Birds of the Rockies Part 18

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567b. =Shufeldt's junco.= JUNCO HYEMALIS CONNECTENS. Abundant winter resident; most common in southern part of the State; not uncommon elsewhere.

567.1. =Montana junco.= JUNCO MONTa.n.u.s. Winter visitor; not uncommon.

568. =Pink-sided junco.= JUNCO MEARNSI. Common winter resident; plentiful at base of foothills in winter; in spring ascend to 10,000 feet; then leaves the State for the North.

568.1. =Ridgway's junco.= JUNCO ANNECTENS. Rare winter visitor; one record.

569. =Gray-headed junco.= JUNCO CANICEPS. Abundant resident; breeds from 7,500 to 12,000 feet; sometimes rears three broods.

570a. =Red-backed junco.= JUNCO PHaeONOTUS DORSALIS. Rare migrant; abundant just south of State.

573a. =Desert sparrow.= AMPHISPIZA BILINEATA DESERTICOLA. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; found only in southwestern part of the State.

574a. =Sage sparrow.= AMPHISPIZA BELLI NEVADENSIS. Abundant summer resident; common on sage-brush plains of western and southwestern Colorado; ranges as far east as San Luis Park and north to Cheyenne, Wyoming.

581. =Song-sparrow.= MELOSPIZA FASCIATA. Rare migrant; found only at eastern border of State.

581b. =Mountain song-sparrow.= MELOSPIZA FASCIATA MONTANA. Common summer resident; a few remain on plains in mild winters; breeds from plains to 8,000 feet.

583. =Lincoln's sparrow.= MELOSPIZA LINCOLNI. Common summer resident; abundant in migration; breeds from base of foothills to timber-line.

584. =Swamp sparrow.= MELOSPIZA GEORGIANA. Accidental summer visitor; one record.

585c. =Slate-colored sparrow.= Pa.s.sERELLA ILIACA SCHISTACEA. Rare summer resident; only three records.

588. =Arctic towhee.= PIPILO MACULATUS ARCTICUS. Winter resident; not uncommon; comes to base of Rocky Mountains in winter; breeds in the North, as far as the Saskatchewan River.

588a. =Spurred towhee.= PIPILO MACULATUS MEGALONYX. Common summer resident; upper limit, 9,000 feet.

591. =Canon towhee.= PIPILO FUSCUS MESOLEUCUS. Resident; common locally; all records from Arkansas Valley; rare at an alt.i.tude of 10,000 feet.

592. =Abert's towhee.= PIPILO ABERTI. Rare summer resident; species abundant in New Mexico and Arizona.

592.1. =Green-tailed towhee.= OREOSPIZA CHLORURA. Common summer resident; melodious songster.

593. =Cardinal.= CARDINALIS CARDINALIS. Winter visitor; rare, if not accidental; two records.

595. =Rose-breasted grosbeak.= ZAMELODIA LUDOVICIANA. Accidental summer resident; one record.

596. =Black-headed grosbeak.= ZAMELODIA MELANOCEPHALA. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 8,500 feet; has been seen at 10,000 feet.

597a. =Western blue grosbeak.= GUIRACA CaeRULEA LAZULA. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; southern part of State; author saw one pair at Colorado Springs.

598. =Indigo bunting.= CYANOSPIZA CYANEA. Rare summer visitor; range, farther east.

599. =Lazuli bunting.= CYANOSPIZA AMOENA. Abundant summer resident; does not breed far up in the mountains, but has been taken at 9,100 feet.

604. =d.i.c.kcissel.= SPIZA AMERICANA. Rare summer resident; only on plains and in foothills.

605. =Lark bunting.= CALAMOSPIZA MELANOCORYS. Abundant summer resident; very plentiful on the plains; sometimes breeds as far up in mountains as 9,000 feet.

607. =Louisiana tanager.= PIRANGA LUDOVICIANA. Common summer resident; in migration common on the plains, but breeds from 6,000 to 10,000 feet.

608. =Scarlet tanager.= PIRANGA ERYTHROMELAS. Rare migrant.

610a. =Cooper's tanager.= PIRANGA RUBRA COOPERI. Rare or accidental summer visitor; abundant in New Mexico and Arizona; only one record for Colorado.

611. =Purple martin.= PROGNE SUBIS. Summer resident; local; rare in eastern, quite common in western part of the State.

612. =Cliff-swallow.= PETROCHELIDON LUNIFRONS. Abundant summer resident; breeds everywhere from plains to 10,000 feet; nests on cliffs and beneath eaves.

613. =Barn swallow.= HIRUNDO ERYTHROGASTER. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to 10,000 feet.

614. =Tree swallow.= TACHYCINETA BICOLOR. Summer resident; not uncommon; breeds occasionally on the plains; more frequently in mountains up to 10,000 feet.

615. =Violet-green swallow.= TACHYCINETA THALa.s.sINA. Summer resident; abundant locally; a few breed on plains; more commonly from 6,000 to 10,500 feet.

616. =Bank swallow.= CLIVICOLA RIPARIA. Rare summer resident; rarest Colorado swallow; from plains to foothills.

617. =Rough-winged swallow.= STELGIDOPTERYX SERRIPENNIS. Summer resident; not uncommon; breeds below 7,500 feet.

618. =Bohemian waxwing.= AMPELIS GARRULUS. Winter resident; not uncommon; breeds north of the United States.

619. =Cedar waxwing.= AMPELIS CEDRORUM. Resident; not common; breeds from plains to about 9,000 feet.

621. =Northern shrike.= LANIUS BOREALIS. Common winter resident; on its return from the North in October it first appears above timber-line, then descends to the plains.

622a. =White-rumped shrike.= LANIUS LUDOVICIa.n.u.s EXCUBITORIDES. Common summer resident; breeds mostly on the plains; sometimes in mountains up to 9,500 feet.

624. =Red-eyed vireo.= VIREO OLIVACEUS. Rare summer resident; an eastern species, coming only to base of foothills; still, one was taken at 11,000 feet.

627. =Warbling vireo.= VIREO GILVUS. Common summer resident; breeds sparingly on the plains; commonly in mountains up to 10,000.

629a. =Ca.s.sin's vireo.= VIREO SOLITARIUS Ca.s.sINII. Rare or accidental summer visitor; not known to breed; a southwestern species.

629b. =Plumbeous vireo.= VIREO SOLITARIUS PLUMBEUS. Summer resident; common; breeds in foothills and mountains up to over 9,000 feet.

636. =Black and white warbler.= MNIOTILTA VARIA. Rare summer visitor; two records.

644. =Virginia's warbler.= HELMINTHOPHILA VIRGINIae. Common summer resident; western bird, but breeds along eastern base of foothills.

646. =Orange-crowned warbler.= HELMINTHOPHILA CELATA. Summer resident; not uncommon; common migrant; breeds from 6,000 to 9,000 feet.

646a. =Lutescent warbler.= HELMINTHOPHILA CELATA LUTESCENS. Summer resident; not uncommon: western form of the orange-crowned warbler; ranges to eastern base of mountains.

647. =Tennessee warbler.= HELMINTHOPHILA PEREGRINA. Rare migrant; eastern Colorado to base of mountains.

648. =Parula warbler.= COMPSOTHLYPIS AMERICANA. Rare summer resident; comes to base of foothills.

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