Records of The Spanish Inquisition Part 30

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Questioned, if she knew or conjectured the cause of her being summoned to appear by the Tribunal of the Holy Office.

Answered, that she supposed it to be on account of a letter which her Confessor had written in her name to the Holy Office, in which letter she had declared that she had some information to communicate. The matter in question was as follows. About six months ago, Juan Picar, a native of Lyons, in France, who visited at her house, uttered the following heretical speeches; namely, that he did not believe in the purity of the Most Holy Mary; that he did not believe Jesus Christ descended to the Host after the words of consecration were uttered by the Priest; that he did not believe in the Pope, inasmuch as he was a man like ourselves; that those who died did not go to h.e.l.l, but to Paradise; that he said 'Holy Mary' instead of 'Most Holy Mary;' that he spoke ill of the Priests, declaring that he could not endure the sight of them, and that they had ruined Spain; that the French had done well in driving them all out of their country. The deponent stated further, that she believed he did not attend ma.s.s on the days appointed, although he professed to be a Christian.

She was then shown a letter beginning with 'Barcelona, March 20th, 1802,' and ending with 'Don Pedro Halegg, Captain in the Regiment of Rutiman,' that she might examine and identify it, and declare it to have been written by her, or by her direction in her name, and containing the truth.

Answered, that it was the identical one which she had caused to be written by her Father Confessor, and that she attested it for the truth; that she had nothing to add or alter in relation to it, and that she had not made her declarations out of malice or enmity against the abovementioned person, nor from any counsel or instigation on the part of any other person.

Questioned, why she had delayed to denounce these offences to the Holy Office, thereby failing in her obligation to give notice of all such matters immediately upon having knowledge of the same.

Answered, that she wished previously to consult her Father Confessor, and that she obeyed upon receiving his orders.

Questioned, at what time and in what place he made the abovementioned a.s.sertions; what persons were present; if he said them more than once, and how many times; whether he spoke in his own language, or quoted others who made the a.s.sertions referred to; whether he spoke in jest, in dispute, or in a pa.s.sion; whether he was accustomed to utter such words; whether he was rebuked by any persons present, and by whom; whether, after being rebuked, he persisted in his a.s.sertions, and whether at the time of speaking he was in his right mind, or was insane or drunk.

Answered, that she had already specified the time, and that it happened at her house; that there were present occasionally her husband abovementioned; her brother-in-law, Don Martin Halegg, who resided there, a servant named Francisca Garriga, living in the Callejon de Santa Anna, and who went to be married at Tarragona, but her present place of residence the deponent does not know, and another servant named Antonia, who lives in a lane near La Trinidad Calzada, and is the daughter of a schoolmaster in that lane; that he repeated the above a.s.sertions many times, so often that she could not recollect the number; that he spoke affirmatively, and seriously; that she did not think he was accustomed to such talk, as he had not repeated it for more than two months; that he was rebuked several times by the abovementioned persons and the deponent, but took no heed; and that on most of these occasions he was in his right mind, although a few times he was intoxicated.

Questioned, if she knew that any other person had said or done anything which came within the cognizance of the Holy Office.

Answered, No.

Questioned, what was or appeared to be the age of the abovementioned Juan Picar, also his personal appearance and condition.

Answered, that he was about fortyfour years of age, tall, thin, with a light complexion, blue eyes, and red hair; and that he was a soldier in the aforesaid regiment.

The above being read to her, she affirmed it to be recorded conformably to her declaration; that she had nothing to add or alter respecting it, as it was the truth; and that she did not utter it out of malice or ill will against the said Juan Picar, but solely to discharge her conscience. Secrecy was enjoined upon her, which she promised to observe, and added her signature, which I certify.

After the declaration had been read, and before it was signed, the deponent recollected that the abovementioned Juan Picar observed to her husband, that a person, on dying, pa.s.sed to the other world without suffering any punishment. Also she had been informed by her sister-in-law, Dona Rafaela Reymer, wife of a captain out of service, named Don Joseph Reymer, who lives in the Calle de San Pablo, No. 14, third story, that two officers of the said regiment, the one named Martin Estinause, and the other unknown, uttered blasphemies respecting a figure of Christ.

All which she denounces to the Holy Office in discharge of her conscience, and under the oath of secrecy sworn by her. She added her signature, which I certify.


DR ANDRES FERNANDEZ DE LA CUESTA, _Presbyter and Commissary_, CAYETANO TUCO, _Presbyter, Commissary, and Notary_.


Francisco Prat, Subdeacon, native of Esponella, and a resident in the Seminario del Senor, in the bishopric of Gerona, by counsel and order of the Reverend Juan Salgueda his Confessor, gives information with due respect to your Excellency, of the following matter.

About six months since, in this city, he heard Narcisa Catala y Pinsach, the wife of a Frenchman, and reputed a woman of truth, and a native of Gerona, dwelling in the Mercadal Parish of that city--declare that a Frenchman who was a stocking weaver in the Hospicio of the same city, whose name was Blaqueire, and whose age was about thirty years, had been baptized since he was in Spain, but had prevaricated and embraced some heresy.

Also that a certain Frenchman, named Avi Brich, aged about sixty years, residing in the said city of Gerona, and likewise a stocking weaver in the Hospicio, was a Jew, and the writer of this letter observing that they ought to commune annually, otherwise they would be severely punished, she replied that in order to deceive the spies, he took the sacrament not merely once, but two or three times every year.

Which information I transmit to your Excellency for the necessary end.

Gerona, April 28th, 1791.

FRANCISCO PRAT, _Subdeacon_.

We herewith transmit to the Reverend Juan Salgueda, Presbyter Vicar of the church of the Mercadal of Gerona, the extrajudicial denunciation of Francisco Prat, Subdeacon, a resident in the Episcopal Seminario of that city, and we grant a commission for examining him before another Ecclesiastic as Notary, according to the formula adjoined, No. 1, in order that the denunciation may be attested, and he may affirm, under oath, that it is his, written and signed by him, and its contents true, as also whether he has anything to add or alter respecting it, and from what motive the said Narcisa Catala y Pinsach made the charges in question against the two Frenchmen.

Having taken the deposition of Francisco Prat, you will take the occasion and methods the most cautious and opportune to examine before the same Notary, and according to the formula No. 2, the said Narcisa Catala y Pinsach, respecting the matters referred to by Francisco Prat, taking care not to mention to her the name of this person, nor the names of the Frenchmen accused, inasmuch as she will state them herself should her testimony corroborate the charge, in which case she will specify the name, occupation, country, residence, age, and personal appearance of each individual. Also if she knows whether one of them has been baptized in Spain, when, in what Parish, and what heresy he embraced afterwards.

Also what reason she has for saying that one of them is a Jew, and in order to deceive the spies, takes the communion not merely once, but two or three times a year. You will also question her whether she has heard or understood anything from these two Frenchmen or others, which is, or appears to be, contrary to our Holy Catholic Faith, or within the cognisance of the Holy Office, in which case she must declare whatever she knows, with the utmost clearness and perspicuity.

These investigations being completed, you will forward the proceedings to us, returning also all the papers. Our Lord preserve you.

Royal Palace of the Inquisition of Barcelona, June 11th, 1791.




In the city of Gerona, Princ.i.p.ality of Catalonia on the thirtieth day of June, one thousand seven hundred and ninetyone, before us, Juan Salgueda, Presbyter Vicar of the Mercadal and Commissary of the Holy Office for this investigation, and Dr Marcial Llistorella, Presbyter Notary, sworn to preserve secrecy, and perform faithfully our duties, appeared according to summons, and made oath to declare the truth and preserve secrecy, a person calling himself Francisco Prat, Subdeacon of the village of Esponella in the bishopric of Gerona, aged twentyeight years.

Questioned, if he knew or conjectured the cause of his being summoned to appear.

Answered, that he supposed it to be on account of a denunciation he had made, respecting something he had heard from Narcisa Catala y Pinsach.

He was then informed that a letter had been received in this Holy Office, which appeared to be from him, which letter began with 'Francisco Prat, Subdeacon,' and ended with 'for the necessary ends.'

This letter was then produced, when he recognised it, and declared it to be the one which he wrote to the Tribunal, and that its contents were true.

Questioned, if he had anything to add thereto.

Answered, that in the conversation referred to, the abovementioned Narcisa Catala y Pinsach stated that some other Frenchmen abused the said Francis...o...b..aqueire on account of his prevarication respecting our religion, and that this happened in her house. Also, (but of this he is not certain) he believed she declared that the father and brother of the said Blaqueire who reside in Montagut or Tortella, in the bishopric of Gerona, refused to live with him by reason of his baptism, and that they had not been baptized; at any rate she said something respecting this.

Furthermore he had been told by Maria, the sister of the aforesaid Narcisa Pinsach, that Francis...o...b..ich was a Jew. This she told the deponent in his own house; the like a.s.sertion he had heard from some of the common people, but did not recollect whom.

Questioned, what gave rise to the aforesaid conversation; why the charges were made; and seeing that it was his duty to oppose and denounce such matters, why he waited six months before he gave information.

Answered, that he chanced to remark, while waiting for the husband of the said Narcisa Pinsach, that the abovenamed Brich appeared to be an honest man, to which she replied that he was not, when the rest of the a.s.sertions followed; that the charges were made in compliance with the dictates of his conscience; and that he had spoken of the matter before, but had been told that it was women's tattle.

Questioned, what was the appearance of the persons in question.

Answered, that he had no knowledge of Francis...o...b..aqueire; and that the said Brich is a man of middling stature, corpulent, somewhat florid, and of a pacific temper; and that he knew nothing of his birthplace, except that he was a Frenchman.

The above is the truth according to the oath of the deponent, who has not made this declaration out of malice or ill will, but solely in discharge of his conscience; he declared that it was correctly recorded, and signed it in the city of Gerona, on the first day of July, one thousand seven hundred and ninetyone.

FRANCISCO PRAT, _Subdeacon_.

Before me--


In the city of Gerona, on the second day of July, one thousand seven hundred and ninetyone, before us, Juan Salgueda, Presbyter, Vicar of the Mercadal of Gerona, and Commissary of the Holy Office, and Dr Marcial Llistorella, Presbyter Notary, sworn to preserve secrecy and perform faithfully our duties, appeared, according to summons, and made oath to declare the truth and preserve secrecy, Narcisa Catala y Pinsach, wife of Joseph Fabrega, commonly called Catala, stocking weaver, a native and inhabitant of Gerona, of age, as she stated, twentyeight years.

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