Manco, the Peruvian Chief Part 26

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I must own that I was far from comfortable all the time, and afraid to move or almost to breathe. Every moment I expected to see them turn their heads, and to be discovered by their sharp eyes; and from the account I had heard of them, I could hope for nothing better than to be shot, and cooked forthwith for their suppers. After waiting, however, a short time, I saw them dart among the trees, and, to my great relief, in an opposite direction to the camp. Instantly I hurried down from my lofty perch, and made the best of my way towards the camp, keeping a bright look-out, lest any of their friends should catch me unawares.

I ran in breathless haste, anxious to warn my friends in the camp.

Twice, in my hurry, I missed my way, and found myself going in the very direction the Cas.h.i.+bos had taken. At length I saw a column of smoke curling up among the trees. I felt certain that it must proceed from the camp; yet, as I got nearer, a horrid idea seized me, and I fancied that I must be mistaken, and that I might find instead, the cannibals seated round one of their dreadful banquets. Still I went on, advancing as cautiously as I could, and taking care to leave as little trace of my course behind me as possible. After going on in this way for some time, my ear caught the sound of singing; and looking between the bushes, I saw a fire burning with a spit before it, and on the spit there was roasting what I might have mistaken for a small baby, had not my friend Ned been officiating as cook; and I guessed that it was a monkey which had been prying too near the camp, and had been shot either by him or Pedro. The scene I looked on was one of perfect quiet and repose. The three huts were finished; Nita was concluding some arrangements in the interior of hers, and her infant lay in a basket at the entrance. Ned, as I said, was acting as cook, and Pedro was attending to the horses which were picqueted around. I was very unwilling to be the bearer of bad news to my friends; but there was no time to be lost, so I walked in among them.

"Ned," I said, "we must be on our guard, there are Indians in the neighbourhood; they are fellows who would eat us if they could."

"They must catch us first," said Ned coolly. "If they do, they'll find some of us tough morsels, I calculate."

On seeing me, Nita rushed out and inquired for her husband, being alarmed at my having returned alone. I somewhat tranquillised her by explaining that I had been separated from the rest; but still she saw that all was not right. Though I was anxious to bring in the peccaries, Ned agreed with me that it would be imprudent to leave the camp, for we could not escape being discovered before long by the Cas.h.i.+bos. After a time I told Nita quietly that I had seen some strange Indians, and that I thought it wise to be on our guard against them; indeed, as we might possibly find a large party of them, and be obliged to retreat in a hurry, it would be better to pack up and be prepared for a start, as we were not in a spot where we could well defend ourselves if attacked.

Nita agreed with me in the wisdom of this proceeding, and accordingly we packed up our goods, and saddled and loaded our horses. I loaded my rifle, and Ned his pistols and musket; and Pedro and Nita got the bows and arrows and spears ready. I expressed a hope that all this preparation would not be required.

"So do I," answered Ned; "but you see, mate, a good seaman always gets his s.h.i.+p snug at night if he thinks a storm is brewing, because he can't see exactly the time when it may come. So I think we are right to get ready, for the savages, who may pay us a visit when we least expect them; and as just now, you see, if the rest don't come back, and we've only got you and I, and the young Don and the woman and the child, who won't be much help, the odds will be rather against us. Looking at these things, I think if we were to build up a bit of a fortification like, it would be some aid to us in case of need."

Ned's advice was too good to be neglected, and accordingly we set to work and cut down some young trees and branches; and taking the huts as a centre, we threw up a sort of breast-work, sufficient to a.s.sist in protecting us while we knelt down to fire.

We had by this time become very anxious at the prolonged absence of Manco and the Indians; and I greatly feared that they might have been surprised by the Cas.h.i.+bos, and murdered. The sun was casting the tall shadows of the trees across the forest glades, and still they did not come. At length I determined to mount one of the horses and go in quest of them. Just, however, as I was putting my foot in the stirrup, a shot was heard close to us, and then another, and several arrows came glancing between the trees, but falling short of the camp. Directly afterwards one of our Indians burst through the brushwood, an arrow sticking in his side. With a look of terror, he pointed towards the point from which he had come, uttering the words "Cas.h.i.+bos--Cas.h.i.+bos."

Having broken off the head of the arrow, and drawn out the shaft, I told the poor fellow to run into the camp; I sprung on my horse, and das.h.i.+ng forward with my rifle in my hand, I saw Manco and the two other Indians contending with a dozen or more Cas.h.i.+bos. Manco had shot two of them; but the rest, undaunted by the unexpected effect of the new instrument of death he held in his hand, were on the point of rus.h.i.+ng in upon him with their clubs. I saw there was not a moment to be lost, and forcing my way through the tangled ma.s.s of creepers and shrubs which lay between us, I reined up for an instant, and took a steady aim at the leading savage. He fell to the ground with a yell of rage, and I then, without stopping to load again, dashed on towards the next.

"Well done, mate, well done," I heard Ned shouting behind me. "Knock the rascals on the head; that's the way to settle them."

So astonished were the savages with the sudden apparition of me and my horse, that I had struck one fellow to the ground before he had time to defend himself. Ned took aim at a third, and wounded him; but the savages, rendered more furious, still came on with menacing gestures.

Manco had during the interval reloaded his rifle, and singling out another savage, brought him to the ground. This made the rest once more halt, and seeing me loading, they were on the point of taking flight, when some loud cries resounded through the woods, and gave them notice of the approach of some more of their companions.

"To the camp, to the camp, my friends!" exclaimed Manco, when he was aware of this; and obeying his order, we all retreated at once towards the huts. The Cas.h.i.+bos had received too strong a taste of our quality to follow at that instant, and allowed us to reach the camp unmolested.

We instantly held a council of war, and at first Manco, when he saw the fortification we had thrown up, proposed waiting where we were to receive the attack of our enemies; but he soon agreed with me and Ned, that it would be wiser to escape while we could, on horseback. We could not tell how many Cas.h.i.+bos there might be, and they would probably collect ultimately in such numbers as to overwhelm us, even should we at first succeed in beating them off. Our Indians, I found, were fully expecting to see their companion drop down dead, from the effects of the poison they supposed to have been on the arrow; but either it had not been poisoned at all, or the poison had dried and peeled off, for the man did not seem to suffer more than from an ordinary wound.

The advantage of our having made our preparations for moving beforehand was now apparent, and to it we probably owed our safety; for, without the loss of a moment, as soon as our plan of proceeding was settled, we mounted and rode off at a rapid rate through the woods. The Cas.h.i.+bos caught sight of us, and saluted us with loud shouts and war-whoops, and a flight of arrows came whistling after us; but we were already beyond their reach, and it only made us gallop the faster.

"Sing away, old fellows!" shouted Ned; "though you've lost your supper, we've saved ours," and he held out the monkey at the end of the spit which he had s.n.a.t.c.hed from the fire as we were mounting, and brought along with him.

Fortunately the country before us was tolerably free of trees, and the rock I have mentioned served to guide us; but the sun soon sunk below the horizon, and left as for a time in darkness. The sky was clear, and a bright star soon came out, by which we steered our course towards the river. The chief danger now to be apprehended, was from the fallen trunks of trees, or any soft bogs into which our horses might sink.

After a time the moon got up, and showed us more clearly our way. On we pushed, therefore, for though the Indians might not follow us in the dark, we were very certain that they would directly it was day; and our great aim was to get to some rocky spot by the bank of the river, where we might, by having the stream on our side, the more easily defend ourselves. Vampire bats and owls, and other night-birds flew by; and snakes and noxious reptiles crossed our path as we rode on; but nothing stopped us.

We pulled up when we reached the rock which had at first guided our course, and consulted whether we should take up our position there for the night, and prepare to defend it against the savages; but it was finally agreed that we would travel on till we reached the river. The journey would knock up our horses, but as we should have no further need of them, that could not be taken into consideration. Nita bore up very well; indeed she seemed to suffer from fatigue as little us any of us.

Sometimes her husband carried her child, and sometimes Ned took charge of it. About midnight a halt was called, on an elevated spot, whence we could command a tolerably clear view on all sides. We required to rest and feed our horses as well as ourselves, though we could not venture to light a fire, which would have betrayed our position to our pursuers.

While we rested and ate, we kept a vigilant watch; for though it was not probable that the Indians would have followed close to our heels, it was just possible that they might have done so, as in consequence of the numerous impediments in our way, a quick-footed man might have gone almost as fast as we did.

While I was gnawing away at the leg of the monkey, and looking out at the same time into the darkness below, I saw something move across an open glade. It came nearer, and stopped at a spot where the moonbeams streamed full upon it, when I saw that it was a large jaguar. He sat upon his hind-legs and looked at us very wistfully, as if he should like to secure one of us for supper. Presently he moved again and came a little nearer, when he sat down to look at us as before. I was going to have a shot at him, but Manco restrained me, observed that it might be heard by the Cas.h.i.+bos, and lead them to us. Still the jaguar crept nearer, and once more stopped to watch us. If he was hungry, we must have been very tempting to him. Our Indians at last thought it was no joke, for in another moment the jaguar might have picked one of us off; so they set up so loud a scream that they made him turn about in a fright, and scamper off into the forest. As this would to a certainty have led the Cas.h.i.+bos to us, if they were in the neighbourhood, we once more mounted and continued our journey. Sometimes I thought I heard the savages behind us; but the sound proved to be the cry of some bird or beast of prey.

No other adventure occurred, and, as day dawned, the calm waters of the river appeared s.h.i.+ning brightly through the trees. A little further on rose close to the stream a high rock, the river face of which was almost a perpendicular precipice, while that inland was steep and rugged in the extreme. The top was of sufficient extent, it appeared, to enable us to pitch our huts on it, and to keep our horses there, it necessary.

Having surveyed it, we discovered a path by which we could hope to lead up our horses, every other side being too difficult for men, even unenc.u.mbered with burdens, to climb up. After some trouble, we reached the top, whence we found a fine view up and down the river, and over a wide extent of forest on either side.

"The sooner we turn this place into a castle, the better for us, mate,"

observed Ned. "What say you? We must get some trees down first, though."

I told Manco what the sailor said, and he instantly agreeing, we set to work forthwith to cut down all the trees which grew around, and which might serve as a covert to the enemy, and would form palisades for us.

We set to work with a will with hatchets and knives, and in an hour had cut stakes enough to fence in the whole rock. Where the soil was of sufficient depth we drove them into it; and at the other places we piled up stones, which we brought up from the margin of the river. We gave ourselves not a moment's rest; even while we were eating we were sharpening the stakes. Ned set the example, and we all imitated him.

In more important points, as a leader. Manco showed himself fit to be a chief; but the British seaman, where manual work was concerned, was his superior. By noon we had a very respectable stockade run up, such as might withstand an attack for a short time from any ordinary enemy not possessed of firearms. All the trees and shrubs on the sides of the rock had been cut away, and stones had been piled up near all the more accessible points, to serve as a rampart, or to be used as weapons of defence.

"Now, mates," exclaimed Ned, after he had walked with an air of satisfaction round our fortifications, "the work is done, so let's pipe to dinner."

To dinner, accordingly, we went; and one of our dishes was the sloth I had shot, and we had some more monkeys, and several birds, which we had brought hung on to our saddles. We were obliged to light a fire, and we did not fear to do so, as we knew that in daylight the Indians would just as easily track us without its guidance as with it. After dinner we began to construct our huts in a more substantial way than usual, as we should be compelled, we knew, to live here some time to build our canoe. Everything depended on the rapidity with which we could work, so as to be in perfect readiness to receive an attack from the cannibals, should they have ventured to follow us. It was night before all our arrangements were concluded; and as during the whole time we had not given ourselves a moment's rest, we were well nigh worn out. It was necessary, however, to keep a watchful guard during the night, for which purpose we divided ourselves into three watches. We slept with our weapons by our sides, ready for instant use. When it came to my turn to watch, I walked round the ramparts to keep myself awake, for I was well aware of the cunning of the Cas.h.i.+bos, and that they always make their attacks at night. As I stopped for a moment, a long, shrill plaintive cry came through the night air, followed by three others of the same length, gradually deepening in tone, and which had a peculiarly melancholy expression. At first I thought the cry must have arisen from some human being in distress. I remarked it to the Indian who was watching with me.

"Ah, that sound comes from a little bird," he answered. "We call it the _alma perdida_. It is bewailing the dead, and good cause has it now to sound its notes--_Aye de me_!"

The night pa.s.sed on, and though on several occasions I fancied that I could distinguish the forms of the savage Cas.h.i.+bos skulking round us, none appeared, and daylight once more returned.




Our first care in the morning was to search for a tree which might serve us to scoop into a canoe, till lower down the Amazon we might fall in with one large enough to convey us to Para. Fortunately we discovered one to suit our purpose close to the rock, and we instantly set to work to bring it to the ground. Thanks to Manco's forethought in providing us with good hatchets, in the course of three hours it lay prostrate on the ground, a piece of about thirty-five feet long being marked off to form the canoe. All day we worked at it, one man at a time being stationed on the highest point of the rock to give notice of the approach of an enemy. Before night we had made some progress in fas.h.i.+oning the bow, and in scooping out the inside. The night pa.s.sed off as before, and we began to hope that the Cas.h.i.+bos had had a sufficient taste of our quality, and did not intend to attack us. Ned expressed his opinion that it would be necessary to build up some sides to our canoe; and as we had no means of sawing planks, we looked out for some tough smooth bark to answer the purpose. The Indians sewed the pieces we stripped from the trees neatly together; and afterwards they collected a quant.i.ty of black bees' wax, with which to cover the seams.

An Indian occupies the greater part of a year in making his canoe: we calculated that we could do the work, with the aid of our iron tools, in ten days or a fortnight. Three days had pa.s.sed away, and still no Cas.h.i.+bos had appeared.

"They will, I suspect, not come at all," I remarked to Manco.

"Do not be sure of that," he answered. "You do not know their savage and revengeful natures. They will lie in wait often for weeks or months together, to destroy an enemy. I'm afraid that they have only gone to collect their friends, and will be down on us in greater numbers."

The fifth night pa.s.sed away, and the sixth night came. Our canoe, though far from complete, was sufficiently hollowed out to form a boat, and Ned had that day shaped some paddles; but we had still to build up the sides, and to pay over the whole with wax, to make it water-tight; also to put in seats, and half-decks to the bow and stern, as well as to provision her, to make her fit for our voyage down the river. It was my watch, and Pedro and one of the Indians were with me.

"Hist, Senor!" said the latter. "I hear an enemy's footsteps on the ground. The sound comes down upon the wind. They think we are asleep, or they would be more cautious. Lie down, and we will not undeceive them till they are close to us."

"You are right," I answered; and I crept silently to where Pedro was standing, and told him what the Indian had said, desiring him also to rouse up the rest to be ready for action.

In another minute all hands were at their posts. We were only just in time; for presently we could distinguish through the stockades a number of tall savage-looking figures collected among the trees; and an arrow, with a burning head, was sent flying into the centre of our fort. It stuck in the ground, and did no damage. Instantly it was followed by a whole flight, and the most terrific yells and cries rent the air, as some hundreds of the fiercest-looking savages were now rus.h.i.+ng on towards the fort.

"Now, be steady, and fire," cried Manco.

We did, and each of us. .h.i.t his man; our Indians at the same time sending their arrows from their bows as fast as they could draw the string, returning those which the _Cas.h.i.+bos_ had sent. Several of our enemies had fallen by the time they had reached the foot of the hill. Still they came on, and began to climb the rocks. If they succeeded in getting up, and climbing over the stockades, we saw we should to a certainty be overwhelmed. On they came with terrific cries and yells.

Again and again we fired, and rarely missed; but their numbers were so great, that little impression was made on them. They found, however, as they got higher up, their difficulties increased. Our Indians plied them rapidly with arrows, and at intervals tumbled down the stones on their heads, and we continued loading and firing without cessation. We could almost reach them with our spears; and so crowded together were they, that they impeded each other's movements. This gave us a great advantage, of which we did not fail to profit; and seizing the largest stones at hand, we dashed them down on their faces, and knocked them off the cliff. Their places were, however, speedily supplied by others, and at length some of them succeeded in reaching the stockades. Now came the tug of war; for the fighting was hand to hand, where numbers would have the advantage. Just then I recollected the effect our horses had had on them before; and calling Manco, we mounted two which stood behind the hill, ready saddled, and dashed forward at the enemy with our spears in our hands, uttering loud shouts. The apparition so startled the foremost ranks, that they turned round to fly, hurrying those behind them back also. Seeing the success of our manoeuvre, we told the rest to follow our example. Nita, who had been by the side of Manco, leaped on a horse. Ned took hold of her baby; and the Indians, leading the baggage-horses, we prepared to gallop down the rock, and to charge the main body of the _Cas.h.i.+bos_. It seemed an act of desperation, but it was our only chance. Our arrows and stones were exhausted, and our ammunition would not have held out much longer. Our enemies, seeing us coming on with so bold a front, were seized with a panic; and, with loud cries, they all turned round and fled into the woods, leaving some dozen or more of their number dead on the field.

"We may now rest where we are, I suppose," I observed to Manco.

"No, no!" he answered. "They will go away, and hold a war council, and return again before long. We must get away from hence, and put the river between us before daylight, or we shall suffer from it."

Accordingly we descended from our rock, and security the horses to the trees, we united our strength, and launched our unfinished canoe into the water. The wood of which she was composed was so light that she floated high; but to give her greater buoyancy, we secured a quant.i.ty of dry rushes round the gunnel; and we found that when our stores were in her, there was room for all the party.

"Come, mates, it's time to be under weigh, if we are not to wait till the Injuns are back upon us," shouted Ned. But one of our Indians was missing.

While I was looking round for him, a bright light shone from the top of the rock, and soon afterwards he made his appearance. I found that he had gone back to light a fire, to make the _Cas.h.i.+bos_ suppose we were still on the rock. Ned's voice again summoning is, we embarked in the canoe; and the horses being fastened to their halters, plunged into the water after us, encouraged by the voices of the Indians. Ned, Manco, Pedro, and I seized the paddles, and away we went down the stream, gradually edging over to the opposite side. The horses, having been accustomed to cross rivers, swam well; and for half an hour we continued our course, till we reached a convenient landing place. Our poor horses were very much exhausted; but we reflected that had we left them on the other side, they would have fallen into the hands of the _Cas.h.i.+bos_.

Our intention had been to have sent them back with the Indians; but the men had pet.i.tioned so hard to be allowed to accompany Manco, that he could not refuse them; and we, therefore, were compelled to turn our animals loose, with a hope that they might escape being devoured by jaguars or shot by Indians.

We had landed in a little bay, the entrance of which was concealed, from the opposite sh.o.r.e. By aid of our horses, we dragged up our canoe, which already had begun to leak from want of caulking. Close to us was a rock, very similar to the one we had left, and to this we resolved to fly if we were again attacked; but Manco and the Indians expressed an opinion that the _Cas.h.i.+bos_ would not attempt to follow us across the stream.

Manco, the Peruvian Chief Part 26

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