Infantry Drill Regulations, United States Army, 1911 Part 38

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At the second change of direction each major takes post 20 paces in front of his leading company.

The rear of the column having pa.s.sed the reviewing officer, the battalions, unless otherwise directed, are marched to their parades and dismissed.

In line of, when the reviewing officer has pa.s.sed around the regiment, the colonel commands: _Pa.s.s IN REVIEW_. The band changes direction, if necessary, and halts. The major of the right battalion then commands: 1. _Column of squads, first company, squads right_, 2.

_MARCH_. At the third command the band and the leading company of the right battalion move off. Each company and battalion in rear moves off in time to follow at its proper distance.

729. The review of a small body of troops composed of different arms is conducted on the principles laid down for the regiment. The troops of each arm are formed and marched according to the drill regulations for that arm.

_Review of Large Commands._

730. A command consisting of one regiment, or less, and detachments of other arms is formed for review as ordered by the commanding officer.

The principles of regimental review will be observed whenever practicable.

731. In the review of a brigade or larger command the _present arms_ and the ride around the line by the reviewing officer are omitted. The troops form and march in the order prescribed by the commanding officer.


_General Rules._

732. If dismounted, the officer receiving the parade, and his staff, stand at parade rest, with arms folded, while the band is sounding off; they resume attention with the adjutant. If mounted, they remain at attention.

733. At the command _report_, given by a battalion adjutant, the captains in succession from the right salute and report: _A (_ or _other) company, present_ or _accounted for_; or, _A (_or _other) company, (so many) officers_ or _enlisted men absent_, and resume the order saber; at the same command given by the regimental adjutant, the majors similarly report their battalions.

_Battalion Parade._

734. At _adjutant's call_ the battalion is formed in line but not presented. Lieutenants take their posts in front of the center of their respective platoons at the captain's command for dressing his company on the line. The major takes post at a convenient distance in front of the center and facing the battalion.

The adjutant, from his post in front of the center of the battalion, after commanding: 1. _Guides_, 2. _POSTS_, adds: 1. _Parade_, 2.

_REST_; the battalion executes parade rest. The adjutant directs the band: _SOUND OFF_.

The band, playing in quick time, in front of the line of officers to the left of the line and back to its post on the right, when it ceases playing. At evening parade, when the band ceases playing, _retreat_ is sounded by the field music and, following the last note and while the flag is being lowered, the band plays the _Star Spangled Banner_.

Just before the last note of retreat, the adjutant comes to attention, and, as the last note ends, commands: 1. _Battalion_, 2. _ATTENTION_, 3. _Present_, 4. _ARMS_, and salutes, retaining that position until the last note of the National Anthem. He then turns about and reports: _Sir, the parade is formed_. The major directs the adjutant: _Take your post, Sir_. The adjutant moves at a trot (if dismounted, in quick time), by the major's right, and takes his post.

The major draws saber and commands: 1. _Order_, 2. _ARMS_, and adds such exercises in the manual of arms as he may desire. Officers, noncommissioned officers commanding companies or armed with the saber, and the color guard, having once executed order arms, remain in that position during the exercises in the manual.

The major then directs the adjutant: _Receive the reports, Sir_. The adjutant, pa.s.sing by the major's right, advances at a trot (if dismounted, in quick time) toward the center of the line, halts midway between it and the major, and commands: _REPORT_.

The reports received, the adjutant turns about, and reports: _Sir, all are present or accounted for_; or _Sir, (so many) officers_ or _enlisted men are absent_, including in the list of absentees those from the band and field music reported to him by the drum major prior to the parade.

The major directs: _Publish the orders, Sir_.

The adjutant turns about and commands: _Attention to orders_; he then reads the orders, and commands: 1. _Officers_, 2. _CENTER_, 3.


At the command _center_, the company officers carry saber and face to the center. At the command _march_, they close to the center and face to the front; the adjutant turns about and takes his post.

The officers having closed and faced to the front, the senior commands: 1. _Forward_, 2. _MARCH_. The officers advance, the band playing; the left officer of the center or right center company is the guide, and marches on the major; the officers are halted at 6 paces from the major by the senior who commands: 1. _Officers_, 2. _HALT_.

They halt and salute, returning to the carry saber with the major. The major then gives such instructions as he deems necessary, and commands: 1. _Officers_, 2. _POSTS_, 3. _MARCH_.

At the command _posts_, company officers face about.

At the command _march_, they step off with guide as before, and the senior commands: 1. _Officers_, 2. _HALT_, so as to halt 3 paces from the line; he then adds: 1. _POSTS_, 2. _MARCH_.

At the command _posts_, officers face outward and, at the command _march_, step off in succession at 4 paces distance, resume their posts and order saber; the lieutenants march directly to their posts in rear of their companies.

The music ceases when all officers have resumed their posts.

The major then commands: 1. _Pa.s.s in review_, 2. _Squads right_, 3.

_MARCH_, and returns saber.

The battalion marches according to the principles of review; when the last company has pa.s.sed, the ceremony is concluded.

The band continues to play while the companies are in march upon the parade ground. Companies are formed in column of squads, without halting, and are marched to their respective parades by their captains.

When the company officers have saluted the major, he may direct them to form line with the staff, in which case they individually move to the front, pa.s.sing to the right and left of the major and staff, halt on the line established by the staff, face about, and stand at attention. The music ceases when the officers join the staff. The major causes the companies to pa.s.s in review under the command of their first sergeants by the same commands as before. The company officers return saber with the major and remain at attention.

(_C.I.D.R., No. 19._)

_Regimental Parade._

735. The regiment is formed in line or in line of; the formation having proceeded up to, but not including the _present_, the parade proceeds as described for the battalion, with the following exceptions:

"Colonel" is subst.i.tuted for "major," "regiment" for "battalion," in the description, and "battalions" for "battalion" in the commands.

Lieutenants remain in the line of file closers.

After publis.h.i.+ng the orders, the adjutant commands: 1. _Officers, center_, 2. _MARCH_.

The company commanders remain at their posts with their companies.

The field and staff officers form one line, closing on the center. The senior commands: 1. _Forward_, 2. _MARCH_.

The second major is the guide and marches on the colonel.

After being dismissed by the colonel, each major moves individually to the front, turns outward, and followed by his staff resumes his post by the most direct line. The colonel directs the lieutenant colonel to march the regiment in review; the latter moves to a point midway between the colonel and the regiment and marches the regiment in review as prescribed. If the lieutenant colonel is not present the colonel gives the necessary commands for marching the regiment in review.


_Escort of the Color._

736. The regiment being in line, or line of, the colonel details a company, other than the color company, to receive and escort the national color to its place. During the ceremony the regimental color remains with the color guard at its post with the regiment.

The band moves straight to its front until clear of the line of field officers, changes direction to the right, and is halted; the designated company forms column of platoons in rear of the band, the color bearer or bearers between the platoons.

Infantry Drill Regulations, United States Army, 1911 Part 38

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