Opticks Part 3
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I farther caused those two Spectrums PT [in _Fig._ 20.] and MN to become co-incident in an inverted Order of their Colours, the red end of each falling on the violet end of the other, as they are represented in the oblong Figure PTMN; and then viewing them through a Prism DH held parallel to their Length, they appeared not co-incident, as when view'd with the naked Eye, but in the form of two distinct Spectrums _pt_ and _mn_ crossing one another in the middle after the manner of the Letter X. Which shews that the red of the one Spectrum and violet of the other, which were co-incident at PN and MT, being parted from one another by a greater Refraction of the violet to _p_ and _m_ than of the red to _n_ and _t_, do differ in degrees of Refrangibility.
I illuminated also a little Circular Piece of white Paper all over with the Lights of both Prisms intermixed, and when it was illuminated with the red of one Spectrum, and deep violet of the other, so as by the Mixture of those Colours to appear all over purple, I viewed the Paper, first at a less distance, and then at a greater, through a third Prism; and as I went from the Paper, the refracted Image thereof became more and more divided by the unequal Refraction of the two mixed Colours, and at length parted into two distinct Images, a red one and a violet one, whereof the violet was farthest from the Paper, and therefore suffered the greatest Refraction. And when that Prism at the Window, which cast the violet on the Paper was taken away, the violet Image disappeared; but when the other Prism was taken away the red vanished; which shews, that these two Images were nothing else than the Lights of the two Prisms, which had been intermixed on the purple Paper, but were parted again by their unequal Refractions made in the third Prism, through which the Paper was view'd. This also was observable, that if one of the Prisms at the Window, suppose that which cast the violet on the Paper, was turned about its Axis to make all the Colours in this order, violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red, fall successively on the Paper from that Prism, the violet Image changed Colour accordingly, turning successively to indigo, blue, green, yellow and red, and in changing Colour came nearer and nearer to the red Image made by the other Prism, until when it was also red both Images became fully co-incident.
I placed also two Paper Circles very near one another, the one in the red Light of one Prism, and the other in the violet Light of the other.
The Circles were each of them an Inch in diameter, and behind them the Wall was dark, that the Experiment might not be disturbed by any Light coming from thence. These Circles thus illuminated, I viewed through a Prism, so held, that the Refraction might be made towards the red Circle, and as I went from them they came nearer and nearer together, and at length became co-incident; and afterwards when I went still farther off, they parted again in a contrary Order, the violet by a greater Refraction being carried beyond the red.
_Exper._ 8. In Summer, when the Sun's Light uses to be strongest, I placed a Prism at the Hole of the Window-shut, as in the third Experiment, yet so that its Axis might be parallel to the Axis of the World, and at the opposite Wall in the Sun's refracted Light, I placed an open Book. Then going six Feet and two Inches from the Book, I placed there the above-mentioned Lens, by which the Light reflected from the Book might be made to converge and meet again at the distance of six Feet and two Inches behind the Lens, and there paint the Species of the Book upon a Sheet of white Paper much after the manner of the second Experiment. The Book and Lens being made fast, I noted the Place where the Paper was, when the Letters of the Book, illuminated by the fullest red Light of the Solar Image falling upon it, did cast their Species on that Paper most distinctly: And then I stay'd till by the Motion of the Sun, and consequent Motion of his Image on the Book, all the Colours from that red to the middle of the blue pa.s.s'd over those Letters; and when those Letters were illuminated by that blue, I noted again the Place of the Paper when they cast their Species most distinctly upon it: And I found that this last Place of the Paper was nearer to the Lens than its former Place by about two Inches and an half, or two and three quarters. So much sooner therefore did the Light in the violet end of the Image by a greater Refraction converge and meet, than the Light in the red end. But in trying this, the Chamber was as dark as I could make it. For, if these Colours be diluted and weakned by the Mixture of any advent.i.tious Light, the distance between the Places of the Paper will not be so great. This distance in the second Experiment, where the Colours of natural Bodies were made use of, was but an Inch and an half, by reason of the Imperfection of those Colours. Here in the Colours of the Prism, which are manifestly more full, intense, and lively than those of natural Bodies, the distance is two Inches and three quarters.
And were the Colours still more full, I question not but that the distance would be considerably greater. For the coloured Light of the Prism, by the interfering of the Circles described in the second Figure of the fifth Experiment, and also by the Light of the very bright Clouds next the Sun's Body intermixing with these Colours, and by the Light scattered by the Inequalities in the Polish of the Prism, was so very much compounded, that the Species which those faint and dark Colours, the indigo and violet, cast upon the Paper were not distinct enough to be well observed.
_Exper._ 9. A Prism, whose two Angles at its Base were equal to one another, and half right ones, and the third a right one, I placed in a Beam of the Sun's Light let into a dark Chamber through a Hole in the Window-shut, as in the third Experiment. And turning the Prism slowly about its Axis, until all the Light which went through one of its Angles, and was refracted by it began to be reflected by its Base, at which till then it went out of the Gla.s.s, I observed that those Rays which had suffered the greatest Refraction were sooner reflected than the rest. I conceived therefore, that those Rays of the reflected Light, which were most refrangible, did first of all by a total Reflexion become more copious in that Light than the rest, and that afterwards the rest also, by a total Reflexion, became as copious as these. To try this, I made the reflected Light pa.s.s through another Prism, and being refracted by it to fall afterwards upon a Sheet of white Paper placed at some distance behind it, and there by that Refraction to paint the usual Colours of the Prism. And then causing the first Prism to be turned about its Axis as above, I observed that when those Rays, which in this Prism had suffered the greatest Refraction, and appeared of a blue and violet Colour began to be totally reflected, the blue and violet Light on the Paper, which was most refracted in the second Prism, received a sensible Increase above that of the red and yellow, which was least refracted; and afterwards, when the rest of the Light which was green, yellow, and red, began to be totally reflected in the first Prism, the Light of those Colours on the Paper received as great an Increase as the violet and blue had done before. Whence 'tis manifest, that the Beam of Light reflected by the Base of the Prism, being augmented first by the more refrangible Rays, and afterwards by the less refrangible ones, is compounded of Rays differently refrangible. And that all such reflected Light is of the same Nature with the Sun's Light before its Incidence on the Base of the Prism, no Man ever doubted; it being generally allowed, that Light by such Reflexions suffers no Alteration in its Modifications and Properties. I do not here take Notice of any Refractions made in the sides of the first Prism, because the Light enters it perpendicularly at the first side, and goes out perpendicularly at the second side, and therefore suffers none. So then, the Sun's incident Light being of the same Temper and Const.i.tution with his emergent Light, and the last being compounded of Rays differently refrangible, the first must be in like manner compounded.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 21.]
_Ill.u.s.tration._ In the twenty-first Figure, ABC is the first Prism, BC its Base, B and C its equal Angles at the Base, each of 45 Degrees, A its rectangular Vertex, FM a beam of the Sun's Light let into a dark Room through a hole F one third part of an Inch broad, M its Incidence on the Base of the Prism, MG a less refracted Ray, MH a more refracted Ray, MN the beam of Light reflected from the Base, VXY the second Prism by which this beam in pa.s.sing through it is refracted, N_t_ the less refracted Light of this beam, and N_p_ the more refracted part thereof.
When the first Prism ABC is turned about its Axis according to the order of the Letters ABC, the Rays MH emerge more and more obliquely out of that Prism, and at length after their most oblique Emergence are reflected towards N, and going on to _p_ do increase the Number of the Rays N_p_. Afterwards by continuing the Motion of the first Prism, the Rays MG are also reflected to N and increase the number of the Rays N_t_. And therefore the Light MN admits into its Composition, first the more refrangible Rays, and then the less refrangible Rays, and yet after this Composition is of the same Nature with the Sun's immediate Light FM, the Reflexion of the specular Base BC causing no Alteration therein.
_Exper._ 10. Two Prisms, which were alike in Shape, I tied so together, that their Axis and opposite Sides being parallel, they composed a Parallelopiped. And, the Sun s.h.i.+ning into my dark Chamber through a little hole in the Window-shut, I placed that Parallelopiped in his beam at some distance from the hole, in such a Posture, that the Axes of the Prisms might be perpendicular to the incident Rays, and that those Rays being incident upon the first Side of one Prism, might go on through the two contiguous Sides of both Prisms, and emerge out of the last Side of the second Prism. This Side being parallel to the first Side of the first Prism, caused the emerging Light to be parallel to the incident.
Then, beyond these two Prisms I placed a third, which might refract that emergent Light, and by that Refraction cast the usual Colours of the Prism upon the opposite Wall, or upon a sheet of white Paper held at a convenient Distance behind the Prism for that refracted Light to fall upon it. After this I turned the Parallelopiped about its Axis, and found that when the contiguous Sides of the two Prisms became so oblique to the incident Rays, that those Rays began all of them to be reflected, those Rays which in the third Prism had suffered the greatest Refraction, and painted the Paper with violet and blue, were first of all by a total Reflexion taken out of the transmitted Light, the rest remaining and on the Paper painting their Colours of green, yellow, orange and red, as before; and afterwards by continuing the Motion of the two Prisms, the rest of the Rays also by a total Reflexion vanished in order, according to their degrees of Refrangibility. The Light therefore which emerged out of the two Prisms is compounded of Rays differently refrangible, seeing the more refrangible Rays may be taken out of it, while the less refrangible remain. But this Light being trajected only through the parallel Superficies of the two Prisms, if it suffer'd any change by the Refraction of one Superficies it lost that Impression by the contrary Refraction of the other Superficies, and so being restor'd to its pristine Const.i.tution, became of the same Nature and Condition as at first before its Incidence on those Prisms; and therefore, before its Incidence, was as much compounded of Rays differently refrangible, as afterwards.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 22.]
_Ill.u.s.tration._ In the twenty second Figure ABC and BCD are the two Prisms tied together in the form of a Parallelopiped, their Sides BC and CB being contiguous, and their Sides AB and CD parallel. And HJK is the third Prism, by which the Sun's Light propagated through the hole F into the dark Chamber, and there pa.s.sing through those sides of the Prisms AB, BC, CB and CD, is refracted at O to the white Paper PT, falling there partly upon P by a greater Refraction, partly upon T by a less Refraction, and partly upon R and other intermediate places by intermediate Refractions. By turning the Parallelopiped ACBD about its Axis, according to the order of the Letters A, C, D, B, at length when the contiguous Planes BC and CB become sufficiently oblique to the Rays FM, which are incident upon them at M, there will vanish totally out of the refracted Light OPT, first of all the most refracted Rays OP, (the rest OR and OT remaining as before) then the Rays OR and other intermediate ones, and lastly, the least refracted Rays OT. For when the Plane BC becomes sufficiently oblique to the Rays incident upon it, those Rays will begin to be totally reflected by it towards N; and first the most refrangible Rays will be totally reflected (as was explained in the preceding Experiment) and by Consequence must first disappear at P, and afterwards the rest as they are in order totally reflected to N, they must disappear in the same order at R and T. So then the Rays which at O suffer the greatest Refraction, may be taken out of the Light MO whilst the rest of the Rays remain in it, and therefore that Light MO is compounded of Rays differently refrangible. And because the Planes AB and CD are parallel, and therefore by equal and contrary Refractions destroy one anothers Effects, the incident Light FM must be of the same Kind and Nature with the emergent Light MO, and therefore doth also consist of Rays differently refrangible. These two Lights FM and MO, before the most refrangible Rays are separated out of the emergent Light MO, agree in Colour, and in all other Properties so far as my Observation reaches, and therefore are deservedly reputed of the same Nature and Const.i.tution, and by Consequence the one is compounded as well as the other. But after the most refrangible Rays begin to be totally reflected, and thereby separated out of the emergent Light MO, that Light changes its Colour from white to a dilute and faint yellow, a pretty good orange, a very full red successively, and then totally vanishes. For after the most refrangible Rays which paint the Paper at P with a purple Colour, are by a total Reflexion taken out of the beam of Light MO, the rest of the Colours which appear on the Paper at R and T being mix'd in the Light MO compound there a faint yellow, and after the blue and part of the green which appear on the Paper between P and R are taken away, the rest which appear between R and T (that is the yellow, orange, red and a little green) being mixed in the beam MO compound there an orange; and when all the Rays are by Reflexion taken out of the beam MO, except the least refrangible, which at T appear of a full red, their Colour is the same in that beam MO as afterwards at T, the Refraction of the Prism HJK serving only to separate the differently refrangible Rays, without making any Alteration in their Colours, as shall be more fully proved hereafter. All which confirms as well the first Proposition as the second.
_Scholium._ If this Experiment and the former be conjoined and made one by applying a fourth Prism VXY [in _Fig._ 22.] to refract the reflected beam MN towards _tp_, the Conclusion will be clearer. For then the Light N_p_ which in the fourth Prism is more refracted, will become fuller and stronger when the Light OP, which in the third Prism HJK is more refracted, vanishes at P; and afterwards when the less refracted Light OT vanishes at T, the less refracted Light N_t_ will become increased whilst the more refracted Light at _p_ receives no farther increase. And as the trajected beam MO in vanis.h.i.+ng is always of such a Colour as ought to result from the mixture of the Colours which fall upon the Paper PT, so is the reflected beam MN always of such a Colour as ought to result from the mixture of the Colours which fall upon the Paper _pt_. For when the most refrangible Rays are by a total Reflexion taken out of the beam MO, and leave that beam of an orange Colour, the Excess of those Rays in the reflected Light, does not only make the violet, indigo and blue at _p_ more full, but also makes the beam MN change from the yellowish Colour of the Sun's Light, to a pale white inclining to blue, and afterward recover its yellowish Colour again, so soon as all the rest of the transmitted Light MOT is reflected.
Now seeing that in all this variety of Experiments, whether the Trial be made in Light reflected, and that either from natural Bodies, as in the first and second Experiment, or specular, as in the ninth; or in Light refracted, and that either before the unequally refracted Rays are by diverging separated from one another, and losing their whiteness which they have altogether, appear severally of several Colours, as in the fifth Experiment; or after they are separated from one another, and appear colour'd as in the sixth, seventh, and eighth Experiments; or in Light trajected through parallel Superficies, destroying each others Effects, as in the tenth Experiment; there are always found Rays, which at equal Incidences on the same Medium suffer unequal Refractions, and that without any splitting or dilating of single Rays, or contingence in the inequality of the Refractions, as is proved in the fifth and sixth Experiments. And seeing the Rays which differ in Refrangibility may be parted and sorted from one another, and that either by Refraction as in the third Experiment, or by Reflexion as in the tenth, and then the several sorts apart at equal Incidences suffer unequal Refractions, and those sorts are more refracted than others after Separation, which were more refracted before it, as in the sixth and following Experiments, and if the Sun's Light be trajected through three or more cross Prisms successively, those Rays which in the first Prism are refracted more than others, are in all the following Prisms refracted more than others in the same Rate and Proportion, as appears by the fifth Experiment; it's manifest that the Sun's Light is an heterogeneous Mixture of Rays, some of which are constantly more refrangible than others, as was proposed.
_The Sun's Light consists of Rays differing in Reflexibility, and those Rays are more reflexible than others which are more refrangible._
This is manifest by the ninth and tenth Experiments: For in the ninth Experiment, by turning the Prism about its Axis, until the Rays within it which in going out into the Air were refracted by its Base, became so oblique to that Base, as to begin to be totally reflected thereby; those Rays became first of all totally reflected, which before at equal Incidences with the rest had suffered the greatest Refraction. And the same thing happens in the Reflexion made by the common Base of the two Prisms in the tenth Experiment.
_To separate from one another the heterogeneous Rays of compound Light._
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 23.]
The heterogeneous Rays are in some measure separated from one another by the Refraction of the Prism in the third Experiment, and in the fifth Experiment, by taking away the Penumbra from the rectilinear sides of the coloured Image, that Separation in those very rectilinear sides or straight edges of the Image becomes perfect. But in all places between those rectilinear edges, those innumerable Circles there described, which are severally illuminated by h.o.m.ogeneal Rays, by interfering with one another, and being every where commix'd, do render the Light sufficiently compound. But if these Circles, whilst their Centers keep their Distances and Positions, could be made less in Diameter, their interfering one with another, and by Consequence the Mixture of the heterogeneous Rays would be proportionally diminish'd. In the twenty third Figure let AG, BH, CJ, DK, EL, FM be the Circles which so many sorts of Rays flowing from the same disque of the Sun, do in the third Experiment illuminate; of all which and innumerable other intermediate ones lying in a continual Series between the two rectilinear and parallel edges of the Sun's oblong Image PT, that Image is compos'd, as was explained in the fifth Experiment. And let _ag_, _bh_, _ci_, _dk_, _el_, _fm_ be so many less Circles lying in a like continual Series between two parallel right Lines _af_ and _gm_ with the same distances between their Centers, and illuminated by the same sorts of Rays, that is the Circle _ag_ with the same sort by which the corresponding Circle AG was illuminated, and the Circle _bh_ with the same sort by which the corresponding Circle BH was illuminated, and the rest of the Circles _ci_, _dk_, _el_, _fm_ respectively, with the same sorts of Rays by which the several corresponding Circles CJ, DK, EL, FM were illuminated.
In the Figure PT composed of the greater Circles, three of those Circles AG, BH, CJ, are so expanded into one another, that the three sorts of Rays by which those Circles are illuminated, together with other innumerable sorts of intermediate Rays, are mixed at QR in the middle of the Circle BH. And the like Mixture happens throughout almost the whole length of the Figure PT. But in the Figure _pt_ composed of the less Circles, the three less Circles _ag_, _bh_, _ci_, which answer to those three greater, do not extend into one another; nor are there any where mingled so much as any two of the three sorts of Rays by which those Circles are illuminated, and which in the Figure PT are all of them intermingled at BH.
Now he that shall thus consider it, will easily understand that the Mixture is diminished in the same Proportion with the Diameters of the Circles. If the Diameters of the Circles whilst their Centers remain the same, be made three times less than before, the Mixture will be also three times less; if ten times less, the Mixture will be ten times less, and so of other Proportions. That is, the Mixture of the Rays in the greater Figure PT will be to their Mixture in the less _pt_, as the Lat.i.tude of the greater Figure is to the Lat.i.tude of the less. For the Lat.i.tudes of these Figures are equal to the Diameters of their Circles.
And hence it easily follows, that the Mixture of the Rays in the refracted Spectrum _pt_ is to the Mixture of the Rays in the direct and immediate Light of the Sun, as the breadth of that Spectrum is to the difference between the length and breadth of the same Spectrum.
So then, if we would diminish the Mixture of the Rays, we are to diminish the Diameters of the Circles. Now these would be diminished if the Sun's Diameter to which they answer could be made less than it is, or (which comes to the same Purpose) if without Doors, at a great distance from the Prism towards the Sun, some opake Body were placed, with a round hole in the middle of it, to intercept all the Sun's Light, excepting so much as coming from the middle of his Body could pa.s.s through that Hole to the Prism. For so the Circles AG, BH, and the rest, would not any longer answer to the whole Disque of the Sun, but only to that Part of it which could be seen from the Prism through that Hole, that it is to the apparent Magnitude of that Hole view'd from the Prism.
But that these Circles may answer more distinctly to that Hole, a Lens is to be placed by the Prism to cast the Image of the Hole, (that is, every one of the Circles AG, BH, &c.) distinctly upon the Paper at PT, after such a manner, as by a Lens placed at a Window, the Species of Objects abroad are cast distinctly upon a Paper within the Room, and the rectilinear Sides of the oblong Solar Image in the fifth Experiment became distinct without any Penumbra. If this be done, it will not be necessary to place that Hole very far off, no not beyond the Window. And therefore instead of that Hole, I used the Hole in the Window-shut, as follows.
_Exper._ 11. In the Sun's Light let into my darken'd Chamber through a small round Hole in my Window-shut, at about ten or twelve Feet from the Window, I placed a Lens, by which the Image of the Hole might be distinctly cast upon a Sheet of white Paper, placed at the distance of six, eight, ten, or twelve Feet from the Lens. For, according to the difference of the Lenses I used various distances, which I think not worth the while to describe. Then immediately after the Lens I placed a Prism, by which the trajected Light might be refracted either upwards or sideways, and thereby the round Image, which the Lens alone did cast upon the Paper might be drawn out into a long one with Parallel Sides, as in the third Experiment. This oblong Image I let fall upon another Paper at about the same distance from the Prism as before, moving the Paper either towards the Prism or from it, until I found the just distance where the Rectilinear Sides of the Image became most distinct.
For in this Case, the Circular Images of the Hole, which compose that Image after the same manner that the Circles _ag_, _bh_, _ci_, &c. do the Figure _pt_ [in _Fig._ 23.] were terminated most distinctly without any Penumbra, and therefore extended into one another the least that they could, and by consequence the Mixture of the heterogeneous Rays was now the least of all. By this means I used to form an oblong Image (such as is _pt_) [in _Fig._ 23, and 24.] of Circular Images of the Hole, (such as are _ag_, _bh_, _ci_, &c.) and by using a greater or less Hole in the Window-shut, I made the Circular Images _ag_, _bh_, _ci_, &c. of which it was formed, to become greater or less at pleasure, and thereby the Mixture of the Rays in the Image _pt_ to be as much, or as little as I desired.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 24.]
_Ill.u.s.tration._ In the twenty-fourth Figure, F represents the Circular Hole in the Window-shut, MN the Lens, whereby the Image or Species of that Hole is cast distinctly upon a Paper at J, ABC the Prism, whereby the Rays are at their emerging out of the Lens refracted from J towards another Paper at _pt_, and the round Image at J is turned into an oblong Image _pt_ falling on that other Paper. This Image _pt_ consists of Circles placed one after another in a Rectilinear Order, as was sufficiently explained in the fifth Experiment; and these Circles are equal to the Circle J, and consequently answer in magnitude to the Hole F; and therefore by diminis.h.i.+ng that Hole they may be at pleasure diminished, whilst their Centers remain in their Places. By this means I made the Breadth of the Image _pt_ to be forty times, and sometimes sixty or seventy times less than its Length. As for instance, if the Breadth of the Hole F be one tenth of an Inch, and MF the distance of the Lens from the Hole be 12 Feet; and if _p_B or _p_M the distance of the Image _pt_ from the Prism or Lens be 10 Feet, and the refracting Angle of the Prism be 62 Degrees, the Breadth of the Image _pt_ will be one twelfth of an Inch, and the Length about six Inches, and therefore the Length to the Breadth as 72 to 1, and by consequence the Light of this Image 71 times less compound than the Sun's direct Light. And Light thus far simple and h.o.m.ogeneal, is sufficient for trying all the Experiments in this Book about simple Light. For the Composition of heterogeneal Rays is in this Light so little, that it is scarce to be discovered and perceiv'd by Sense, except perhaps in the indigo and violet. For these being dark Colours do easily suffer a sensible Allay by that little scattering Light which uses to be refracted irregularly by the Inequalities of the Prism.
Yet instead of the Circular Hole F, 'tis better to subst.i.tute an oblong Hole shaped like a long Parallelogram with its Length parallel to the Prism ABC. For if this Hole be an Inch or two long, and but a tenth or twentieth Part of an Inch broad, or narrower; the Light of the Image _pt_ will be as simple as before, or simpler, and the Image will become much broader, and therefore more fit to have Experiments try'd in its Light than before.
Instead of this Parallelogram Hole may be subst.i.tuted a triangular one of equal Sides, whose Base, for instance, is about the tenth Part of an Inch, and its Height an Inch or more. For by this means, if the Axis of the Prism be parallel to the Perpendicular of the Triangle, the Image _pt_ [in _Fig._ 25.] will now be form'd of equicrural Triangles _ag_, _bh_, _ci_, _dk_, _el_, _fm_, &c. and innumerable other intermediate ones answering to the triangular Hole in Shape and Bigness, and lying one after another in a continual Series between two Parallel Lines _af_ and _gm_. These Triangles are a little intermingled at their Bases, but not at their Vertices; and therefore the Light on the brighter Side _af_ of the Image, where the Bases of the Triangles are, is a little compounded, but on the darker Side _gm_ is altogether uncompounded, and in all Places between the Sides the Composition is proportional to the distances of the Places from that obscurer Side _gm_. And having a Spectrum _pt_ of such a Composition, we may try Experiments either in its stronger and less simple Light near the Side _af_, or in its weaker and simpler Light near the other Side _gm_, as it shall seem most convenient.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 25.]
But in making Experiments of this kind, the Chamber ought to be made as dark as can be, lest any Foreign Light mingle it self with the Light of the Spectrum _pt_, and render it compound; especially if we would try Experiments in the more simple Light next the Side _gm_ of the Spectrum; which being fainter, will have a less proportion to the Foreign Light; and so by the mixture of that Light be more troubled, and made more compound. The Lens also ought to be good, such as may serve for optical Uses, and the Prism ought to have a large Angle, suppose of 65 or 70 Degrees, and to be well wrought, being made of Gla.s.s free from Bubbles and Veins, with its Sides not a little convex or concave, as usually happens, but truly plane, and its Polish elaborate, as in working Optick-gla.s.ses, and not such as is usually wrought with Putty, whereby the edges of the Sand-holes being worn away, there are left all over the Gla.s.s a numberless Company of very little convex polite Risings like Waves. The edges also of the Prism and Lens, so far as they may make any irregular Refraction, must be covered with a black Paper glewed on. And all the Light of the Sun's Beam let into the Chamber, which is useless and unprofitable to the Experiment, ought to be intercepted with black Paper, or other black Obstacles. For otherwise the useless Light being reflected every way in the Chamber, will mix with the oblong Spectrum, and help to disturb it. In trying these Things, so much diligence is not altogether necessary, but it will promote the Success of the Experiments, and by a very scrupulous Examiner of Things deserves to be apply'd. It's difficult to get Gla.s.s Prisms fit for this Purpose, and therefore I used sometimes prismatick Vessels made with pieces of broken Looking-gla.s.ses, and filled with Rain Water. And to increase the Refraction, I sometimes impregnated the Water strongly with _Saccharum Saturni_.
_h.o.m.ogeneal Light is refracted regularly without any Dilatation splitting or shattering of the Rays, and the confused Vision of Objects seen through refracting Bodies by heterogeneal Light arises from the different Refrangibility of several sorts of Rays._
The first Part of this Proposition has been already sufficiently proved in the fifth Experiment, and will farther appear by the Experiments which follow.
_Exper._ 12. In the middle of a black Paper I made a round Hole about a fifth or sixth Part of an Inch in diameter. Upon this Paper I caused the Spectrum of h.o.m.ogeneal Light described in the former Proposition, so to fall, that some part of the Light might pa.s.s through the Hole of the Paper. This transmitted part of the Light I refracted with a Prism placed behind the Paper, and letting this refracted Light fall perpendicularly upon a white Paper two or three Feet distant from the Prism, I found that the Spectrum formed on the Paper by this Light was not oblong, as when 'tis made (in the third Experiment) by refracting the Sun's compound Light, but was (so far as I could judge by my Eye) perfectly circular, the Length being no greater than the Breadth. Which shews, that this Light is refracted regularly without any Dilatation of the Rays.
_Exper._ 13. In the h.o.m.ogeneal Light I placed a Paper Circle of a quarter of an Inch in diameter, and in the Sun's unrefracted heterogeneal white Light I placed another Paper Circle of the same Bigness. And going from the Papers to the distance of some Feet, I viewed both Circles through a Prism. The Circle illuminated by the Sun's heterogeneal Light appeared very oblong, as in the fourth Experiment, the Length being many times greater than the Breadth; but the other Circle, illuminated with h.o.m.ogeneal Light, appeared circular and distinctly defined, as when 'tis view'd with the naked Eye. Which proves the whole Proposition.
_Exper._ 14. In the h.o.m.ogeneal Light I placed Flies, and such-like minute Objects, and viewing them through a Prism, I saw their Parts as distinctly defined, as if I had viewed them with the naked Eye. The same Objects placed in the Sun's unrefracted heterogeneal Light, which was white, I viewed also through a Prism, and saw them most confusedly defined, so that I could not distinguish their smaller Parts from one another. I placed also the Letters of a small print, one while in the h.o.m.ogeneal Light, and then in the heterogeneal, and viewing them through a Prism, they appeared in the latter Case so confused and indistinct, that I could not read them; but in the former they appeared so distinct, that I could read readily, and thought I saw them as distinct, as when I view'd them with my naked Eye. In both Cases I view'd the same Objects, through the same Prism at the same distance from me, and in the same Situation. There was no difference, but in the Light by which the Objects were illuminated, and which in one Case was simple, and in the other compound; and therefore, the distinct Vision in the former Case, and confused in the latter, could arise from nothing else than from that difference of the Lights. Which proves the whole Proposition.
And in these three Experiments it is farther very remarkable, that the Colour of h.o.m.ogeneal Light was never changed by the Refraction.
_The Sine of Incidence of every Ray considered apart, is to its Sine of Refraction in a given Ratio._
That every Ray consider'd apart, is constant to it self in some degree of Refrangibility, is sufficiently manifest out of what has been said.
Those Rays, which in the first Refraction, are at equal Incidences most refracted, are also in the following Refractions at equal Incidences most refracted; and so of the least refrangible, and the rest which have any mean Degree of Refrangibility, as is manifest by the fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth Experiments. And those which the first Time at like Incidences are equally refracted, are again at like Incidences equally and uniformly refracted, and that whether they be refracted before they be separated from one another, as in the fifth Experiment, or whether they be refracted apart, as in the twelfth, thirteenth and fourteenth Experiments. The Refraction therefore of every Ray apart is regular, and what Rule that Refraction observes we are now to shew.[E]
The late Writers in Opticks teach, that the Sines of Incidence are in a given Proportion to the Sines of Refraction, as was explained in the fifth Axiom, and some by Instruments fitted for measuring of Refractions, or otherwise experimentally examining this Proportion, do acquaint us that they have found it accurate. But whilst they, not understanding the different Refrangibility of several Rays, conceived them all to be refracted according to one and the same Proportion, 'tis to be presumed that they adapted their Measures only to the middle of the refracted Light; so that from their Measures we may conclude only that the Rays which have a mean Degree of Refrangibility, that is, those which when separated from the rest appear green, are refracted according to a given Proportion of their Sines. And therefore we are now to shew, that the like given Proportions obtain in all the rest. That it should be so is very reasonable, Nature being ever conformable to her self; but an experimental Proof is desired. And such a Proof will be had, if we can shew that the Sines of Refraction of Rays differently refrangible are one to another in a given Proportion when their Sines of Incidence are equal. For, if the Sines of Refraction of all the Rays are in given Proportions to the Sine of Refractions of a Ray which has a mean Degree of Refrangibility, and this Sine is in a given Proportion to the equal Sines of Incidence, those other Sines of Refraction will also be in given Proportions to the equal Sines of Incidence. Now, when the Sines of Incidence are equal, it will appear by the following Experiment, that the Sines of Refraction are in a given Proportion to one another.
[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 26.]
_Exper._ 15. The Sun s.h.i.+ning into a dark Chamber through a little round Hole in the Window-shut, let S [in _Fig._ 26.] represent his round white Image painted on the opposite Wall by his direct Light, PT his oblong coloured Image made by refracting that Light with a Prism placed at the Window; and _pt_, or _2p 2t_, _3p 3t_, his oblong colour'd Image made by refracting again the same Light sideways with a second Prism placed immediately after the first in a cross Position to it, as was explained in the fifth Experiment; that is to say, _pt_ when the Refraction of the second Prism is small, _2p 2t_ when its Refraction is greater, and _3p 3t_ when it is greatest. For such will be the diversity of the Refractions, if the refracting Angle of the second Prism be of various Magnitudes; suppose of fifteen or twenty Degrees to make the Image _pt_, of thirty or forty to make the Image _2p 2t_, and of sixty to make the Image _3p 3t_. But for want of solid Gla.s.s Prisms with Angles of convenient Bignesses, there may be Vessels made of polished Plates of Gla.s.s cemented together in the form of Prisms and filled with Water.
These things being thus ordered, I observed that all the solar Images or coloured Spectrums PT, _pt_, _2p 2t_, _3p 3t_ did very nearly converge to the place S on which the direct Light of the Sun fell and painted his white round Image when the Prisms were taken away. The Axis of the Spectrum PT, that is the Line drawn through the middle of it parallel to its rectilinear Sides, did when produced pa.s.s exactly through the middle of that white round Image S. And when the Refraction of the second Prism was equal to the Refraction of the first, the refracting Angles of them both being about 60 Degrees, the Axis of the Spectrum _3p 3t_ made by that Refraction, did when produced pa.s.s also through the middle of the same white round Image S. But when the Refraction of the second Prism was less than that of the first, the produced Axes of the Spectrums _tp_ or _2t 2p_ made by that Refraction did cut the produced Axis of the Spectrum TP in the points _m_ and _n_, a little beyond the Center of that white round Image S. Whence the proportion of the Line 3_t_T to the Line 3_p_P was a little greater than the Proportion of 2_t_T or 2_p_P, and this Proportion a little greater than that of _t_T to _p_P. Now when the Light of the Spectrum PT falls perpendicularly upon the Wall, those Lines 3_t_T, 3_p_P, and 2_t_T, and 2_p_P, and _t_T, _p_P, are the Tangents of the Refractions, and therefore by this Experiment the Proportions of the Tangents of the Refractions are obtained, from whence the Proportions of the Sines being derived, they come out equal, so far as by viewing the Spectrums, and using some mathematical Reasoning I could estimate. For I did not make an accurate Computation. So then the Proposition holds true in every Ray apart, so far as appears by Experiment. And that it is accurately true, may be demonstrated upon this Supposition. _That Bodies refract Light by acting upon its Rays in Lines perpendicular to their Surfaces._ But in order to this Demonstration, I must distinguish the Motion of every Ray into two Motions, the one perpendicular to the refracting Surface, the other parallel to it, and concerning the perpendicular Motion lay down the following Proposition.
If any Motion or moving thing whatsoever be incident with any Velocity on any broad and thin s.p.a.ce terminated on both sides by two parallel Planes, and in its Pa.s.sage through that s.p.a.ce be urged perpendicularly towards the farther Plane by any force which at given distances from the Plane is of given Quant.i.ties; the perpendicular velocity of that Motion or Thing, at its emerging out of that s.p.a.ce, shall be always equal to the square Root of the sum of the square of the perpendicular velocity of that Motion or Thing at its Incidence on that s.p.a.ce; and of the square of the perpendicular velocity which that Motion or Thing would have at its Emergence, if at its Incidence its perpendicular velocity was infinitely little.
And the same Proposition holds true of any Motion or Thing perpendicularly r.e.t.a.r.ded in its pa.s.sage through that s.p.a.ce, if instead of the sum of the two Squares you take their difference. The Demonstration Mathematicians will easily find out, and therefore I shall not trouble the Reader with it.
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