Life of Heber C. Kimball, an Apostle Part 7
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"And are not united according to the union required by the law of the celestial kingdom;"--
Again that injunction of unity, the secret of Zion's redemption.
"Except ye are one ye are not mine."
"And Zion cannot be built up unless it is by the principles of the law of the celestial kingdom, otherwise I cannot receive her unto myself."
Wonderful revealing, this. What is it but to say that the United Order, the Order of Enoch, the Order of Zion, is the order of the celestial worlds, where the G.o.ds, a divine brotherhood, have "all things common?"
"Therefore it is expedient in me that mine elders should wait for a little season, for the redemption of Zion."
Is it marvelous that this should be; that a work of such magnitude should require preparation; that Zion, city of holiness, should be built up only by the pure in heart? Ah, reader, the redemption of Zion is more than the purchase or recovery of lands, the building of cities, or even the founding of nations. It is the conquest of the heart, the subjugation of the soul, the sanctifying of the flesh, the purifying and enn.o.bling of the pa.s.sions. Greater is he who subdues himself, who captures and maintains the citadel of his own soul, than he who, misnamed conqueror, fills the world with the roar of drums, the thunder of cannon, the lightning of swords and bayonets, overturns and sets up kingdoms, lives and reigns a king, yet wears to the grave the fetters of unbridled l.u.s.t, and dies the slave of sin.
In her children's hearts must Zion first be built up and redeemed; "every man seeking the interest of his neighbor, and doing all things with an eye single to the glory of G.o.d." When the fig-tree of Israel's faith puts forth such leaves, then know that the summer is nigh.
"And this cannot be brought to pa.s.s, until mine elders are endowed with power from on high."
And yet were these same elders, unendowed, sent forth to redeem Zion?
Surely the Lord did not design it then to be. Else, would he not have endowed them before-hand? This admitted, and what becomes of their "failure?"
Ah, there are many such failures in a sublime success. They are but steps in the stairway of triumph and victory.
What did Zion's Camp achieve? It cast the shadow of a coming event; struck the spark that shall kindle to a flame; fixed on the horizon of history a s.h.i.+ning star, the herald of a glory yet to come.
The work now engaging, almost exclusively, the attention of the Church in Kirtland, was the building of the Temple. This edifice was begun in June, 1833. The walls were partly reared when, in the year following, the expedition for the relief of the Missouri Saints took from Kirtland nearly all the able-bodied men whose means and energies, otherwise, would have been employed upon the Lord's House.
But the sacred enterprise was not suffered to languish. The elders left in charge were untiring in their efforts to promote the work. The brethren labored day and night, and the sisters--among the foremost, as ever, in a good cause--were not one whit behind. Says Heber:
"Our women were engaged in knitting and spinning, in order to clothe those who were laboring at the building; and the Lord only knows the scenes of poverty, tribulation and distress which we pa.s.sed through to accomplish it. My wife had toiled all summer in lending her aid towards its accomplishment. She took a hundred pounds of wool to spin on shares, which, with the a.s.sistance of a girl, she spun, in order to furnish clothing for those engaged in building the temple; and although she had the privilege of keeping half the quant.i.ty of wool for herself, as a recompense for her labor, she did not reserve even so much as would make a pair of stockings, but gave it for those who were laboring at the house of the Lord. She spun and wove, and got the cloth dressed and cut and made up into garments, and gave them to the laborers on the temple. Almost all the sisters in Kirtland labored in knitting, sewing, spinning, etc., for the same purpose; while we went up to Missouri to endeavor to reinstate our brethren on the lands from which they had been driven.
"Elder Rigdon, when addressing the brethren upon the importance of building this house, spake to this effect: That we should use every effort to accomplish this building by the time appointed; if we did the Lord would accept it at our hands; and on it depends the salvation of the Church, and also of the world. Looking at the sufferings and poverty of the Church, he frequently went upon the walls of the building, both by night and day, and wept, crying aloud to the Almighty to send means whereby we might accomplish the building.
"After we returned from our journey to the West, the whole Church united in this great undertaking, and every man lent a helping hand.
Those who had not teams went to work in the stone quarry and prepared the stones for drawing to the house.
"The Prophet, being our foreman, would put on his tow frock and tow pantaloons and go into the quarry. The Presidency, High Priests and Elders all alike a.s.sisting. Those who had teams a.s.sisted in drawing the stone to the house. These all laboring one day in the week, brought as many stones to the house as supplied the masons through the whole week. We continued in this manner until the walls of the house were reared. The committee who were appointed by revelation to superintend the building were Hyrum Smith, Reynolds Cahoon and Jared Carter. They used every exertion in their power to forward the work."
During the winter of 1834-5, Heber attended the theological school established in Kirtland. Here originated the lectures on faith, contained in the book of Doctrine and Covenants. It was the custom, at these meetings, to call upon a certain number to speak for the edification of the others. Heber, on one occasion, was invited to address them on the subject of faith. Every pa.s.sage of scripture bearing on the theme having been quoted by previous speakers, and not wis.h.i.+ng to repeat what they had said, he was left to depend entirely upon the Spirit. He began by relating the following anecdote, the incident of which had occurred in his own family:
"My wife, one day, when going out on a visit, gave my daughter Helen Mar charge not to touch the dishes, for if she broke any during her absence she would give her a whipping when she returned. While my wife was absent my daughter broke a number of the dishes by letting the table leaf fall, and then she went out under an apple tree and prayed that her mother's heart might be softened, that when she returned she might not whip her. Her mother was very punctual when she made a promise to her children, to fulfill it, and when she returned she undertook, as a duty, to carry this promise into effect. She retired with her into her room, but found herself powerless to chastise her; her heart was so softened that it was impossible for her to raise her hand against the child. Afterwards, Helen told her mother she had prayed to the Lord that she might not whip her."
Heber paused in his simple narrative. Tears glistened in the eyes of his hearers; the Prophet Joseph was weeping like a child. He told the brethren that that was the kind of faith they needed; the faith of a little child, going in humility to its Parent, and asking for the desire of its heart. He said the anecdote was well-timed.
A grammar school was opened in Kirtland the same winter, taught by Sidney Rigdon and William E. McLellin. Most of the Elders, including the Prophet, attended this school. Some of them were very apt pupils and made rapid headway. Heber's progress, however, was only moderate.
Grammar, as a study, afforded him little delight. The mysteries of syntax seemed to elude his mental grasp, as the will-o'-the-wisp the eye and hand of its pursuer. A lover of choice language, and, when loftily inspired, a user of much that was beautiful and sublime; a never-failing fountain of poetic thought and imagery; the technicalities of his mother tongue nevertheless seemed to baffle him.
His forte lay elsewhere. He was a philosopher, rather than an orator.
Many excelled him in speaking, but few, as thinkers, were his equals.
If, in the gift of speech, the power of expression, he fell below many of his confreres, he had thoughts, ideas, inspirations, toward which, as eagles toward the sun, their loftiest oratory soared in vain. His words, though humble, were as sparks of prophecy from the Spirit's flaming forge; his inspired utterances, casual as they sometimes seemed, were like oracles and decrees of fate.
"I used to tell Brother Heber I never wanted him to say anything but good of me," an Apostle once remarked, significantly, in the hearing of the writer.
Some six weeks after the establishment of the grammar school, a meeting of the Camp of Zion was called to a.s.semble, to receive what was termed "a Zion's blessing." At this meeting it was announced by the Prophet that "those who went to Zion with a determination to lay down their lives, if necessary, it was the will of G.o.d that they should be ordained to the ministry and go forth to prune the vineyard for the last time, or the coming of the Lord, which was nigh--even fifty-six years should wind up the scene."
Foremost of these evangelists, were to be chosen twelve men, to be known as the Twelve Apostles.
The calling of the Twelve had been revealed to Joseph as early as June, 1829. In the same revelation it was given to Oliver Cowdery and David Whitmer--whose calling, the Lord said, was the same as that of the Apostle Paul--to "search out the Twelve," and make known to them their mission.
Little thought Heber that he was to be one of them, and would live to make his name ill.u.s.trious as a bearer of glad tidings to the nations.
It is doubtful that he even knew, at that time, of the intention to choose the Apostles. The revelations were not published then, as now, and few had access to the ma.n.u.scripts in those early days.
The day set for the choosing of the Twelve was, February 14th, 1835. The meeting having been duly organized, an expression was taken whereby the Elders present signified their willingness and "anxious desire" to have the Spirit of the Lord dictate in the choice of the Apostles. The three witnesses--Oliver Cowdery, David Whitmer and Martin Harris, each in turn then offered prayer. They were blessed under the hands of the First Presidency, and then proceeded to call forth the Twelve.
The first three chosen were Lyman E. Johnson, Brigham Young and Heber C. Kimball. They were called into the stand, and, after expressing themselves in relation to the holy calling about to be conferred upon them, were ordained under the hands of the First Presidency and the Three Witnesses. "These brethren," says Heber, "ordained us to the Apostles.h.i.+p." Here is a copy of his ordination blessing:
"Heber C. Kimball shall be made like unto those who have been blessed before him, and he shall be favored with the same blessing; that he may receive visions, the ministration of angels, and hear their voices, and even come into the presence of G.o.d.
That many millions may be converted by his instrumentality, that angels may waft him from place to place, and that he may stand unto the coming of our Lord; that he shall be made acquainted with the day when Christ shall come; that he shall be made perfect in faith; that the deaf shall hear, the lame shall walk, the blind shall see, and greater things than these shall he do; and that he shall have boldness of speech before the nations, and great power." Etc.
The next day Orson Hyde, David W. Patten, Luke S. Johnson, William E.
McLellin, John F. Boynton and William Smith were chosen in like manner. The remaining three of the Twelve were Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt and Thomas B. Marsh, who were absent at the time of choosing.
Parley was ordained an Apostle on February 21st, Thomas B. Marsh on the 25th or 26th of April, and Orson Pratt on the 26th of that month.
No history of this important event would be complete without the famous "Charge to the Twelve," delivered by President Oliver Cowdery.
It was as follows:
"DEAR BRETHREN:--Previously to delivering the charge I shall read a part of a revelation. It is known to you that previous to the organization of this Church in 1830, the Lord gave revelations or the Church could not have been organized.
"The people of this Church were weak in faith compared with the ancients. Those who embarked in this cause were desirous to know how the work was to be conducted. They had read many things in the Book of Mormon concerning their duty and the way the great work ought to be done; but the minds of men are so constructed that they will not believe without a testimony of seeing or hearing.
The Lord gave us a revelation that in process of time there should be twelve chosen to preach His Gospel to Jew and Gentile. Our minds have been on a constant stretch to find who these twelve were.
"When the time should come, we could not tell, but we sought the Lord by fasting and prayer, to have our lives prolonged to see this day, to see you, and to take a retrospect of the difficulties through which we have pa.s.sed. But having seen the day, it becomes my duty to deliver to you a charge. And first, a few remarks respecting your ministry. You have many revelations put into your hands, revelations to make you acquainted with the nature of your mission. You will have difficulties by reason of your visiting all the nations of the world. You will need wisdom in a two-fold proportion to what you have ever had. You will have to combat all the prejudices of all nations." He then read the revelation and proceeded to say, "Have you desired this ministry with all your hearts? If you have desired it, you are called of G.o.d, not of man, to go into all the world." He read again from the revelation, what the Lord said to the twelve brethren. "You have your duty presented in revelation. You have been ordained to the Holy Priesthood. You have received it from those who had their power and authority from an angel. You are to preach the Gospel to every nation. Should you in the least degree come short of your duty, great will be your condemnation, for the greater the calling, the greater the transgression. I, therefore, warn you to cultivate great humility, for I know the pride of the human heart. Beware lest the flatterers of the world lift you up. Beware lest your affections are captivated by worldly objects.
"Let your ministry be first. Remember the souls of men are committed to your charge, and if you mind your calling you shall always prosper. You have been indebted to other men in the first instance for evidence, on that you have acted. But it is necessary that you receive a testimony from Heaven for yourselves, so that you can bear testimony to the truth of the Book of Mormon, and that you have seen the face of G.o.d; that is more than the testimony of an angel. When the proper time arrives, you shall be able to bear this testimony to the world. When you bear testimony that you have seen G.o.d, this testimony G.o.d will never suffer to fall, but will bear you out, although many will not give heed, yet others will. You will therefore see the necessity of getting this testimony from Heaven. Never cease striving until you have seen G.o.d face to face. Strengthen your faith, cast off your doubts, your sins and all your unbelief, and nothing can prevent you from coming to G.o.d. Your ordination is not full and complete till G.o.d has laid His hand upon you. We require as much to qualify us as did those who have gone before us. G.o.d is the same. If the Savior in former days laid His hands on His disciples, why not in the latter days?
"With regard to superiority I must make a few remarks. The ancient Apostles sought to be great; but, brethren, lest the seeds of discord be sown in this matter, understand the voice of the Spirit on this occasion, G.o.d does not love you better or more than others. You are to contend for the faith once delivered to the Saints. Jacob, you know, wrestled till he obtained. It was by fervent prayer and diligent search that you have obtained the testimony that you are now able to bear. You are as one. You are equal in bearing the keys of the kingdom to all nations.
"You are called to preach the Gospel of the Son of G.o.d to the nations of the earth. It is the will of your Heavenly Father that you proclaim His Gospel to the ends of the earth and the islands of the sea. Be zealous to save souls. The soul of one man is as precious as the soul of another. You are to bear this message to those who consider themselves wise, and such may persecute you; they may seek your life. The adversary has always sought the lives of the servants of G.o.d. You are, therefore, to be prepared at all times to make a sacrifice of your lives, should the Lord require them in the advancement and building up of His cause. Murmur not at G.o.d. Be always prayerful, be always watchful. You will bear with me while I relieve the feelings of my heart. We shall not see another day like this. The time has fully come. The voice of the Spirit has come to set these men apart. You will see the time when you will desire to see such a day as this, and you will not see it. Every heart wishes you peace and prosperity, but the scene with you will inevitably change. Let no man take your Bishopric, and beware that you lose not your crowns. It will require your whole souls. It will require courage like Enoch's. The time is near when you will be in the midst of congregations who will gnash their teeth upon you. This Gospel must roll and will roll till it fills the whole earth.
"Did I say congregations would gnash upon you? Yea, I say nations will gnash upon you. You will be considered the worst of men. Be not discouraged at this. When G.o.d pours out His Spirit the enemy will rage, but G.o.d, remember, is on your right hand and on your left. A man, though he may be considered the worst, has joy who is conscious that he pleases G.o.d. The lives of those who proclaim the true Gospel will be in danger. This has been the case ever since the days of righteous Abel.
"The same opposition has been manifest whenever men came forward to publish the Gospel. The time is coming when you will be considered the worst by many, and by some the best of men. The time is coming when you will be perfectly familiar with the things of G.o.d. This testimony will make those who do not believe your testimony, seek your lives. But there are whole nations who will receive your testimony. They will call you good men. Be not lifted up when you are called good men. Remember you are young men, and you shall be spared. I include the other three. Bear them in mind in your prayers, carry their cares to a throne of grace. Although they are not present yet you and they are equal.
Life of Heber C. Kimball, an Apostle Part 7
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