Conversations on Chemistry Part 15

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Then, perhaps, water owes its solvent power merely to the caloric contained in it?


That, probably, would be carrying the speculation too far; I should rather think that water and caloric unite their efforts to dissolve a body, and that the difficulty or facility of effecting this, depend both on the degree of attraction of aggregation to be overcome, and on the arrangement of the particles which are more or less disposed to be divided and penetrated by the solvent.


But have not all liquids the same solvent power as water?


The solvent power of other liquids varies according to their nature, and that of the substances submitted to their action. Most of these solvents, indeed, differ essentially from water, as they do not merely separate the integrant particles of the bodies which they dissolve, but attack their const.i.tuent principles by the power of chemical attraction, thus producing a true decomposition. These more complicated operations we must consider in another place, and confine our attention at present to the solutions by water and caloric.


But there are a variety of substances which, when dissolved in water, make it thick and muddy, and destroy its transparency.


In this case it is not a solution, but simply a mixture. I shall show you the difference between a solution and a mixture, by putting some common salt into one gla.s.s of water, and some powder of chalk into another; both these substances are white, but their effect on the water will be very different.


Very different indeed! The salt entirely disappears and leaves the water transparent, whilst the chalk changes it into an opaque liquid like milk.


And would lumps of chalk and salt produce similar effects on water?


Yes, but not so rapidly; salt is, indeed, soon melted though in a lump; but chalk, which does not mix so readily with water, would require a much greater length of time; I therefore preferred showing you the experiment with both substances reduced to powder, which does not in any respect alter their nature, but facilitates the operation merely by presenting a greater quant.i.ty of surface to the water.

I must not forget to mention a very curious circ.u.mstance respecting solutions, which is, that a fluid is not nearly so much increased in bulk by holding a body in solution, as it would by mere mixture with the body.


That seems impossible; for two bodies cannot exist together in the same s.p.a.ce.


Two bodies may, by condensation, occupy less s.p.a.ce when in union than when separate, and this I can show you by an easy experiment.

This phial, which contains some salt, I shall fill with water, pouring it in quickly, so as not to dissolve much of the salt; and when it is quite full I cork it. --If I now shake the phial till the salt is dissolved, you will observe that it is no longer full.


I shall try to add a little more salt. --But now, you see, Mrs. B., the water runs over.


Yes; but observe that the last quant.i.ty of salt you put in remains solid at the bottom, and displaces the water; for it has already melted all the salt it is capable of holding in solution. This is called the point of _saturation_; and the water in this case is said to be _saturated_ with salt.


I think I now understand the solution of a solid body by water perfectly: but I have not so clear an idea of the solution of a liquid by caloric.


It is probably of a similar nature; but as caloric is an invisible fluid, its action as a solvent is not so obvious as that of water.

Caloric, we may conceive, dissolves water, and converts it into vapour by the same process as water dissolves salt; that is to say, the particles of water are so minutely divided by the caloric as to become invisible. Thus, you are now enabled to understand why the vapour of boiling water, when it first issues from the spout of a kettle, is invisible; it is so, because it is then completely dissolved by caloric.

But the air with which it comes in contact, being much colder than the vapour, the latter yields to it a quant.i.ty of its caloric. The particles of vapour being thus in a great measure deprived of their solvent, gradually collect, and become visible in the form of steam, which is water in a state of imperfect solution; and if you were further to deprive it of its caloric, it would return to its original liquid state.


That I understand very well. If you hold a cold plate over a tea-urn, the steam issuing from it will be immediately converted into drops of water by parting with its caloric to the plate; but in what state is the steam, when it becomes invisible by being diffused in the air?


It is not merely diffused, but is again dissolved by the air.


The air, then, has a solvent power, like water and caloric?


This was formerly believed to be the case. But it appears from more recent enquiries that the solvent power of the atmosphere depends solely upon the caloric contained in it. Sometimes the watery vapour diffused in the atmosphere is but imperfectly dissolved, as is the case in the formation of clouds and fogs; but if it gets into a region sufficiently warm, it becomes perfectly invisible.


Can any water dissolve in the atmosphere without its being previously converted into vapour by boiling?


Unquestionably; and this const.i.tutes the difference between _vaporization_ and _evaporation_. Water, when heated to the boiling point, can no longer exist in the form of water, and must necessarily be converted into vapour or steam, whatever may be the state and temperature of the surrounding medium; this is called vaporization. But the atmosphere, by means of the caloric it contains, can take up a certain portion of water at any temperature, and hold it in a state of solution. This is simply evaporation. Thus the atmosphere is continually carrying off moisture from the surface of the earth, until it is saturated with it.


That is the case, no doubt, when we feel the atmosphere damp.


On the contrary, when the moisture is well dissolved it occasions no humidity: it is only when in a state of imperfect solution and floating in the atmosphere, in the form of watery vapour, that it produces dampness. This happens more frequently in winter than in summer; for the lower the temperature of the atmosphere, the less water it can dissolve; and in reality it never contains so much moisture as in a dry hot summer's day.


You astonish me! But why, then, is the air so dry in frosty weather, when its temperature is at the lowest?

Conversations on Chemistry Part 15

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