Vocations Explained Part 2

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"Neither shalt thou make marriages with them. Thou shalt not give thy daughter to his son, nor take his daughter for thy son; for she will turn away thy son from following Me; and the wrath of the Lord will be kindled, and will quickly destroy thee."

Mixed marriages are the fruitful source of numberless evils: the loss of faith to countless generations, immorality, attachment to the things of earth, and G.o.dless lives; and "as a man lives, so shall he die."

Q. What is the best remedy for these evils?

A. To remove their cause. Parents, young folks, and even advanced school-children should be taught the evil of mixed marriages before their minds become warped by company-keeping, pa.s.sion, and bad example.

Many pastors obtain excellent results by frequently instructing the children concerning mixed marriages, and by teaching them the doctrine of the Church on this subject. [*]

[*] See "Mollie's Mistake, or Mixed Marriages," by Rev. J. W. Book, Cannelton. Ind. We highly recommend it as a very readable and instructive book.



Q. How is it proved that the state of virginity is a vocation?

A. St. Paul mentions virginity as a special state of life, and recommends it in preference to matrimony.

In the heading of the seventh chapter of the First Epistle of St. Paul to the Corinthians we find these words: "Virginity is preferable to the married state." In this whole chapter St. Paul speaks strongly in favor of the state of virginity: "I would that all men were even as myself;" that is, as the Fathers of Trent explain, "that all embraced the virtue of continence."

Q. Why is virginity to be preferred to the marriage state?

A. Because virginity is more pleasing to G.o.d, and more conducive to salvation.

Q. How do you prove that virginity is more pleasing to G.o.d?

A. St. John says: "These are they who are not defiled with women: for they are virgins. These follow the Lamb withersoever He goeth. These were purchased from among men, the first fruits to G.o.d and to the Lamb."

St. Jerome says: "As soon as the Son of G.o.d came down upon the earth He created a new family. He chose a virgin Mother, Mary, and a virgin foster-father, Joseph; also a virgin disciple, John, and a virgin apostle of the nations, Paul; so that He who was adored by angels in heaven might also have angels to serve Him on earth."

Q. Do the Fathers of the Church recommend virginity?

A. Yes, in the highest possible terms. St. Augustine says: "The joys of the virgins are not given to the other saints of G.o.d."

St. Cyprian says: "Virginity is the queen of all other virtues and the possession of every good."

Speaking of virginity, St. Ephrem says: "If you have loved it, you will be favored by the Lord in all things."

St. Bernardine, of Sienna, teaches that "virginity prepares the soul to see her spouse, Jesus, by faith in this life and by glory in the next."

Q. What is the exact teaching of the Church on the comparative merits of matrimony and virginity?

A. The Church teaches that it is _of faith_ that virginity is preferable to matrimony.

In the 10th canon of the 24th session of the Council of Trent we find this doctrine: "If any one saith that the marriage state is to be preferred before the state of virginity, or celibacy, and that it is not better and more blessed to remain in virginity, or in celibacy, than to be united in matrimony, let him be anathema" (that is, accursed).



FOR the better understanding of vocations we shall give a brief explanation of the evangelical counsels.

Q. What are the evangelical counsels?

A. They are Gospel advices or recommendations.

Q. Why are they called counsels?

A. Because they are not commanded but _counselled_ by Our Lord, and recommended as means of greater perfection.

Q. Why are they called "evangelical" counsels?

A. Because they are recommended in the Gospel. _Evangelism_ is the Latin word for gospel.

_1. Poverty._

Q. Which is the first of the evangelical counsels?

A. Voluntary poverty. That means renouncing the use of money and possessions by our own free will to follow Christ.

Q. What is the advantage of this counsel?

A. The practice of this counsel uproots a most dangerous pa.s.sion: "For they that will become rich fall into temptation, and into the snare of the devil, and into many unprofitable and hurtful desires, which drown men into destruction and perdition."

Q. Is there any special blessing promised to those who follow this counsel?

A. Yes: "Every one that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for My name's sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall possess life everlasting."

Vocations Explained Part 2

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