The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants Part 6

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All material expressions of the Father, from the simplest chemical element to the most complex compound; from the one-celled protoplasmic life germ to the most complex organism, are Vibratory in their ultimate nature.

As has been stated elsewhere in this book, material life is the vibratory reflection from the Cause world into an Effect world. The universe is a vibratory expression of an absolute Reality--G.o.d: a material expression of Divine Harmony. And as Harmony is an expression of the Father, its ant.i.thesis, Discord, is the creation of man.

Of all the vibrations that more fully express the Father and arouse the Emotional within the soul, Music must of necessity head the list.

Owing to man's degeneration or fall, on your Earth, he has lost all receptibility to the more refined vibratory tones of the chromatic scale.

And for the same reason he has lost receptibility to intermediate vibrations in the COLOR spectrum, which has clouded or stultified his visional faculties. The long waves of the Infra-red and the short waves of the Ultra-violet ends of the spectrum are invisible to your Earth people except in rare cases of developed mediums.h.i.+p, though your photograph plates are somewhat sensitive to these vibrations.

You are immersed in commercialism and other selfish pursuits while all around you is a beautiful RAINBOW UNIVERSE, vibrating with music too heavenly for your dulled perceptions to enjoy.

On Mars the development of the Musical talent is held to be of primary importance. The laws of Harmony are part of the curriculum of all schools, and all necessary paraphernalia for its proper exposition are provided. We have instruments for measuring tone vibrations of so delicate a pitch that the existence of these tones would be a blank to the gross material ears of the inhabitants of your world.

Music arouses the innermost emotions of the soul and its effect on the individual is proportionate to his degree of spiritual development.

Music is harmony, but it also creates an atmosphere of harmony.

The music of the spheres is a living reality, for Harmony is the very essence of the Cosmos. By Music of the Spheres is meant the harmonious interrelation of all spiritual planes. Every unit in the universe is in perfect accord one with the other, and all are functioning in perfect unison. Every Solar Orb and every Planet responds to Harmonious law. The Cosmos as a whole is the expression of a Divine Symphony.

When man's spiritual progress has attained a degree of enfoldment ent.i.tling him to come into possession of his Divine Heritage then will the sublime vibrations of the spheres be a reality to him.

On Mars divers instruments are used for producing musical harmony, and much of this harmony is of such a subtle nature that your crude instruments could not give expression to it.

We have a means of producing harmony of the highest order by utilizing Ethereal Electric Vibration which produces light vibrations corresponding to tone production, for true Electric Vibration is real music. This device resembles a series of globes, all transparent, colorless when not in action. But immediately they are allowed to produce music they become units of color and tone work that would give you the impression of SEEING AND HEARING A RAINBOW SIMULTANEOUSLY. You are not ready to receive the scientific explanation of this phenomenon, but we are ready to give it to you at any time.

Singing is also highly developed on our planet, for it is the first expression of harmony that the child is taught. This is true for the reason that vocal music is the most natural expression of harmonious vibrations. Much time is devoted to ensemble work among our people of all ages. This chorus work is of great benefit to all partaking, for individually and collectively much inspiration is received; and the tremendous Love-force loosened by this united expression of harmony becomes a phenomenal power and stimulus--a purifying agent for soul and body. This will help you to realize why disease is unknown to us.

In the development of the musical talents of the individual on Mars the pupil is impressed with the necessity of expressing the true self, and the original improvisation or composition is the method by which the pupil expresses his understanding of the subject. No one attempts to ape the technique or genius of another, for on Mars all are geniuses.

This is true in every form of activity. All must be creators to express individuality.

When an individual on Mars has surpa.s.sed all others in some special expression of Divine Harmony the product of his genius is for the benefit of all, hence copyrights and patents are unknown on our planet.



A great deal of interest is being manifested in your city this morning (April 25, 1920), over the Aeronautical Show. You imagine the Flying machines wonderful mechanisms; but in their present state they will not lift you out of your atmosphere. You have yet to perfect a real airs.h.i.+p.

Your Flying machines are c.u.mbersome and awkward, and they consume lots of fuel and make a deal of noise. It can hardly be said they are harmonious with the music of the spheres, but then it is only a sample of your Earth's development.

You have seen the seagulls soar over the water seemingly without motion; and yet they go up and down, turning this way and that without effort. This is the best idea I can give you of our airs.h.i.+ps, which really soar. No sound, no discordant vibrations disturb the quiet of the Martian atmosphere, and the tranquility of the Mars people.

When you have learned the secret of how to tap the Universal Reservoir of Cosmic Power, then will you evolve a perfect Flying machine such as we have. A great deal of interest is also being centered on an attempt to signal Mars, and your apparatus is not fine enough to receive our waves. But success will come to you in another decade, and we will be able to get something through for your scientific world.

It is gratifying to know that a large portion of your population entertain the belief that Mars is inhabited: and also that the possibilities point to the fact that other planets are inhabited.

You have advanced a long way to come to that belief, but you are yet a long way from the truth. You are on the eve of an awakening and much will come through the discoveries of scientists who are devoting their lives to the study of Truth. It is true that only a few of that number are bold enough to proclaim all they discover, and they must bear the brunt of much harsh criticism. In the end, however, ignorance must give way to Light.

We look upon your inventions with much amus.e.m.e.nt, and yet with great interest, just as you would look upon your children's finest toys. We are much older than you and are doing all we can to help your scientists by impressing them with thoughts that will lead them to discover new truths, and our interest never flags. How could it if we are doing the Father's work? For it is the Father's great pleasure to give His children all they can receive.

If you could cut loose from your world conventions and could perceive new ideas; if you would but disregard man-made theories and open your minds and souls to the Father's Revelations, it would not be long before your sin-cursed and forsaken Earth would be changed into a Paradise.

But the tendency among you if to think as your forefathers thought rather than cut new paths. However, your children of this generation are of a different sort, and they must be taught the importance of DEVELOPING THE SPIRITUAL INTELLECT. There is MORE INDIVIDUALISM being born into the world today than ever before. THERE ARE FEWER CHILDREN, BUT THEY ARE STRONGER (the year 1920).

THESE CHILDREN, WITH THEIR ORIGINALITY AND ESOTERIC TENDENCIES WILL BRING ON A REVOLUTION ON YOUR PLANET THAT WILL END BY DESTROYING YOUR THREADBARE DOGMATISM. This tendency is evidenced by the recent failure of the Interchurch movement. It has been the habit on your planet that you cannot accomplish anything without raising immense sums of money.

It is not money that does the real work but rather PERSONAL SERVICE.

People are inclined to give almost everything than personal service.

If each person lived the Christ Life there would be no need of money.

A close study of the Mars Economic system will demonstrate that truth.




LIFE IS AN ATTRIBUTE OF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE. Go forth on a moonless night and behold the firmament emblazoned with its myriad of scintillating stars, solar orbs, nebulae, world-systems in the making: the galactic circle, a jeweled band athwart the canopy of Heaven; a seething maelstrom of Light: countless suns in s.p.a.ce all expressing the one reality, OMNISCIENCE.

Only presumptuous man can question the Divine Intent in the creation of the Infinite number of giant suns, stupendous worldwide systems, and place his particular world-unit at the center of the Cosmos.

Man contemplates this handiwork of G.o.d as a mere adjunct (more ornamental than useful) to his terrestrial environment, conceitedly thinking that the Father's only consideration is centered about himself.

As these life-giving orbs are countless in number, their orbits extending as they do to Infinity in all directions, so is it with the habitable worlds in s.p.a.ce. Some there are where life is not yet possible: worlds not yet far removed from their primitive state: not long since condensed from fire mist: others where life has just begun: others on whose surfaces live teeming millions of G.o.d's creatures, just as you live and others have lived before you. And there are other worlds whose life-cycle has been run; where intelligent life has ceased: where world-disintegration has set in. For this is in accordance with the universal law of Growth and Decay--a law that exempts neither the one-celled amoeba, nor the complex Solar system whirling yonder in Infinite s.p.a.ce.

For all that comes from the Father into material expression must some day revert to its primordial state.

You have thus far received much concerning the idealistic conditions on Mars, whose planetary career is now reaching the zenith of its Cosmic cycle, and whose denizens have progressed to a degree of Divine unfoldment not yet attained by many worlds.

It is necessary that you now receive some information relating to one of the less-advanced planets belonging to the family of our sun, in order you may be able to learn by contrast something of the wonders of G.o.d's work.

JUPITER, owing to its prodigious size, being nearly eleven times larger than your Earth, but whose density is proportionately less, might well be styled the Master Planet of our system.

Jupiter is well blessed with satellites, having eight, a description of which is not necessary at this time. This planet is in what might be styled its primary evolutionary stage where life has just begun. This life has not evolved beyond the unicellular, or amoebic stage; and it will be only after the lapse of a long period of time, measured in Geological units, when more complex organisms will appear: and many of these periods will come and go before this planet's surface will have attained a proper development for the propagation of intelligences capable of being cla.s.sed with the denizens of your Earth.

Long before that age arrives Jupiter's surface and atmosphere will undergo a tremendous change. Mighty planetary cataclysms will raise new mountain ranges; new continents will appear, and the present land surfaces on this planet will sink, to be covered with slime and water, to rise again in the centuries to come, for the Father's love and solicitude will provide, as it has in the case of all His Celestial Creations, a bountiful supply of stored-up radiant energy, such as coal and petroleum, and other elements, for the comfort of those who will inhabit this giant among the worlds of this system in time to come.

Jupiter still retains much of its internal heat, which gives this planet a very high mean temperature. Its atmosphere is still very dense, and owing to the very rapid evaporation of water due to the extreme heat a constant cloud canopy covers its surface, which only dissipates occasionally in a slight degree, at which times only the sun penetrates to the surface of the globe. By reason of the constant thick cloud canopy over the surface of Jupiter the planet is enveloped in deep gloom and darkness. As radiation is arrested to a marked degree by the clouds and atmosphere the temperature is very humid as well as hot. In this steam environment grow forests of fern and fungus-like trees and rank vegetal growths which will in the course of time be preserved as coal for the races destined to inhabit this planet. This vegetal growth is a flora that knows not bloom or seed, but is propagated by root and spores, a flora most primitive in type, but which will in time evolve through the law of mutation and adaptation into a diversified and useful vegetal kingdom for the races yet to come on the planet.

Owing to the tremendous gravitational pull on Jupiter present organisms are, and future ones will be evolved along specially modified lines, in order that they may encompa.s.s the least possible volume, just as the denizens of the extreme depths of your oceans have evolved. The modification is necessary that organisms mat be able to function on a planet where the difference in gravity is as one to three compared with your Earth. In other words a minimum density is necessary to produce maximum lightness.

As there is no lesser or greater in the economy of Nature (Nature is G.o.d Manifest), the most infinitesimal mote in the universe is as perfect within itself as is the most gigantic sun. Size is but relative. The anatomy of the midget is as perfect and complex as is that of the mammoth, and so there exist in the universe inhabited worlds that are relatively very small.

The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants Part 6

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The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants Part 6 summary

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