Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland Volume XXIV Part 69

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_To_ TAK THE GATE, _v. n._ to go off on a journey.

_To_ TAK-ON, _v. a._ to buy on credit.

TALE-PIET, _s._ a tale-bearer: a tattler.

TAM, TAMMIE, TAMMAS, _s._ Thomas.

TANGLE, _s._ an icicle; the large _fuci_ or sea plant.

TANGS, TAINGS, _s._ tongs.

TANTRUMS, _s._ high airs; exhibiting a proud and dignified aspect.

_To_ TAPE, _v. a._ to use sparingly.

TAPPIE-TOORIE, _s._ anything erected on a slight, tottering foundation.

TAPPIT-HEN, _s._ a crested hen; a quart measure of ale or beer with a top of foam.

TARRY, _s._ delay.

TARRY-FINGERED, _adj._ light-fingered; a thief.

TARTAN, _s._ cloth chequered of various colours, and originally worn only in the Highlands, every clan adopting its own peculiar tartan.

_To_ TASH, _v. a._ to tuffle; to soil.

TATE, TAIT, _s._ a very small portion of any dry substance.

TATTER-WALLOPS, TAUTER-WALLOPS, _s. pl._ rags fluttering in the wind.

TATTIES, _s. pl_, potatoes.

TAULD, _adj._ told.

TAUPIE, TAWPIE, _s._ an inactive, silly, and slovenly woman.

TAWIS, TAWES, _s._ a whip; a lash; the ferula used by a schoolmaster.

TEAZLE, _s._ a severe brush; an onset.

_To_ TEET, _v. n._ to peer; to look with the eyes half shut.

TEHEE, _s._ a loud laugh.

TEINDS, _s. pl._ t.i.thes.

_To_ TEND, _v_. to guard.

TENEMENT, _s._ a house, sometimes applied to one containing several separate dwellings under one roof.

TENT, _s._ care; attention.

_To_ TENT, _v. n._ to attend.

_To_ TENT, _v. a._ to observe; to remark; to put a value upon.

TENTLESS, _adj._ inattentive.

TERCER, _s._ a widow living upon a terce.

TEUCH, TEUGH, _adj._ tough.

_To_ TEYME, TEME, TUME, _v. a._ to empty.

THACK, THEIK, _s._ thatch.

THAFTS, _s. pl._ the benches of a boat.

THAIRANENT, _adv._ concerning that.

THAIRATTOUR, _adv._ concerning.

THAIRBEN, _adv._ in an inner apartment of a house.

THAIRM, _s._ the belly.

THAN, _adv._ then; at that time.

THANE, THAYNE, _s._ an ancient Scottish t.i.tle of honour, denoting presidency in a county or province.

THEE, THEY, _s._ thigh.

THEGITHER, _adv._ together.

_To_ THEIK, _v. a._ to cover with straw; to thatch.

THEIVIL, _s._ a porridge-stick, or stick for stirring broth while boiling.

THEN, _conj_. than.

THEWLESS, THOULESS, THIEVLESS, _adj._ unprofitable; useless; feeble.

THICK, _adj._ intimate; familiar.

THIR, _p.r.o.n. pl_. these.

THIRL, _s._ to bind; to enslave.

Wilson's Tales of the Borders and of Scotland Volume XXIV Part 69

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