The New Physics and Its Evolution Part 5
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The statics thus constructed const.i.tutes at the present day an important edifice to be henceforth cla.s.sed amongst historical monuments. Some theorists even wish to go a step beyond. They have attempted to begin by the same means a more complete study of those systems whose state changes from one moment to another. This is, moreover, a study which is necessary to complete satisfactorily the study of equilibrium itself; for without it grave doubts would exist as to the conditions of stability, and it alone can give their true meaning to questions relating to displacements of equilibrium.
The problems with which we are thus confronted are singularly difficult. M. Duhem has given us many excellent examples of the fecundity of the method; but if thermodynamic statics may be considered definitely founded, it cannot be said that the general dynamics of systems, considered as the study of thermal movements and variations, are yet as solidly established.
It may appear singularly paradoxical that, in a chapter devoted to general views on the principles of physics, a few words should be introduced on the atomic theories of matter.
Very often, in fact, what is called the physics of principles is set in opposition to the hypotheses on the const.i.tution of matter, particularly to atomic theories. I have already said that, abandoning the investigation of the unfathomable mystery of the const.i.tution of the Universe, some physicists think they may find, in certain general principles, sufficient guides to conduct them across the physical world. But I have also said, in examining the history of those principles, that if they are to-day considered experimental truths, independent of all theories relating to matter, they have, in fact, nearly all been discovered by scholars who relied on molecular hypotheses: and the question suggests itself whether this is mere chance, or whether this chance may not be ordained by higher reasons.
In a very profound work which appeared a few years ago, ent.i.tled _Essai critique sur l'hypothese des atomes_, M. Hannequin, a philosopher who is also an erudite scholar, examined the part taken by atomism in the history of science. He notes that atomism and science were born, in Greece, of the same problem, and that in modern times the revival of the one was closely connected with that of the other.
He shows, too, by very close a.n.a.lysis, that the atomic hypothesis is essential to the optics of Fresnel and of Cauchy; that it penetrates into the study of heat; and that, in its general features, it presided at the birth of modern chemistry and is linked with all its progress.
He concludes that it is, in a manner, the soul of our knowledge of Nature, and that contemporary theories are on this point in accord with history: for these theories consecrate the preponderance of this hypothesis in the domain of science.
If M. Hannequin had not been prematurely cut off in the full expansion of his vigorous talent, he might have added another chapter to his excellent book. He would have witnessed a prodigious budding of atomistic ideas, accompanied, it is true, by wide modifications in the manner in which the atom is to be regarded, since the most recent theories make material atoms into centres const.i.tuted of atoms of electricity. On the other hand, he would have found in the bursting forth of these new doctrines one more proof in support of his idea that science is indissolubly bound to atomism.
From the philosophical point of view, M. Hannequin, examining the reasons which may have called these links into being, arrives at the idea that they necessarily proceed from the const.i.tution of our knowledge, or, perhaps, from that of Nature itself. Moreover, this origin, double in appearance, is single at bottom. Our minds could not, in fact, detach and come out of themselves to grasp reality and the absolute in Nature. According to the idea of Descartes, it is the destiny of our minds only to take hold of and to understand that which proceeds from them.
Thus atomism, which is, perhaps, only an appearance containing even some contradictions, is yet a well-founded appearance, since it conforms to the laws of our minds; and this hypothesis is, in a way, necessary.
We may dispute the conclusions of M. Hannequin, but no one will refuse to recognise, as he does, that atomic theories occupy a preponderating part in the doctrines of physics; and the position which they have thus conquered gives them, in a way, the right of saying that they rest on a real principle. It is in order to recognise this right that several physicists--M. Langevin, for example--ask that atoms be promoted from the rank of hypotheses to that of principles. By this they mean that the atomistic ideas forced upon us by an almost obligatory induction based on very exact experiments, enable us to co-ordinate a considerable amount of facts, to construct a very general synthesis, and to foresee a great number of phenomena.
It is of moment, moreover, to thoroughly understand that atomism does not necessarily set up the hypothesis of centres of attraction acting at a distance, and it must not be confused with molecular physics, which has, on the other hand, undergone very serious checks. The molecular physics greatly in favour some fifty years ago leads to such complex representations and to solutions often so undetermined, that the most courageous are wearied with upholding it and it has fallen into some discredit. It rested on the fundamental principles of mechanics applied to molecular actions; and that was, no doubt, an extension legitimate enough, since mechanics is itself only an experimental science, and its principles, established for the movements of matter taken as a whole, should not be applied outside the domain which belongs to them. Atomism, in fact, tends more and more, in modern theories, to imitate the principle of the conservation of energy or that of entropy, to disengage itself from the artificial bonds which attached it to mechanics, and to put itself forward as an independent principle.
Atomistic ideas also have undergone evolution, and this slow evolution has been considerably quickened under the influence of modern discoveries. These reach back to the most remote antiquity, and to follow their development we should have to write the history of human thought which they have always accompanied since the time of Leucippus, Democritus, Epicurus, and Lucretius. The first observers who noticed that the volume of a body could be diminished by compression or cold, or augmented by heat, and who saw a soluble solid body mix completely with the water which dissolved it, must have been compelled to suppose that matter was not dispersed continuously throughout the s.p.a.ce it seemed to occupy. They were thus brought to consider it discontinuous, and to admit that a substance having the same composition and the same properties in all its parts--in a word, perfectly h.o.m.ogeneous--ceases to present this h.o.m.ogeneity when considered within a sufficiently small volume.
Modern experimenters have succeeded by direct experiments in placing in evidence this heterogeneous character of matter when taken in small ma.s.s. Thus, for example, the superficial tension, which is constant for the same liquid at a given temperature, no longer has the same value when the thickness of the layer of liquid becomes extremely small. Newton noticed even in his time that a dark zone is seen to form on a soap bubble at the moment when it becomes so thin that it must burst. Professor Reinold and Sir Arthur Rucker have shown that this zone is no longer exactly spherical; and from this we must conclude that the superficial tension, constant for all thicknesses above a certain limit, commences to vary when the thickness falls below a critical value, which these authors estimate, on optical grounds, at about fifty millionths of a millimetre.
From experiments on capillarity, Prof. Quincke has obtained similar results with regard to layers of solids. But it is not only capillary properties which allow this characteristic to be revealed. All the properties of a body are modified when taken in small ma.s.s; M. Meslin proves this in a very ingenious way as regards optical properties, and Mr Vincent in respect of electric conductivity. M. Houllevigue, who, in a chapter of his excellent work, _Du Laboratoire a l'Usine_, has very clearly set forth the most interesting considerations on atomic hypotheses, has recently demonstrated that copper and silver cease to combine with iodine as soon as they are present in a thickness of less than thirty millionths of a millimetre. It is this same dimension likewise that is possessed, according to M. Wiener, by the smallest thicknesses it is possible to deposit on gla.s.s. These layers are so thin that they cannot be perceived, but their presence is revealed by a change in the properties of the light reflected by them.
Thus, below fifty to thirty millionths of a millimetre the properties of matter depend on its thickness. There are then, no doubt, only a few molecules to be met with, and it may be concluded, in consequence, that the discontinuous elements of bodies--that is, the molecules-- have linear dimensions of the order of magnitude of the millionth of a millimetre. Considerations regarding more complex phenomena, for instance the phenomena of electricity by contact, and also the kinetic theory of gases, bring us to the same conclusion.
The idea of the discontinuity of matter forces itself upon us for many other reasons. All modern chemistry is founded on this principle; and laws like the law of multiple proportions, introduce an evident discontinuity to which we find a.n.a.logies in the law of electrolysis.
The elements of bodies we are thus brought to regard might, as regards solids at all events, be considered as immobile; but this immobility could not explain the phenomena of heat, and, as it is entirely inadmissible for gases, it seems very improbable it can absolutely occur in any state. We are thus led to suppose that these elements are animated by very complicated movements, each one proceeding in closed trajectories in which the least variations of temperature or pressure cause modifications.
The atomistic hypothesis shows itself remarkably fecund in the study of phenomena produced in gases, and here the mutual independence of the particles renders the question relatively more simple and, perhaps, allows the principles of mechanics to be more certainly extended to the movements of molecules.
The kinetic theory of gases can point to unquestioned successes; and the idea of Daniel Bernouilli, who, as early as 1738, considered a gaseous ma.s.s to be formed of a considerable number of molecules animated by rapid movements of translation, has been put into a form precise enough for mathematical a.n.a.lysis, and we have thus found ourselves in a position to construct a really solid foundation. It will be at once conceived, on this hypothesis, that pressure is the resultant of the shocks of the molecules against the walls of the containing vessel, and we at once come to the demonstration that the law of Mariotte is a natural consequence of this origin of pressure; since, if the volume occupied by a certain number of molecules is doubled, the number of shocks per second on each square centimetre of the walls becomes half as much. But if we attempt to carry this further, we find ourselves in presence of a serious difficulty. It is impossible to mentally follow every one of the many individual molecules which compose even a very limited ma.s.s of gas. The path followed by this molecule may be every instant modified by the chance of running against another, or by a shock which may make it rebound in another direction.
The difficulty would be insoluble if chance had not laws of its own.
It was Maxwell who first thought of introducing into the kinetic theory the calculation of probabilities. Willard Gibbs and Boltzmann later on developed this idea, and have founded a statistical method which does not, perhaps, give absolute certainty, but which is certainly most interesting and curious. Molecules are grouped in such a way that those belonging to the same group may be considered as having the same state of movement; then an examination is made of the number of molecules in each group, and what are the changes in this number from one moment to another. It is thus often possible to determine the part which the different groups have in the total properties of the system and in the phenomena which may occur.
Such a method, a.n.a.logous to the one employed by statisticians for following the social phenomena in a population, is all the more legitimate the greater the number of individuals counted in the averages; now, the number of molecules contained in a limited s.p.a.ce-- for example, in a centimetre cube taken in normal conditions--is such that no population could ever attain so high a figure. All considerations, those we have indicated as well as others which might be invoked (for example, the recent researches of M. Spring on the limit of visibility of fluorescence), give this result:--that there are, in this s.p.a.ce, some twenty thousand millions of molecules. Each of these must receive in the s.p.a.ce of a millimetre about ten thousand shocks, and be ten thousand times thrust out of its course. The free path of a molecule is then very small, but it can be singularly augmented by diminis.h.i.+ng the number of them. Tait and Dewar have calculated that, in a good modern vacuum, the length of the free path of the remaining molecules not taken away by the air-pump easily reaches a few centimetres.
By developing this theory, we come to consider that, for a given temperature, every molecule (and even every individual particle, atom, or ion) which takes part in the movement has, on the average, the same kinetic energy in every body, and that this energy is proportional to the absolute temperature; so that it is represented by this temperature multiplied by a constant quant.i.ty which is a universal constant.
This result is not an hypothesis but a very great probability. This probability increases when it is noted that the same value for the constant is met with in the study of very varied phenomena; for example, in certain theories on radiation. Knowing the ma.s.s and energy of a molecule, it is easy to calculate its speed; and we find that the average speed is about 400 metres per second for carbonic anhydride, 500 for nitrogen, and 1850 for hydrogen at 0 C. and at ordinary pressure. I shall have occasion, later on, to speak of much more considerable speeds than these as animating other particles.
The kinetic theory has permitted the diffusion of gases to be explained, and the divers circ.u.mstances of the phenomenon to be calculated. It has allowed us to show, as M. Brillouin has done, that the coefficient of diffusion of two gases does not depend on the proportion of the gases in the mixture; it gives a very striking image of the phenomena of viscosity and conductivity; and it leads us to think that the coefficients of friction and of conductivity are independent of the density; while all these previsions have been verified by experiment. It has also invaded optics; and by relying on the principle of Doppler, Professor Michelson has succeeded in obtaining from it an explanation of the length presented by the spectral rays of even the most rarefied gases.
But however interesting are these results, they would not have sufficed to overcome the repugnance of certain physicists for speculations which, an imposing mathematical baggage notwithstanding, seemed to them too hypothetical. The theory, moreover, stopped at the molecule, and appeared to suggest no idea which could lead to the discovery of the key to the phenomena where molecules exercise a mutual influence on each other. The kinetic hypothesis, therefore, remained in some disfavour with a great number of persons, particularly in France, until the last few years, when all the recent discoveries of the conductivity of gases and of the new radiations came to procure for it a new and luxuriant efflorescence. It may be said that the atomistic synthesis, but yesterday so decried, is to-day triumphant.
The elements which enter into the earlier kinetic theory, and which, to avoid confusion, should be always designated by the name of molecules, were not, truth to say, in the eyes of the chemists, the final term of the divisibility of matter. It is well known that, to them, except in certain particular bodies like the vapour of mercury and argon, the molecule comprises several atoms, and that, in compound bodies, the number of these atoms may even be fairly considerable. But physicists rarely needed to have recourse to the consideration of these atoms. They spoke of them to explain certain particularities of the propagation of sound, and to enunciate laws relating to specific heats; but, in general, they stopped at the consideration of the molecule.
The present theories carry the division much further. I shall not dwell now on these theories, since, in order to thoroughly understand them, many other facts must be examined. But to avoid all confusion, it remains understood that, contrary, no doubt, to etymology, but in conformity with present custom, I shall continue in what follows to call atoms those particles of matter which have till now been spoken of; these atoms being themselves, according to modern views, singularly complex edifices formed of elements, of which we shall have occasion to indicate the nature later.
The division of bodies into gaseous, liquid, and solid, and the distinction established for the same substance between the three states, retain a great importance for the applications and usages of daily life, but have long since lost their absolute value from the scientific point of view.
So far as concerns the liquid and gaseous states particularly, the already antiquated researches of Andrews confirmed the ideas of Cagniard de la Tour and established the continuity of the two states.
A group of physical studies has thus been const.i.tuted on what may be called the statics of fluids, in which we examine the relations existing between the pressure, the volume, and the temperature of bodies, and in which are comprised, under the term fluid, gases as well as liquids.
These researches deserve attention by their interest and the generality of the results to which they have led. They also give a remarkable example of the happy effects which may be obtained by the combined employment of the various methods of investigation used in exploring the domain of nature. Thermodynamics has, in fact, allowed us to obtain numerical relations between the various coefficients, and atomic hypotheses have led to the establishment of one capital relation, the characteristic equation of fluids; while, on the other hand, experiment in which the progress made in the art of measurement has been utilized, has furnished the most valuable information on all the laws of compressibility and dilatation.
The cla.s.sical work of Andrews was not very wide. Andrews did not go much beyond pressures close to the normal and ordinary temperatures.
Of late years several very interesting and peculiar cases have been examined by MM. Cailletet, Mathias, Batelli, Leduc, P. Chappuis, and other physicists. Sir W. Ramsay and Mr S. Young have made known the isothermal diagrams[6] of a certain number of liquid bodies at the ordinary temperature. They have thus been able, while keeping to somewhat restricted limits of temperature and pressure, to touch upon the most important questions, since they found themselves in the region of the saturation curve and of the critical point.
[Footnote 6: By isothermal diagram is meant the pattern or complex formed when the isothermal lines are arranged in curves of which the pressure is the ordinate and the volume the abscissa.--ED.]
But the most complete and systematic body of researches is due to M.
Amagat, who undertook the study of a certain number of bodies, some liquid and some gaseous, extending the scope of his experiments so as to embrace the different phases of the phenomena and to compare together, not only the results relating to the same bodies, but also those concerning different bodies which happen to be in the same conditions of temperature and pressure, but in very different conditions as regards their critical points.
From the experimental point of view, M. Amagat has been able, with extreme skill, to conquer the most serious difficulties. He has managed to measure with precision pressures amounting to 3000 atmospheres, and also the very small volumes then occupied by the fluid ma.s.s under consideration. This last measurement, which necessitates numerous corrections, is the most delicate part of the operation. These researches have dealt with a certain number of different bodies. Those relating to carbonic acid and ethylene take in the critical point. Others, on hydrogen and nitrogen, for instance, are very extended. Others, again, such as the study of the compressibility of water, have a special interest, on account of the peculiar properties of this substance. M. Amagat, by a very concise discussion of the experiments, has also been able to definitely establish the laws of compressibility and dilatation of fluids under constant pressure, and to determine the value of the various coefficients as well as their variations. It ought to be possible to condense all these results into a single formula representing the volume, the temperature, and the pressure. Rankin and, subsequently, Recknagel, and then Hirn, formerly proposed formulas of that kind; but the most famous, the one which first appeared to contain in a satisfactory manner all the facts which experiments brought to light and led to the production of many others, was the celebrated equation of Van der Waals.
Professor Van der Waals arrived at this relation by relying upon considerations derived from the kinetic theory of gases. If we keep to the simple idea at the bottom of this theory, we at once demonstrate that the gas ought to obey the laws of Mariotte and of Gay-Lussac, so that the characteristic equation would be obtained by the statement that the product of the number which is the measure of the volume by that which is the measure of the pressure is equal to a constant coefficient multiplied by the degree of the absolute temperature. But to get at this result we neglect two important factors.
We do not take into account, in fact, the attraction which the molecules must exercise on each other. Now, this attraction, which is never absolutely non-existent, may become considerable when the molecules are drawn closer together; that is to say, when the compressed gaseous ma.s.s occupies a more and more restricted volume. On the other hand, we a.s.similate the molecules, as a first approximation, to material points without dimensions; in the evaluation of the path traversed by each molecule no notice is taken of the fact that, at the moment of the shock, their centres of gravity are still separated by a distance equal to twice the radius of the molecule.
M. Van der Waals has sought out the modifications which must be introduced into the simple characteristic equation to bring it nearer to reality. He extends to the case of gases the considerations by which Laplace, in his famous theory of capillarity, reduced the effect of the molecular attraction to a perpendicular pressure exercised on the surface of a liquid. This leads him to add to the external pressure, that due to the reciprocal attractions of the gaseous particles. On the other hand, when we attribute finite dimensions to these particles, we must give a higher value to the number of shocks produced in a given time, since the effect of these dimensions is to diminish the mean path they traverse in the time which elapses between two consecutive shocks.
The calculation thus pursued leads to our adding to the pressure in the simple equation a term which is designated the internal pressure, and which is the quotient of a constant by the square of the volume; also to our deducting from the volume a constant which is the quadruple of the total and invariable volume which the gaseous molecules would occupy did they touch one another.
The experiments fit in fairly well with the formula of Van der Waals, but considerable discrepancies occur when we extend its limits, particularly when the pressures throughout a rather wider interval are considered; so that other and rather more complex formulas, on which there is no advantage in dwelling, have been proposed, and, in certain cases, better represent the facts.
But the most remarkable result of M. Van der Waals' calculations is the discovery of corresponding states. For a long time physicists spoke of bodies taken in a comparable state. Dalton, for example, pointed out that liquids have vapour-pressures equal to the temperatures equally distant from their boiling-point; but that if, in this particular property, liquids were comparable under these conditions of temperature, as regards other properties the parallelism was no longer to be verified. No general rule was found until M. Van der Waals first enunciated a primary law, viz., that if the pressure, the volume, and the temperature are estimated by taking as units the critical quant.i.ties, the constants special to each body disappear in the characteristic equation, which thus becomes the same for all fluids.
The words corresponding states thus take a perfectly precise signification. Corresponding states are those for which the numerical values of the pressure, volume, and temperature, expressed by taking as units the values corresponding to the critical point, are equal; and, in corresponding states any two fluids have exactly the same properties.
M. Natanson, and subsequently P. Curie and M. Meslin, have shown by various considerations that the same result may be arrived at by choosing units which correspond to any corresponding states; it has also been shown that the theorem of corresponding states in no way implies the exact.i.tude of Van der Waals' formula. In reality, this is simply due to the fact that the characteristic equation only contains three constants.
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