The Latin & Irish Lives of Ciaran Part 4

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11. Now when the man of G.o.d had spent a certain time there, with the licence of Nynnidus he hastened to Saint Endeus, abbot in Ara; who was filled with no small joy at his coming. Now on a certain night he dreamed that he had seen beside the bank of the great river Synan a great leafy and fruitful tree which over-shadowed all Ireland. Which dream he related to blessed Endeus on the following day. But Endeus himself bore witness that he had seen the same vision that night, which vision Endeus interpreted: "The tree," he said, "thou art it, who shalt be great before G.o.d and men, and honourable throughout all Ireland; because she is protected from demons and from other perils by the shadow of thy help and grace, as under the shadow of a health-giving tree. Many near and far shall the fruit of thy works advantage. Wherefore according to the decree of G.o.d who revealeth secrets, depart to the place that hath been shown thee before, and there abide, according to the grace given thee of G.o.d." Comforted by the interpretation of this vision, in true obedience he obeyed the command of Saint Endeus his spiritual father.


12. And having set forth on the way he found in his journey a poor man, to whom, as he asked an alms of him, he made over his cloak. And when he had arrived at the island of Cathacus, blessed Sena.n.u.s learnt of his arrival, the Spirit revealing it to him, and coming to meet him he said as though smiling, "Is it not shame for a presbyter to journey without a cloak?" For Sena.n.u.s in the spirit knew how he had given it to a poor man. And so he came to meet him with a cloak. And Kera.n.u.s said, "My elder," said he, "beareth a cloak for me under his vesture."


13. When he had received it and returned thanks to the giver, he came for sacred converse to the cell of his brother Luctigernnus, where also was his other brother, Odra.n.u.s by name. There for some time he prolonged his sojourn, and was guest-master. Now one day when he was reading in the open air in the cemetery, guests came unexpectedly, whom he led to the guest-house, having left his book open in forgetfulness: and he washed their feet with devotion, and did the other services necessary for them, for the sake of Christ. Meanwhile, when the night darkness had fallen, there was a great rain. But He Who bedewed the fleece of Gideon, but afterwards kept it untouched by the dew, so preserved the book of holy Kera.n.u.s, open though it was, from the rus.h.i.+ng waters, that not a drop fell upon it.


14. Near to the monastery in which the man of G.o.d was then staying, there was an island, which certain worldly men inhabited, whose uproar used greatly to disturb the men of G.o.d. Whence it happened that blessed Kera.n.u.s, compelled by their disquietude, made his way to the lake, and giving himself up wholly to prayer, succeeded in obtaining the removal of those who were distressing the servants of G.o.d. For when he ceased from prayer, behold, suddenly the island with the lake and the inhabitants withdrew to a remote place, so that by no means could its inhabitants disturb the friends of the Most High. For this miracle was done in His Name Who overturned Sodom on account of the sin of its inhabitants, and consumed it with fire. The traces of that lake, where it formerly was, still exist.


15. As the man of G.o.d was distributing the goods of the monastery for the use of the poor, his brethren complaining of this and coming to him inconsiderately, said, "Depart," said they, "from us, for we cannot live together." To whom agreeing, and bidding farewell in the Lord, he transferred himself to an island by name Angina. A monastery having been founded in this island, many hastening from all sides, attracted by the fame of his holiness, submitted to the service of G.o.d. Ordering them under strict rules, by face and by habit, by speech and by life, he showed himself as an example to them. For he was as an eagle inciting its young to fly, in respect to sublimity of contemplation; but he lived as the least of them in brotherly humility. For he was in spiritual meditations attached to the highest things; yet so much did he stoop to feeble weakness that he seemed as though he tended towards the lowliest things. He was also perfect in faith, fervent in charity, rejoicing in hope, gentle of heart, courteous of speech, patient and long-suffering, kindly in hospitality, ever diligent in works of piety, benign, gentle, peaceful, sober, and quiet. To summarise many things in one short sentence, he was garnished with the ornament of all the virtues.

Expending a care zealous for these and the like matters--the care of Mary for contemplation, and of Martha for the dispensing of things temporal--he fulfilled his duty in ordered succession. Nor could the light of such and so great a lantern be hidden under a bushel: but it glittered with light, all around, wheresoever it abundantly illuminated the world with the outpoured glory of its grace.


16. He was nevertheless inspired with a spirit of prophecy, which appears from the preceding and the following examples. For on a certain day the voice of one asking for ferrying had struck on his ears. Then he said to the brethren, "I hear," said he, "the voice of him whom G.o.d will set over you as abbot. Go, therefore, and fetch him." So they hastened; and coming to the harbour, they found an unlettered youth. Not caring to lead him to the holy man, they returned and declared that they had found no one, save an unlettered youth who was wandering as a vagabond in the woods. But Saint Quera.n.u.s said, "Lead him hither," said he, "and despise not your future pastor." Who being led in, by the inspiration of G.o.d and by the instruction of the holy man, took on him the habit of religion, and duly learned his letters. For he is Saint Oenius, a man of venerable life; and, as the saint prophesied beforehand, he was duly set over the brethren.


17. At length, when some time had pa.s.sed, a holy man by name Dompna.n.u.s, of Mumonia by race, came to visit the man of G.o.d. When Saint Kera.n.u.s enquired of him the cause of his coming, he replied that he wished to have a place in which he could serve the Lord in security. But Saint Kera.n.u.s, seeking not his own, but the things of Jesus Christ, said, "Here," said he, "dwell thou, and I with G.o.d's guidance shall seek a place of habitation elsewhere." Finally, the sacred community accompanying him, he made his way to the place foreshown him of G.o.d, in which, when the famous and renowned monastery which is to-day called the city of Cluayn was built, he himself illuminated the world, like the sun, with the light of famous miracles.


18. Of the mult.i.tude of these miracles we add some here. One time, when the brethren, labouring in the harvest, were oppressed with peril of thirst, they sent to holy Father Quera.n.u.s that they might be refreshed by the blessing of water. To these, through the servants, he said: "Choose ye," said he, "one of two things; either that ye be now revived with water, or that those who are to inhabit this place after you be blessed with the things of this world." But they answering said: "We choose," said they, "that those who come after us may abound in temporal goods, and that we may have the reward of long-suffering in heaven." And so, rejoicing in the hope of the things to come, they abstained from drinking, though they were in great need of it.

But in the evening when they were returning home, the tender father, having compa.s.sion on the weariness of the labourers, blessed a vessel filled with water: and now renewing the holy miracle in Cana of Galilee, he changed the water into the best wine. By this wine they, fainting from thirst, were revived; and revived in faith by the manifestation of an unwonted miracle, they gave praises to G.o.d Almighty. For the taste of this miraculous wine was more grateful than was wont, and its odour scented the thumb of the wine-drawer so long as he survived.


19. One day when he was going on a way, most infamous robbers, seizing him, began to shave the head of the blessed man. But what the frowardness of man wished to efface, the divine benevolence changed to the manifestation of a mighty miracle. For in the place of the shaved hairs other hairs grew forthwith. The robbers, thrown into consternation by this miracle, were changed to the way of truth, and at length, serving in the divine army under so great a leader, they finished their life in holy conversation.


20. At another time when the good shepherd was feeding his flocks, three poor men met him. To the first of these he made over his cape, to the second his cloak, to the third his tunic. But when they were going away there arrived certain men, leaders of a worldly life. As he was ashamed to be seen of these without raiment, the Lord Who helpeth in need so surrounded him with water that except his head no part of him could they see. But after these men had pa.s.sed by the water soon disappeared.


21. After this when some time had pa.s.sed, certain companions of the devil were trying to slay a man who dwelt near his monastery: whom, when the blessed man prayed for him, G.o.d marvellously rescued. For when they were slaughtering the man, they were striking on a stone statue. The robbers, when at last they perceived this, being p.r.i.c.ked in the heart, hasten to the shepherd of souls, Quera.n.u.s: they humbly acknowledge their crime; and, amending their way of life, they served faithfully under the yoke of Christ until death.


22. The most glorious soldier of Christ, s.h.i.+ning with these and many other [miracles], like the luminary which presides over the day, as he reached the setting of his natural course, approached it, seized with grievous sickness. But because he who shall have endured unto the end shall be saved, so the champion of Christ, not only strengthening himself in the battle of this conflict, but also calling on souls to conquer, caused the stone, on which, supporting his head, he was wont until then to concede a little sleep to his body, to be placed even under his shoulders; then raising his holy hand he blessed the brethren, and, fortified by reception of the viatic.u.m of salvation, gave back his soul to heaven. For as that blessed soul departed from the body, the choirs of angels with hymns and songs received it into the glory of G.o.d.


23. Also, when the most blessed abbot of Christ, Columba, heard of the death of Saint Kera.n.u.s, he composed a notable hymn about him: and he brought it down with him to the monastery of Cluayn, where, as was fitting, he was received with hospitality in honour. Now as for the hymn, the abbot who was then presiding, and the others who had heard it, lauded it with many lofty praises. But when Saint Columba was departing thence, he took away with him earth from the sacred grave of Saint Kera.n.u.s, knowing in the spirit how useful this would be against future perils of the sea. For in the part of the sea which bears towards the monastery of i, there is a very great danger to those who cross, partly because of the vehemence of the currents, and partly because of the narrowness of the sea; so that s.h.i.+ps are whirled round and driven in a circle, and thus are often sunk. For it is rightly compared to Scylla and Charybdis; I mean that by its grave and unmitigated dangerousness, evil is there the lot of sailors. When they were coming to this strait, they suddenly began to glide into it in their course: and when they looked for nothing but death, and because they were as though apt to be devoured by the horrible jaws of the abyss, then Saint Columba taking some of the aforesaid dust that had been taken from the tomb of blessed Kera.n.u.s, cast it into that sea.

Then there befell a thing marvellous and worthy of great wonder; for sooner than it is told, that cruel storm ceased, and accorded them a quiet pa.s.sage. Truly do the just live for ever; among whom blessed Quera.n.u.s reigneth, the earth or dust of whose sepulchre stilled the sea, established in the Faith the hearts of those who feared, and strengthened them to good works. Wherefore blessed Kera.n.u.s liveth not only for G.o.d, to whom he is inseparably bound, but also for men, on whom in time of need he bestoweth benefits.


1. As the mother of Quiara.n.u.s sat in a noisy carriage, a wizard heard the sound and said out to his attendant lads, "See ye who is in the carriage, for it soundeth under a king." "The wife," say they, "of Beodus the wright sitteth here." The wizard says: "She shall bear a king acceptable to all, whose works shall s.h.i.+ne like Phoebus in the sky." The soldier of Christ, Kera.n.u.s, a temple of the Holy Spirit, flourished in the virtue of spiritual piety.

2. He bestowed the sucking calf of a cow on a hound; then his mother severely upbraided Quera.n.u.s. He asked the devoured calf from the hound itself, and presently bearing back its bones he restored it.

3. The bald head of a royal woman had been made bare by the envy of an evil concubine; when it was signed in the name of Quera.n.u.s it shone adorned with golden hair.

4. When Quera.n.u.s was occupied with sacred studies, and asked time that he might engage himself therein, then the mill is moved for him by angels.

5. The gospel text had fallen into a lake, but when time pa.s.sed, by the merits of Quera.n.u.s, a cow brought it back sound from the abyss.

6. When as a boy he was praying the Lord, and was spending his time in prayer, fire came from above in the citadel of the pole. The dead boy descried the lights of life, and the saints glorify the mighty Lord.

Sparkling fire falling from heaven is kindled and forthwith he completes his especial duty.

7. To the high and ineffable company of apostles of the heavenly Jerusalem, the lofty watch-tower, sitting on thrones s.h.i.+ning like the sun, Quera.n.u.s the holy priest, the eminent messenger of Christ, is exalted by the heavenly hands of angels, with the happy clans of holy ones made perfect; whom Thou, Christ, hast sent as a man, an apostle to the world, glorious in all the latest times.



1. The blessed and venerable abbot Quera.n.u.s was born of a n.o.ble and religious stock of the Scots, of a father Beoid, that is Boeus, by name, who was a cartwright, and of a mother Darerca; of these many saints were born. This man of G.o.d was prophesied of by Saint Patrick, fifty years before his birth. Moreover when his mother, sitting in a carriage one day, pa.s.sed near the house of a certain wizard, the wizard, hearing the noise of the carriage said in prophecy, "The carriage soundeth under a king." And when his folk went in surprise to see the truth of the matter, and beheld no one but the wife of Boeus in the carriage, they said in mockery, "Lo, the wife of Beoit sitteth in the carriage." To whom the wizard said, "Not of her do I speak, but of the son whom she hath in her womb, who shall be a mighty king; and as the sun blazeth in mid-day, so shall he with miracles s.h.i.+ne and illumine this island." After this, as his father was being burdened under the taxes of Anmereus, that is Anmirech, leaving his native region he departed into the territory of the Conactei; and there in the plain of Ay he begat his blessed son Quera.n.u.s, who was baptized and instructed by a certain holy man, Dermicius by name. And the holy boy, in manners beyond his years, worked many wonders.


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