Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle Part 51

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The above two species of Haematopus were frequently seen on {539} the of the Strait; the latter appears to answer the description of M.

Bougainville. See Lesson, Manuel d'Ornithologie, ii. 30.


Not to be distinguished from the golden plover.

50. CHARADRIUS RUBECOLA.--n.o.b. in Zool. Jour. iv. 96.

_Char. capite summo, dorso, alis, caudaque supra grisescenti-fuscis, thorace nuchaque pallide griseis; pectore rufo, collari subpectorali nigro; fronte, striga superciliari, abdomine, crisso, rectricibusque lateralibus albis._

The length of the body is 8-2/3 inches; of the bill ; of the wing, from the carpal joint to the end of the first quill feather, 5-5/8; of the tail 3; of the _tarsi_ 1.

Mountains of the Strait of Magalhaens 2,000 feet above the level of the sea.

51. VANELLUS CAYANENSIS.--Ency. Meth. 1073. pl. 57, fig. 2.

Maldonado, River Plate.

52. PODICEPS.--Sp.

Very much resembling P. minor.

53. PODICEPS.--Sp.

54. PODICEPS LEUCOPTERUS.--n.o.b. in Zool. Jour. iv. 101.

_Pod. capite colloque superioribus nigris, gula griseo-albida, collo inferiore rufo; dorso fusco-atro; abdomine strigaque lata alarum albis._

The length of the body is 20 inches; of the bill 3; of the wing, from the carpal joint to the apex of the second quill feather, 7; of the _tarsi_ 2.



57. PHALACROCORAX NIGER.--n.o.b. in Zool. Journal, iv. 101.

_Phal. intense niger, circulo angusto ab oculis descendente, mandibulasque circ.u.mcingente, paucisque genarum capitisque plumis albis._

The length of the bird is 31 inches; of the bill 3-3/8; of the wing, from the carpal joint to the extremity of the third quill {540} feather, 11; of the tail 7; of the _tarsi_ 2. The irides a bright blue green; the pupils black.

This bird is probably D'Azara's black Zaramagullon (No. 432 of his Birds of Paraguay), but it has not hitherto been described.

58. PHALACROCORAX ATRICEPS.--n.o.b. in Zool. Journal, iv. 102.

_Phal. capite supra corporeque superiore atris, inferiore albo; rostro pedibusque flavescentibus, rectricibus duodecim._

The dimensions are nearly the same as those of the last bird, except those of the bill, which is a quarter of an inch longer.


_Phal. supra fusco-griseus, subtus albidus; gula, cirroque longitudinali per collum utrinque descendente, albis; rostro pedibusque rubris; rectricibus quatuordecim._

The length of the body is 26 inches; of the bill 3-3/16; of the wing, from the carpal joint to the extremity of third quill feather, 10; of the tail 6; of the _tarsi_ 1.

60. PHALACROCORAX IMPERIALIS.--n.o.b. in Proceedings of Zoological Society.

_Phal. capite cristato, collo posteriori, corporeque supra intense purpureis; alis scapularibusque viridi atris; remigibus rectricibusque duodecim fusco-atris; corpore subtus, fascia alarum, maculaque dorsi medii sericeo-albis; rostro nigro; pedibus flavescentibus._

_Statura._--_Phal. carbonis._

_Hab._--Interior Sounds of Western Patagonia.


_Phal. capite, collo, dorsoque imo atro-purpureis; pectore abdomineque albis; dorso superiori, scapularibus, alisque viridi-atris; remigibus rectricibusque duodecim atris; gula, genis, femorumque tectricibus superioribus albo-notatis; rostro nigro; pedibus flavescentibus._

_Statura praecedentis._

Strait of Magalhaens.

62. PHALACROCORAX ERYTHROPS.--n.o.b. in Proceedings of Zoological Society.

_Phal. capite, collo, corporeque supra purpureo-atris; pectore abdomineque albis; genis parce albo-notatis; facie nuda rubra; {541} remigibus, rectricibus duodecim, rostroque sub-brevi atris: pedibus flavescentibus._

_Statura paulo minor praecedentibus duobus._

63. LARUS HaeMATORHYNCHUS.--n.o.b. in Zool. Journ. iv. 103.

_Lar. corpore plumbeo-griseo, dorso medio alisque nigris, his albo notatis; rostro pedibusque sanguineis._

The length of the bird is 18 inches; of the bill 2; of the wing, from the carpal joint to the end of the first quill feather, 13; of the tail 6; of the _tarsi_ 2. Irides green silvery colour, pupil dark.






This beautiful, but well-known petrel, was, of course, our constant companion on all occasions of our being at sea, and was particularly numerous off the entrance to the river Plata, feeding probably upon the exuviae that drift out with the current. One being taken with the hook, was killed, and in its entrails several small fragments of granite were found mixed with the half-digested food. A remarkable instance of the natural habits of this bird has lately come to my knowledge, which deserves to be recorded. The late Mr. George Fairfowl, surgeon R.N., on his return from New South Wales, in the year 1831, caught one of these birds, and let it go, with a ribbon tied round the body, by which it was easily distinguished; the bird was thereby observed to follow the s.h.i.+p, from day to day, for the s.p.a.ce of 5,000 miles.


70. PROCELLARIA WILSONII.--Prince of Musignano.

_Thala.s.sidroma Wilsonnii_--Vigors.

Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle Part 51

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