Nixonland. Part 48
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Eighteen of them signed a letter: May 2, 1966, LBJCR, Reel 8. May 2, 1966, LBJCR, Reel 8. George Wallace's first political act: George Wallace's first political act: Stephen Lesher, Stephen Lesher, George Wallace: American Populist George Wallace: American Populist (New York: Addison-Wesley, 1994), 366. (New York: Addison-Wesley, 1994), 366. His school superintendent observed: His school superintendent observed: A. R. Meadows to H. D. Nelson, May 24 and 26, 1966, LBJCR, Reel 6; A. R. Meadows to H. D. Nelson, May 24 and 26, 1966, LBJCR, Reel 6;
On July 18, 1966: to Califano, July 18, 1966, LBJCR, Reel 8. to Califano, July 18, 1966, LBJCR, Reel 8. "Undoubtedly we are going to curse": "Undoubtedly we are going to curse": McPherson to Cater, July 22, 1966, LBJCR, Reel 8. "Please wake up!": January 2, 1965, McPherson to Cater, July 22, 1966, LBJCR, Reel 8. "Please wake up!": January 2, 1965, Atlanta Journal, Atlanta Journal, quoted in Rice, "1966 Gubernatorial Elections in Georgia." quoted in Rice, "1966 Gubernatorial Elections in Georgia."
On August 9: Congressional Record 112, pt. 13 (July 21, 1966), 18,701. 112, pt. 13 (July 21, 1966), 18,701. Whitener had earlier: Whitener had earlier: Ibid., 17,841. Ibid., 17,841. "Nothing in this t.i.tle": "Nothing in this t.i.tle": Ibid., 18,71718. Ibid., 18,71718.
One of them was Clark MacGregor: United States Congress, United States Congress, Civil Rights, 1966: Hearings Before Subcommittee No. 5, Eighty-ninth Congress, Second Session Civil Rights, 1966: Hearings Before Subcommittee No. 5, Eighty-ninth Congress, Second Session (Was.h.i.+ngton, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1966), 1245. (Was.h.i.+ngton, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1966), 1245. "The mayor had never experienced": "The mayor had never experienced": "Inside Report: Risk on Plymouth Street," WP, August 19, 1966. "Inside Report: Risk on Plymouth Street," WP, August 19, 1966.
"If this amendment is defeated": Congressional Record 112, pt. 13 (July 21, 1966). 112, pt. 13 (July 21, 1966).
A September 9 column: "Inside Report: Education Bombsh.e.l.l," WP, September 9, 1966. "Inside Report: Education Bombsh.e.l.l," WP, September 9, 1966. What it referred to: What it referred to: See, for example, Cater to Gardner, cc Howe, May 21, 1966; Cater to McPherson, August 5, 1966, LBJCR, Reel 8; USNWR, September 5, 1966. See, for example, Cater to Gardner, cc Howe, May 21, 1966; Cater to McPherson, August 5, 1966, LBJCR, Reel 8; USNWR, September 5, 1966.
"world of wall-to-wall carpeting": USNWR, October 10, 1966. USNWR, October 10, 1966. "Mr. Speaker," South Carolina's: "Mr. Speaker," South Carolina's: "Howe Attacked in House on Integration of Schools," NYT, October 1, 1966; "Howe Attacked in House on Integration of Schools," NYT, October 1, 1966; Nation, Nation, October 7, 1966. October 7, 1966.
On Wednesday, September 21: "Southern Governors Unit Scores School Guidelines Enforcement," NYT, September 22, 1966. "Southern Governors Unit Scores School Guidelines Enforcement," NYT, September 22, 1966. on Thursday: on Thursday: Matusow, Matusow, Unraveling of America, Unraveling of America, 191. 191. on Monday: Congressional Record on Monday: Congressional Record 112, pt. 18, 23, 83548. 112, pt. 18, 23, 83548. on Tuesday: on Tuesday: "Racial Violence Breaks Out Again in San Francisco," NYT, September 29, 1996; Bill Boyarsky, "Racial Violence Breaks Out Again in San Francisco," NYT, September 29, 1996; Bill Boyarsky, The Rise of Ronald Reagan The Rise of Ronald Reagan (New York: Random House, 1968), 127. (New York: Random House, 1968), 127. and on Wednesday: and on Wednesday: Dan T. Carter, Dan T. Carter, The Politics of Rage: George Wallace, the Origin of the New Conservatism, and the Transformation of American Politics The Politics of Rage: George Wallace, the Origin of the New Conservatism, and the Transformation of American Politics (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1996), 306. (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1996), 306. And on Thursday, the Senate: Congressional Record And on Thursday, the Senate: Congressional Record 112, pt. 18, 23,913; "Senate Restricts Rights Guideline; Would Allow Segregation of Patients in Certain Cases," NYT, September 28, 1966. 112, pt. 18, 23,913; "Senate Restricts Rights Guideline; Would Allow Segregation of Patients in Certain Cases," NYT, September 28, 1966. Explained Majority Leader: Explained Majority Leader: "Mansfield Asks Slowdown on School Desegregation," NYT, September 29, 1966. "Mansfield Asks Slowdown on School Desegregation," NYT, September 29, 1966. Indeed, in May, 32 percent: Indeed, in May, 32 percent: USNWR, October 10, 1966. USNWR, October 10, 1966. Crowed Senator James Eastland: Crowed Senator James Eastland: Carter, Carter, Politics of Rage, Politics of Rage, 307. See also 307. See also Reporter Reporter magazine, October 20, 1966. magazine, October 20, 1966.
The House took up debate: "House Takes Up School Aid Bill," NYT, October 7, 1966. "House Takes Up School Aid Bill," NYT, October 7, 1966.
John Brademas, a liberal Democrat: Congressional Record 112, pt. 19, 25,538. 112, pt. 19, 25,538. "They have auditors crawling": "They have auditors crawling": Ibid., 25,576. Ibid., 25,576. In an October 6 press conference: In an October 6 press conference: "Johnson Concedes Errors on Rights," NYT, October 7, 1966; PPP 501, October 6, 1966. "Johnson Concedes Errors on Rights," NYT, October 7, 1966; PPP 501, October 6, 1966. "We accept tokenism": "We accept tokenism": "Mansfield Asks Slowdown on School Desegregation." "Mansfield Asks Slowdown on School Desegregation."
It seems HEW is determined: Elizabeth Kulcyzk to Douglas, September 30, 1966, PDP722.
He was lying: September 11, 1966, Gallup poll in LBJCR, Reel 3. September 11, 1966, Gallup poll in LBJCR, Reel 3.
"Bobst thought it was": Garment, Garment, Crazy Rhythm, Crazy Rhythm, 86. 86.
"If Johnson wants to": "Nixon on Nixon and Other Issues," NYT, September 4, 1966. "Nixon on Nixon and Other Issues," NYT, September 4, 1966.
Pundits spoke of a "Kennedy wing": "LBJ Still Haunted After 1,000 Days," WP, Outlook section, September 18, 1966. "LBJ Still Haunted After 1,000 Days," WP, Outlook section, September 18, 1966. "If Lyndon thinks he's": "If Lyndon thinks he's": "Nixon on Nixon and Other Issues." "Nixon on Nixon and Other Issues." "I don't know what it means": "I don't know what it means": "Nixon on the Stump-an Old Timer at 53," NYT, Week in Review, October 2, 1966. "Nixon on the Stump-an Old Timer at 53," NYT, Week in Review, October 2, 1966.
Lyndon "barks and it barks": Stanley Kutler, Stanley Kutler, The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon (New York: W. W. Norton, 1992), 58. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1992), 58.
That was the sore Nixon: Witcover, Witcover, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, 156. 156.
Since spring, his economists: Matusow, Matusow, Unraveling of America, Unraveling of America, 15660; PPP 155, October 31, 1966; 15660; PPP 155, October 31, 1966; Richmond News Leader, Richmond News Leader, May 20, 1966, quoting Michael Janeway; LAT, March 17, 1966, 1; "Vietnam: The Home Front," April 1, 1966, NBC broadcast, MTR, T81:0844; "Why All This Inflation," May 20, 1966, quoting Michael Janeway; LAT, March 17, 1966, 1; "Vietnam: The Home Front," April 1, 1966, NBC broadcast, MTR, T81:0844; "Why All This Inflation," Reader's Digest, Reader's Digest, July 1966; "The Risk of Runaway Inflation," July 1966; "The Risk of Runaway Inflation," Reader's Digest, Reader's Digest, August 1966; "White House Sees Steel Price Rises as Inflationary," NYT, August 5, 1966; "Was.h.i.+ngton Whispers," USNWR, August 8, 1966. August 1966; "White House Sees Steel Price Rises as Inflationary," NYT, August 5, 1966; "Was.h.i.+ngton Whispers," USNWR, August 8, 1966.
In the middle of August: Matusow, Matusow, Unraveling of America, Unraveling of America, 156. 156. A twenty-eight-year-old Phoenix mother: Nation, A twenty-eight-year-old Phoenix mother: Nation, October 10, 1966. October 10, 1966.
Fulbright "arrogance of power" speech: "The Power Akin to Freedom," Time, Time, April 29, 1966; James William Fulbright, April 29, 1966; James William Fulbright, The Arrogance of Power The Arrogance of Power (New York: Random House, 1967). (New York: Random House, 1967). The junior senator from New York: The junior senator from New York: Jeff Shesol, Jeff Shesol, Mutual Contempt: Robert Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and the Feud That Defined a Decade Mutual Contempt: Robert Kennedy, Lyndon Johnson, and the Feud That Defined a Decade (New York: W. W. Norton, 1998), 299. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1998), 299.
He said the president might: "Nixon Forecasts Vietnam Buildup," NYT, September 14, 1966. "Nixon Forecasts Vietnam Buildup," NYT, September 14, 1966.
Nixon hit Ohio: "Nixon Warns of Peril to Two-Party System," NYT, September 15, 1966; "Nixon Warns of Peril to Two-Party System," NYT, September 15, 1966; Cincinnati Inquirer, Cincinnati Inquirer, September 15, 1966. September 15, 1966.
Denver, Davenport, Salt Lake City: USNWR, September 16, 1966; Rocky Mountain News, Rocky Mountain News, September 16, 1966; "Nixon in Iowa," NYT, September 16, 1966; "Nixon Would Curb s.h.i.+pping to Hanoi," NYT, September 17, 1966. September 16, 1966; "Nixon in Iowa," NYT, September 16, 1966; "Nixon Would Curb s.h.i.+pping to Hanoi," NYT, September 17, 1966.
thought Garry Wills: Garry Wills, Garry Wills, Nixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man Nixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970), 13. (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1970), 13.
He received over a thousand: USNWR, July 4, 1996. USNWR, July 4, 1996. The The New York Times New York Times's John Herbers: "Nixon Asks G.O.P. to Unite in South," NYT, September 30, 1966. "Nixon Asks G.O.P. to Unite in South," NYT, September 30, 1966.
For instance, Iowa's: Interview with John Schmidhauser. Interview with John Schmidhauser.
In Gallup's poll: D. Duane Angel, D. Duane Angel, Romney: A Political Biography Romney: A Political Biography (New York: Exposition Press, 1967), 220. (New York: Exposition Press, 1967), 220. To the talking heads: To the talking heads: See, for example, "GOP Governors Seen Trying for Moderate in '68," LAT, July 5, 1966. See, for example, "GOP Governors Seen Trying for Moderate in '68," LAT, July 5, 1966.
This new political science: Marshall McLuhan, Marshall McLuhan, Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man (New York: Signet, 1964); Nixon citation from 2001 Routledge edition, 360. (New York: Signet, 1964); Nixon citation from 2001 Routledge edition, 360. "Republican Camelot": "Republican Camelot": See the chapter by that name in Wills, See the chapter by that name in Wills, Nixon Agonistes, Nixon Agonistes, 219. 219.
George Romney: "The Dinosaur Hunter," Time, Time, April 6, 1959; "The Citizen's Candidate," April 6, 1959; "The Citizen's Candidate," Time, Time, November 16, 1962. Charles Percy: "A Delicate Business," November 16, 1962. Charles Percy: "A Delicate Business," Time, Time, March 31, 1967; "The Temper of the Times," March 31, 1967; "The Temper of the Times," Time, Time, April 14, 1967; Rick Perlstein, April 14, 1967; Rick Perlstein, Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus (New York: Hill & w.a.n.g, 2001), 56, 79. (New York: Hill & w.a.n.g, 2001), 56, 79. "the first Kennedy Republican": "the first Kennedy Republican": George D. Wolfe, George D. Wolfe, William Warren Scranton: Pennsylvania Statesman William Warren Scranton: Pennsylvania Statesman (State College: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1981), 65. (State College: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1981), 65. "He is fresh": "He is fresh": Vincent J. Cannato, Vincent J. Cannato, The Ungovernable City: John Lindsay and the Battle to Save New York The Ungovernable City: John Lindsay and the Battle to Save New York (New York: Basic Books, 2003), 43. (New York: Basic Books, 2003), 43.
"A man needs money": Wills, Wills, Nixon Agonistes, Nixon Agonistes, 21920. 21920.
"Where Beame symbolized": Cannato, Cannato, Ungovernable City, Ungovernable City, 64. 64. "the first leader his party": CQ Political Report, "the first leader his party": CQ Political Report, November 12, 1965. November 12, 1965. "Will the real liberal": "Will the real liberal": Cannato, Cannato, Ungovernable City, Ungovernable City, 64. 64.
"Do you realize that": Ibid., 63. Ibid., 63.
"The thorough research": Ibid., 73. Ibid., 73. "A Long Six Months": "A Long Six Months": NYT, July 4, 1966, 14. NYT, July 4, 1966, 14.
New York Civilian Complaint Review Board campaign: Cannato, Ungovernable City, Ungovernable City, 45, 15583; "25,000 Police Against the Review Board," NYTM, October 16, 1966; "Ca.s.sese a.s.serts Reds Back Board," NYT, September 20, 1966; Tamar Jacoby, 45, 15583; "25,000 Police Against the Review Board," NYTM, October 16, 1966; "Ca.s.sese a.s.serts Reds Back Board," NYT, September 20, 1966; Tamar Jacoby, Someone Else's House: America's Unfinished Struggle for Integration Someone Else's House: America's Unfinished Struggle for Integration (New York: Free Press, 1998), 98100; Nick Salvatore interview; Ryan Hayes interview. See also Peter Maas, (New York: Free Press, 1998), 98100; Nick Salvatore interview; Ryan Hayes interview. See also Peter Maas, Serpico Serpico (New York: Viking, 1973). (New York: Viking, 1973).
On September 20, Gerald Ford: "Right Backers Fear Backlash," NYT, September 21, 1966.
"Brown looked out the window": Bill Boyarsky, Bill Boyarsky, The Rise of Ronald Reagan The Rise of Ronald Reagan (New York: Random House, 1968), 127. (New York: Random House, 1968), 127.
The next day, Ronald Reagan: "Ronald for Real," "Ronald for Real," Time, Time, October 7, 1966. October 7, 1966.
"I am afraid of what lies": David J. Garrow, David J. Garrow, Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King and the Southern Christian Leaders.h.i.+p Conference Bearing the Cross: Martin Luther King and the Southern Christian Leaders.h.i.+p Conference (New York: Harper Perennial, 1999), 532. (New York: Harper Perennial, 1999), 532. Atlanta's conscience-stricken: Reporter Atlanta's conscience-stricken: Reporter magazine, October 22, 1966; "A Candidate of Conscience" and "A Rebellious Southerner," NYT, October 4, 1966; "Charles L. Weltner, 64, Chief Justice of Georgia," NYT, September 2, 1992. magazine, October 22, 1966; "A Candidate of Conscience" and "A Rebellious Southerner," NYT, October 4, 1966; "Charles L. Weltner, 64, Chief Justice of Georgia," NYT, September 2, 1992.
At the New Southern Hotel: "Nixon Asks GOP to Unite in South," NYT, September 30, 1966. "Nixon Asks GOP to Unite in South," NYT, September 30, 1966. "In building this party": "In building this party": "Nixon on the Stump-an Old-Timer at 53," NYT, October 2, 1966. "Nixon on the Stump-an Old-Timer at 53," NYT, October 2, 1966.
The New York Times New York Times was impressed: was impressed: Ibid. Ibid.
The media reported: "LBJ Rapped by Romney on Inflation," WP, September 30, 1966. "LBJ Rapped by Romney on Inflation," WP, September 30, 1966.
"declare victory and go home": "Aiken Suggests U.S. Say It Has Won War," NYT, October 20, 1966. "Aiken Suggests U.S. Say It Has Won War," NYT, October 20, 1966. "From diplomats in Tokyo": "From diplomats in Tokyo": Jules Witcover, Jules Witcover, The Resurrection of Richard Nixon The Resurrection of Richard Nixon (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1970), 157. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1970), 157. Arriving in Greensboro: Arriving in Greensboro: "Nixon Criticizes U.S. Peace Steps," NYT, September 29, 1966. "Nixon Criticizes U.S. Peace Steps," NYT, September 29, 1966.
"He has put politics": "Nixon Scores Johnson for 'Politics' on Peace," NYT, October 2, 1966. "Nixon Scores Johnson for 'Politics' on Peace," NYT, October 2, 1966. "If Mr. Goldberg's naive": "If Mr. Goldberg's naive": NYT, September 29, 1966; Nixon to Eisenhower, October 4, 1966, RNLB, PPS 324.*246.5. NYT, September 29, 1966; Nixon to Eisenhower, October 4, 1966, RNLB, PPS 324.*246.5.
In Chicago, on October 8: "Draft Charter of Free Asia, Nixon Urges," NYT, October 9, 1966. "Draft Charter of Free Asia, Nixon Urges," NYT, October 9, 1966.
Then he broke: Leonard Garment, Leonard Garment, Crazy Rhythm: From Brooklyn and Jazz to Nixon's White House, Watergate, and Beyond Crazy Rhythm: From Brooklyn and Jazz to Nixon's White House, Watergate, and Beyond (New York: Crown, 1997), 90. (New York: Crown, 1997), 90.
"GOP Will Press Racial Disorders": NYT, October 4, 1966, 1. NYT, October 4, 1966, 1.
Whereas, in 1964: David A. Nichols, David A. Nichols, A Matter of Justice: Eisenhower and the Beginning of the Civil Rights Revolution A Matter of Justice: Eisenhower and the Beginning of the Civil Rights Revolution (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007), 269. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2007), 269.
In Milwaukee, members: "Rights Unit Gets Own Commandos," NYT, October 9, 1966. "Rights Unit Gets Own Commandos," NYT, October 9, 1966. He didn't ask for an injunction: He didn't ask for an injunction: "Shotgun Blast Hits Home of Wisconsin Klan Chief," NYT, October 9, 1966. "Shotgun Blast Hits Home of Wisconsin Klan Chief," NYT, October 9, 1966.
So Republican candidates posed: "GOP Dramatizes Inflation as Key Issue," NYT, October 5, 1966. "GOP Dramatizes Inflation as Key Issue," NYT, October 5, 1966. Paul Douglas complained: The New Republic, Paul Douglas complained: The New Republic, October 22, 1966; "Senator Douglas Takes the Gloves Off," NYT, October 20, 1966; see also, for instance, Rantoul, Illinois, speech, March 18, 1966, PDP, Box 1108, Campaign Correspondence. October 22, 1966; "Senator Douglas Takes the Gloves Off," NYT, October 20, 1966; see also, for instance, Rantoul, Illinois, speech, March 18, 1966, PDP, Box 1108, Campaign Correspondence. A frank GOP official explained: A frank GOP official explained: "GOP Dramatizes Inflation as Key Issue." "GOP Dramatizes Inflation as Key Issue."
Charles Percy went on CBS's: "Percy Finds Rival Hurt by Backlash," NYT, October 17, 1966; "Percy Finds Rival Hurt by Backlash," NYT, October 17, 1966; Evening Post, Evening Post, November 5, 1966. November 5, 1966. "I am for open": "I am for open": "Senator Douglas Takes the Gloves Off." "Senator Douglas Takes the Gloves Off."
Handbills started appearing: PDP, Box 1117, Percy Materials. See also brochure for John Lanigan for state senate with bungalow on the cover-"when our peaceful parks and streets"-opening onto shooting flames-"are turned over to a 'non-violent' marching group." PDP, Box 1117, Percy Materials. See also brochure for John Lanigan for state senate with bungalow on the cover-"when our peaceful parks and streets"-opening onto shooting flames-"are turned over to a 'non-violent' marching group."
"Backlash in Jersey Is Favoring Case": NYT, October 30, 1966, 72. NYT, October 30, 1966, 72.
President Johnson spoke: "President Scores GOP in Congress at Newark Rally," NYT, October 8, 1966. "President Scores GOP in Congress at Newark Rally," NYT, October 8, 1966.
"The leader and the dean": PPP 504, October 7, 1966. PPP 504, October 7, 1966.
"It hasn't been too many": PPP 513, October 12, 1966. PPP 513, October 12, 1966. At the monument: At the monument: PPP 510, October 12, 1966. PPP 510, October 12, 1966.
In Delaware the president: PPP 515, October 13, 1966; Stephen Ambrose, PPP 515, October 13, 1966; Stephen Ambrose, Nixon, Vol. 2: The Triumph of a Politician, 19621972 Nixon, Vol. 2: The Triumph of a Politician, 19621972 (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989), 93. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989), 93.
Nixon released a statement: "Nixon Bids Johnson Apologize to GOP For 'Vicious' Attack," NYT, October 15, 1966. "Nixon Bids Johnson Apologize to GOP For 'Vicious' Attack," NYT, October 15, 1966.
The president, in Pennsylvania: PPP 528, October 16, 1966. PPP 528, October 16, 1966. He had just signed: He had just signed: PPP 508, 522, 523, 527, October 1116, 1966. PPP 508, 522, 523, 527, October 1116, 1966. "In Tight Races Backlash Vote": "In Tight Races Backlash Vote": NYT, October 17, 1966, 1. NYT, October 17, 1966, 1.
Nixon had two weeks: Andrew L. Johns, "A Voice from the Wilderness: Richard Nixon and the Vietnam War, 19641966," Andrew L. Johns, "A Voice from the Wilderness: Richard Nixon and the Vietnam War, 19641966," Presidential Studies Quarterly Presidential Studies Quarterly 29 (1999). 29 (1999).
"third country" nations: Christian Appy, Christian Appy, Working-Cla.s.s War: American Combat Soldiers and Vietnam Working-Cla.s.s War: American Combat Soldiers and Vietnam (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1993), 16. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1993), 16. In Canberra, Australia: In Canberra, Australia: Tom Wells, Tom Wells, The War Within: America's Battle over Vietnam The War Within: America's Battle over Vietnam (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994), 100. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1994), 100.
At the Manila summit, Johnson: PPP 548, October 24, 1966; Bill Moyers interview. PPP 548, October 24, 1966; Bill Moyers interview.
Then Johnson disembarked: "President Visits G.I.'s in Surprise Trip," NYT, October 27, 1966. "President Visits G.I.'s in Surprise Trip," NYT, October 27, 1966.
My account of servicemen's lives in Vietnam is drawn from Appy, Working-Cla.s.s War, Working-Cla.s.s War, 12146, 163, 295. 12146, 163, 295.
On melioidosis: "Vietnam's Time Bomb," Time, Time, February 10, 1967. February 10, 1967. "What he seeks": "What he seeks": "Five Day Bonanza," "Five Day Bonanza," Time, Time, December 22, 1967. December 22, 1967.
"bouncing betty": Appy, Working-Cla.s.s War, Working-Cla.s.s War, 333. 333. a seventy-five-mile tunnel system: a seventy-five-mile tunnel system: Ibid., 171; Ibid., 171;
"There are some who may": PPP 552, October 26, 1966; Stanley Karnow, PPP 552, October 26, 1966; Stanley Karnow, Vietnam: A History Vietnam: A History (New York: Viking, 1983), 501. (New York: Viking, 1983), 501.
In late October, the Republican: WP, October 26, 1966. WP, October 26, 1966. The chair of the RCCC: The chair of the RCCC: Witcover, Witcover, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, 123. 123.
Kalamazoo: "Nixon Says Tax Increase in '67 Would Touch Off a Recession," NYT, October 26, 1966. Grand Rapids: Witcover, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, 160. Oregon and Spokane: Ibid.; 160. Oregon and Spokane: Ibid.; Seattle Times, Seattle Times, October 28, 1966; "Nixon Says 'Johnson Blitz' Threatens 'Great Republican Tide,'" NYT, October 28, 1966. October 28, 1966; "Nixon Says 'Johnson Blitz' Threatens 'Great Republican Tide,'" NYT, October 28, 1966.
In Boise, he noted: "Nixon Fears War as Issue in 1968," NYT, October 29, 1966. "Nixon Fears War as Issue in 1968," NYT, October 29, 1966.
Bill Moyers was on the horn: Witcover, Witcover, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, 159. 159. At 4:29 a.m., Nixon woke them: At 4:29 a.m., Nixon woke them: Ibid. Ibid.
"How can you have your mother": "Inside Report: Doubts in Nixon Country," WP, November 3, 1966. "Inside Report: Doubts in Nixon Country," WP, November 3, 1966.
No literary critic ever read: William Safire, William Safire, Before the Fall: An Inside View of the Pre-Watergate White House Before the Fall: An Inside View of the Pre-Watergate White House (New York: Ballantine, 1977), 36. (New York: Ballantine, 1977), 36. Just as Nixon worried: Just as Nixon worried: PPP 549, October 25, 1966. PPP 549, October 25, 1966.
He started banging out notes: Garment, Garment, Crazy Rhythm, Crazy Rhythm, 113. 113. In an aboard-plane interview: In an aboard-plane interview: "Nixon Bids 2 Parties Meet Johnson War," NYT, November 1, 1966. "Nixon Bids 2 Parties Meet Johnson War," NYT, November 1, 1966.
On November 1, Nixon's: Jules Witcover, Jules Witcover, White Knight: The Rise of Spiro Agnew White Knight: The Rise of Spiro Agnew (New York: Random House, 1972), 128. (New York: Random House, 1972), 128.
The Republican National Committee had produced: "GOP Gives Party Film Mixed Reviews," WP, November 2, 1966. "GOP Gives Party Film Mixed Reviews," WP, November 2, 1966.
On the Thursday morning: Safire, Safire, Before the Fall, Before the Fall, 36. 36. In the afternoon, Lyndon Johnson: In the afternoon, Lyndon Johnson: PPP 575, November 3, 1966. PPP 575, November 3, 1966.
Experienced observers had long ago: Bill Moyers interview. Kidney stone: Robert Caro: Bill Moyers interview. Kidney stone: Robert Caro: Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson (New York: Knopf, 2002), 61819. Heart attack: Ibid., 62226. (New York: Knopf, 2002), 61819. Heart attack: Ibid., 62226. "It's not an emergency": "It's not an emergency": PPP 575. PPP 575.
"Do you think it will get": Safire, Safire, Before the Fall, Before the Fall, 37. 37.
"I sold as hard": Ibid., 38. Ibid., 38.
A gaggle of reporters: Ibid., 3637. Ibid., 3637.
The lead article: "Nixon Criticizes Manila Results," NYT, November 4, 1966. "Nixon Criticizes Manila Results," NYT, November 4, 1966.
The jump on page 18: "The Text of Nixon's Appraisal of Results of Manila Conference on the Vietnam War," NYT, November 4, 1966. "The Text of Nixon's Appraisal of Results of Manila Conference on the Vietnam War," NYT, November 4, 1966.
Johnson yowled: Safire, Safire, Before the Fall, Before the Fall, 38. 38.
"I didn't get weary": PPP 575, November 3, 1966. PPP 575, November 3, 1966.
Nudges. Murmurs: Jules Witcover describes the press conference scene in Jules Witcover describes the press conference scene in Resurrection of Richard Nixon, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, 16265. 16265.
He couldn't hide that: Ibid., 163. Ibid., 163.
"Says Republican Does Not": "Johnson Derides Nixon's Criticism of Manila Stand," NYT, November 5, 1966. "Johnson Derides Nixon's Criticism of Manila Stand," NYT, November 5, 1966.
"He hit us!": Safire, Safire, Before the Fall, Before the Fall, 39. 39.
"The only time to lose": Fawn Brodie, Fawn Brodie, Richard Nixon: The Shaping of His Character Richard Nixon: The Shaping of His Character (New York: W. W. Norton, 1981), 48. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1981), 48. Jules Witcover wrote that: Jules Witcover wrote that: Witcover, Witcover, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, 165. 165.
Mike Wallace of CBS: Ibid.; Garment, Ibid.; Garment, Crazy Rhythm, Crazy Rhythm, 114. 114.
Then, speaking at the armory: "Nixon Sees Break in Bipartisan Line," NYT, November 5, 1966. "Nixon Sees Break in Bipartisan Line," NYT, November 5, 1966.
Down at the LBJ Ranch: Witcover, Witcover, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, 167. 167.
Nixon said, "Is every": "Nixon Defended by Eisenhower After Criticism by the President," NYT, November 6, 1966. "Nixon Defended by Eisenhower After Criticism by the President," NYT, November 6, 1966.
Both parties had been provided: Witcover, Witcover, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, 167. 167. The RNC had planned: The RNC had planned: "Nixon May Share TV with Disputed Film," WP, November 4, 1966. "Nixon May Share TV with Disputed Film," WP, November 4, 1966. But that never suited: But that never suited: Safire, Safire, Before the Fall, Before the Fall, 34. 34. They even considered: They even considered: Witcover, Witcover, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, Resurrection of Richard Nixon, 168. 168. The Republicans also: The Republicans also: "Bailey Guilty of 'Smear,' Laird Says," WP, November 6, 1966. "Bailey Guilty of 'Smear,' Laird Says," WP, November 6, 1966.
Sunday morning, Nixon: Ralph de Toledano, Ralph de Toledano, One Man Alone: Richard Nixon One Man Alone: Richard Nixon (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1969), 332. (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1969), 332. "I respect you for the great": "I respect you for the great": David Broder and Stephen Hess, David Broder and Stephen Hess, The Republican Establishment: The Present and Future of the GOP The Republican Establishment: The Present and Future of the GOP (New York: Harper & Row, 1967), 197. (New York: Harper & Row, 1967), 197.
"In the s.p.a.ce of a single": Andrew E. Busch, Andrew E. Busch, Horses in Midstream: U.S. Midterm Elections and Their Consequences Horses in Midstream: U.S. Midterm Elections and Their Consequences (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999), 101. (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1999), 101. Handicappers had said: Handicappers had said: Ryan Hayes interview. Ryan Hayes interview.
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