The Voyage of the Beagle Part 13

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Areas of alternate movements in the Pacific and Indian oceans.

Armadilloes, habits of. fossil animals allied to.

Arqueros mines.

Arrow-heads, ancient.


Aspalax, blindness of.

Athene cunicularia.



At.w.a.ter, Mr., on the prairies.

Audubon, M., on smelling-power of carrion-hawks.


Australian barrier. group of weapons.

Ava (Macropiper methystic.u.m).

Azara on spiders. on rain in La Plata. on habits of carrion-hawks. on range of carrion-hawks. on a thunder-storm. on ostrich-eggs. on bows and arrows. on new plants springing up. on great droughts. on hydrophobia.

Bachman, Mr., on carrion-hawks.

Bahia Blanca. fossil tooth of horse from.

Bahia, Brazil. scenery of.


Balbi on coral reefs.

Bald Head, Australia.

Ballenar, Chile.

Banda Oriental.

Banks's Hill.


Barrier-reef, Bolabola. reefs, sections of.

Basaltic platform of Santa Cruz.

Bathurst, Australia.

Batrachian reptiles.

Bats, vampire.

Bay of Islands, New Zealand.

Beads, hill of.

Beagle Channel, Tierra del Fuego.


Beetles in brackish water. on a fungus. alive in sea. at St. Julian. dung-feeders.

Behring's Straits, fossils of.

Bell of Quillota.


Berkeley Sound.

Berkeley, Reverend J., on confervae. on Cyttaria.

Berquelo river.

Bibron, M.

Bien te veo.

Birds of the Galapagos Archipelago. tameness of.

Birgos latro.

Bizcacha, habits of.

Blackheath, Australia.

Blackwall, Mr., on spiders.

Blindness of tucutuco.

Blue Mountains.

Body, frozen.

Bolabola, barrier-reef.

Bolas, manner of using.

Bombs, volcanic.

Bones of the guanaco collected in certain spots. fire made of. recent in Pampas. fossil.

Bory St. Vincent on frogs.


Bramador, El.

Brazil, great area of granite.

Brazilian whips, etc.

Breaches in coral reefs.

Breakwater of seaweed.

Brewster, Sir D., on a calcareous deposit.

Bridge of hide. of Incas.

Buckland, Dr., on fossils.

Buenos Ayres. trading at. evening camp. bullock-waggons.

Buffon on American Animals.

Bug of Pampas.

Buildings, Indian.

Bulimus on desert places.

Burch.e.l.l, Mr., on food of quadrupeds. on ostrich-eggs. on perforated stones.

b.u.t.terflies, flocks of.

b.u.t.terfly producing clicking sound.

b.u.t.ton, Jemmy.

Byron's account of fox of Falklands. on an Indian killing his child.

Cabbage palm.



Cactus, Cereus Peruviana.

Calasoma on wing out at sea.

Calcareous casts of branches and roots of trees at King George's Sound. incrustations on rocks of Ascension.



Calomys bizcacha.


Camelidae, fossil animal allied to.

Cancer salinus.

Canis antarcticus. fulvipes.

Cape Horn. False Horn. of Good Hope.

Capybara, or carpincho. fossil allied to.

Caracara, or Carrancha.

Cardoon, beds of.


Carmichael, Captain.




Castro, Chiloe. old church at.



The Voyage of the Beagle Part 13

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