Marvels of Scientific Invention Part 1
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Marvels of Scientific Invention.
by Thomas W. Corbin.
Most people are afraid of the word explosion and shudder with apprehension at the mention of dynamite. The latter, particularly, conjures up visions of anarchists, bombs, and all manner of wickedness.
Yet the time seems to be coming when every farmer will regard explosives, of the general type known to the public as dynamite, as among his most trusty implements. It is so already in some places. In the United States explosives have been used for years, owing to the exertions of the Du Pont Powder Company, while Messrs Curtiss' and Harvey, and Messrs n.o.bels, the great explosive manufacturers, are busy introducing them in Great Britain.
It will perhaps be interesting first of all to see what this terror-striking compound is. One essential feature is the harmless gas which const.i.tutes the bulk of our atmosphere, nitrogen. Ordinarily one of the most lazy, inactive, inert of substances, this gas will, under certain circ.u.mstances, enter into combination with others, and when it does so it becomes in some cases the very reverse of its usual peaceful, lethargic self. It is as if it entered reluctantly into these compounds and so introduced an element of instability into them. It is like a dissatisfied partner in a business, ready to break up the whole combination on very slight provocation.
And it must be remembered that an explosive is simply some chemical compound which can change _suddenly_ into something else of much larger volume. Water, when boiled, increases to about 1600 times its own volume of steam, and if it were possible to bring about the change suddenly water would be a fairly powerful explosive. Coal burnt in a fire changes, with oxygen from the atmosphere, into carbonic acid gas, and the volume of that latter which is so produced is much more than that of the combined volumes of the oxygen and coal. When the burning takes place in a grate or furnace we see nothing at all like an explosion, for the simple reason that the change takes place gradually. That is necessarily so since the coal and oxygen are only in contact at the surface of the former. If, however, we grind the coal to a very fine powder and mix it well with air, then each fine particle is in contact with oxygen and can burn instantly. Hence coal-dust in air is an explosive. It used to be thought that colliery accidents were due entirely to the explosion of methane, a gas which is given off by the coal, but it has of recent years dawned upon people that it is the coal-dust in the mine which really does the damage. The explosion of methane stirs up the dust, which then explodes. The former is comparatively harmless, but it acts as the trigger or detonator which lets loose the force pent up in the innocent-looking coal-dust. Hence the greatest efforts in modern collieries are bent towards ridding the workings of dust or else damping it or in some other way preventing it from being stirred up into the dangerous state.
So the essential feature of any explosive is oxygen and something which will burn with it. If it be a solid or liquid the oxygen must be a part of the combination or mixture, for it cannot get air from the surrounding atmosphere quickly enough to explode; and, moreover, it is generally necessary that explosives should work in a confined s.p.a.ce away from all contact with air. So oxygen, of necessity, must be an integral part of the stuff itself. But when oxygen combines with anything it usually clings rather tenaciously to its place in the compound and is not easily disturbed quickly, and that is where the nitrogen seems to find its part. It supplies the disturbing element in what would otherwise be a harmonious combination, so that the oxygen and the burnable substances readily split up and form a new combination, with the nitrogen left out.
Of all the harmless things in the world one would think that that sweet, sticky fluid, glycerine, which most of us have used at one time or another to lubricate a sore throat, was the most harmless. As it stands in its bottle upon the domestic medicine shelf, who would suspect that it is the basis of such a thing as dynamite?
Such is the case, however, for glycerine on being brought into contact with a mixture of sulphuric and nitric acids gives birth to nitro-glycerine, an explosive of such sensitivity, of such a furious, violent nature, that it is never allowed to remain long in its primitive condition, but is as quickly as possible changed into something less excitable.
Glycerine is one of those organic compounds which is obtained from once-living matter. Arising as a by-product in the manufacture of soap, it consists, as do so many of the organic substances, of carbon and hydrogen, the atoms of which are peculiarly arranged to form the glycerine molecule. To this the nitric acid adds oxygen and nitrogen, the sulphuric acid simply standing by, as it were, and removing the surplus water which arises during the process. So while glycerine is carbon and hydrogen, nitro-glycerine is carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and oxygen. In this state they form a compact liquid, which occupies little s.p.a.ce.
The least thing upsets them, however. The carbon combines with oxygen into carbon dioxide, commonly called carbonic acid gas, the hydrogen and some more oxygen form steam, while the nitrogen is left out in the cold, so to speak. And the total volume of the gases so produced is about 6000 times that of the original liquid. It is easy to see that a substance which is liable suddenly to increase its volume by 6000 times is an explosive of no mean order.
But the fact that it is liable to make this change on a comparatively slight increase in temperature or after a concussion makes it too dangerous for practical use. It needs to be tamed down somewhat. This was first done by the famous n.o.bel, who mixed it with a fine earth known as kieselguhr, whereby its sensitiveness was much decreased. This mixture is dynamite.
It will be seen that the function of the "earth" is simply to act as an absorbent of the liquid nitro-glycerine, and several other things can be used for the same purpose. Moreover, there are now many explosives of the dynamite nature but differing from it in having an active instead of a pa.s.sive absorbent, so that the decrease in sensitivity is accompanied by an increase in strength. For example, gelignite, which is being used for agricultural purposes in Great Britain, consists of nitro-glycerine mixed with nitro-cotton, wood-meal and saltpetre. The wood-meal acts as the absorbent instead of the kieselguhr, while the nitro-cotton is another kind of explosive and the saltpetre, one of the ingredients in the old gunpowder, provides the necessary oxygen for burning up the wood-meal. Nitro-cotton is made in much the same way as nitro-glycerine, except that cotton takes the place of the glycerine. Cotton is almost pure cellulose, another organic substance, like glycerine insomuch as it is composed of carbon and hydrogen, but, unlike it, containing also oxygen. Treated with nitric acid it also forms a combination of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen, which is called nitro-cotton, nitro-cellulose, or gun-cotton.
It may be asked, why, if these two substances are thus similar, need they be mixed? The answer is that although alike to a certain degree they are not exactly the same, and the modern manufacturer of explosives in his strife after perfection finds that for certain purposes one is the best, and for others another, while for others again a combination may excel any single one.
For some work another kind of explosive altogether is to be preferred.
This is based upon chlorate of potash, a compound very rich in oxygen, which it is prepared to give up readily to burn any other suitable element which may be at hand. A well-known explosive of this cla.s.s is that known as cheddite, since it was first made at a factory at Chedde, in Savoy.
For the sake of simplicity, however, I propose in the following descriptions to refer to all these explosives under the common term "dynamite," since that will probably convey to the general public an idea of their nature better than any other term or terms which I could choose.
So now we come to the great question, how can the modern farmer benefit by the use of high explosives such as these? The answer is, in many ways. Let us take the most obvious one first.
A farmer has been ploughing his land and growing his crops upon it for years. Perchance his forefathers have been doing the same for generations. Every year, for centuries possibly, a hard steel ploughshare has gone over that ground, turning over and over the top soil to a depth of six to eight inches. Each season the plants, whatever they may be, grow mainly in that top layer. They take the goodness or nourishment out of it and it eventually becomes more or less sterile. By properly rotating his crops he mitigates this to a certain extent, in addition to which he restores to the land some of its old nitrogenous const.i.tuents by the addition of manure. Yet, do what he will, this thin top layer is bound to become exhausted. And all the while a few inches lower down there is almost virgin soil which has scarcely been disturbed since the creation of the world.
Nay, more, that virgin soil, with all its plant food still in it, is not only doing little for its owner, it is positively doing him harm. For every time his plough goes over it it tends to ram it down flat; every time a man walks over it the result is the same; every horse that, everything that happens or has happened for centuries in that field, tends to make that soil just below the reach of the ploughshare a hard, impervious ma.s.s, through which only the roots of the most strongly growing plants can find a way, and which tends to make the soil above it wet in wet weather and dry in dry weather. Thus roots have to spread sideways instead of downwards; or, growing downwards with difficulty, each plant has to expend vital energy in forcing its roots through the hard ground which it might better employ in producing flowers or fruits.
And there is no natural storage of water. A shower drenches the ground.
In time it dries, through evaporation into the air, and then when the drought comes all is arid as the Sahara.
That hard subsoil is known by the term "hard-pan," and, as we have seen, it is produced more or less by all that goes on in the field. Even worse is the case--a very frequent one too--wherein there is a natural stratum of clay or equally dense waterproof material lying a few feet down.
Beyond the reach of any plough, this hard stratum can be broken up by the use of dynamite. The usual method is to drive holes in the ground about fifteen to twenty feet apart and about three or four feet deep, right into the heart of the hard layer. At the bottom of each hole is placed a cartridge of dynamite with a fuse and a detonator. This latter is a small tube containing a small quant.i.ty of explosive which, unlike the dynamite, can be easily fired, and initiates the detonation of the cartridge.
When these miniature earthquakes have taken place all over a field a very different state of things prevails. The "hard-pan" has been broken.
The explosive used for such a purpose has a sudden shattering power, whereby it pulverises the ground in its vicinity rather than making a great upheaval at the surface. The sudden shock makes cracks and fissures in all directions, through which roots can easily make their way. Moreover, it permits air to find an entrance, thereby aerating the soil in such a way as to increase its fertility. The heat, or else the chemical products of the explosion, seem to destroy the fungus germs in the ground. Finally a natural storage of water is set up. Heavy rain, instead of drenching the upper soil, simply moistens it nicely, while the surplus water descends into the newly disturbed layers, there to remain until the roots pump it up in time of drought.
It is stated that an acre of hay pumps up out of the soil 500 tons of water per annum, so it is easy to see what an important feature this natural water-storage is.
Farmers say that their crops have doubled in value after thus dynamiting the subsoil.
This operation has been spoken of as a subst.i.tute for ploughing, but that may be put down to "journalistic licence," for while it truly conveys the general idea, it is hardly correct. The ordinary plough turns over about eight inches, the special subsoil plough reaches down to about eighteen inches, but the dynamite method loosens the ground to a depth of six or seven feet. Corn roots if given a chance will go downwards from four to eight feet. Potatoes go down three feet, hops eight to eighteen feet and vines twenty feet, so it is easy to see how restricted the plants are when their natural rooting instincts are restrained by a hard layer at a depth of eighteen inches or so.
The holes are made by means of a bar or drill. A great deal depends, of course, upon the hardness of the soil. Sometimes a steel bar has to be driven in by a sledge-hammer. At others a pointed bar can be pushed down by hand. In some cases it will be found that the best tool to employ is a "dirt-auger," a tool like a carpenter's auger, which on being turned round and round bores its way into the earth. However it may be done, one or more cartridges of dynamite are lowered into the finished hole, one of them being fitted with the necessary detonator and fuse. Then a little loose earth or sand is dropped into the hole until it is filled to a depth of six inches or so above the uppermost cartridge. Above that it is quite safe to fill the hole with earth, ramming it in with a wooden rammer. This is called "tamping," and it is necessary in order to prevent the force of the explosion being wasted in simply blowing up the hole. What is wanted is that the explosion shall take place within an enclosed chamber so that its effect may be felt equally in all directions. The holes are generally about an inch and a half or an inch and three-quarters in diameter.
There are two ways of firing the charges. One is by means of fuses. The detonator is fastened to one cartridge and a length of fuse is attached to the detonator, which pa.s.sing up the hole terminates above the ground.
The fuse is a tube of cotton filled with gunpowder, and it burns at the rate of about two feet a minute. Thus if three feet of fuse be used the man who lights it has a minute and a half in which to find a place of safety from falling stones.
The other way is by electricity. In this case an electric fuse is attached to the cartridge and two wires are led up the hole. These are connected to an electrical machine, which causes a current to pa.s.s down into the fuse, where, by heating a fine platinum wire, it fires the detonating material with which it is packed. This detonating material in turn fires the dynamite.
The advantage of the electrical method is that twenty or thirty holes being simultaneously connected to the same machine can all be fired at once.
And now let us think of another kind of farming, in which fruit trees are concerned. With a large tree the need of plenty of underground s.p.a.ce for its roots would seem to be more important even than in the case of annual plants like wheat. Yet we know very well that the usual procedure is to dig a small hole just about big enough to accommodate the roots of the sapling when it is planted, while the ground all round is left undisturbed. The a.s.sumption is that the tree will, in time, be able to push its roots through anything which is not actually solid rock. So much is this the case that one authority has thought fit to warn tree-growers in this picturesque fas.h.i.+on. "When planting a tree," he says, "forget what it is you are doing, and think that you are about to bury the biggest horse you know." How many people when planting any tree dig a hole big enough to bury a horse? It is fairly safe to reply, only those who do it by dynamite.
[Ill.u.s.tration: _By permission of Dupont Powder Co., Wilmington, Delaware_
Clearing a field of tree stumps by blowing them up with dynamite.--_See_ p. 16]
The method of working is to bore a hole nearly as deep as the hole you want to blast. At the bottom place a powerful charge, far stronger than you would use for "subsoiling," as just described. That will not only blow a hole big enough for you to put your tree in, but it will loosen the ground all around the hole for yards. The main debris from the hole will fall back into it, but that will not matter much, since, being all loose, it is an easy matter to remove as much as is necessary to plant the young tree. The advantages are the same as those enumerated in the previous case--namely, the loosened ground gives more scope for the roots--apple-tree roots want twenty feet or so--the ground holds moisture better, and the explosion kills the fungus germs. In addition to these there is the advantage that to blast a hole like this is cheaper than digging it.
And that the advantages are not merely theoretical is shown by the fact that trees so planted actually do grow stronger, bigger and quicker than precisely similar ones under the same conditions, but set in the ordinary way with a spade.
And not only do new trees thus benefit; old trees can be helped by dynamite. Many an existing orchard has been improved by exploding dynamite at intervals between the rows of trees. Care has to be taken to see that the disturbance is not so violent or so close as to damage the trees, but that can be easily arranged, and then the result is that the soil all around the trees is loosened, the roots are given more freedom and the water-storing properties of the ground are greatly improved.
Again, how often a farmer is troubled with a pond or a patch of marshy ground right in the midst of his fields. It is of no use, and simply serves to make the field in which it occurs more difficult to plough and to cultivate--besides being so much good land wasted. Now the reason for the existence of that pond or marsh is that underneath the surface there is an impervious layer in which, as in a basin, the water can collect.
Make a hole in that and it will no more hold water than a cracked jug will. And to make that hole with dynamite is the easiest thing in the world.
If the pond be merely a collection of water which occurs in wet weather, but which dries up quickly, there simply needs to be drilled a deep hole and a fairly strong explosion caused at the bottom of it. How deep the hole must be depends upon the formation of the earth at that point, and how low down is the stratum which, being waterproof, causes the water to remain. It is that, of course, which must be broken through, and so the explosion must be caused at a point near the under side of that layer.
With a little experience the operator can judge the position by the feel of the tool with which he makes the hole. If the pond is permanent but shallow, men can wade to about the centre, there to drill a hole and fire a shot. If it be permanent and deep, then the work must be done from a raft, which, however, can be easily constructed for the purpose.
Once broken through, the water will quickly pa.s.s away below the impervious stratum and useless land will become valuable.
The same may be done on a larger scale by blasting ditches with dynamite. This is in many cases much cheaper than digging them. A row of holes is put down, or even two or three rows, according to the width of the proposed ditch. In depth they are made a little less than the depth of the ditch that is to be. And for a reason which will be apparent they are put very close together, say three feet or so apart. Preparations may thus be made for blasting a ditch hundreds of feet long and then all are fired together. The earth is thrown up by a mighty upheaval, a ditch being produced of remarkable regularity considering the means by which it is made. The sides, of course, take a nice slope, the debris is thrown away on both sides and spread to a considerable distance, so that, given favourable conditions and a well-arranged explosion, there is constructed a finished ditch which hardly needs touching with spade or other tool.
It not being feasible to fire a lot of holes electrically, the limit being about thirty, the simultaneous explosion of perhaps hundreds has to be brought about in some other manner, and usually it is accomplished by the simple device of putting the holes fairly near together and firing one with a fuse. The commotion set up by this one causes the nearest ones to "go off," they in turn detonating those farther on, with the result that explosion follows explosion all along the line so rapidly as to be almost instantaneous.
A farmer who is troubled by a winding stream pa.s.sing through his land, cutting it up into awkward shapes, can straighten it by blasting a ditch across a loop in the manner just described. In the case of low-lying land, however, ditches are obviously no use, since water would not flow away along them. In that case the principle suggested just now for dealing with an inconvenient pond can sometimes be used, for if the subsoil be blasted through at several points it is very likely that water will find a way downwards by some means or other.
And the list of possible uses is by no means exhausted yet. A man opening up virgin land often finds old tree stumps his greatest bother.
He can dig round them and then pull them out with a team of horses, but by far the simpler way is with a few well-placed dynamite cartridges, for they not only throw up the stump for him, but they break it up, shake the earth from it, and leave it ready for him to cart away or to burn.
Boulders, too, can be blown to pieces far more easily than one would think. The charges may be put underneath them as with the tree stumps, but in many cases that is not necessary, all that is needed being some dynamite laid upon the top of the rock and covered with a heap of clay.
So sudden is the action of the explosive that its shock will break up the stone underneath it. Yet another way, perhaps the most effective of all, is to drill a hole into the stone and fire a charge inside it. It behoves the onlooker then to keep away, for the fragments may be thrown three or four hundred feet, a fair proof that the stone will be very thoroughly demolished.
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