Antigua and the Antiguans Volume I Part 2
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[4] The following extract alludes to the invasions of the Caribs (Rochfort's Histoire des Antilles, published at Rotterdam, 1665, tome 4, page 310):-"Les Caraibs ont fait des descent dans les isles de Montserrat, d'Antigoa, et en d'autres qui sont occupees par les Anglais, et apres avoir brule quelques maisons, et pille quelques meubles; ils ont enleve des hommes, des femmes et des enfans, qu'ils ont conduit a la Dominique et a St. Vincents."
[5] An estate in Antigua called by that name.
[6] This rock is still pointed out upon an estate, called Patterson's, belonging to the Hon. John Athill.
[7] The proper appellation of this gentleman (according to the authority of E. S. B---, Esq.) is Colonel _Luke Stokes_; but, from an orthographical error of the French historian, _Du Tertre_, he has been handed down to posterity as Colonel _Lake_.
He afterwards removed to Jamaica at the head of a small party of English settlers, where he died in 1659, universally esteemed for his virtues and honourable actions.
Rupture between France and England-War in the West Indies-Loss of Lord Francis Willoughby-Colonel Carden-Capture of Antigua by the French forces under M. de la Barre-Colonel Fitche- Restoration of Antigua by the Treaty of Breda-Death of Colonel Carden-Biographical notices.
In 1665-6, England was engaged in a contest with Holland, Denmark, and France; and during that period, her colonies in the West Indies suffered greatly, particularly St. Christopher's and Antigua.
St. Christopher's being reduced by the French, Lord Francis Willoughby headed an expedition of 2000 troops, and sailed from Barbados (where he was then residing in preference to Antigua) with the hope of recapturing that island. On his pa.s.sage to St.
Christopher's, he visited Martinique, with the design of surprising the place, and, after taking the French prisoners, to transport them to Antigua, Montserrat, and Nevis. The French, however, having received tidings of his movements, were accordingly prepared; and Lord Willoughby, finding himself baffled in his intentions, sailed for Guadaloupe, where he arrived on the 2nd of August. Before any success was effected against this island, a dreadful hurricane arose, which, raging with extreme violence for the s.p.a.ce of twenty-four hours, entirely destroyed the fleet of Lord Willoughby, strewing the coast with its fragments, and every soul perished, with the exception of two seamen.[8]
Before embarking upon this expedition, this ill-fated n.o.bleman appointed his nephew, Mr. Henry Willoughby, lieutenant-general and governor of these islands, who in his turn const.i.tuted Colonel Carden governor of Antigua.
Before the declaration of war between France and England was published, several Frenchmen had left the French colonies, from different motives, and settled in Antigua, where they lived sociably with the English, and prosecuted their respective professions. After the rupture between those nations was known in the West Indies, and the report of the intended attack upon St.
Christopher's by the French, reached the ears of Lord F.
Willoughby, he dispatched his nephew, Mr. Henry Willoughby, to the relief of that place. Arriving, however, too late for the action, he was obliged to proceed with his s.h.i.+p to Antigua; and being (according to Du Tertre, the French historian) in "_a burning rage_" at the failure of his plans, he vented it upon the French settlers whom he found there-confiscating their property, forbidding them to quit their houses, or hold communications between themselves, under pain of death, and obliging them to swear allegiance to the English monarch.
"Many of them submitted, in a very cowardly manner," remarks the above-named quaint author; "but others, _whose heart was in a better place, refused to do so_."
Among these French settlers was a young surgeon, of the name of Grand-Maison, who had been formerly _valet-de-chambre_ to M. de la Barre, lieutenant-general by sea and land of the French forces, and who was fully alive to the tyrannical manner in which himself and his countrymen had been treated. Having a little more liberty than the others, from the nature of his profession, Grand-Maison had an opportunity of entering into conversation with another young Frenchman, of the name of Baston, who, says Du Tertre, "was skilful by sea and land, courageous and brave, and an admirer of firmness and constancy." Finding Grand-Maison entertained the same sentiments as himself, he proposed that they should steal a small shallop, which was attached by an iron chain to a post firmly planted in the beach, and taking advantage of the darkness of the night, effect their escape from the island.
As, however, the oars had been carried away by the owner of the boat, they bribed a French carpenter, who was engaged working in some of the back woods of Antigua, to join them in their enterprise, and make them a pair in that retired place.
Grand-Maison, who served a very rich master,[9] took the charge of bringing a sufficient quant.i.ty of provisions from his home; and between them they procured five muskets, a few pairs of pistols, some, twenty or thirty pounds of powder, and lead in proportion. But thinking themselves not strong enough to man the shallop, Grand-Maison, who was very much beloved by the negroes, engaged two of them, who were esteemed excellent rowers, to accompany him.
All things being duly prepared, they stole away from their masters by night, hurried to the beach, and the carpenter having sawn in two the post to which the boat was fastened, they departed, and made for Guadaloupe. After struggling manfully against the current and contrary winds for some time, running many risks of their lives, and putting back into Antigua once or twice, they changed their resolution, and made for St.
Christopher's-arriving in Cabsterre, a district of that island, at the very time M. de Chambre was on the point of sailing for Martinique, to rejoin M. de la Barre, with all the French s.h.i.+ps of war.
M. Sannois, captain of that district, welcomed the adventurers, and treated them very kindly; and upon hearing their story, sent them to M. de St. Laurent, who, after examining them, and finding them well informed of the strength and natural barriers of Antigua-and more particularly, as Baston gave him a plan of the coast, shewing the best landing-places, and offered himself as a guide to the troops, to lead them to the place "wherever resistance might be expected," and to be _everywhere_ "at their head,"-he determined to send them with M. de Chambre to M. de la Barre, at Martinique.
Upon their arrival at that island, at counsel was held, and Grand-Maison and Baston introduced, when the latter repeated his offers. The a.s.sembly was well pleased with his information and solid reflections; but M. de Chambre represented, that the officers of the French forces were so contented with the conquest of St. Kitts, that he thought they would be unwilling to engage in any new adventure, unless there was an augmentation of the troops. To this objection M. Clodore, the Governor of Martinique, replied, in such a splendid speech, abounding with so much true martial ardour, that every objection was borne down before him; and M. de Chambre was led to observe, that if M. St. Laurent had heard the powerful arguments brought forward by M. de Clodore, he would change his opinion, and join in attacking Antigua; and he did not believe M. St. Leon, (the commanding officer,) with his brother officers, would even stand firm in their resolution after hearing him. M. de Chambre then asked M. Clodore if he would accompany him to St. Christopher's, to consult with the other officers. M. Clodore immediately replied he should be most happy to do so, if M. de la Barre would give him such instructions in writing; which being directly complied with, they made sail 25th October, 1666, with seven vessels of war, carrying 166 pieces of cannon, and commanded by M. de la Barre, admiral of the whole fleet; M. de Clodore, Governor of Martinique; M. du Lion, Governor of Guadaloupe; M. de Chambre, Intendant of the French West Indian Company's affairs; and attended by 130 men of the regiment of Poictiers, commanded by Sieur d'Orvillier, and two companies of infantry, besides the seamen.
Calling in at Guadaloupe, they held another council of war, in which it was determined to sail for St. Kitt's; but at the same time to come so near to Antigua as to be able to reconnoitre the island, and ascertain if it would be prudent to attack it before they proceeded to St. Christopher's.
Leaving Guadaloupe on the 2nd November, they made sail for Antigua, bearing the English flag as a subterfuge, and thinking by that means to deceive the English. Upon reaching Antigua, they endeavoured to get into the harbour of St. John's; but meeting with contrary winds, they put back and made for Five Islands'
Bay, which at that period was defended by two forts-the smaller one (which appears to have been only an artificial mound, without any parapets or any kind of fortifications) mounted with six guns; the larger one (with good stone buildings, and standing in that part now occupied by the batteries of "Goat's Hill") mounted with eight guns. The men stationed at the smaller fort had their suspicions first awakened by observing how carefully the French came in, sounding with the lead every moment; and consequently they determined to fire upon them.
To this _warm_ welcome the French replied in such a manner, bringing all their guns to bear upon the place, that the English abandoned the fort, and fled. Arriving abreast of the larger fort, the French anch.o.r.ed at pistol-shot; and the firing was carried on with such vigour, that it was also abandoned, and that with such precipitancy, that the royal flag was left behind.
The signal was now made for a party to land and take possession of the forts, with directions to capture all they could, but not to burn or destroy any part of the country, wisely remarking, according to their own narrator, that "they could do that another time." These orders for forbearance, if they were ever given, were not attended to; for everything that fell in their way was devastated; and it has been remarked by an old author, that the French robbed the very shoes from off the feet of the inhabitants.[10]
But to return to the particulars of the attack. The next morning, about four o'clock, M. de Clodore, &c., attended by 200 men, landed upon the beach, and, guided by Baston, proceeded to the house where the governor, Colonel Carden, then resided, which was situated about a mile and a half from the sh.o.r.e. The English fought with their usual bravery, but were at length overpowered; and Colonel Carden, Colonel Monk, and about thirty other officers, were taken prisoners, and the house burnt to the ground.
The governor, being thus captured, was conveyed on board the admiral's s.h.i.+p; and the French were so elated with their success, that they determined to push on their good fortune, and endeavour to subdue the whole island. The next day, they again landed at daybreak, attended by 240 men, divided into two companies, and guided by Baston. Reaching a large house situated upon a hill, they dispatched a trumpeter to summon the inhabitants to surrender, among whom was Mrs. Carden, the wife of the governor.
This trumpeter carried a letter, written by Colonel Carden, describing how well he was treated(?), and advising them not to wait to the last extremity to surrender, but to do so without delay. To this letter they returned a verbal answer, thanking the French for their polite treatment to their governor, but at the same time intimating, that they were resolved to do their duty, and resist to the last.
Upon receiving this reply, the French commanders prepared for battle, and resolved to storm the house. At first they were repulsed by the English; and the greater part of the regiment of Poictiers, commanded by the Sieur d'Orvillier, being seized with a panic, retreated and concealed themselves in a neighbouring wood; but Mons. de Clodore, seeing the state of affairs, hurried to the spot, and, being joined by the officers of the regiment and about thirty of the common soldiers, whom they had prevailed upon to leave their concealment, made a second attack upon the house, and succeeded in forcing an entrance.
A battalion of the English making their appearance upon the hill behind the house, M. de Clodore drew off his men to engage with them, while D'Orvillier and the rest of the party were left in charge of the edifice. Upon entering, they found Colonel Quest (who had taken the command of the island after the seizure of Colonel Carden) seated "in an arm-chair, with a pair of pistols c.o.c.ked in his hand," and surrounded by a few brave English.
Colonel Quest demanded quarter, to which a Frenchman replied by sending a ball through his body; and the rest of the English who were with him, were slaughtered without mercy.
In justice to M. de Clodore, it must be remarked, that as soon as he knew of these proceedings, he endeavoured to put a stop to them, and finally saved the lives of about fifty English, who had concealed themselves in another part of the house.
After burning down the edifice, and many others in the vicinity- which were described as being very handsome ones-killing fifty of the English, and getting all the plunder they could, the French proceeded to the beach, carrying their prisoners, about fifty in number, along with them. Upon arriving there, it was agreed to s.h.i.+p them immediately, and despatch them to St. Kitts, with the wounded Frenchmen, among whom was Baston, the instigator of the attack, and who afterwards died of his wound at that island.[11]
When Colonel Quest was to be carried down to the beach along with the other prisoners, he was found to be so seriously wounded, that he was unable to walk; and consequently, one of the French officers proposed to despatch him, offering to do the deed himself. At this barbarous scheme, M. de Clodore was justly incensed; and, ordering a few of his soldiers to form a kind of bier, had him carefully conducted on board the s.h.i.+p that was to carry him to St. Kitts, in which island he also died.
After getting rid of their prisoners, the French held another council of war, when it was resolved to send a trumpeter, summoning all the inhabitants to surrender, threatening to set fire to all their property should they demur. A compliance with this demand appears to have been wholly unexpected by the French, and their threat of burning only a species of _bravado_; for at this council it was resolved, that if the English held out, they would immediately sail for St. Christopher's with the whole fleet. Fate, however, willed it otherwise, and the trumpeter brought answer back, that the English were willing to accede to their demand, and desired a place to be appointed in which to treat about the terms of capitulation. Overjoyed at their unexpected success, the French named the harbour of St. John's as the place of treaty; and accordingly despatched one of their frigates-the "Armes d'Angleterre," on board of which the conference was to be held. On the tenth of November, 1666, M. de Clodore, M. de Chambre, &c. &c., accompanied by four shallops, containing eighty armed men, proceeded on board that vessel, and were quickly joined by Lieut.-Colonel Bastien Baijer, Colonel Buckley, Joseph Lee, Captain Samuel Winthorp,[12] Captain Philip Warner, and James Halliday, who were appointed by the English to sign the capitulation.
All arms, ammunition, forts, batteries, &c., were to be given up to the French; but the English were to be allowed to retain their property, have free exercise of their religion; (except in that immediate district which the French governor might choose as his quarters;) and Colonel Carden, who had been detained prisoner of war on board one of the enemy's vessels, was to be restored to liberty.
After signing the capitulation, on the 12th of November, the English deputies despatched Colonel Buckley on board the "Armes d'Angleterre," with the information that there were three hundred soldiers arrived from Barbados, which would prevent them from fulfilling their part of the treaty; _but that if the French thought proper to hazard an attack, they (the deputies) would not interfere_.
Upon receiving this message, the greater part of the French officers were for detaining Colonel Buckley as an hostage, as well as refusing to liberate Colonel Carden; but to this M. de Clodore would not a.s.sent, remarking that as he had given his word to restore Colonel Carden to liberty, and Colonel Buckley had come on board under protection of a flag of truce, they should both be conveyed safely to land. This was accordingly done the same day; but Monsieur Giraud, the head commander of St. Kitts, seeing Colonel Buckley on sh.o.r.e, and not being aware of M. de la Barre's intentions towards him, had him seized and conveyed on board the admiral's s.h.i.+p; who, being of different opinion to M.
de Clodore, detained him as a hostage; and the whole of the French forces having embarked, the fleet sailed for St. Kitts, where they arrived on the 15th of November.
After remaining there a few days, M. de Clodore sailed for Martinique to transact some necessary business, and then, accompanied by a fleet of six frigates, returned to Antigua, to oblige the inhabitants to fulfil the treaty they had signed. He arrived on the 30th of November, but found the state of affairs entirely changed, Mr. Willoughby having appointed Colonel Daniel Fitche, (who upon the former visit of the French was staying at Nevis,) governor of Antigua, in place of Colonel Carden, and the island being reinforced by the arrival of some troops from Barbados.
Surprised but not intimidated, M. de Clodore, with the concurrence of his officers, sent a trumpeter to Colonel Carden, calling upon him to fulfil the treaty, and oblige the inhabitants to surrender. This message was received by Colonel Carden in the presence of some of the English officers; but the same night, by the order of Colonel Fitche, (who was displeased at his expressing his opinion, that it was but equitable to stand by their written contract,) he was arrested and sent to prison. Upon this occasion, Mrs. Carden despatched the following letter to M. de Clodore:-
"Mon mary cette nuit a este enleve d'aupres de moy par deux officers et deux soldats, et ce qu'ils pretendent faire de moy et des miens, jusqu'a present ie n'en scay encore rien; mais en crains qu'il ne nous en arrive mal. Je vous supplie tres-humblement, Monsieur, voyant que moy, les mien, et ma famille est delaissee et abandonee de nostre nation; qu'il vous plaise nous prendre sous votre protection, nous qui n'avons leve la main ni le cur contre vous; et moy et les miens, et beaucoup d'autres, prieront pour vostre prosperite et ie prend la hardiesse de me qualifier,
"Monsieur, vostres, &c.
"Marie Carden."[13]
[N.B.-These letters are literally transcribed.]
Upon the same day, Colonel Carden despatched the following letter to M. de Clodore:-
"J'aurois eu l'honneur de vous aller trouver, mais i'ay este intercepte par ordre de Mons. le Gouverneur Fitche, et il ne m'a pas este permis de sortir. J'espere, Monsieur, que ne croirez, ni ne iugerez autre chose de celuy qui prend la liberte de se souscrire,-Mons., votres, &c.
"Robert Carden."[14]
Soon after sending this letter, Colonel Carden was liberated, and immediately proceeding on board the French s.h.i.+p, delivered himself up to M. de Clodore, and informed him that Colonel Fitche and his troops were encamped at Pope's Head. Upon hearing this, M. de Clodore immediately weighed anchor, and sailing round the coast, arrived off Pope's Head the same night. The next morning, the following letters were despatched to him from the English camp:-
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