currents at points and surfaces in such extremely different bodies as air and the metals, and admit that they are effects of the _same_ kind, differing only in degree and in proportion to the insulating or conducting power of the dielectric used, what great additional argument we obtain in favour of that theory, which in the phenomena of insulation and conduction also, as in these, would link _the same_ apparently dissimilar substances together (1336. 1561.); and how completely the general view, which refers all the phenomena to the direct action of the molecules of matter, seems to embrace the various isolated phenomena as they successively come under consideration!

1611. The connection of this convective or carrying effect, which depends upon a certain degree of insulation, with conduction; i.e. the occurrence of both in so many of the substances referred to, as, for instance, the metals, water, air, &c., would lead to many very curious theoretical generalizations, which I must not indulge in here. One point, however, I shall venture to refer to. Conduction appears to be essentially an action of contiguous particles, and the considerations just stated, together with others formerly expressed (1326, 1336, &c.), lead to the conclusion, that all bodies conduct, and by the same process, air as well as metals; the only difference being in the necessary degree of force or tension between the particles which must exist before the act of conduction or transfer from one particle to another can take place.

1612. The question then arises, what is this limiting condition which separates, as it were, conduction and insulation from each other? Does it consist in a difference between the two contiguous particles, or the contiguous poles of these particles, in the nature and amount of positive and negative force, no communication or discharge occurring unless that difference rises up to a certain degree, variable for different bodies, but always the same for the same body? Or is it true that, however small the difference between two such particles, if _time_ be allowed, equalization of force will take place, even with the particles of such bodies as air, sulphur or lac? In the first case, insulating power in any particular body would be proportionate to the degree of the a.s.sumed necessary difference of force; in the second, to the _time_ required to equalize equal degrees of difference in different bodies. With regard to airs, one is almost led to expect a permanent difference of force; but in all other bodies, time seems to be quite sufficient to ensure, ultimately, complete conduction. The difference in the modes by which insulation may be sustained, or conduction effected, is not a mere fanciful point, but one of great importance, as being essentially connected with the molecular theory of induction, and the manner in which the particles of bodies a.s.sume and retain their polarized state.

-- xi. _Relation of a vacuum to electrical phenomena._

1613. It would seem strange, if a theory which refers all the phenomena of insulation and conduction, i.e. all electrical phenomena, to the action of contiguous particles, were to omit to notice the a.s.sumed possible case of a _vacuum_. Admitting that a vacuum can be produced, it would be a very curious matter indeed to know what its relation to electrical phenomena would be; and as sh.e.l.l-lac and metal are directly opposed to each other, whether a vacuum would be opposed to them both, and allow neither of induction or conduction across it. Mr. Morgan[A] has said that a vacuum does not conduct. Sir H. Davy concluded from his investigations, that as perfect a vacuum as could be made[B] did conduct, but does not consider the prepared s.p.a.ces which he used as absolute vacua. In such experiments I think I have observed the luminous discharge to be princ.i.p.ally on the inner surface of the gla.s.s; and it does not appear at all unlikely, that, if the vacuum refused to conduct, still the surface of gla.s.s next it might carry on that action.

[A] Philosophical Transactions, 1785, p. 272

[B] Ibid. 1822, p. 64.

1614. At one time, when I thought inductive force was exerted in right lines, I hoped to ill.u.s.trate this important question by making experiments on induction with metallic mirrors (used only as conducting vessels) exposed towards a very clear sky at night time, and of such concavity that nothing but the firmament could be visible from the lowest part of the concave _n_, fig. 143. Such mirrors, when electrified, as by connexion with a Leyden jar, and examined by a carrier ball, readily gave electricity at the lowest part of their concavity if in a room; but I was in hopes of finding that, circ.u.mstanced as before stated, they would give little or none at the same spot, if the atmosphere above really terminated in a vacuum. I was disappointed in the conclusion, for I obtained as much electricity there as before; but on discovering the action of induction in curved lines (1231.), found a full and satisfactory explanation of the result.

1615. My theory, as far as I have ventured it, does not pretend to decide upon the consequences of a vacuum. It is not at present limited sufficiently, or rendered precise enough, either by experiments relating to s.p.a.ces void of matter, or those of other kinds, to indicate what would happen in the vacuum case. I have only as yet endeavoured to establish, what all the facts seem to prove, that when electrical phenomena, as those of induction, conduction, insulation and discharge occur, they depend on, and are produced by the action of _contiguous_ particles of matter, the next existing particle being considered as the contiguous one; and I have further a.s.sumed, that these particles are polarized; that each exhibits the two forces, or the force in two directions (1295. 1298.); and that they act at a distance, only by acting on the _contiguous_ and intermediate particles.

1616. But a.s.suming that a perfect vacuum were to intervene in the course of the lines of inductive action (1304.), it does not follow from this theory, that the particles on opposite sides of such a vacuum could not act on each other. Suppose it possible for a positively electrified particle to be in the centre of a vacuum an inch in diameter, nothing in my present views forbids that the particle should act at the distance of half an inch on all the particles forming the inner superficies of the bounding sphere, and with a force consistent with the well-known law of the squares of the distance. But suppose the sphere of an inch were full of insulating matter, the electrified particle would not then, according to my notion, act directly on the distant particles, but on those in immediate a.s.sociation with it, employing _all_ its power in polarizing them; producing in them negative force equal in amount to its own positive force and directed towards the latter, and positive force of equal amount directed outwards and acting in the same manner upon the layer of particles next in succession. So that ultimately, those particles in the surface of a sphere of half an inch radius, which were acted on _directly_ when that sphere was a vacuum, will now be acted on _indirectly_ as respects the central particle or source of action, i.e. they will be polarized in the same way, and with the same amount of force.

-- 19. _Nature of the electric current._

1617. The word _current_ is so expressive in common language, that when applied in the consideration of electrical phenomena we can hardly divest it sufficiently of its meaning, or prevent our minds from being prejudiced by it (283. 511.). I shall use it in its common electrical sense, namely, to express generally a certain condition and relation of electrical forces supposed to be in progression.

1618. A current is produced both by excitement and discharge; and whatsoever the variation of the two general causes may be, the effect remains the same. Thus excitement may occur in many ways, as by friction, chemical action, influence of heat, change of condition, induction, &c.; and discharge has the forms of conduction, electrolyzation, disruptive discharge, and convection; yet the current connected with these actions, when it occurs, appears in all cases to be the same. This constancy in the character of the current, notwithstanding the particular and great variations which may be made in the mode of its occurrence, is exceedingly striking and important; and its investigation and development promise to supply the most open and advantageous road to a true and intimate understanding of the nature of electrical forces.

1619. As yet the phenomena of the current have presented nothing in opposition to the view I have taken of the nature of induction as an action of contiguous particles. I have endeavoured to divest myself of prejudices and to look for contradictions, but I have not perceived any in conductive, electrolytic, convective, or disruptive discharge.

1620. Looking at the current as a _cause_, it exerts very extraordinary and diverse powers, not only in its course and on the bodies in which it exists, but collaterally, as in inductive or magnetic phenomena.

1621. _Electrolytic action._--One of its direct actions is the exertion of pure chemical force, this being a result which has now been examined to a considerable extent. The effect is found to be _constant_ and _definite_ for the quant.i.ty of electric force discharged (783. &c.); and beyond that, the _intensity_ required is in relation to the intensity of the affinity or forces to be overcome (904. 906. 911.). The current and its consequences are here proportionate; the one may be employed to represent the other; no part of the effect of either is lost or gained; so that the case is a strict one, and yet it is the very case which most strikingly ill.u.s.trates the doctrine that induction is an action of contiguous particles (1164.


1622. The process of electrolytic discharge appears to me to be in close a.n.a.logy, and perhaps in its nature identical with another process of discharge, which at first seems very different from it, I mean _convection_ (1347. 1572.). In the latter case the particles may travel for yards across a chamber; they may produce strong winds in the air, so as to move machinery; and in fluids, as oil of turpentine, may even shake the hand, and carry heavy metallic bodies about[A]; and yet I do not see that the force, either in kind or action, is at all different to that by which a particle of hydrogen leaves one particle of oxygen to go to another, or by which a particle of oxygen travels in the contrary direction.

[A] If a metallic vessel three or four inches deep, containing oil of turpentine, be insulated and electrified, and a rod with a ball (an inch or more in diameter) at the end have the ball immersed in the fluid whilst the end is held in the hand, the mechanical force generated when the ball is moved to and from the sides of the vessel will soon be evident to the experimenter.

1623. Travelling particles of the air can effect chemical changes just as well as the contact of a fixed platina electrode, or that of a combining electrode, or the ions of a decomposing electrolyte (453. 471.); and in the experiment formerly described, where eight places of decomposition were rendered active by one current (469.), and where charged particles of air in motion were the only electrical means of connecting these parts of the current, it seems to me that the action of the particles of the electrolyte and of the air were essentially the same. A particle of air was rendered positive; it travelled in a certain determinate direction, and coming to an electrolyte, communicated its powers; an equal amount of positive force was accordingly acquired by another particle (the hydrogen), and the latter, so charged, travelled as the former did, and in the same direction, until it came to another particle, and transferred its power and motion, making that other particle active. Now, though the particle of air travelled over a visible and occasionally a large s.p.a.ce, whilst the particle of the electrolyte moved over an exceedingly small one; though the air particle might be oxygen, nitrogen, or hydrogen, receiving its charge from force of high intensity, whilst the electrolytic particle of hydrogen had a natural aptness to receive the positive condition with extreme facility; though the air particle might be charged with very little electricity at a very high intensity by one process, whilst the hydrogen particle might be charged with much electricity at a very low intensity by another process; these are not differences of kind, as relates to the final discharging action of these particles, but only of degree; not essential differences which make things unlike, but such differences as give to things, similar in their nature, that great variety which fits them for their office in the system of the universe.

1624. So when a particle of air, or of dust in it, electrified at a negative point, moves on through the influence of the inductive forces (1572.) to the next positive surface, and after discharge pa.s.ses away, it seems to me to represent exactly that particle of oxygen which, having been rendered negative in the electrolyte, is urged by the same disposition of inductive forces, and going to the positive platina electrode, is there discharged, and then pa.s.ses away, as the air or dust did before it.

1625. _Heat_ is another direct effect of the _current_ upon substances in which it occurs, and it becomes a very important question, as to the relation of the electric and heating forces, whether the latter is always definite in amount[A]. There are many cases, even amongst bodies which conduct without change, that at present are irreconcileable with the a.s.sumption that it is[B]; but there are also many which indicate that, when proper limitations are applied, the heat produced is definite. Harris has shown this for a given length of current in a metallic wire, using common electricity[C]; and De la Rive has proved the same point for voltaic electricity by his beautiful application of Breguet's thermometer[D].

[A] See De la Rive's Researches, Bib. Universelle, 1829, xl. p. 40.

[B] Amongst others, Davy, Philosophical Transactions, 1821, p. 438.

Pelletier's important results, Annales de Chimie, 1834, lvi. p. 371.

and Becquerel's non-heating current, Bib. Universelle, 1835, lx. 218.

[C] Philosophical Transactions, 1824, pp. 225. 228.

[D] Annales de Chimie, 1836, lxii. 177.

1626. When the production of heat is observed in electrolytes under decomposition, the results are still more complicated. But important steps have been taken in the investigation of this branch of the subject by De la Rive[A] and others; and it is more than probable that, when the right limitations are applied, constant and definite results will here also be obtained.

[A] Bib. Universelle, 1829, xl. 49; and Ritchie, Phil. Trans. 1832. p.


1627. It is a most important part of the character of the current, and essentially connected with its very nature, that it is always the same. The two forces are everywhere in it. There is never one current of force or one fluid only. Any one part of the current may, as respects the presence of the two forces there, be considered as precisely the same with any other part; and the numerous experiments which imply their possible separation, as well as the theoretical expressions which, being used daily, a.s.sume it, are, I think, in contradiction with facts (511, &c.). It appears to me to be as impossible to a.s.sume a current of positive or a current of negative force alone, or of the two at once with any predominance of one over the other, as it is to give an absolute charge to matter (516. 1169. 1177.).

1628. The establishment of this truth, if, as I think, it be a truth, or on the other hand the disproof of it, is of the greatest consequence. If, as a first principle, we can establish, that the centres of the two forces, or elements of force, never can be separated to any sensible distance, or at all events not further than the s.p.a.ce between two contiguous particles (1615.), or if we can establish the contrary conclusion, how much more clear is our view of what lies before us, and how much less embarra.s.sed the ground over which we have to pa.s.s in attaining to it, than if we remain halting between two opinions! And if, with that feeling, we rigidly test every experiment which bears upon the point, as far as our prejudices will let us (1161.), instead of permitting them with a theoretical expression to pa.s.s too easily away, are we not much more likely to attain the real truth, and from that proceed with safety to what is at present unknown?

1629. I say these things, not, I hope, to advance a particular view, but to draw the strict attention of those who are able to investigate and judge of the matter, to what must be a turning point in the theory of electricity; to a separation of two roads, one only of which can be right: and I hope I may be allowed to go a little further into the facts which have driven me to the view I have just given.

1630. When a wire in the voltaic circuit is heated, the temperature frequently rises first, or most at one end. If this effect were due to any relation of positive or negative as respects the current, it would be exceedingly important. I therefore examined several such cases; but when, keeping the contacts of the wire and its position to neighbouring things unchanged, I altered the direction of the current, I found that the effect remained unaltered, showing that it depended, not upon the direction of the current, but on other circ.u.mstances. So there is here no evidence of a difference between one part of the circuit and another.

1631. The same point, i.e. uniformity in every part, may be ill.u.s.trated by what may be considered as the inexhaustible nature of the current when producing particular effects; for these effects depend upon transfer only, and do not consume the power. Thus a current which will heat one inch of platina wire will heat a hundred inches (853. note). If a current be sustained in a constant state, it will decompose the fluid in one voltameter only, or in twenty others if they be placed in the circuit, in each to an amount equal to that in the single one.

1632. Again, in cases of disruptive discharge, as in the spark, there is frequently a dark part (1422.) which, by Professor Johnson, has been called the neutral point[A]; and this has given rise to the use of expressions implying that there are two electricities existing separately, which, pa.s.sing to that spot, there combine and neutralize each other[B]. But if such expressions are understood as correctly indicating that positive electricity alone is moving between the positive ball and that spot, and negative electricity only between the negative ball and that spot, then what strange conditions these parts must be in; conditions, which to my mind are every way unlike those which really occur! In such a case, one part of a current would consist of positive electricity only, and that moving in one direction; another part would consist of negative electricity only, and that moving in the other direction; and a third part would consist of an acc.u.mulation of the two electricities, not moving in either direction, but mixing up together! and being in a relation to each other utterly unlike any relation which could be supposed to exist in the two former portions of the discharge. This does not seem to me to be natural.

In a current, whatever form the discharge may take, or whatever part of the circuit or current is referred to, as much positive force as is there exerted in one direction, so much negative force is there exerted in the other. If it were not so we should have bodies electrified not merely positive and negative, but on occasions in a most extraordinary manner, one being charged with five, ten, or twenty times as much of both positive and negative electricity in equal quant.i.ties as another. At present, however, there is no known fact indicating such states.

[A] Silliman's Journal, 1834, xxv. p. 57.

[B] Thomson on Heat and Electricity, p. 171.

1633. Even in cases of convection, or carrying discharge, the statement that the current is everywhere the same must in effect be true (1627.); for how, otherwise, could the results formerly described occur? When currents of air const.i.tuted the mode of discharge between the portions of paper moistened with iodide of pota.s.sium or sulphate of soda (465. 469.), decomposition occurred; and I have since ascertained that, whether a current of positive air issued from a spot, or one of negative air pa.s.sed towards it, the effect of the evolution of iodine or of acid was the same, whilst the reversed currents produced alkali. So also in the magnetic experiments (307.) whether the discharge was effected by the introduction of a wire, or the occurrence of a spark, or the pa.s.sage of convective currents either one way or the other (depending on the electrified state of the particles), the result was the same, being in all cases dependent upon the perfect current.

1634. Hence, the section of a current compared with other sections of the same current must be a constant quant.i.ty, if the actions exerted be of the same kind; or if of different kinds, then the forms under which the effects are produced are equivalent to each other, and experimentally convertible at pleasure. It is in sections, therefore, we must look for ident.i.ty of electrical force, even to the sections of sparks and carrying actions, as well as those of wires and electrolytes.

1635. In ill.u.s.tration of the utility and importance of establis.h.i.+ng that which may be the true principle, I will refer to a few cases. The doctrine of unipolarity, as formerly stated, and I think generally understood[A], is evidently inconsistent with my view of a current (1627.); and the later singular phenomena of poles and flames described by Erman and others[B]

partake of the same inconsistency of character. If a unipolar body could exist, i.e. one that could conduct the one electricity and not the other, what very new characters we should have a right to expect in the currents of single electricities pa.s.sing through them, and how greatly ought they to differ, not only from the common current which is supposed to have both electricities travelling in opposite directions in equal amount at the same time, but also from each other! The facts, which are excellent, have, however, gradually been more correctly explained by Becquerel[C], Andrews[D], and others; and I understand that Professor Ohms[E] has perfected the work, in his close examination of all the phenomena; and after showing that similar phenomena can take place with good conductors, proves that with soap, &c. many of the effects are the mere consequences of the bodies evolved by electrolytic action.

[A] Erman, Annales de Chimie, 1807. lxi. p. 115. Davy's Elements, p.

168. Biot, Ency. Brit. Supp, iv. p. 444. Becquerel, Traite, i. p. 167.

De la Rive, Bib. Univ. 1837. vii. 392.

[B] Erman, Annales de Chimie, 1824. xxv. 278. Becquerel, Ibid. x.x.xvi.

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