The New Physics and Its Evolution Part 14
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It is very seldom that a gaseous ma.s.s does not contain a few ions.
They may have been formed from many causes, for although to give precision to our studies, and to deal with a well ascertained case, I mentioned only ionisation by the X rays in the first instance, I ought not to give the impression that the phenomenon is confined to these rays. It is, on the contrary, very general, and ionisation is just as well produced by the cathode rays, by the radiations emitted by radio-active bodies, by the ultra-violet rays, by heating to a high temperature, by certain chemical actions, and finally by the impact of the ions already existing in neutral molecules.
Of late years these new questions have been the object of a mult.i.tude of researches, and if it has not always been possible to avoid some confusion, yet certain general conclusions may be drawn. The ionisation by flames, in particular, is fairly well known. For it to be produced spontaneously, it would appear that there must exist simultaneously a rather high temperature and a chemical action in the gas. According to M. Moreau, the ionisation is very marked when the flame contains the vapour of the salt of an alkali or of an alkaline earth, but much less so when it contains that of other salts.
Arrhenius, Mr C.T.R. Wilson, and M. Moreau, have studied all the circ.u.mstances of the phenomenon; and it seems indeed that there is a somewhat close a.n.a.logy between what first occurs in the saline vapours and that which is noted in liquid electrolytes. There should be produced, as soon as a certain temperature is reached, a dissociation of the saline molecule; and, as M. Moreau has shown in a series of very well conducted researches, the ions formed at about 100C. seem const.i.tuted by an electrified centre of the size of a gas molecule, surrounded by some ten layers of other molecules. We are thus dealing with rather large ions, but according to Mr Wilson, this condensation phenomenon does not affect the number of ions produced by dissociation. In proportion as the temperature rises, the molecules condensed round the nucleus disappear, and, as in all other circ.u.mstances, the negative ion tends to become an electron, while the positive ion continues the size of an atom.
In other cases, ions are found still larger than those of saline vapours, as, for example, those produced by phosphorus. It has long been known that air in the neighbourhood of phosphorus becomes a conductor, and the fact, pointed out as far back as 1885 by Matteucci, has been well studied by various experimenters, by MM. Elster and Geitel in 1890, for instance. On the other hand, in 1893 Mr Barus established that the approach of a stick of phosphorus brings about the condensation of water vapour, and we really have before us, therefore, in this instance, an ionisation. M. Bloch has succeeded in disentangling the phenomena, which are here very complex, and in showing that the ions produced are of considerable dimensions; for their speed in the same conditions is on the average a thousand times less than that of ions due to the X rays. M. Bloch has established also that the conductivity of recently-prepared gases, already studied by several authors, was a.n.a.logous to that which is produced by phosphorus, and that it is intimately connected with the presence of the very tenuous solid or liquid dust which these gases carry with them, while the ions are of the same order of magnitude. These large ions exist, moreover, in small quant.i.ties in the atmosphere; and M.
Langevin lately succeeded in revealing their presence.
It may happen, and this not without singularly complicating matters, that the ions which were in the midst of material molecules produce, as the result of collisions, new divisions in these last. Other ions are thus born, and this production is in part compensated for by recombinations between ions of opposite signs. The impacts will be more active in the event of the gas being placed in a field of force and of the pressure being slight, the speed attained being then greater and allowing the active force to reach a high value. The energy necessary for the production of an ion is, in fact, according to Professor Rutherford and Professor Stark, something considerable, and it much exceeds the a.n.a.logous force in electrolytic decomposition.
It is therefore in tubes of rarefied gas that this ionisation by impact will be particularly felt. This gives us the reason for the aspect presented by Geissler tubes. Generally, in the case of discharges, new ions produced by the molecules struck come to add themselves to the electrons produced, as will be seen, by the cathode.
A full discussion has led to the interpretation of all the known facts, and to our understanding, for instance, why there exist bright or dark s.p.a.ces in certain regions of the tube. M. Pellat, in particular, has given some very fine examples of this concordance between the theory and the facts he has skilfully observed.
In all the circ.u.mstances, then, in which ions appear, their formation has doubtless been provoked by a mechanism a.n.a.logous to that of the shock. The X rays, if they are attributable to sudden variations in the ether--that is to say, a variation of the two vectors of Hertz-- themselves produce within the atom a kind of electric impulse which breaks it into two electrified fragments; _i.e._ the positive centre, the size of the molecule itself, and the negative centre, const.i.tuted by an electron a thousand times smaller. Round these two centres, at the ordinary temperature, are agglomerated by attraction other molecules, and in this manner the ions whose properties have just been studied are formed.
The success of the ionic hypothesis as an interpretation of the conductivity of electrolytes and gases has suggested the desire to try if a similar hypothesis can represent the ordinary conductivity of metals. We are thus led to conceptions which at first sight seem audacious because they are contrary to our habits of mind. They must not, however, be rejected on that account. Electrolytic dissociation at first certainly appeared at least as strange; yet it has ended by forcing itself upon us, and we could, at the present day, hardly dispense with the image it presents to us.
The idea that the conductivity of metals is not essentially different from that of electrolytic liquids or gases, in the sense that the pa.s.sage of the current is connected with the transport of small electrified particles, is already of old date. It was enunciated by W.
Weber, and afterwards developed by Giese, but has only obtained its true scope through the effect of recent discoveries. It was the researches of Riecke, later, of Drude, and, above all, those of J.J.
Thomson, which have allowed it to a.s.sume an acceptable form. All these attempts are connected however with the general theory of Lorentz, which we will examine later.
It will be admitted that metallic atoms can, like the saline molecule in a solution, partially dissociate themselves. Electrons, very much smaller than atoms, can move through the structure, considerable to them, which is const.i.tuted by the atom from which they have just been detached. They may be compared to the molecules of a gas which is enclosed in a porous body. In ordinary conditions, notwithstanding the great speed with which they are animated, they are unable to travel long distances, because they quickly find their road barred by a material atom. They have to undergo innumerable impacts, which throw them first in one direction and then in another. The pa.s.sage of a current is a sort of flow of these electrons in a determined direction. This electric flow brings, however, no modification to the material medium traversed, since every electron which disappears at any point is replaced by another which appears at once, and in all metals the electrons are identical.
This hypothesis leads us to antic.i.p.ate certain facts which experience confirms. Thus J.J. Thomson shows that if, in certain conditions, a conductor is placed in a magnetic field, the ions have to describe an epicycloid, and their journey is thus lengthened, while the electric resistance must increase. If the field is in the direction of the displacement, they describe helices round the lines of force and the resistance is again augmented, but in different proportions. Various experimenters have noted phenomena of this kind in different substances.
For a long time it has been noticed that a relation exists between the calorific and the electric conductivity; the relation of these two conductivities is sensibly the same for all metals. The modern theory tends to show simply that it must indeed be so. Calorific conductivity is due, in fact, to an exchange of electrons between the hot and the cold regions, the heated electrons having the greater velocity, and consequently the more considerable energy. The calorific exchanges then obey laws similar to those which govern electric exchanges; and calculation even leads to the exact values which the measurements have given.[31]
[Footnote 31: The whole of this argument is brilliantly set forth by Professor Lorentz in a lecture delivered to the Electrotechnikerverein at Berlin in December 1904, and reprinted, with additions, in the _Archives Neerlandaises_ of 1906.--ED.]
In the same way Professor Hesehus has explained how contact electrification is produced, by the tendency of bodies to equalise their superficial properties by means of a transport of electrons, and Mr Jeans has shown that we should discover the existence of the well-known laws of distribution over conducting bodies in electrostatic equilibrium. A metal can, in fact, be electrified, that is to say, may possess an excess of positive or negative electrons which cannot easily leave it in ordinary conditions. To cause them to do so would need an appreciable amount of work, on account of the enormous difference of the specific inductive capacities of the metal and of the insulating medium in which it is plunged.
Electrons, however, which, on arriving at the surface of the metal, possessed a kinetic energy superior to this work, might be shot forth and would be disengaged as a vapour escapes from a liquid. Now, the number of these rapid electrons, at first very slight, increases, according to the kinetic theory, when the temperature rises, and therefore we must reckon that a wire, on being heated, gives out electrons, that is to say, loses negative electricity and sends into the surrounding media electrified centres capable of producing the phenomena of ionisation. Edison, in 1884, showed that from the filament of an incandescent lamp there escaped negative electric charges. Since then, Richardson and J.J. Thomson have examined a.n.a.logous phenomena. This emission is a very general phenomenon which, no doubt, plays a considerable part in cosmic physics. Professor Arrhenius explains, for instance, the polar auroras by the action of similar corpuscules emitted by the sun.
In other phenomena we seem indeed to be confronted by an emission, not of negative electrons, but of positive ions. Thus, when a wire is heated, not _in vacuo_, but in a gas, this wire begins to electrify neighbouring bodies positively. J.J. Thomson has measured the ma.s.s of these positive ions and finds it considerable, i.e. about 150 times that of an atom of hydrogen. Some are even larger, and const.i.tute almost a real grain of dust. We here doubtless meet with the phenomena of disaggregation undergone by metals at a red heat.
A wire traversed by an electric current is, as has just been explained, the seat of a movement of electrons. If we cut this wire, a flood of electrons, like a current of water which, at the point where a pipe bursts, flows out in abundance, will appear to spring out between the two ends of the break.
If the energy of the electrons is sufficient, these electrons will in fact rush forth and be propagated in the air or in the insulating medium interposed; but the phenomena of the discharge will in general be very complex. We shall here only examine a particularly simple case, viz., that of the cathode rays; and without entering into details, we shall only note the results relating to these rays which furnish valuable arguments in favour of the electronic hypothesis and supply solid materials for the construction of new theories of electricity and matter.
For a long time it was noticed that the phenomena in a Geissler tube changed their aspect considerably, when the gas pressure became very weak, without, however, a complete vacuum being formed. From the cathode there is shot forth normally and in a straight line a flood within the tube, dark but capable of impressing a photographic plate, of developing the fluorescence of various substances (particularly the gla.s.s walls of the tube), and of producing calorific and mechanical effects. These are the cathode rays, so named in 1883 by E. Wiedemann, and their name, which was unknown to a great number of physicists till barely twelve years ago, has become popular at the present day.
About 1869, Hittorf made an already very complete study of them and put in evidence their properties; but it was the researches of Sir W. Crookes in especial which drew attention to them. The celebrated physicist foresaw that the phenomena which were thus produced in rarefied gases were, in spite of their very great complication, more simple than those presented by matter under the conditions in which it is generally met with.
He devised a celebrated theory no longer admissible in its entirety, because it is not in complete accord with the facts, which was, however, very interesting, and contained, in germ, certain of our present ideas. In the opinion of Crookes, in a tube in which the gas has been rarefied we are in presence of a special state of matter. The number of the gas molecules has become small enough for their independence to be almost absolute, and they are able in this so-called radiant state to traverse long s.p.a.ces without departing from a straight line. The cathode rays are due to a kind of molecular bombardment of the walls of the tubes, and of the screens which can be introduced into them; and it is the molecules, electrified by their contact with the cathode and then forcibly repelled by electrostatic action, which produce, by their movement and their _vis viva_, all the phenomena observed. Moreover, these electrified molecules animated with extremely rapid velocities correspond, according to the theory verified in the celebrated experiment of Rowland on convection currents, to a true electric current, and can be deviated by a magnet.
Notwithstanding the success of Crookes' experiments, many physicists-- the Germans especially--did not abandon an hypothesis entirely different from that of radiant matter. They continued to regard the cathode radiation as due to particular radiations of a nature still little known but produced in the luminous ether. This interpretation seemed, indeed, in 1894, destined to triumph definitely through the remarkable discovery of Lenard, a discovery which, in its turn, was to provoke so many others and to bring about consequences of which the importance seems every day more considerable.
Professor Lenard's fundamental idea was to study the cathode rays under conditions different from those in which they are produced.
These rays are born in a very rarefied s.p.a.ce, under conditions perfectly determined by Sir W. Crookes; but it was a question whether, when once produced, they would be capable of propagating themselves in other media, such as a gas at ordinary pressure, or even in an absolute vacuum. Experiment alone could answer this question, but there were difficulties in the way of this which seemed almost insurmountable. The rays are stopped by gla.s.s even of slight thickness, and how then could the almost vacuous s.p.a.ce in which they have to come into existence be separated from the s.p.a.ce, absolutely vacuous or filled with gas, into which it was desired to bring them?
The artifice used was suggested to Professor Lenard by an experiment of Hertz. The great physicist had, in fact, shortly before his premature death, taken up this important question of the cathode rays, and his genius left there, as elsewhere, its powerful impress. He had shown that metallic plates of very slight thickness were transparent to the cathode rays; and Professor Lenard succeeded in obtaining plates impermeable to air, but which yet allowed the pencil of cathode rays to pa.s.s through them.
Now if we take a Crookes tube with the extremity hermetically closed by a metallic plate with a slit across the diameter of 1 mm. in width, and stop this slit with a sheet of very thin aluminium, it will be immediately noticed that the rays pa.s.s through the aluminium and pa.s.s outside the tube. They are propagated in air at atmospheric pressure, and they can also penetrate into an absolute vacuum. They therefore can no longer be attributed to radiant matter, and we are led to think that the energy brought into play in this phenomenon must have its seat in the light-bearing ether itself.
But it is a very strange light which is thus subject to magnetic action, which does not obey the principle of equal angles, and for which the most various gases are already disturbed media. According to Crookes it possesses also the singular property of carrying with it electric charges.
This convection of negative electricity by the cathode rays seems quite inexplicable on the hypothesis that the rays are ethereal radiations. Nothing then remained in order to maintain this hypothesis, except to deny the convection, which, besides, was only established by indirect experiments. That the reality of this transport has been placed beyond dispute by means of an extremely elegant experiment which is all the more convincing that it is so very simple, is due to M. Perrin. In the interior of a Crookes tube he collected a pencil of cathode rays in a metal cylinder. According to the elementary principles of electricity the cylinder must become charged with the whole charge, if there be one, brought to it by the rays, and naturally various precautions had to be taken. But the result was very precise, and doubt could no longer exist--the rays were electrified.
It might have been, and indeed was, maintained, some time after this experiment was published, that while the phenomena were complex inside the tube, outside, things might perhaps occur differently. Lenard himself, however, with that absence of even involuntary prejudice common to all great minds, undertook to demonstrate that the opinion he at first held could no longer be accepted, and succeeded in repeating the experiment of M. Perrin on cathode rays in the air and even _in vacuo_.
On the wrecks of the two contradictory hypotheses thus destroyed, and out of the materials from which they had been built, a theory has been constructed which co-ordinates all the known facts. This theory is furthermore closely allied to the theory of ionisation, and, like this latter, is based on the concept of the electron. Cathode rays are electrons in rapid motion.
The phenomena produced both inside and outside a Crookes tube are, however, generally complex. In Lenard's first experiments, and in many others effected later when this region of physics was still very little known, a few confusions may be noticed even at the present day.
At the spot where the cathode rays strike the walls of the tube the essentially different X rays appear. These differ from the cathode radiations by being neither electrified nor deviated by a magnet. In their turn these X rays may give birth to the secondary rays of M.
Sagnac; and often we find ourselves in presence of effects from these last-named radiations and not from the true cathode rays.
The electrons, when they are propagated in a gas, can ionise the molecules of this gas and unite with the neutral atoms to form negative ions, while positive ions also appear. There are likewise produced, at the expense of the gas still subsisting after rarefication within the tube, positive ions which, attracted by the cathode and reaching it, are not all neutralised by the negative electrons, and can, if the cathode be perforated, pa.s.s through it, and if not, pa.s.s round it. We have then what are called the ca.n.a.l rays of Goldstein, which are deviated by an electric or magnetic field in a contrary direction to the cathode rays; but, being larger, give weak deviations or may even remain undeviated through losing their charge when pa.s.sing through the cathode.
It may also be the parts of the walls at a distance from the cathode which send a positive rush to the latter, by a similar mechanism. It may be, again, that in certain regions of the tube cathode rays are met with diffused by some solid object, without having thereby changed their nature. All these complexities have been cleared up by M.
Villard, who has published, on these questions, some remarkably ingenious and particularly careful experiments.
M. Villard has also studied the phenomena of the coiling of the rays in a field, as already pointed out by Hittorf and Plucker. When a magnetic field acts on the cathode particle, the latter follows a trajectory, generally helicoidal, which is antic.i.p.ated by the theory.
We here have to do with a question of ballistics, and experiments duly confirm the antic.i.p.ations of the calculation. Nevertheless, rather singular phenomena appear in the case of certain values of the field, and these phenomena, dimly seen by Plucker and Birkeland, have been the object of experiments by M. Villard. The two faces of the cathode seem to emit rays which are deviated in a direction perpendicular to the lines of force by an electric field, and do not seem to be electrified. M. Villard calls them magneto-cathode rays, and according to M. Fortin these rays may be ordinary cathode rays, but of very slight velocity.
In certain cases the cathode itself may be superficially disaggregated, and extremely tenuous particles detach themselves, which, being carried off at right angles to its surface, may deposit themselves like a very thin film on objects placed in their path.
Various physicists, among them M. Houllevigue, have studied this phenomenon, and in the case of pressures between 1/20 and 1/100 of a millimetre, the last-named scholar has obtained mirrors of most metals, a phenomenon he designates by the name of ionoplasty.
But in spite of all these accessory phenomena, which even sometimes conceal those first observed, the existence of the electron in the cathodic flux remains the essential characteristic.
The electron can be apprehended in the cathodic ray by the study of its essential properties; and J.J. Thomson gave great value to the hypothesis by his measurements. At first he meant to determine the speed of the cathode rays by direct experiment, and by observing, in a revolving mirror, the relative displacement of two bands due to the excitement of two fluorescent screens placed at different distances from the cathode. But he soon perceived that the effect of the fluorescence was not instantaneous, and that the lapse of time might form a great source of error, and he then had recourse to indirect methods. It is possible, by a simple calculation, to estimate the deviations produced on the rays by a magnetic and an electric field respectively as a function of the speed of propagation and of the relation of the charge to the material ma.s.s of the electron. The measurement of these deviations will then permit this speed and this relation to be ascertained.
Other processes may be used which all give the same two quant.i.ties by two suitably chosen measurements. Such are the radius of the curve taken by the trajectory of the pencil in a perpendicular magnetic field and the measure of the fall of potential under which the discharge takes place, or the measure of the total quant.i.ty of electricity carried in one second and the measure of the calorific energy which may be given, during the same period, to a thermo-electric junction. The results agree as well as can be expected, having regard to the difficulty of the experiments; the values of the speed agree also with those which Professor Wiechert has obtained by direct measurement.
The speed never depends on the nature of the gas contained in the Crookes tube, but varies with the value of the fall of potential at the cathode. It is of the order of one tenth of the speed of light, and it may rise as high as one third. The cathode particle therefore goes about three thousand times faster than the earth in its...o...b..t.
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