The New Physics and Its Evolution Part 9
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Developing this idea, Professor Nernst calculates, by means of the action of the osmotic pressures, the variations of energy brought into play and the value of the differences of potential by the contact of the electrodes and electrolytes. He deduces this from the electromotive force of a single battery cell which becomes thus connected with the values of the osmotic pressures, or, if you will, thanks to the relation discovered by Van t' Hoff, with the concentrations. Some particularly interesting electrical phenomena thus become connected with an already very important group, and a new bridge is built which unites two regions long considered foreign to each other.
The recent discoveries on the phenomena produced in gases when rendered conductors of electricity almost force upon us, as we shall see, the idea that there exist in these gases electrified centres moving through the field, and this idea gives still greater probability to the a.n.a.logous theory explaining the mechanism of the conductivity of liquids. It will also be useful, in order to avoid confusion, to restate with precision this notion of electrolytic ions, and to ascertain their magnitude, charge, and velocity.
The two cla.s.sic laws of Faraday will supply us with important information. The first indicates that the quant.i.ty of electricity pa.s.sing through the liquid is proportional to the quant.i.ty of matter deposited on the electrodes. This leads us at once to the consideration that, in any given solution, all the ions possess individual charges equal in absolute value.
The second law may be stated in these terms: an atom-gramme of metal carries with it into electrolysis a quant.i.ty of electricity proportionate to its valency.[19]
[Footnote 19: The valency or atomicity of an element may be defined as the power it possesses of entering into compounds in a certain fixed proportion. As hydrogen is generally taken as the standard, in practice the valency of an atom is the number of hydrogen atoms it will combine with or replace. Thus chlorine and the rest of the halogens, the atoms of which combine with one atom of hydrogen, are called univalent, oxygen a bivalent element, and so on.--ED.]
Numerous experiments have made known the total ma.s.s of hydrogen capable of carrying one coulomb, and it will therefore be possible to estimate the charge of an ion of hydrogen if the number of atoms of hydrogen in a given ma.s.s be known. This last figure is already furnished by considerations derived from the kinetic theory, and agrees with the one which can be deduced from the study of various phenomena. The result is that an ion of hydrogen having a ma.s.s of 1.3 x 10^{-20} grammes bears a charge of 1.3 X 10^{-20} electromagnetic units; and the second law will immediately enable the charge of any other ion to be similarly estimated.
The measurements of conductivity, joined to certain considerations relating to the differences of concentration which appear round the electrode in electrolysis, allow the speed of the ions to be calculated. Thus, in a liquid containing 1/10th of a hydrogen-ion per litre, the absolute speed of an ion would be 3/10ths of a millimetre per second in a field where the fall of potential would be 1 volt per centimetre. Sir Oliver Lodge, who has made direct experiments to measure this speed, has obtained a figure very approximate to this.
This value is very small compared to that which we shall meet with in gases.
Another consequence of the laws of Faraday, to which, as early as 1881, Helmholtz drew attention, may be considered as the starting-point of certain new doctrines we shall come across later.
Helmholtz says: "If we accept the hypothesis that simple bodies are composed of atoms, we are obliged to admit that, in the same way, electricity, whether positive or negative, is composed of elementary parts which behave like atoms of electricity."
The second law seems, in fact, a.n.a.logous to the law of multiple proportions in chemistry, and it shows us that the quant.i.ties of electricity carried vary from the simple to the double or treble, according as it is a question of a uni-, bi-, or trivalent metal; and as the chemical law leads up to the conception of the material atom, so does the electrolytic law suggest the idea of an electric atom.
It is in the works of Descartes that we find the first idea of attributing those physical phenomena which the properties of matter fail to explain to some subtle matter which is the receptacle of the energy of the universe.
In our times this idea has had extraordinary luck. After having been eclipsed for two hundred years by the success of the immortal synthesis of Newton, it gained an entirely new splendour with Fresnel and his followers. Thanks to their admirable discoveries, the first stage seemed accomplished, the laws of optics were represented by a single hypothesis, marvellously fitted to allow us to antic.i.p.ate unknown phenomena, and all these antic.i.p.ations were subsequently fully verified by experiment. But the researches of Faraday, Maxwell, and Hertz authorized still greater ambitions; and it really seemed that this medium, to which it was agreed to give the ancient name of ether, and which had already explained light and radiant heat, would also be sufficient to explain electricity. Thus the hope began to take form that we might succeed in demonstrating the unity of all physical forces. It was thought that the knowledge of the laws relating to the inmost movements of this ether might give us the key to all phenomena, and might make us acquainted with the method in which energy is stored up, transmitted, and parcelled out in its external manifestations.
We cannot study here all the problems which are connected with the physics of the ether. To do this a complete treatise on optics would have to be written and a very lengthy one on electricity. I shall simply endeavour to show rapidly how in the last few years the ideas relative to the const.i.tution of this ether have evolved, and we shall see if it be possible without self-delusion to imagine that a single medium can really allow us to group all the known facts in one comprehensive arrangement.
As constructed by Fresnel, the hypothesis of the luminous ether, which had so great a struggle at the outset to overcome the stubborn resistance of the partisans of the then cla.s.sic theory of emission, seemed, on the contrary, to possess in the sequel an unshakable strength. Lame, though a prudent mathematician, wrote: "_The existence_ of the ethereal fluid is _incontestably demonstrated_ by the propagation of light through the planetary s.p.a.ces, and by the explanation, so simple and so complete, of the phenomena of diffraction in the wave theory of light"; and he adds: "The laws of double refraction prove with no less certainty that the _ether exists_ in all diaphanous media." Thus the ether was no longer an hypothesis, but in some sort a tangible reality. But the ethereal fluid of which the existence was thus proclaimed has some singular properties.
Were it only a question of explaining rectilinear propagation, reflexion, refraction, diffraction, and interferences notwithstanding grave difficulties at the outset and the objections formulated by Laplace and Poisson (some of which, though treated somewhat lightly at the present day, have not lost all value), we should be under no obligation to make any hypothesis other than that of the undulations of an elastic medium, without deciding in advance anything as to the nature and direction of the vibrations.
This medium would, naturally--since it exists in what we call the void--be considered as imponderable. It may be compared to a fluid of negligible ma.s.s--since it offers no appreciable resistance to the motion of the planets--but is endowed with an enormous elasticity, because the velocity of the propagation of light is considerable. It must be capable of penetrating into all transparent bodies, and of retaining there, so to speak, a constant elasticity, but must there become condensed, since the speed of propagation in these bodies is less than in a vacuum. Such properties belong to no material gas, even the most rarefied, but they admit of no essential contradiction, and that is the important point.[20]
[Footnote 20: Since this was written, however, men of science have become less unanimous than they formerly were on this point. The veteran chemist Professor Mendeleeff has given reasons for thinking that the ether is an inert gas with an atomic weight a million times less than that of hydrogen, and a velocity of 2250 kilometres per second (_Principles of Chemistry_, Eng. ed., 1905, vol. ii. p. 526).
On the other hand, the well-known physicist Dr A.H. Bucherer, speaking at the Naturforscherversammlung, held at Stuttgart in 1906, declared his disbelief in the existence of the ether, which he thought could not be reconciled at once with the Maxwellian theory and the known facts.--ED.]
It was the study of the phenomena of polarization which led Fresnel to his bold conception of transverse vibrations, and subsequently induced him to penetrate further into the const.i.tution of the ether. We know the experiment of Arago on the noninterference of polarized rays in rectangular planes. While two systems of waves, proceeding from the same source of natural light and propagating themselves in nearly parallel directions, increase or become destroyed according to whether the nature of the superposed waves are of the same or of contrary signs, the waves of the rays polarized in perpendicular planes, on the other hand, can never interfere with each other. Whatever the difference of their course, the intensity of the light is always the sum of the intensity of the two rays.
Fresnel perceived that this experiment absolutely compels us to reject the hypothesis of longitudinal vibrations acting along the line of propagation in the direction of the rays. To explain it, it must of necessity be admitted, on the contrary, that the vibrations are transverse and perpendicular to the ray. Verdet could say, in all truth, "It is not possible to deny the transverse direction of luminous vibrations, without at the same time denying that light consists of an undulatory movement."
Such vibrations do not and cannot exist in any medium resembling a fluid. The characteristic of a fluid is that its different parts can displace themselves with regard to one another without any reaction appearing so long as a variation of volume is not produced. There certainly may exist, as we have seen, certain traces of rigidity in a liquid, but we cannot conceive such a thing in a body infinitely more subtle than rarefied gas. Among material bodies, a solid alone really possesses the rigidity sufficient for the production within it of transverse vibrations and for their maintenance during their propagation.
Since we have to attribute such a property to the ether, we may add that on this point it resembles a solid, and Lord Kelvin has shown that this solid, would be much more rigid than steel. This conclusion produces great surprise in all who hear it for the first time, and it is not rare to hear it appealed to as an argument against the actual existence of the ether. It does not seem, however, that such an argument can be decisive. There is no reason for supposing that the ether ought to be a sort of extension of the bodies we are accustomed to handle. Its properties may astonish our ordinary way of thinking, but this rather unscientific astonishment is not a reason for doubting its existence. Real difficulties would appear only if we were led to attribute to the ether, not singular properties which are seldom found united in the same substance, but properties logically contradictory.
In short, however odd such a medium may appear to us, it cannot be said that there is any absolute incompatibility between its attributes.
It would even be possible, if we wished, to suggest images capable of representing these contrary appearances. Various authors have done so.
Thus, M. Boussinesq a.s.sumes that the ether behaves like a very rarefied gas in respect of the celestial bodies, because these last move, while bathed in it, in all directions and relatively slowly, while they permit it to retain, so to speak, its perfect h.o.m.ogeneity.
On the other hand, its own undulations are so rapid that so far as they are concerned the conditions become very different, and its fluidity has, one might say, no longer the time to come in. Hence its rigidity alone appears.
Another consequence, very important in principle, of the fact that vibrations of light are transverse, has been well put in evidence by Fresnel. He showed how we have, in order to understand the action which excites without condensation the sliding of successive layers of the ether during the propagation of a vibration, to consider the vibrating medium as being composed of molecules separated by finite distances. Certain authors, it is true, have proposed theories in which the action at a distance of these molecules are replaced by actions of contact between parallelepipeds sliding over one another; but, at bottom, these two points of view both lead us to conceive the ether as a discontinuous medium, like matter itself. The ideas gathered from the most recent experiments also bring us to the same conclusion.
In the ether thus const.i.tuted there are therefore propagated transverse vibrations, regarding which all experiments in optics furnish very precise information. The amplitude of these vibrations is exceedingly small, even in relation to the wave-length, small as these last are. If, in fact, the amplitude of the vibrations acquired a noticeable value in comparison with the wave-length, the speed of propagation should increase with the amplitude. Yet, in spite of some curious experiments which seem to establish that the speed of light does alter a little with its intensity, we have reason to believe that, as regards light, the amplitude of the oscillations in relation to the wave-length is incomparably less than in the case of sound.
It has become the custom to characterise each vibration by the path which the vibratory movement traverses during the s.p.a.ce of a vibration--by the length of wave, in a word--rather than by the duration of the vibration itself. To measure wave-lengths, the methods must be employed to which I have already alluded on the subject of measurements of length. Professor Michelson, on the one hand, and MM.
Perot and Fabry, on the other, have devised exceedingly ingenious processes, which have led to results of really unhoped-for precision.
The very exact knowledge also of the speed of the propagation of light allows the duration of a vibration to be calculated when once the wave-length is known. It is thus found that, in the case of visible light, the number of the vibrations from the end of the violet to the infra-red varies from four hundred to two hundred billions per second.
This gamut is not, however, the only one the ether can give. For a long time we have known ultra-violet radiations still more rapid, and, on the other hand, infra-red ones more slow, while in the last few years the field of known radiations has been singularly extended in both directions.
It is to M. Rubens and his fellow-workers that are due the most brilliant conquests in the matter of great wave-lengths. He had remarked that, in their study, the difficulty of research proceeds from the fact that the extreme waves of the infra-red spectrum only contain a small part of the total energy emitted by an incandescent body; so that if, for the purpose of study, they are further dispersed by a prism or a grating, the intensity at any one point becomes so slight as to be no longer observable. His original idea was to obtain, without prism or grating, a h.o.m.ogeneous pencil of great wave-length sufficiently intense to be examined. For this purpose the radiant source used was a strip of platinum covered with fluorine or powdered quartz, which emits numerous radiations close to two bands of linear absorption in the absorption spectra of fluorine and quartz, one of which is situated in the infra-red. The radiations thus emitted are several times reflected on fluorine or on quartz, as the case may be; and as, in proximity to the bands, the absorption is of the order of that of metallic bodies for luminous rays, we no longer meet in the pencil several times reflected or in the rays _remaining_ after this kind of filtration, with any but radiations of great wave-length.
Thus, for instance, in the case of the quartz, in the neighbourhood of a radiation corresponding to a wave-length of 8.5 microns, the absorption is thirty times greater in the region of the band than in the neighbouring region, and consequently, after three reflexions, while the corresponding radiations will not have been weakened, the neighbouring waves will be so, on the contrary, in the proportion of 1 to 27,000.
With mirrors of rock salt and of sylvine[21] there have been obtained, by taking an incandescent gas light (Auer) as source, radiations extending as far as 70 microns; and these last are the greatest wave-lengths observed in optical phenomena. These radiations are largely absorbed by the vapour of water, and it is no doubt owing to this absorption that they are not found in the solar spectrum. On the other hand, they easily pa.s.s through gutta-percha, india-rubber, and insulating substances in general.
[Footnote 21: A natural chlorate of pota.s.sium, generally of volcanic origin.--ED.]
At the opposite end of the spectrum the knowledge of the ultra-violet regions has been greatly extended by the researches of Lenard. These extremely rapid radiations have been shown by that eminent physicist to occur in the light of the electric sparks which flash between two metal points, and which are produced by a large induction coil with condenser and a Wehnelt break. Professor Schumann has succeeded in photographing them by depositing bromide of silver directly on gla.s.s plates without fixing it with gelatine; and he has, by the same process, photographed in the spectrum of hydrogen a ray with a wave-length of only 0.1 micron.
The spectroscope was formed entirely of fluor-spar, and a vacuum had been created in it, for these radiations are extremely absorbable by the air.
Notwithstanding the extreme smallness of the luminous wave-lengths, it has been possible, after numerous fruitless trials, to obtain stationary waves a.n.a.logous to those which, in the case of sound, are produced in organ pipes. The marvellous application M. Lippmann has made of these waves to completely solve the problem of photography in colours is well known. This discovery, so important in itself and so instructive, since it shows us how the most delicate antic.i.p.ations of theory may be verified in all their consequences, and lead the physicist to the solution of the problems occurring in practice, has justly become popular, and there is, therefore, no need to describe it here in detail.
Professor Wiener obtained stationary waves some little while before M.
Lippmann's discovery, in a layer of a sensitive substance having a grain sufficiently small in relation to the length of wave. His aim was to solve a question of great importance to a complete knowledge of the ether. Fresnel founded his theory of double refraction and reflexion by transparent surfaces, on the hypothesis that the vibration of a ray of polarized light is perpendicular to the plane of polarization. But Neumann has proposed, on the contrary, a theory in which he recognizes that the luminous vibration is in this very plane.
He rather supposes, in opposition to Fresnel's idea, that the density of the ether remains the same in all media, while its coefficient of elasticity is variable.
Very remarkable experiments on dispersion by M. Carvallo prove indeed that the idea of Fresnel was, if not necessary for us to adopt, at least the more probable of the two; but apart from this indication, and contrary to the hypothesis of Neumann, the two theories, from the point of view of the explanation of all known facts, really appear to be equivalent. Are we then in presence of two mechanical explanations, different indeed, but nevertheless both adaptable to all the facts, and between which it will always be impossible to make a choice? Or, on the contrary, shall we succeed in realising an _experimentum crucis_, an experiment at the point where the two theories cross, which will definitely settle the question?
Professor Wiener thought he could draw from his experiment a firm conclusion on the point in dispute. He produced stationary waves with light polarized at an angle of 45,[22] and established that, when light is polarized in the plane of incidence, the fringes persist; but that, on the other hand, they disappear when the light is polarized perpendicularly to this plane. If it be admitted that a photographic impression results from the active force of the vibratory movement of the ether, the question is, in fact, completely elucidated, and the discrepancy is abolished in Fresnel's favour.
[Footnote 22: That is to say, he reflected the beam of polarized light by a mirror placed at that angle. See Turpain, _Lecons elementaires de Physique_, t. ii. p. 311, for details of the experiment.--ED.]
M.H. Poincare has pointed out, however, that we know nothing as to the mechanism of the photographic impression. We cannot consider it evident that it is the kinetic energy of the ether which produces the decomposition of the sensitive salt; and if, on the contrary, we suppose it to be due to the potential energy, all the conclusions are reversed, and Neumann's idea triumphs.
Recently a very clever physicist, M. Cotton, especially known for his skilful researches in the domain of optics, has taken up anew the study of stationary waves. He has made very precise quant.i.tative experiments, and has demonstrated, in his turn, that it is impossible, even with spherical waves, to succeed in determining on which of the two vectors which have to be regarded in all theories of light on the subject of polarization phenomena the luminous intensity and the chemical action really depend. This question, therefore, no longer exists for those physicists who admit that luminous vibrations are electrical oscillations. Whatever, then, the hypothesis formed, whether it be electric force or, on the contrary, magnetic force which we place in the plane of polarization, the mode of propagation foreseen will always be in accord with the facts observed.
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