Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle Part 57

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_Habitat? Mus. nost._


_L. testa ovato-conica, fusca, striis elevatis scabra; spira brevi; anfractu basali tumido; apertura nigricante, basin versus striga luteoalba ornata; labri margine crenulato albo-fulvido; operculo nigro; long. 4/8 paulo plus; lat. 7/16 fere; poll._

_Habitat in Mari Atlantico boreali_ (Port Praya). _Mus. Brit., nost._


_M. testa albida, creberrime striata, purpureo fasciata, apertura argentea; long. 4/16; lat. 5/16 fere; poll._

_Habitat in Mari Pacifico. Mus. nost._

Portions of the striated surface are elevated into belts, which are of a purple colour.


_M. testa sub-ovata, violacea, spira brevi; anfractibus tumidis; apertura iridescente; long. 7/16; lat. 8/16 fere; poll._

_Habitat ad fretum Magellanic.u.m. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod._

Of this sh.e.l.l the Indians make their necklaces; it is found adhering to the leaves of the Fucus giganteus, and is the food of the Steamer or Racehorse Duck (_Micropterus Patachonicus_, n.o.b. in Proceedings of the Zoological Society, December 14, 1830, page 15).


_M. testa sub-complanata, coerulea, striata, albido-lineata, apertura iridescente; lat. 13/16 fere; long. 15/16; poll._

_Habitat ad fretum Magellanic.u.m (Cape Gregory). Mus. Brit., nost., Brod._


_T. testa turrita, anfractibus tricarinatis; carinis nodulosis; long.

1-5/8; lat. 9/16 paulo minus; poll._

_Habitat ad oras Americae meridionalis_ (Valparaiso). _Mus. Brit., nost., Brod._

The _Carinae_ are nodulous, or twisted like the strands of a rope; the twists of the upper _carina_ are in the direction of a water-laid, {558} or right-handed rope, and those of the two lower _carinae_ are in the opposite direction, or like what is termed a hawser-laid rope. Between these nodulous _carinae_ are elevated lines, and the base is very strongly striated. Found in deep water in the Bay of Valparaiso. Dead of this species are occasionally found thrown upon the beach, near the Almendral.


_T. testa elongato-turrita; anfractibus striatis; striis duabus maximis subnodulosis; long. 1-11/16; lat. 7/16 fere; poll._

_Habitat? Mus. Brit., nost._

The two large _striae_, which are remarkable for the nodules, are not far from the middle of each whorl, and generally are nearer the upper suture: of these the lowest is the largest.


_M. testa elongato-ovata, subalbida, fasciis fuscis, epidermide cinerea; spira brevi; anfractibus angulatis, nodulosis; apertura oblonga ad basin angusta, castanea, intus alba; labro interne denticulato, dentibus obtusis albis; columella recta, laevi; brevi; long. 3-7/16; lat. 2; poll._

_Habitat? Mus. nost., Geo. Sowerby._

This species approaches _Murex vitulinus_ very nearly; the body-whorl is very much elongated, and the nodules which mark the angles of the whorl are formed of the more elevated parts of what may be termed coa.r.s.e longitudinal plaits.


_M. testa ventricosa, alba, fasciis elevatis striatis; septemfariam varicosa, varicibus roseis denticulatis; apertura rotundata, rosea, intus albida; labri margine asperrime denticulato; cauda mediocri, sub-recurva; long. 3-13/16; lat. 2-7/16; poll._

_Habitat? Mus. nost._


_T. testa ovato-fusiformi, subdepressa, albida fusco fasciata, costata; costis granulosis, interst.i.tiis striatis; apertura subrotunda, albida; columella subrugosa; labro interne obtuse denticulato; margine undulato; epidermide viridi-fusca, scabra; long. 3-3/16; lat. 1-6/8; poll._

_Habitat ad Sinum Penas et oram occidentalem Americae meridionalis. Mus.

Brit., nost., Brod._


The denticules of the outer lip are ranged in pairs, at regular and somewhat distant intervals.


_T. testa ovato-acuta, cancellata; spira elongata; epidermide fusca, setosa; apertura alba granulosa; labro interne obtuse denticulato; long.; lat.; poll._

_Habitat ad oras Americae meridionalis_ (Valparaiso). _Mus. nost._

The denticules of the inner lip are more elevated than those of the last (T. ranelliformis), and are equidistant. It was fished up with the anchor in Valparaiso Bay.


_M. testa ventricosa, spira mediocri, anfractibus bicarinatis; anfractu basali lineis elevatis admodum distantibus cincto; apertura patula; dente l.a.b.i.ali brevi, lato, obtuso; producto, recto, integro; operculo corneo; long. 2; lat. 1-5/8; poll._

_Habitat ad oras Americae meridionalis_ (Concepcion). _Mus. Brit., nost., Brod._

Approaching Fusus in its elongated and entire ca.n.a.l, while its exterior lip has the tooth which distinguishes _Monoceros_. The columella is not straight, as in all the other species, but curved, so as to make an angle in some specimens at the commencement of the ca.n.a.l, and in all it becomes very broad at the point where it is opposite to the tooth. The sh.e.l.l is of a reddish colour, ventricose, and girt with elevated lines, about a quarter of an inch apart. The spire has only two of these lines on each whorl, and has a bicarinated appearance. The aperture is wide, the outer lip sinuous, its tooth short, broad, and obtuse, and the operculum h.o.r.n.y. The sh.e.l.l is seldom found in a perfect state, the beak being generally broken off, and the surface is, in all the specimens that I have seen, covered with a calcareous encrustation, entirely concealing the colours.


_B. testa ovato-fusiformi, cinerea; anfractibus tumidis, costellatis, costellis cancellatis; apertura castaneo-nigricante; labri margine crenulato. Muricem mentiens; long. 1; lat. 9/16; poll._

_Habitat ad fretum Magellanic.u.m. Mus. Brit., nost., Brod._

The eggs of this species were found, and are preserved in spirits.



Narrative of the surveying voyages of His Majesty's ships Adventure and Beagle Part 57

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