Viking Boys Part 30

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"What did you think most about when you were in the water?" Mr. Adiesen asked after a time--his scientific instincts rising above emotion, and prompting him to discover what are the sensations a human being experiences in such exceptional circ.u.mstances.

"I thought of Mam Kirsty's old song, 'My cradle and my grave,' chiefly.

I had committed my life to G.o.d's hand when I started. Just before I landed I thought I saw Signy holding out her hands, as she did when she went adrift. That's about all."

"Well, my dear, I think you must feel that you have had enough of Vikinging for the rest of your life," said the scientist with a smile; but he was not ill-pleased when his nephew answered, "It has only made me long for more! I want _now_ to do real good Viking work. I want to go out and explore the world--the stars, if that were possible--and to fight all the foes of the Red Cross, and to bury all feuds, and win name and fame like a right n.o.ble and right valiant Viking."

"You _have_ done so, if you but knew it," quoth Garth; and Harry Mitch.e.l.l said, "You will do all that, I don't doubt; and I'll follow where your flag leads, old man! I never could stand by the side of a better comrade, and I don't believe I could ever find a finer leader--so there!"

"Thank you, Harry," Yaspard answered simply.

I need not tell you of the home-coming to Moolapund, of Aunt Osla's tears and tea, of Signy's joy, of Thor's profound reflections, finished up with a sage "Just so!"--of all the talk and enjoyment in fighting their battles o'er again.

We can leave our Viking-boy at this happy stage of his career, a.s.sured (like the Yarl of Broch) that he was heard of in the world in later days.

Viking Boys Part 30

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