Apis Mellifica Part 2

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Nevertheless, such sequelae will undoubtedly occur, for it is characteristic of the measle-miasm, to rouse latent psoric, sycosic, syphilitic and vaccinine taints, which afterwards require a specific anti-psoric treatment. Nevertheless, sequelae will certainly occur less frequently after the use of Apis, for which we ought to be thankful. In


Apis will likewise afford speedy and certain help.

Many symptoms in the American Provings confirm this statement. More particularly 1198 to 1210, and 1232 to 35: "very soon thick nettle-rash over the whole body, itching a good deal, pa.s.sing off after sleeping soundly; violent inflammation and pressure over the whole body; friction brought out small white spots resembling musquito-bites; suddenly an indescribable stinging sensation over the whole body, with white and red spots in the palms of the hands, on the arms and feet; her Whole body was covered with itching and burning swollen streaks, after which the other troubles disappeared; swelling of the face and body; the parts are covered with a sort of blotches somewhat paler than the ordinary color of the skin; eruption over the whole body resembling nettle-rash, with itching and burning; nettle-rash in many cases; spots on the nape of the neck and forehead, resembling nettle-rash under the skin; consequences of repelled urticaria; whitish, violently itching swellings of the skin, on the head and nape of the neck, like nettle-rash; after the rash disappeared, the whole of the right side was paralyzed, with violent delirium even unto rage; after taking Apis the eruption appeared in abundance, and the delirium abated."

These provings have been abundantly confirmed by my own experience. The use of Apis in these eruptions has been followed in my hands by the most satisfactory results; and I feel justified in recommending Apis as a most efficient remedy in these diseases, which are still wrapt in a good deal of obscurity. An additional source of satisfaction to have obtained more means of relieving human suffering. The experienced Neuman writes, in his Special Therapeutics, 2d Edit., Vol. I., Section 2, p. 681, about urticaria: "Howsoever unimportant a single eruption of urticaria may be, it becomes disagreeable and troublesome by its constant repet.i.tion, which is not dangerous, but exceedingly disturbing. It would be desirable to be acquainted with a safe method of curing this eruption, but so far, it has been sought for in vain." The same physician, speaking of pemphigus, writes in the same place, that its etiology, prognosis and treatment, are still very dubious; that it leads to extensive chronic sufferings, and often terminates fatally; and that no specific remedy is known for this disease. The more frequent opportunities we have of observing both these diseases in different individuals, the more frequently we observe them in conjunction with serious chronic maladies characterized by some specific chronic miasm, or in conjunction with the most penetrating and disturbing emotions, such as fright and its consequences; the more frequently we observe the sudden appearance and disappearance of such pustules, alternating with corresponding improvements or exacerbations in the internal organism, where we have to look on utterly powerless, as it were, the more uneasy do we feel at the mysterious nature of this malady, which, during the period of organic vigor, seems to be a sort of trifling derangement, somewhat like urticaria, but which, as the vital energies become prostrated by age, becomes more and more searching and tormenting, breaks forth again and again, exhausting the vital juices and leading irresistibly to a fatal termination; a result which is particularly apt to take place during old age, although I have likewise observed it, but rarely, among new-born infants.

These developments lead us to suspect that urticaria and pemphigus are identical in essence; this fact is richly substantiated by the h.o.m.opathic law which furnishes identical means of cure for either of these affections. In either case, if the vital forces are prostrated, and the sensitiveness of the organic reaction is considerable, one pellet of Apis 30, and, if there is considerable resistance to overcome, two pellets shaken with six dessert-spoonfuls of water, a spoonful night and morning, is all that should be done, after which, all further treatment should be discontinued as long as the improvement continues or the skin remains clear from all eruptions. If the improvement cease or the eruption should reappear, we have in the first place to examine whether the improvement will not speedily resume its course, or whether the eruption does not show itself more feebly than before, or if the cure is not evidenced by some other favorable change. In the former case the medicine should be permitted to act still further; in the latter case, another dose of Apis 30 should be given, after which the result has to be carefully watched. In all benign cases, more particularly if no other means of treatment had been resorted to before, this management will suffice. If this should not be the case, if the eruption should appear again, we may rest a.s.sured that a psoric miasm lurks in the organism, and that an anti-psoric treatment has to be resorted to. The best anti-psoric under these circ.u.mstances, is Sulphur 30, one pellet, provided this drug has not yet been abused; or Caustic.u.m 30, one pellet, if such an abuse has taken place. Syphilis may likewise complicate the disease, in which case Mercurius 30, one pellet, may be given; or, if Mercury had been previously taken in excessive doses, Mercurius 6000, one globule.

After one or the other of these remedies, the symptoms should be carefully observed without doing anything else, with a view of inst.i.tuting whatever treatment may afterwards be necessary, we wind up the treatment with another dose of Apis 30, one pellet, after which, the organic power is permitted to complete the cure. The result is, that the most difficult and complicated cases yield perfectly to such treatment, which is based upon the strictest scientific principles.


are likewise cured by Apis in the speediest and easiest manner.

We find the following symptomatic indications in the American Provings: "682, painful pimple, suppurating in the middle, with red areola; painful like a boil, in the hairy region on the left side above the os pubis, continuing painful for several days; 1196, furuncles with stinging pains; 844, 845, violent, stinging, burning pain at a small spot on the left side, in the lower region of the nape of the neck; also on the back part of the head; swelling at the nape of the neck, so that the head is pressed forward towards the chest; 1222, dark bluish-red painful swellings, with general malaise; 1167, acute pain and erysipelatous swelling, very hard and pale in the centre."

Apis has been a popular remedy for boils from time immemorial; the people have been in the habit of covering boils with honey, more particularly honey in which a bee had perished.

Apis, h.o.m.opathically prepared, is better adapted to such an end than honey. A few drops of Apis 3, shaken with twelve tablespoonfuls of water, a tablespoonful of this solution every three hours, generally relieves the pain in a short period, promotes suppuration, effects the discharge of the decayed cellular tissue, and a speedy cure of the furuncle.

If furuncles incline to become carbunculous, the ichorous matter is speedily changed to good pus, and all danger is averted.

In a case of carbuncle the gangrenous disorganization of the skin and cellular tissue becomes very soon confined to a small spot; the dead parts are separated from the living tissues; the fever is hushed; the disorganizations which it threatens are averted; a healthy suppuration is established throughout the gangrenous part, detaching and removing all decayed matter, and replacing the loss of substance by new granulations until the sore becomes cicatrized in such a hardly perceptible manner, that any one who is acquainted with the ravages of this disease, and is in the habit of seeing deep and disfiguring cicatrizes, even in the most successful cases, is disposed to deny the fact that such an intensely disorganizing process has been going on in this instance. No other remedial means are required, much less a surgical operation.

Inasmuch as carbuncle is generally preceded for a longer period by a deep-seated feeling of illness in the organism, showing that the psoric miasm pervades the tissues, it behooves us, in order to secure all the better a favorable result, to give a dose of highly-potentized Sulphur at the very outset of the disease. After having used the first portion of Apis, a globule of Sulphur 30 or 6000 may be interposed, the former in all cases where no Sulphur had been used, and the latter in cases Sulphur had been used in large doses. We permit such a dose to act for twenty-four hours, after which Apis is resumed, and continued according to the above stated rule.

Sulphur should likewise be given in all cases where the furuncles reappear at different periods. Such a reappearance of the eruption, after it had once been cured by Apis, shows that a psoric taint pervades the organism which it is absolutely necessary to meet with specific counter-acting remedies.

The more frequently we meet such difficult complications, and see with our own eyes their successful treatment, the more we learn to appreciate the fact, _that Apis cures to a certainty the most dangerous affections of this kind, and that the anti-psoric remedy corrects at the same time the primary degeneration of the tissues, without either interfering with the operations of the other drug, on the contrary, by a.s.sisting each other_. In


Apis proves the same invaluable remedy.

Genuine panaritia only spring up in psoric ground, and in regard to extent and intensity of development, depend altogether upon the existing psoric taint. Hence it is indispensable to extinguish this taint by appropriate remedies. This is most effectually accomplished by at once giving Sulphur, the most powerful of our anti-psorics. Sulphur seems to attack the evil at its very foundation, and we feel perfectly satisfied with its action, except that we would like to hasten the course of the disease still more, in order to abbreviate the tortures inherent in this malady. This result is most certainly accomplished by means of Apis.

If panaritia are the result of excessive doses of Sulphur, Apis meets our case perfectly. In hundreds of cases panaritia spring up and will continue to spring up from such a source, as long as the world continues to live in darkness, and to reject the rays of truth which the genius of Hahnemann has sent forth among the benighted understandings of his fellow beings. Notwithstanding Hahnemann's teachings concerning the medicinal power of Sulphur, which the world has now been in possession of for years, and which the most thoughtful minds have accepted as a truth, the true friend of man has still to weep over the quant.i.ties of Sulphur which all apothecaries sell to any one at his option; haemorrhoidal patients continue to swallow Sulphur from day to day; almost every body, from the child up to the old man, who is affected with catarrh, swallows the so-termed pulmonary powders which contain Sulphur, and of which relief is expected; whole legions repair every year to the Sulphur Springs; young and old use sulphur-baths at home; all over the world, the itch, which is a very common disease, is removed by means of a sulphur ointment, &c. One of the evil consequences of this ignorance, which particularly oppresses the laboring cla.s.s, is the artificial development of panaritia; the more frequently these occur, the more necessary it is to employ speedy and safe means for their extermination. In such a case we can no longer depend upon Sulphur, of which we cannot possibly know how far it has already poisoned the organism, and to what extent it may still be able to rouse a reaction; in which case, even those who know, may be led to make dangerous mistakes. In all such cases Apis is of the best use to us; it is even sufficient to arrest the disorganizing process, and to bring about a satisfactorily progressing cure.

The curative indications contained in the "American Provings," have been confirmed by my own experience. We read in Nos. 903-911, "the phalangeal bones are painful; burning jerking, like a st.i.tching, contracting sensation, in the right numb, from without inwards; drawing pains reaching the extremities of the fingers; distinct feeling of numbness in the fingers, especially in the tips, around the roots of the nails, with sensation as if the nails were loose, and as if they could be shaken off; burning in the tips of fingers, as from fire; fine burning stinging in the tips of the fingers; burning around a hang-nail, on the outside of the fourth finger of the right hand, with pain internally, without redness and without aggravation from pressure, with continual burning in the tip; swelling of the fingers, which remained painful for several days; 915, blister at the tip of the right index, discharging a b.l.o.o.d.y ichor when opened, and afterwards a milky pus, with violent burning, throbbing, and gnawing pains, continuing to spread for two days."

From all this we deduce the highly important practical rule: In a case of whitlow, first ascertain whether and how far Sulphur has been abused by the patient. Unfortunately the non-abuse of Sulphur is an exception to the rule, whereas the abuse of Sulphur is quite common even in our age. Would that in this respect the ancient darkness might yield to the new light.

In case Sulphur had been abused by the patient, we mix a few drops of Apis 3 in twelve tablespoonfuls of water, giving a tablespoonful every hour, or every two or three hours, according as the pains are more or less violent. This treatment has to be continued until the pains cease.

They cease either because the inflammation has been dispersed, and the morbid process is terminated, or else a healthy suppuration has been set up, so that the swelling will discharge of itself, and a cure will be effected as speedily as the nature of the panaritium will admit. In either case the medicine need not be repeated, and the organic reaction will be sufficient to complete a cure without the interference of surgery. A simple bread and milk poultice may be used as soothing palliative, especially if the external skin is of a firm, hard texture.

Resolution may be depended upon in every case, where Apis has been resorted to in time. A healthy suppuration will always set in after the exhibition of Apis, provided Sulphur or a psoric taint do not gain the ascendancy. If the Sulphur miasm gains the ascendancy, there will be no marked improvement during the first days of the treatment. In such a case we have at once to resort to a very high potency of Sulphur. A single globule of Sulphur 6000 would frequently ameliorate the worst aspect of the case as by a miracle, after which a few more doses of Apis 3, a drop morning and evening, would so improve the symptoms, as to render all further medication unnecessary.

If the psoric miasm should be the cause of the r.e.t.a.r.ded improvement, as may easily be determined by the predisposing circ.u.mstances of the case, and if no Sulphur should have been administered previously, it is expedient to discontinue the use of Apis, and to at once exhibit a globule of Sulphur 30, which may be allowed to act for twenty-four hours, after which Apis is to be resumed in the same manner, until a cessation of the pain manifests the cure of the disease.

These explanations likewise point out the true course to be pursued, in case we should at the outset find that a whitlow owes its existence to the psoric miasm.

Ever since h.o.m.opathy has enabled us to treat this dreaded affection with positive and specific remedies in a most satisfactory manner, the horrible pains which characterize this trouble, and the mutilations to which it so frequently leads, only exist in quarters where egotism, the love of lucre and the absence of all conscientiousness prevents physicians from inquiring into the merits of our superior mode of treatment. Is not this unpardonably wicked?


is another affection which we cure with Apis.

This disease which causes so much distress in life, is likewise, in its essential nature, an outbirth of psora, and, as regards its local character and its effects upon the const.i.tution of the patient, it seems to be characterized by the same inflammatory and suppurative process as whitlow, and be endowed with a similar tendency to organic destruction.

In the American Provings, symptom 917, "Painful soreness in the left hip-joint, immediately after taking a dose of Apis 2, afterwards debility, unsteadiness, trembling in this joint," is the only symptom that seems to indicate the curative power of Apis in this distressing malady. What experienced physician has not often seen the hip show such symptoms of disease, particularly after violent frights and anguish? Who has not seen blows on the back and nates, by way of punishment, attended with such consequences? Who has not seen c.o.xarthrocace develope itself during the course of a severe cerebral disease, scarlatina or typhus, where the patient, on suddenly awakening to consciousness from a state of stupor, is made sensitive of the presence of this insidious disease, perhaps already fully developed? Since I have used Apis, I have never had to deplore such saddening results.

According to my observation, we may regard Apis as a specific remedy for spontaneous limping; every new trial confirms me in this statement. Apis may be depended upon as a capital remedy in every stage of this disease, as long as the psoric miasm is kept in the background; but as soon as the psoric taint is fully developed, a suitable anti-psoric has to be given in alternation with Apis. My experience has led me to prefer Kali carbonic.u.m to all other anti-psoric remedies in this disease. But inasmuch as the keenest observer may overlook the right moment when the psoric poison begins to operate, it is well to forestall the enemy at the very commencement, which may be done with the more propriety, the more certainly we know that these two remedies, Apis and the anti-psoric, not only not counteract, but mutually support each other from the beginning to the end of the treatment. After many experiments, I have hit upon the following course as the most proper:

If the limping, as is often the case in the severest forms of the disease, sets in gradually, almost imperceptibly and without much pain, I give at once a globule of Kali carbonic.u.m 30. As a general rule, this one dose is sufficient to arrest the further development of the disease, and to award all danger so completely, that one, who is unacquainted with the nature of the malady, feels disposed to a.s.sert that it never existed. But if the pains continue, and are accompanied with fever, I resort to Apis 3, after Kali had been allowed to act for a day or two, mixing a drop in twelve tablespoonfuls of water, and giving a dose every hour, or every two or three hours, according as the pains come on more or less frequently. This treatment is continued until the patient is quieted, after which the two remedies are permitted to act without any further repet.i.tion of the medicine.

If the inflammation of the joint sets in suddenly and with a violent fever, as is often the case after violent commotions, castigations, etc., we prepare a solution of Aconite in the same manner as the Apis, and give these two medicines in alternate tablespoonful doses every hour. After these two solutions are finished, and the first a.s.sault of the disease has been controlled, we give a globule of Kali 30, and permit it to act for twenty-four hours. After this period we again give Apis every hour, two or three hours, as above, until the pains cease, after which Kali is allowed to act until the disease is entirely cured.

If suppuration and caries of the joint have already set in, no matter whether the pus has found an outlet in the region of the joint itself, or burrows down the thigh to find an outlet somewhere else, Kali is no longer sufficient, Silicea has to be exhibited; it is more h.o.m.opathic to caries than other anti-psorics. We give a globule of Silicea 30, and allow it to act for two or three days, after which a drop of Apis 3, is repeated morning and night, until the pains--which may require a more frequent exhibition of the drug--cease, and a healthy pus is secreted.

After this change is accomplished, Silicea is sufficient to complete the healing of the osseous disorganization, and should be left undisturbed to the end of the treatment.

I have found this simple proceeding so perfectly efficient in this dreadful malady that the fever was speedily controlled, and rendered harmless, the inflammation was scattered without leaving a trace behind, the secretion ichor was transformed into that of healthy pus, and the disorganization of the joint was prevented; the limb, even after it had become elongated, again a.s.sumed its normal shape, the carious ma.s.ses were expelled, the various channels of suppuration were stopped, and the danger of a fatal consumptive fever was averted. If our aid is not sought until _the head of the femur is destroyed, and the bone has completely slipt out of its socket_, it is impossible to prevent shortening and stiffness of the limb. Another splendid triumph over a dreadful source of danger and disease!


is very similar to this affection of the hip-joint. Here too we observe the same insidious inflammatory beginning, the same irresistible tendency to ichorous suppuration and disorganization of the const.i.tuent parts of the joint, the same tendency to destroy the organism by gradual exhausting fever. We have unmistakeable proofs of the presence of a poisonous process pervading the whole organism. He who has had frequent opportunities of observing this disease, knows perfectly in what mysterious obscurity it is still enveloped, and how specifically different this affection of the knee sometimes appears to us from the hip disease. The h.o.m.opathic law teaches us more positively than any thing else could do, that every case of disease should be viewed as something specifically distinct from other cases, and should be treated with medicines that are specifically adapted to it. An experience of many years has taught me that iodine is the best remedy to meet the symptoms which generally characterize white swelling of the knee. Even at the present day Iodine is one of those remedies that require a good deal of elucidation. Hence we should not, carried away by a.n.a.logy, conclude from those things which are not clear, concerning other things which are no more so. Nevertheless the observations which have been made so far, have led to some highly important, more or less positive conclusions, and have shown us with a certain degree of satisfaction and certainty, that iodine is an inestimable gift of G.o.d, by means of which we are enabled to free mankind from one of the most frightful complications, the psoric, sycosic and mercurial miasms. I have been induced by various signs to believe that, in white swelling of the knee such a complication exists.

Considering the paucity of our observations bearing upon this important point, it seems impracticable to make any positive statements with reference to the a.s.sistance that we might possibly derive from the use of Apis in this disease. My own opportunities for observation having been very few, I recommend the use of Apis in white swelling of the knee, to my professional brethren. The following symptoms in "Hering's American Provings," seem to indicate it; No.'s 828, 829 and 931, "violent pain in the left knee, externally, above and below the knee, particularly above, somewhat in front; painful dematous swelling of the knee; burning stinging about the knee." In white swelling of the knee, where no allopathic treatment has yet been pursued, I recommend Iodine 30, one globule, in six dessert-spoonfuls of water, a dessert-spoonful morning and evening, until the whole is finished; after this wait three days, and then give Apis 3, as before mentioned, a tablespoonful every hour or three hours, or a drop morning and evening, according as the pain or danger is more or less pressing. Apis is more especially useful in removing pain, in changing the secretion of ichor to that of healthy pus, and in arresting the consumptive fever. After these results have been accomplished, we permit the previously given Iodine to achieve the cure. If Iodine had been abused under allopathic treatment, before the h.o.m.opathic treatment commenced, we give Iodine 5000, one globule, in order to subdue the Iodine diathesis, and thus remove the most powerful obstacle to a cure. Any one who knows more about this point, will please mention it.

Although Apis acts well in white swelling of the knee, which is comparatively a rare disease, yet it is far more useful in


It is undoubtedly true that Hahnemann has revealed to us the means of surpa.s.sing in this disease the allopathic wisdom of a thousand years, by a far more successful, safe and expeditious treatment. Nevertheless, much remains to be desired in this dreaded disease. Who does not know that medicinal aggravations are particularly to be dreaded in this malady? Who has not often felt embarra.s.sed to select the right remedy among three or four that seemed indicated by the symptoms, and where it was nevertheless important, in view of the threatening danger, to select at once the right remedy? Who has not been struck by the strange irregularity that in a disease which generally sets in as an epidemic, different remedies are often indicated by different groups of symptoms?

Who has not become convinced after a careful observation of the course of the disease, that nothing is more deceptive than the pretended curative virtues of corrosive sublimate in dysentery, and that it is a matter of duty to be mindful, in this very particular, of the warning words of the master who, having himself been deceived at one time by the delusive palliation of mercury, addresses to us the remarkable warning that "mercury, so far from responding to all non-venereal maladies, on the contrary is one of the most deceitful palliatives the temporary action of which is not only soon followed by a return of the original symptoms of disease, but even by a return of these symptoms in an aggravated form." (See Hahnemann's Chronic Diseases, Vol. II.)

This delusive palliation is more particularly one of the effects of corrosive sublimate in Dysentery; and is exceedingly dangerous in this disease. Hence we warn pract.i.tioners against this danger.

We feel so much the more grateful to the principle Similia Similibus, which, even though it did not protect its discoverer from faulty applications, yet finally led us to the discovery of the right remedy for dysentery.

No.'s 590 and 599 in the American Provings, read as follows: "Violent tenesmus; nausea, vomiting and diarrha, first lumpy and not fetid, afterwards watery and fetid, lastly papescent, mixed with blood and mucus, and attended with tenesmus; afterwards dysenteric stools, with tenesmus and sensation as if the bowels were crushed;" combining these symptoms with the general character of Apis, particularly the circ.u.mstance that not only the ordinary precursors and first symptoms of dysentery, but also its terminations and its sequelae, and its most important complications find their approved remedy in Apis; all this shows us that Apis is a natural remedy for dysentery. This truth is abundantly confirmed by experience. All my previously obtained results in practice, testify to the correctness of this statement.

At the very commencement of the disease, a globule of Apis 3 is sufficient to cut short the disease so that the patient feels easy, and sleeps quietly. During this slumber, fever, pain and tenesmus disappear, and the patient wakes with a feeling of health. If this should not take place in three hours, owing to the more advanced state of the disease, another dose of Apis is required, after which the patient soon feels well.

Apis Mellifica Part 2

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