The Voyage of the Beagle Part 15

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Doubleday, Mr., on a noise made by a b.u.t.terfly.

Drigg, lightning tubes at.

Droughts, great, in Pampas.

Dryness of St. Jago. of winds in Tierra del Fuego. of air in Cordillera.


Dung-feeding beetles.

Dust, falling from atmosphere.

Earthenware, fossil.

Earthquake, accompanied by an elevation of the coast. accompanied by rain. at Callao. at Concepcion. at Coquimbo. at Keeling and Vanikoro, and Society Islands. at Valdivia. causes of. effect of, on springs. on bottom of sea. effects of, on rocks. effects of, on sea. effects of, on a river-bed. line of vibration of. on south-west coast. tossing fragments from the ground. twisting movement of.

Eggs of Doris.

Ehrenberg, Professor, on Atlantic dust. on infusoria in Pampas. in the open sea. in Patagonia. in Fuegian paint. in coral mud. in tuff at Ascension. on phosph.o.r.escence of the sea. on noises from a hill.

Eimeo, island of. barrier-reef.

Elater, springing powers of.

Electricity of atmosphere within Andes.

Elephant, weight of.


Elevation of coasts of Chile. Bahia Blanca. Pampas. Patagonia. mountain-chains. Cordillera. Peru. within human period. fringing-reefs.

Entomology of the Galapagos Archipelago. Brazil. Patagonia. Tierra del Fuego. Keeling Island. St. Helena.

Entre Rios, geology of.

Epeira, habits of.

Erratic blocks, how transported. absent in intertropical countries. on plains of Santa Cruz. of Tierra del Fuego.

Estancia, value of.

Extermination of species and races.

Extinction of at St. Helena. of species, causes of. of man in New South Wales.

Eyes of tucutuco and mole.

Eyre Sound.

Falconer, Dr., on the Sivatherium. on the Indians. on rivers in Pampas. on natural enclosures.

Falkland Islands. absence of trees at. carrion-hawks of. wild cattle and horses of. fox of. climate of. peat of. tame birds at.

Fat, quant.i.ty eaten.

Fatahua fall.

Fear an acquired instinct.

Februa Hoffmanseggi, b.u.t.terfly.

Fennel run wild.

Ferguson, Dr., on miasma.

Fernando Noronha.

Ferns, tree.

Fields of dead coral.

Fire, art of making.


Fish emitting harsh sound. of Galapagos. eating coral.



Floods after droughts. clear after snow.

Flora of the Galapagos. of Keeling Island. of St. Helena.


Forests, absence of, in La Plata. of Tierra del Fuego. of Chiloe. of Valdivia. of New Zealand. of Australia.

Fossil Mammalia. earthenware.

Fox of the Falkland Islands. of Chiloe.


Friendly Archipelago.

Fringing reefs.

Frogs, noises of. bladders of. and toads, not found on oceanic islands.

Frozen soil.

Fruit-trees, southern limit of.

Fucus giganteus.

Fuegians. wigwams. basket and bone weapons.


Fungus, edible.


Galapagos Archipelago. natural history of. marked relations.h.i.+p with America. zoology of. finches from.

Gale of wind.

Gallegos river, fossil bones at.


Gauchos. character of. live on meat. surcingle of.

Gavia mountain.

Gay, M., on floating islands. on in brackish water.

Geese at the Falkland Islands.

Geographical distribution of American animals. of frogs. of fauna of Galapagos.

Geology of Cordillera. of St. Jago. of St. Paul. of Brazil. of Bahia Blanca. of Pampas. of Patagonia.

Georgia, climate of.


Gill, Mr., on an upheaved river-bed.

Gillies, Dr., on the Cordillera.

Glaciers in Tierra del Fuego. in lat.i.tude 46 degrees 40'. in Cordillera.


Goats destructive to vegetation at St. Helena. bones of.

Goeree Roads.



Good Success Bay.

Gossamer spider.

Gould, Mr., on the Calodera. on birds of Galapagos.

Granite mountains, Tres Montes. of Cordillera.


Gravel, how far transported. of Patagonia.

Graves of Indians.

Greenstone, fragments of.

Gregory, Cape.

Gryllus migratorius.

Guanaco, habits of. fossil allied genus.

Guantajaya, mines of.

Guardia del Monte.


Guasos of Chile.

Guava imported into Tahiti.



Gunnera scabra.

Gypsum, great beds of. in salt-lake. in Patagonian tertiary beds. at Iquique with salt. at Lima with

Hachette, M., on lightning-tubes.

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