The Dreamers Part 8

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"That is what I asked him," Christian answered. "And he handed me a type-written memorandum of what he called my record. It seems that for six months they have been spying upon me. Read it for yourself."

Mrs. Goodheart took the paper and read, with trembling hands:

"'January 1, 1898--wished Peggy Meguire a happy New Year.' Did you really, Christian?"

"I don't remember doing so," sighed the Gloomster. "If I did, it must have been in sarcasm, for I hate Peggy Meguire, and I am sure I wish her nothing of the sort. I told the Bishop so, but all he would say was, 'Read on.'"

[Ill.u.s.tration: WISHED HER A HAPPY NEW-YEAR]

"'February 23, 1898,'" Mrs. Goodheart continued, reading from the paper--"'took off his coat and wrapped it about the s.h.i.+vering form of a freezing woman.'

"How very imprudent of you, Christian!" said his wife.

"But the Bishop didn't know the circ.u.mstances," said Christian. "It was the subtlest kind of deviltry, not humanity, that prompted the act. If I hadn't given her my coat, the old lady would have frozen to death and been soon out of her misery. As it was, my wet coat saved her from an immediate surcease of sorrow, and, as I had foreseen, gave her muscular rheumatism of the most painful sort, from which she has suffered ever since."

"You should have explained to the Bishop."

"I did."

"And what did he say?"

"He said my methods were too d.a.m.ned artistic."

"What?" cried Mrs. Goodheart. "The Bishop?"

"Oh, well," said Christian, "words to that effect. He doesn't appreciate the subtleties of gloom distinction. What he looks for is sheer brutality. Might as well employ an out-and-out desperado for the work. I like to infuse a little art into my work. I've tried to bring Gloomsterism up to the level of an art, a science. Slapping a man in the face doesn't make him gloomy; it makes him mad. But subtlely infusing woe into his daily life, so that he doesn't know whence all his trouble comes--ah! that is the perfect flower of the Gloomster's work!"

"H'm!" said Mrs. Goodheart. "That's well enough, Christian. If you are rich enough to consume your own product with profit, it's all right to be artistic; but if you are dependent on a salary, don't forget your consumer. What else have they against you?"

"Read on, woman," said the Gloomster.

"'April 1, 1898,'" the lady read. "'Gave a half-crown to a starving beggar.'"

"That was another highly artistic act," said Christian. "I told the Bishop that I had given the coin to the beggar knowing it to be counterfeit, and hoping that he would be arrested for trying to pa.s.s it.

The Bishop cut me short by saying that my hope had not been fulfilled.

It seems that that a.s.s of a beggar bought some food with the half-crown, and the grocer who sold him the food put the counterfeit half-crown in the contribution-box the next Sunday, and the Church was stuck. That's what I call hard luck."

"Oh, well," returned Mrs. Goodheart, putting the paper down in despair.

"There's no need to read further. That alone is sufficient to cause your downfall. When do you resign?"

"At once," sighed Christian. "In fact, the Bishop had already written my resignation--which I signed."

"And the land is without a Gloomster for the first time in five hundred years?" demanded Mrs. Goodheart.

"No," said Christian, the tears coursing down his nose. "The place is filled already, and by one who knows gloom only theoretically--a mere summer resident of the Isle of Man. In short, a famous London author has succeeded me."

"His name!" cried Mrs. Goodheart.

"Just then," said Sn.o.bbe, "I awoke, and did not catch the author's name.

It is a curious thing about dreams that just when you get to the crucial point you wake up."

"I wonder who the deuce the chap could have been?" murmured the other diners. "Has any London author with a residence on the Isle of Man ever shown any acquaintance with gloom?"

"I don't know for sure," said Billy Jones. "But my impression is that it must be the editor of _Punch_. What I am uncertain about is his residence on the Isle of Man. Otherwise I think he fills the bill."



The pathetic tale of the Gloomster having been told and discussed, it turned out that Haarlem Bridge was the holder of the next ball in the sequence, the eighth. Haarley had been looking rather nervous all the evening, and two or three times he manifested some desire to withdraw from the scene. By order of the chairman, however, the precaution had been taken to lock all the doors, so that none of the Dreamers should escape, and, consequently, when the evil hour arrived, Haarley was perforce on hand.

He rose up reluctantly, and, taking a single page of ma.n.u.script from his pocket, after a few preliminary remarks that were no more nor less coherent than the average after-dinner speech, read the following lines, which he termed a magazine poem:

[Ill.u.s.tration: "'O ARGENT-BROWED SARCOPHAGUS'"]

"O argent-browed Sarcophagus, That looms so through the ethered trees, Why dost thou seem to those of us Who drink the poisoned chalice on our knees So distant and so empyrean, So dour yet full of mystery?

Hast thou the oracle as yet unseen To guide thy fell misogyny?

"Nay, let the spirit of the age With all its mystic beauty stand Translucent ever, aye, in spite the rage Of Cossack and of Samarcand!

Thou art enough for any soul's desire!

Thou hast the beauty of cerulean fire!

But we who grovel on the damask earth Are we despoilt of thy exigeant mirth?

"Canst listen to a prayer, Sarcophagus?

Indeed O art thou there, Sarcophagus?

What time the Philistine denies, What time the raucous cynic cries, Avaunt, yet spare! Let this thy motto be, With thy thesaurian verbosity.

Nor think that I, a caterpillian worm, Before thy glance should ever honk or squirm.

"'Tis but the stern condition of the poor That panting brings me pottering at thy door, To breathe of love and argent charity For thee, for thee, iguanodonic thee!"

"That's an excellent specimen of magazine poetry," said Billy Jones.

"But I observe, Haarley, that you haven't given it a t.i.tle. Perhaps if you gave it a t.i.tle we might get at the mystery of its meaning. A t.i.tle is a sort of Baedeker to the general run of magazine poems."

Haarlem grew rather red of countenance as he answered, "Well, I didn't exactly like to give it the t.i.tle I dreamed; it didn't seem to shed quite as much light on the subject as a t.i.tle should."

"Still, it may help," said Huddy Rivers. "I read a poem in a magazine the other day on 'Mystery.' And if it hadn't had a t.i.tle I'd never have understood it. It ran this way:

"Life, what art thou? Whence springest thou?

The past, the future, or the now?

Whence comes thy lowering lunacy?

Whence comes thy mizzling mystery?

Hast thou a form, a shape, a lineament?

Hast thou a single seraph-eyed medicament To ease our sorrow and our twitching woe?

The Dreamers Part 8

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