Records of The Spanish Inquisition Part 23

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Answered, No.

He was then given to understand that information had been received and sworn to in this Holy Office, that certain persons, Narciso Ma.n.a.lich and Josef Llorella, had been at Montpelier to visit a Jew, &c. [_Here follows a recapitulation of the preceding testimony._]

Answered, that he had heard the same from Narciso Ma.n.a.lich, and what he knew of the matter was the following;--'About eighteen months since, this person and Josef Llorella y Saler, of this town, left the place, accompanied by a young man named Gubert. To what place they went, and whether they kept company all the way, I do not know. They were gone about three weeks, and shortly after their return I heard Miguel Antentas y Berga, Advocate, of this town, declare that they had been to Montpelier, in France, to meet a Jew who was to show them how to obtain money by diabolical arts; that the Jew gave Ma.n.a.lich a maggot in a tube, to which he was to add a new maggot every day to be eaten, and that the Jew told them they might have as much money as they wanted by swearing a pact with the devil, and doing what he prescribed to them upon a written paper. One of the conditions was, never to go to confession. For these instructions I think the said Antentas told me they paid the Jew seven or nine _Louis d'ors_. On their return from Montpelier, at a village or place near Bisbal, they made trial of one of the Jew's methods of obtaining money. This was done at a spot where two roads crossed each other. A trench was dug in the ground and a hen killed, with the blood of which they all wrote their names on a paper and placed the same in the trench, taking care, as the Jew directed them, not to be frightened.

Notwithstanding they complied with all these directions, the money did not appear.

'After their return to this town, they went with some others to the castle of Esponella, where the book was read for the purpose of raising the devil. Here the devil appeared in the shape of a man dressed in flesh colored clothes, and, as Antentas told me, with large eyes. The devil asked what they wanted, to which Ma.n.a.lich or some other replied, "Money, good money, and not enchanted." The devil told them they should have it if one of the number would give himself up, but this no one of them was willing to do.

'Llorella related the affair to his wife, and she gave information of it to Antonio Rigalt, that he might a.s.sist in extricating her husband from such a desperate business. Rigalt consulted Antentas and they concluded to lay the case before the Inquisition, which was done.

'What Antentas knew of the affair he learnt of Rigalt, Llorella, and Ma.n.a.lich. Afterwards, when Llorella repented of his connexion with the others, and left their company, I think I heard him say, at the house of Antentas, that he had seen, shortly before, in the possession of Ma.n.a.lich, the paper which the Jew gave them, and that the devil appeared to them in a flesh colored dress, with large eyes and sharp finger nails. I was afterwards told by Antentas that Ma.n.a.lich, seeing Llorella had left them and they could not proceed with their undertaking according to the direction of the Jew, who informed them that if one of the number died or left them they must get another, made choice of an uncle of Traver beforementioned, for this purpose.

'Ma.n.a.lich then resolved to give himself up to the devil according to his demand, stipulating for some years' grace. This matter was discussed by the company at the castle of Esponella, in connexion with a plan for getting thirtyone millions, or some such sum, from the devil. The plan, however, failed in this manner. On the night of Monday, before St John's day, in 1783, the company, or part of them, met at the house of Traver, but Ma.n.a.lich being suddenly taken sick, could not accompany them to the castle.

'Antentas also informed me, that he told Ma.n.a.lich that the devil would deceive him, and that he could not make any man rich. To this he replied that the devil fulfilled all his promises, and that if he once got the money of him, he would go to confession nevertheless, and so would cheat the devil. He also told me, in the month of August of the same year, that Ma.n.a.lich had resolved to make an attempt for the money again, at the abovementioned castle, or at another, called the castle of Buadella; that he deferred it on account of the affair having become noised abroad. Since this time I have heard nothing of him or his undertakings, except that he proposed another journey to Montpelier, and offered two hundred pounds to Simon Escaellar or Ventura to accompany him.'

The above is the truth, according to the oath of the deponent, who declares that he has not spoken out of malice, but solely in obedience to his conscience, and having been read to him, is declared to be correctly recorded.


JOSEF GIRCOS, _Advocate_.

Before me--

LORENZO TERRADER _Presbyter, Notary in this investigation_.

DON LEONARDO VIDAL, a.s.sistant to a founder of bra.s.s cannon, aged twentythree years, a native of San Estevan de Ripollet, in the diocese of Barcelona, and residing in _la Rambla_, near the theatre, next door to a tallow chandler's, to discharge his conscience, and for no other purpose, gives the following information to the Holy Office.

Antonio Suarez, the keeper of a coffee-house, opposite the Theatre in _la Rambla_, has in one of his rooms six or eight pictures, rather coa.r.s.ely done, two of which contain indecent figures. All of these the informant has seen, but remembers only one, which represents a young man taking hold of a female who has her bosom indecently exposed. The said Antonio is about fifty years of age, lame and splayfooted, with one arm partly crippled and the fingers contracted.

Also, with the same motive, he gives information that Dr Manuel Portius, Presbyter, a public teacher of Latin and the Humanities, aged thirtyeight years, of a low stature, and with a somewhat long nose, living in the Baxada de San Miguel, in the third story of a house, the corner of which is occupied by a baker, has several pictures, colored and uncolored, among which are some representing females whose bosoms are scandalously exposed, and others with improper representations. One of these has this t.i.tle; 'L'Abbe a la Toilette,' and exhibits with other figures, a priest in his calotte, very nicely dressed in the clothes of a layman, seated at the side of a lady, with whom he appears to be talking about dress. All these pictures of Dr Manuel Portius are handsomely executed, and consequently the more provocative and scandalous. They are hung upon the walls of his cabinet or study, in view of every one who enters, and particularly of his pupils, the number of whom, as I understand, amounts to nearly thirty.

Furthermore, he gives information that Don Felipe Crame, a captain in the royal artillery, tall, light complexioned, red haired, and blind of one eye, aged thirtyfive years, being in conversation with the informant and three others, whose names will be hereafter specified, made the following observation:--'_A Spanish officer whom I hold in estimation, has said that it was not the will of G.o.d that there should be any kings, which could be proved by a pa.s.sage from scripture._' This pa.s.sage he quoted, which was not to the purpose, but only, as I remember, stated that G.o.d told the Israelites that a king was not convenient for them.

The name of this officer, the said Don Felipe Crame did not mention, and nothing else respecting him is known to the informant.

The persons who heard these observations from the mouth of the said Don Felipe Crame, were Don Manuel Pe, an a.s.sistant of the cannon founder, and Don Antonio de la Torre, clerk of the director of the foundry. There are also others who have some knowledge of the same; namely, Don Manuel Brito, and Don Alexandro Vicente, a.s.sistants in the foundry.

The informant undertook to make an accusation in the name of the above persons. He also apprized the said Don Felipe Crame, that he was under an obligation to denounce his friend, and as the informant knows not whether this has been performed, he gives the present information in order fully to discharge his conscience.

Barcelona, February fourth, 1793.



We herewith transmit you a letter, received by us, from Don Leonardo Vidal, a.s.sistant to a founder of cannon, and a resident in this city. We hereby commission you to summon him to appear before you, and ascertain according to form whether the letter be his, causing him to specify clearly every circ.u.mstance of person, place, and time, relating thereto.

This done in due form, and before a Presbyter in your confidence to serve as Notary, you will forward the minutes of the examination to us along with these papers. Our Lord preserve you many years.

Royal Palace of the Inquisition of Barcelona, February seventh, 1793.





Information has been received in this Holy Office, that Antonio Axis, and Josefa, his wife, who perform cures, and practise various superst.i.tions, have taken up their abode in Clot, in the district of St Martin de Provensal. The tribunal have, in consequence, ordered that a letter be despatched, ordering you to make investigations respecting these facts, and also respecting the life and conduct of the said persons, whether they obey the precepts of the church, and attend at confession and communion. Our Lord preserve you many years.

Royal Palace of the Inquisition of Barcelona, September ninth, 1803.



In obedience to the orders of the Holy Tribunal of the Inquisition, which G.o.d preserve in all its strength, dated the ninth of this month, I have made the following investigation. I summoned before me Joseph Masvidal of this village, and made him swear not to divulge to any one the questions I asked him, and also to declare to me the truth. I demanded who informed him that Antonio Axis could cure his disorder. He answered, Felipe Cadena of this place, and Pablo Marine of the Llano de Barcelona. Felipe Cadena stated that the said Antonio had cured him by cutting off the crest of a black c.o.c.k, taking from it three drops of blood, mixing it with water and making him drink it, adding that if a priest were in the house, it would be necessary to go out of doors to practise the operation.

I demanded what medicines the said Antonio prescribed him. He replied that the first was a white onion and five plantain leaves. These were cut up and placed upon his stomach, which relieved his pain, a symptom which the wife of Antonio p.r.o.nounced good. The cure, however, not being effected, he was ordered to procure a partridge, twentyfive needles, and a new pot, all of them to be bought and carried home with the left hand.

The needles were to be stuck into the partridge with great fury, and the whole put into the pot. Then at midnight the sick man was to set it on the fire with the left hand, and with the left hand keep stirring the fire till two o'clock in the morning. He informed him that during this, the tables and plates would put themselves in motion, but that he must not be frightened, as he should be present himself. All these directions were followed, and there were also present at the time, Francisco Vintro, and Francisco Siralt, his brothers-in-law, to keep him in courage during the operation. At two o'clock he took it off the fire, but found himself no better. Antonio's wife, Josefa, directed broth to be made for him, he being as thin and spare as if he had suffered a long illness. This was done the next morning, when he found himself exceedingly weak and fatigued. A similar case occurred, as he believes, to a tavern keeper in Barcelona, which is known to the Reverend Father F. Juan Mesados.

His health not improving for the s.p.a.ce of three months, he saw Axis again, who made signs of the cross upon the parts of his body where he felt pain, but this had no more effect than the preceding experiments.

Axis then told him that he was possessed by five companies and five captains of evil spirits, that the companies amounted to five hundred in number, and might be easily cast out, but the five captains were not so easily got rid of. He proceeded to exorcise them, and Masvidal fell to screaming and behaving like one possessed. The _little ones_, as he called them, being despatched, he went to work upon the captains, and the first night, after supper, about nine o'clock, he began to make signs of the cross, and talk in unintelligible language. He then gave two loud screams, so horrible as to frighten every one; and Axis affirmed that they were heard in the farthest regions of the air by the other spirits. On this occasion, the two brothers-in-law, beforementioned, were present.

Axis declared that the spirits were not despatched, and he exacted a promise from them by the mouth of the patient, that they would depart at nine o'clock the next morning; but continuing to remain at that time, they promised anew in the same manner, to depart at nine that night. The patient sent for Juan Munseis, Juan Baxo, and Antonio Torras, all inhabitants of the place. At nine o'clock, the performances before described, were repeated, the patient suffering greatly, crying out and talking, as people do when bewitched. This was repeated morning and night, for five or six days.

All this producing no effect, they advised him to confess the whole to the abovementioned Reverend Father, F. Juan Mesados Servita. This was agreed to, and Axis, the patient, Munseis, Torras, and Baxo, went to his cell. The Reverend Father repeated some exorcisms, and Axis repeated his crossings and supplications. He afterwards declared he had seen the spirits, and described their shapes.

My informant also stated that Axis possessed the power to restrain the tempests, for as they were returning in company from St Cypria, a storm overtook them, and he was in great terror. Axis told him that a shower of stones was falling at San Cucufase del Valles, but that he need not fear, as he would shelter them from it, by means of a prayer that he knew. And so it happened, for the shower fell as they learned afterwards, but did not touch them, although they were forced to travel quite to the seash.o.r.e. Furthermore, Axis declared to him that he had been in h.e.l.l, and described to him the condition of the d.a.m.ned. One night some evil spirits appeared to him, and offered him money if he would give himself up to them, but he would not consent.

I likewise summoned to appear before me, Isidro Lepu of this place, and obliged him to swear to declare the whole truth, and preserve secrecy. I demanded whether he knew Antonio Axis, and his wife, Josefa Axis. He answered that he did, inasmuch as they lived in the same house with him, although in a different part. I asked him if he knew whether the said Axis performed cures. He replied that he knew of his performing some, and that Axis asked him to go in company with him one night, adding that they would hear a loud noise, but he must not be frightened being in his company, as they would be out of danger; that they must go at midnight, and without any clothes. This proposal was rejected. Axis replied to him, that he had no way to get a living, but my informant persisted in his refusal.

The above are the literal declarations which I have taken under oath from the person named. I have, moreover, strong suspicions that Axis and his wife neglect ma.s.s on many occasions. Axis himself during his residence this year in my parish, has not confessed, nor taken the Pascal communion, although this has been done in the house where he lives, and I have entreated him and his wife to comply with the observance. Besides what is related above, he has attempted many other superst.i.tious cures upon people belonging to Barcelona and strangers; all which I certify to be the exact truth.

DR FRANCISCO GUIU, _Parochial Curate_.

St Martin de Provensals, October second, 1803.


The supernumerary Inquisitor Fiscal declares that a commission should be granted for the purpose of examining this letter, and also to examine and ratify the depositions of the delator and the witnesses, which is submitted to the opinion of your Excellencies.

The Licentiate, BASARRATE.

Secret Chamber, October tenth, 1803.

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