Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896 Part 53

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_Comparisons are odorous._-SHAKESPEARE

Through all human history, the vital outcomes of [16]

Truth have suffered temporary shame and loss from individual conceit, cowardice, or dishonesty. The bird whose right wing flutters to soar, while the left beats its way downward, falls to the earth. Both wings must be [20]

plumed for rarefied atmospheres and upward flight.

Mankind must gravitate from sense to Soul, and human affairs should be governed by Spirit, intelligent good.

The antipode of Spirit, which we name _matter_, or _non-_ _intelligent evil_, is no real aid to being. The predisposing [25]

and exciting cause of all defeat and victory under the sun, rests on this scientific basis: that action, in obedi- ence to G.o.d, spiritualizes man's motives and methods, and crowns them with success; while disobedience to

[Page 268.]

this divine Principle materializes human modes and con- [1]

sciousness, and defeats them.

Two personal queries give point to human action: Who shall be greatest? and, Who shall be best? Earthly glory is vain; but not vain enough to attempt pointing [5]

the way to heaven, the harmony of being. The imaginary victories of rivalry and hypocrisy are defeats. The Holy One saith, "O that thou hadst hearkened to My com- mandments! then had thy peace been as a river." He is unfit for Truth, and the demonstration of divine power, [10]

who departs from Mind to matter, and from Truth to error, in pursuit of better means for healing the sick and casting out error.

The Christian Scientist keeps straight to the course.

His whole inquiry and demonstration lie in the line of [15]

Truth; hence he suffers no s.h.i.+pwreck in a starless night on the shoals of vainglory. His medicine is Mind- the omnipotent and ever-present good. His "help is from the Lord," who heals body and mind, head and heart; changing the affections, enlightening the mis- [20]

guided senses, and curing alike the sin and the mortal sinner. G.o.d's preparations for the sick are potions of His own qualities. His therapeutics are antidotes for the ailments of mortal mind and body. Then let us not adulterate His preparations for the sick with material [25]


From lack of moral strength empires fall. Right alone is irresistible, permanent, eternal. Remember that hu- man pride forfeits spiritual power, and either vacillating good or self-a.s.sertive error dies of its own elements. [30]

Through patience we must possess the sense of Truth; and Truth is used to waiting. "Commit thy way unto

[Page 269.]

the Lord; trust also in Him; and He shall bring it to [1]


By using falsehood to regain his liberty, Galileo vir- tually lost it. He cannot escape from barriers who commits his moral sense to a dungeon. Hear the Master [5]

on this subject: "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve G.o.d and mammon."

Lives there a man who can better define ethics, better [10]

elucidate the Principle of being, than he who "spake as never man spake," and whose precepts and example have a perpetual freshness in relation to human events?

Who is it that understands, unmistakably, a fraction of the actual Science of Mind-healing? [15]

It is he who has fairly proven his knowledge on a Chris- tian, mental, scientific basis; who has made his choice between matter and Mind, and proven the divine Mind to be the only physician. These are self-evident proposi- tions: That man can only be Christianized through Mind; [20]

that without Mind the body is without action; that Science is a law of divine Mind. The conclusion follows that the correct Mind-healing is the proper means of Christianity, and is Science.

Christian Science may be sold in the shambles. Many [25]

are bidding for it,-but are not willing to pay the price.

Error is vending itself on trust, well knowing the will- ingness of mortals to buy error at par value. The Reve- lator beheld the opening of this silent mental seal, and heard the great Red Dragon _whispering_ that "no man [30]

might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."

[Page 270.]

We are in the Valley of Decision. Then, let us take [1]

the side of him who "overthrew the tables of the money- changers, and the seats of them that sold doves,"-of such as barter integrity and peace for money and fame.

What artist would question the skill of the masters in [5]

sculpture, music, or painting? Shall we depart from the example of the Master in Christian Science, Jesus of Nazareth,-than whom mankind hath no higher ideal?

He who demonstrated his power over sin, disease, and death, is the master Metaphysician. [10]

To seek or employ other means than those the Master used in demonstrating Life scientifically, is to lose the priceless knowledge of his Principle and practice. He said, "Seek ye first the kingdom of G.o.d, and His right- eousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." [15]

Gain a pure Christianity; for that is requisite for heal- ing the sick. Then you will need no other aid, and will have full faith in his prophecy, "And there shall be one fold, and one shepherd;" but, the Word must abide in us, if we would obtain that promise. We cannot depart [20]

from his holy example,-we cannot leave Christ for the schools which crucify him, and yet follow him in heal- ing. Fidelity to his precepts and practice is the only pa.s.s- port to his power; and the pathway of goodness and greatness runs through the modes and methods of G.o.d. [25]

"He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord."


h.o.m.opathy is the last link in material medicine.

The next step is Mind-medicine. Among the foremost

[Page 271.]

virtues of h.o.m.opathy is the exclusion of compounds [1]

from its pharmacy, and the attenuation of a drug up to the point of its disappearance as matter and its manifesta- tion in effect as a thought, instead of a thing.

Students of Christian Science (and many who are not [1]

students) understand enough of this to keep out of their heads the notion that compounded metaphysics (so-called) is, or can be, Christian Science,-that rests on oneness; one cause and one effect.

They should take our magazine, work for it, write for [10]

it, and read it. They should eschew all magazines and books which are less than the best.

"Choose you this day whom ye will serve." Cleanse your mind of the cobwebs which spurious "compounds"

engender. Before considering a subject that is unworthy [15]

of thought, take in this axiomatic truism: "Trust her not, she's fooling thee;" and Longfellow is right.

Close Of The Ma.s.sachusetts Metaphysical College

Much is said at this date, 1889, about Mrs. Eddy's [20]

Ma.s.sachusetts Metaphysical College being the only chartered College of Metaphysics. To make this plain, the Publis.h.i.+ng Committee of the Christian Scientist a.s.sociation has published in the _Boston Traveler_ the following:- [25]

"To benefit the community, and more strongly mark the difference between true and false teachers of mental healing, the following history and statistics are officially submitted:-

[Page 272.]

Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896 Part 53

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Miscellaneous Writings, 1883-1896 Part 53 summary

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