Lincoln Part 98

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184 "of his friends": Joseph Gillespie, memorandum, Apr. 22, 1880, MS, Chicago Historical Society.

184 "he could be": Willard L. King, Lincoln's Manager: David Davis (Cambridge, Ma.s.s.: Harvard University Press, 1960), p. 108.

184 "gives me pain": CW, 2:306.

185 "my friend Trumbull": Horace White, The Life of Lyman Trumbull (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1913), p. 45.

185 "promoting my own": Pinsker, "Senator Abraham Lincoln," p. 20.

185 "to work again": CW, 2:308.

185 "of last year": CW, 2:317.

185 closely similar machines: For a succinct account, see Albert A. Woldman, Lauyer Lincoln (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1936), pp. 172176.

186 "such a case": Robert H. Parkinson, "The Patent Case that Lifted Lincoln into a Presidential Candidate," ALQ 4 (Summer 1946): 105122. For further details, see Pratt, Personal Finances, pp. 5456.

186 "you no good". WHH to Jesse W. Weik, Jan. 6, 1887, HWC.

187 "that man Stanton": Herndon's Lincoln, 2:356.

187 greater real freedom: Harvey Wish, George Fitzhugh: Propagandist of the Old South (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1943), pp. 154156.

187 "he is wronged": CW, 2:222. The editors of Lincoln's Collected Works tentatively attributed these reflections on slavery to July 1, 1854, but I believe it is more likely that they were written the following year.

187 superior to your own: CW, 2:222223.

188 "superintend the solution": CW, 2:318.

188 "executed in violence": CW, 2:321.

188 "more effective channels": Donald, Lincoln's Herndon, pp. 8182.

188 life, was dying: For a brilliant explanation of the death of the Whig party, see Michael F. Holt, "The Mysterious Disappearance of the American Whig Party," in his Political Parties and American Political Development, pp. 236264.

189 "of any consequence": CW, 2:126.

189 "alloy of hypocracy": CW, 2:322323.

189 new political party: The authoritative account of this fusion is Gienapp, The Origins of the Republican Party.

190 free-soil doctrine: For an incisive exposition, see Eric Foner, Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party Before the Civil War (New York: Oxford University Press, 1970), chap. 3.

190 on May 29: Paul Selby, "The Editorial Convention of 1856" JISHS 5 (Oct. 1912): 343349.

190 "in favor of": CW, 2:333.

190 "stay at home": Beveridge, 2:359.

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