The Light of Divine Guidance Volume I Part 3

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It has given me the greatest pleasure to receive the first issues of the Baha'i Esperanto Gazette, and to learn of the splendid start you have made along a path which I am certain will lead you ultimately to glorious and abiding success.

I hail the inauguration of an international Baha'i Organ, so vitally needed at the present stage of our work, and destined to render services that are unique in their character to the component parts of the ever-expanding Baha'i world.

Though limited in its sphere of influence, and modest in features, yet it shall, due to the vital position it fulfills, grow from strength to strength and vindicate its claim as the one medium of international Baha'i intercourse. That it may achieve this purpose, it is inc.u.mbent upon those who are responsible for its publication and development to devise ways and means for the establishment and maintenance of regular and frequent communications with the various Baha'i National Spiritual a.s.semblies, that in time this promising Magazine may faithfully portray with force and beauty the diverse achievements of Baha'i communities throughout the world.

I a.s.sure you of my deepest interest in this fresh field of Baha'i enterprise, and of my great desire to promote in such parts of the Baha'i world as present circ.u.mstances permit the study of an international language which is of such an obvious and practical utility to our steadily advancing Cause.

May 'Abdu'l-Baha bless richly your efforts,

Your brother and fellow-worker


5 November 1925

To my dearly-beloved brothers and sisters in 'Abdu'l-Baha the members of the National Spiritual a.s.sembly, Care of the Secretary, Mrs. Consul Schwarz, Stuttgart, Germany.

My dear fellow-workers:

It is always a great pleasure to us all to receive from the German National Spiritual a.s.sembly, in whose members we have the greatest hopes, detailed and frequent reports regarding the work entrusted to their charge. I shall always welcome with the greatest joy and satisfaction any suggestions you may wish to offer, would be gratified to share in the study of your plans, in the consideration of your manifold difficulties and problems as well as in the joy of your individual as well as collective accomplishments. I therefore earnestly request you to inform me as regularly and as frequently as possible of the various features of your work, of the plans and schemes which you have in mind, of the various obstacles in your path, and of whatever is needed to ensure the peaceful and steady progress of your work and the consolidation of your devoted labours.

An active, united, and harmonious National Spiritual a.s.sembly, properly and conscientiously elected, vigorously functioning, alert and conscious of its many and pressing responsibilities, in close and continuous contact with the international center in the Holy Land, and keenly watchful of every development throughout the length and breadth of its ever-expanding field of work-is surely in this day of urgent necessity and paramount importance, for it is the corner-stone on which the edifice of Divine administration must ultimately rest. It is my hope and prayer that the ever-watchful Spirit of 'Abdu'l-Baha will guide, reinforce, and bless your unceasing and unsparing efforts, and crown with brilliant success the services which His well-beloved and loyal German friends are rendering to His Cause.

I am enclosing a general letter of appeal addressed to the declared believers throughout the Baha'i world, acquainting them with the present situation of the land in close proximity to the Shrines of Mount Carmel and urging them to do all in their power to safeguard for the future the surroundings of this cherished and sacred Spot.

I am also enclosing a copy of the list of transliterated terms commonly used in Baha'i Literature, and ask you to distribute them throughout the various Baha'i centres in Germany and Austria, that the friends the world over may adopt in their writings one common, authoritative, and uniform system of spelling and thus avoid inevitable confusion in future.

I have already acquainted you by cable of the sad and grave situation in Ba_gh_dad in connection with the House of Baha'u'llah, wherein He pa.s.sed the greater part of His sojourn in 'Iraq, which He explicitly designated as sacred, object of Baha'i veneration and pilgrimage, and of the future of which He spoke and wrote with glowing praise and majestic confidence. I am certain that every true believer in Germany and Austria, conscious of the gravity of the present situation, will after due consultation and deliberation, do all in his power to safeguard such an infinitely precious and sacred edifice.

The publication of "La Nova Tago" the first International Esperanto Gazette, has given me genuine and deep satisfaction and I trust that this promising Magazine, properly directed and nurtured, will achieve great things for the Cause in future. I strongly urge you to support it, guide it and direct it along the most profitable channels, and make of it in time a true mirror reflecting the world-wide activities of the Baha'i Cause. May it achieve its great and laudable purpose!

In my hours of prayer and meditation at the three holy Shrines, I particularly and most tenderly remember my unforgettable German friends, in whose ability, ardour, thoroughness, sagacity and constancy our Beloved had the greatest belief and confidence, of whose land He spoke so highly, and on whom He lavished His lovingkindness and blessings. We follow your present activities with no less admiration and affection, and feel certain that you are destined to play your part in securing the ultimate and universal recognition of the Baha'i Faith.

Awaiting eagerly your individual and collective letters, and a.s.suring you of my undiminished affection,

I am your true brother and fellow-worker


3 December 1925

The beloved of G.o.d and the handmaids of the Merciful in Dresden. c/o Mr.


My Dearly-beloved friends:

I have learned with feelings of grat.i.tude and satisfaction, the welcome news conveyed in Mr. Herrigel's letter regarding the establishment of a Baha'i centre in Dresden. I hasten to offer you in the name of all Baha'is the expression of our warmest welcome, and our best wishes for the expansion, and the consolidation of your newly-established centre.

The efforts of our indefatigable and self-sacrificing brother, Mr.

Herrigel, have at last yielded the promised fruit, and we feel confident, that by the unfailing a.s.sistance of the power of Baha'u'llah, and the fostering care of our dear brother, your numbers will increase, your knowledge of this Most Great Cause deepen, and your opportunities for the service of mankind in accordance with the Sublime principles of Baha'u'llah multiply.

I a.s.sure you, one and all, of my keen interest in your work, your plans and hopes for the future and of my fervent prayers for your happiness, success and welfare whenever I visit the Holy Shrines.

I trust and pray that some day we shall meet face to face in Haifa, and visit together the various historic sites, that have been hallowed by footsteps of Baha'u'llah and 'Abdu'l-Baha.

I urge you to take up earnestly the study of the Baha'i history and teachings, and to read most carefully such parts of Dr. Esselmont's book as have been already translated into German.

Wis.h.i.+ng you success from all my heart, and a.s.suring you again of our hearty welcome to the Abha fold,

I am your brother and well-wisher Shoghi


1 April 1926

Dear spiritual brothers and sisters:

Shoghi Effendi wishes me to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated Baha, 1, 83. He always looks with great expectation to the news of the progress of the Cause in Germany. That country together with the other states of central Europe have come out of the war, and the later developments of the political conditions almost ruined. They all feel the need for some new spirit which will pull the world out of the mora.s.s it is in. If the teachings of the Cause be properly set forth, if its solution of the social problems be clearly expounded, the people will undoubtedly grasp its significance and further its progress.

Shoghi Effendi prays to G.o.d that you may all be guided in your services so that the hopes of the Master may be realized in Germany even before it was expected.

There is no especial news here in Haifa. Pilgrims are coming and going, taking with them the beautiful spirit they obtain at the Blessed Shrines.

All the members of the family are well and eagerly await the news of your success....

[From the Guardian:]

My dear co-workers:

Your letter has greatly encouraged me in my work. I have great hopes in your future work and am deeply grateful for what you have already achieved. I will remember you in my prayers at the Beloved's Shrine and will supplicate for you that you may attract many a soul to this mighty and wondrous Revelation.

Your brother and well-wisher, Shoghi

The Light of Divine Guidance Volume I Part 3

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