Marvels of Scientific Invention Part 5

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Such an apparatus enables us to see easily how the acc.u.mulator works.

The picture shows the battery which is effecting the separation of the oxygen and hydrogen. If that be disconnected, and the wires joined, as shown by the dotted line, a current will flow back until the oxygen and hydrogen have returned into the solution again. The apparatus will, in fact, work like an ordinary battery, except that instead of a plate or rod of zinc a ma.s.s of hydrogen will form the essential part.

An appliance such as a voltameter is not of much use for the practical purpose of storing large quant.i.ties of electrical energy, because the surfaces of the electrodes are so small and the surfaces where liquid and gases are in contact are small too. It is clear that the larger the electrodes are the wider will be the pa.s.sage for the current, just as a wide road can accommodate more traffic than a narrow path. We may regard the electrodes as like gateways through which the current By making them large, therefore, we enable a large current to pa.s.s, and consequently permit electrolysis to take place with great comparative rapidity.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 4.]

The "plates," as the electrodes in a secondary battery are termed, are generally large metal plates. Experiment has shown that lead is the best for this purpose. It has also been found that it can be improved by making it porous, since the inner surfaces of the pores are so much added surface through which current can pa.s.s into the electrolyte. There are various ways of producing this porosity, which need not trouble us here, however. It will suffice for our purpose to understand that an ordinary secondary cell consists of two lead plates, with the largest possible surface, immersed in a liquid, generally a dilute solution of sulphuric acid in water.

To charge the battery, current is sent to one plate, through the liquid to the other plate, and so away. A thin film of hydrogen is thus formed upon the outgoing plate, while oxygen is formed at the incoming one.

Since the hydrogen is spread over such a large area, it does not acc.u.mulate sufficiently for much of it to rise to the surface. Most of it remains adhering to the plate. The oxygen combines with the lead of its plate and so is safely stored up there in the form of oxide of lead.

This storage of hydrogen upon the one plate and oxygen on the other cannot go on indefinitely, and so as soon as the limit is reached the cell is fully charged. Pa.s.sage of further current is then simply waste.

The dynamo or primary batteries which are used for charging having been disconnected, the two plates can be connected together through lamps, motors, or in any other desired way, and the current will then flow out again, the opposite way to that in which it entered, just as a stone thrown up in the air returns the opposite way. The current which comes out is, in fact, a sort of reflex action arising from that which went in, the mechanism by which it is produced being the reabsorption of the oxygen and hydrogen into the electrolyte.

Whether a cell is fully charged or not is ascertained by weighing the electrolyte, an operation which at first sight seems to have nothing whatever to do with the matter. It arises from the difference in weight between water and sulphuric acid, the latter being the heavier. We have seen that while a little acid must be added to water before it can be electrolysed, it is the water which is ultimately resolved into its const.i.tuent gases. Hence the result of electrolysis is to increase not the amount, but the proportion of acid. Therefore it increases the weight of the electrolyte. This weight is ascertained by means of a "hydrometer," a gla.s.s tube, stopped, and loaded with some small shot at its lower end. On the upper part is engraved a graduated scale, so that the exact depth to which it sinks can be easily read. This depth will, of course, vary with the specific gravity of the liquid, and so the depth recorded by the scale will be an indication of the proportion of acid, and that in turn will show how far the process of charging has progressed.

Acc.u.mulators are, or have been hitherto at any rate, very troublesome things. They are apt to lose their power. If not properly charged they are easily damaged. Too rapid charging or too rapid discharging, standing for a while only partly charged--all these things have a bad effect, in extreme cases even destroying them altogether. Because of the use of lead they are terribly heavy too, so much so that for traction purposes they are of very little use, for a large amount of the energy stored in the acc.u.mulators is then used up in hauling them about.

Yet what a field there is for the successful acc.u.mulator! Take the one instance of the electrification of a railway. If good light and efficient acc.u.mulators were to be had, no alteration at all would be necessary to the permanent way. The engines or motor carriages would need to go periodically to a depot to be re-charged, but that could easily be arranged. Such things as conductor rails, overhead conductors and so on would be needless.

The world has therefore been interested for years in the rumour that T.

A. Edison was engaged upon this problem, and at last he has produced his acc.u.mulator, by which he has removed many of the difficulties, if not all. Instead of a case of gla.s.s or celluloid, as is usual with the older cells, his cells are enclosed in strong boxes of nickel steel. The positive plate consists of nickel tubes filled with alternate layers of nickel hydroxide, while the negative plate is formed of prepared oxide of iron in a nickel framework. The electrolyte is a solution of pota.s.sium hydroxide. The chemical action and the electrical reaction is, of course, on the same principle precisely as in the older cells, but it is claimed that the Edison cells are "fool-proof"--that is to say, they cannot be damaged by careless handling, and they appear to be a little lighter. Thus the problem is partly solved, and with that as a fresh starting-point someone may sooner or later give us a secondary battery which is light as well as strong.

If any would-be scientific inventor reads these words there is a suggestion for a promising line of investigation.



One of the most remarkable adaptations of scientific knowledge is the "manufacture of cold." At first that phrase seems strange, but it is really quite legitimate. There are machines at work at this moment which are turning out cold as if it were any other manufactured article. It is not that they manufacture cold water or cold air, it is the cold itself which they produce.

Of course, cold has no real existence, since it is simply a negative quant.i.ty, an absence of heat, yet its effects are so real that we are in the habit of talking of it as if it were a reality, and in that sense we can regard it as a product of manufacture.

Moreover, we see in this a conspicuous instance of the interdependence of invention and science, for scientific principles were first adapted to produce cold, and then artificial cold was employed in scientific investigations, whereby the rare gases of the atmosphere have been discovered, as we shall see presently.

In _Mechanical Inventions of To-day_ I have dealt with the uses which can be made of heat as a motive power. Here we have in some sense a reversal of the process. In the heat-engine the expenditure of heat produces motion. In the refrigerating machine motion produces heat, on the face of it a strange way of producing cold. Yet it is by the production of heat in the first instance that we are ultimately able to obtain the cold.

One way to make a thing cold is to place it in contact with ice. But that process suffers from severe limitations. In the first place, we may not be able to procure ice when we want it. And in the second place, we may want to produce a temperature much lower than that of ice.

Now a machine can produce any degree of coldness, almost down to the "absolute zero," the point at which a body is absolutely devoid of any heat whatever, the condition in which its molecules are absolutely still. That point is 274 C. _below_ freezing-point. Freezing-point on that scale is "zero," and so this _absolute_ zero is _minus_ 274. Or, to put it another way, freezing-point is 274 _absolute_ temperature.

The absolute zero has never been reached, and there is reason to believe that it never can be quite reached, but by methods about to be described a temperature within a few degrees of it has been attained. And all of this can be done without any cooling agent colder than water at an ordinary temperature.

There are several systems, but the one which ill.u.s.trates the principle most simply is that in which carbonic acid gas is the "working fluid."

This is a very compressible gas, and so is well fitted for the purpose.

First of all a pump or compressor compresses it. That has the effect of heating it. Such we might expect from the fact that heat is molecular activity: when by compressing the gas we force the molecules closer together, they naturally hit each other and the sides of the containing vessel harder than they did before, and the increased activity is manifested as increased heat. So the first effect, as was remarked just now, is to produce, apparently, increased heat.

But then the hot compressed gas, by being pa.s.sed through a coil of pipe surrounded by cold water, can be robbed of that heat. According to the speed at which it traverses the coil it will be more or less cooled: by causing it to travel slowly it can be brought down almost to the temperature of the water. So we start with the gas at atmospheric pressure and at somewhere about atmospheric temperature too. This we convert into compressed gas at a high temperature. After cooling it we have compressed gas at a moderate temperature.

Then, to complete the process, we let the gas expand again. Now just as compressing a gas heats it, letting it expand cools it. If we compressed it and then expanded it again we should be just as we were to commence with. But since, in between the two operations we extract a quant.i.ty of heat by means of the cooling water, we get at the end a very much lower temperature than that with which we started.

We cannot cool the gas without compressing it, because heat will only flow from one body into another when the second is cooler than the first. But by making the gas hot temporarily by compression we enable the water to draw some heat from it, and then, allowing it to sink back to its original state, we get practically the old temperature, less what the water has extracted. The principle is really absurdly simple when one once gets to understand it. The application is not so simple as far as the designer of the machine is concerned, for he has to adjust the various parts to exactly the right shape and dimensions, so that they may work well with one another and produce the desired result with the minimum expenditure of power.

To the observer, however, and to the user too, the finished machine is wonderful in its simplicity. The principle is ill.u.s.trated diagrammatically in Fig. 5.

In the centre is the compressor. Its action forces the gas along the pipe to the right and down into the condenser. As it flows downwards through the coil there cold water enters at the bottom of the tank, flows upward past the coil and escapes again at the top. Thus the coil is kept in contact with _cold_ water.

Pa.s.sing then through the bottom of the tank the gas travels from right to left through the "regulating valve" and into an arrangement almost exactly similar to the condenser but called the evaporator. Here the gas expands and suffers a great fall in temperature. This cold is communicated to liquid circulating in the tank which forms a part of the evaporator, and this liquid can be circulated through pipes into any rooms to be cooled or around vessels of water which it is desired to freeze. This liquid, which acts as the carrier of the cold, is called "brine," and is water to which is added calcium chloride to keep it from freezing.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 5.--This diagram shows the working of the Refrigerating Machine. The pump compresses the gas and drives it through the coil in the condenser, where it is cooled by water. It thence through the coil in the evaporator, where it expands and cools the surrounding brine.]

Now the observant reader may have noticed that there is no apparent reason for the name of the left-hand vessel. It will be quite clear, however, when I explain that although I have spoken of the working fluid all along as gas, I have only done so to avoid bringing in too many explanations at once. It is actually liquid for a good part of its journey. Carbonic acid gas liquefies at a very moderate temperature and pressure, and so while it leaves the compressor as a gas it becomes liquid in the condenser and remains so until it has pa.s.sed the regulating valve. Then it begins to expand into gas once more, and in that state it back to the compressor.

There is a pressure-gauge on the pipe leaving the compressor and another on the one entering it. A comparison of the readings on these two tells how the apparatus is working. The difference between them indicates how much compression is being given to the gas. a.s.suming that the compressor is working at a constant speed, this compression can be regulated to a nicety by the valve: close it a little and the compression will increase: open it a little and the compression will decrease. By this means the degree of cold produced can be varied at will.

This is the way in which many s.h.i.+ps are enabled to carry cargoes of frozen meat. The chambers in which the meat is stowed are insulated--that is to say, their walls are made as impervious as possible to heat. Then the brine is carried into the chambers in pipes, cooling them much as the hot-water pipes heat an ordinary public building.

Or another method is to carry the pipe which const.i.tutes the evaporator into the chamber to be cooled. A third way is to dispense with brine and to blow air through the coils of the evaporator, whereby the air is made to carry away the cold to wherever it is needed.

Ice can be made easily in moulds of metal or wood around which brine circulates. If made of ordinary water the ice is likely to be cloudy and opaque, which is quite good enough for many purposes. In cases where it is desired that it should be clear, the water is agitated during freezing, or else distilled water is used. To enable the blocks to be got out of the moulds it is sometimes arranged to circulate warm brine for a few moments.

Ice skating rinks are formed by making, first, an insulating layer of sawdust, slag-wool or something of that sort (those by the way, being the materials generally used for insulating cold chambers) underneath the floor. The floor, too, is made waterproof and then upon it is laid as closely as possible a series of iron pipes. Water is flooded on to the floor until the pipes are covered to a depth of several inches, and then brine is pumped through the pipes. In time the water freezes, and so long as the brine circulates it remains so.

But although the "CO_{2} process" described above is the simplest ill.u.s.tration of the principle, there are other systems. In one very popular form ammonia gas is the "working fluid." This is liquefied by pressure and cooling with water, being subsequently expanded just as described above.

Another much-used system is the "ammonia-absorption" process, in which the ammonia is not liquefied, but when under pressure is absorbed by water, returning to gas again when the pressure is released.

But the degree of cold attained in these commercial machines is as nothing to the extremely intense cold generated on the same principles in the liquid-air machine, which is found in every well-equipped physical laboratory.

Briefly, this consists of a coil of many turns of small tube enclosed in a small double vessel, the s.p.a.ce between the inner and outer skins of which is packed with insulating material. A compressor pumps air in at the top of the coil at a pressure of from 150 to 200 atmospheres. An "atmosphere," it may be remarked, is a unit often used in scientific matters, meaning the normal pressure of the atmosphere, which is, roughly speaking, 15 lb. per square inch. Hence 200 atmospheres is about 3000 lb. per square inch.

Of course air so highly compressed as that is hot, but after it has pa.s.sed down the coil and has escaped from the valve which liberates it at the bottom it is much cooler. But that is only the beginning of the operation. The expanded, and therefore cooled, air finds its way upward through the turns of the coil down which the following air is coming.

That, expanding in its turn, is colder still, because of the cooling action of the first air, and so the process goes on.

[Ill.u.s.tration: _By permission of Messrs. J. and E. Hall, Ltd., London and Dartford_


Here we see a huge block of ice being lifted (it may be on a hot summer day) from the mould in which it has been made]

This is perhaps easier to understand if we imagine that the air comes through the coil in gusts and we notice what happens to each succeeding gust. The first comes down, expands, cools and ascends, thereby cooling the second gust as it comes down. The second then, after expansion, will be cooler than the first was. That in its turn will cool the third, and so the third after expansion will be cooler than the second. And that will go on, each succeeding gust being cooler than the one before. And although the flow of air is continuous, and not in gusts, the result is just the same: it goes on getting cooler and cooler until at last the air comes out in its liquid form. This liquid collects in a little chamber formed at the bottom of the vessel which contains the coil and can be drawn off when desired.

Air in its liquid state looks very much like water. In fact it is difficult to get chance observers to believe that it is not water. It boils at a temperature far below the freezing-point of water, so that liquid air if placed in a cup made of ice will boil furiously. Ice is so much the hotter that it behaves towards liquid air as a very hot fire does to water.

The feature of the above machine, it will be noticed, is that no cooling water is required, as in the refrigerating machine, although the principle of the two is the same. The coil is the "condenser" and the vessel in which it is enclosed is the "evaporator," and so the cold air produced by the process in the evaporator cools the coil of the condenser. Thus it is "self-intensive," as the makers call it.

Marvels of Scientific Invention Part 5

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