Nixonland. Part 60

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Kissinger figured out by the seventeenth: Reeves, Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 332. 332. "Go back and read the chapter": "Go back and read the chapter": Ibid., 338. Ibid., 338.

Chuck Colson-who had: "The Man Who Converted to Softball," "The Man Who Converted to Softball," Time, Time, June 17, 1974. June 17, 1974.

Ellsberg, he told Haldeman: Bruce Oudes, ed., Bruce Oudes, ed., From: The President: Richard Nixon's Secret Files From: The President: Richard Nixon's Secret Files (New York: HarperCollins, 1989), 283. (New York: HarperCollins, 1989), 283. the Justice Department's Robert Mardian: the Justice Department's Robert Mardian: R. W. Apple, ed., R. W. Apple, ed., The Watergate Hearings: Break-in and Coverup The Watergate Hearings: Break-in and Coverup (New York: Viking, 1973), 511. (New York: Viking, 1973), 511.

"We have the Democrats on a marvelous": Oudes, ed., Oudes, ed., From: The President, From: The President, 28384. 28384.

Provide top-secret doc.u.ments: Stanley Kutler, Stanley Kutler, The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon The Wars of Watergate: The Last Crisis of Richard Nixon (New York: W. W. Norton, 1992), 45. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1992), 45. likely to get lost: likely to get lost: Ibid. Ibid.

Nixon called the majority leader: Reeves, Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 336. 336.

Said Haldeman: "Huston swears": Ibid., 33435. Ibid., 33435.

"I want Brookings": Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 339. Mardian and Hoover: Ibid., 372. Recruiting for Ellsberg project: Stanley Kutler, 339. Mardian and Hoover: Ibid., 372. Recruiting for Ellsberg project: Stanley Kutler, Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes (New York: Free Press, 1997), 1012; Oudes, ed., (New York: Free Press, 1997), 1012; Oudes, ed., From: The President, From: The President, 261; Staffs of United Press International and the 261; Staffs of United Press International and the World Almanac, The Impeachment Report: A Guide to Congressional Proceedings in the Case of Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States World Almanac, The Impeachment Report: A Guide to Congressional Proceedings in the Case of Richard M. Nixon, President of the United States (New York: Signet, 1974), 160; John W. Dean, (New York: Signet, 1974), 160; John W. Dean, Blind Ambition: The White House Years Blind Ambition: The White House Years (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1976), 47. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1976), 47.

Colson suggested E. Howard Hunt: Kutler, Kutler, Abuse of Power, Abuse of Power, 13. 13.

"He told me a long time ago": Christopher Matthews, "New Tapes Debunk Oliver Stone's 'Nixon,'" Christopher Matthews, "New Tapes Debunk Oliver Stone's 'Nixon,'" San Francisco Chronicle, San Francisco Chronicle, January 1, 1998. January 1, 1998.

Nixon asked Colson and Haldeman: Kutler, Kutler, Abuse of Power, Abuse of Power, 16. 16.

"Every moment's continuance": New York Times Co. v. United States, Black concurrence, 403 U.S. 713. Black concurrence, 403 U.S. 713.

Gravel Pentagon Papers hearing: Norman Mailer, St. George and the G.o.dfather St. George and the G.o.dfather (New York: New American Library, 1972), 7980; Reeves, (New York: New American Library, 1972), 7980; Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 33435; "Gravel Calls Night 'Hearing,' Reads Pentagon Doc.u.ments," WP, June 30, 1971; "Gravel Unlikely to Be Disciplined by Senate," WP, July 1, 1971. 33435; "Gravel Calls Night 'Hearing,' Reads Pentagon Doc.u.ments," WP, June 30, 1971; "Gravel Unlikely to Be Disciplined by Senate," WP, July 1, 1971.

"another Senator McCarthy": Kutler, Kutler, Abuse of Power, Abuse of Power, 11. 11.

the Times Times had predicted a const.i.tutional: had predicted a const.i.tutional: "Voting Bill Ready for House Action," NYT, June 5, 1970. "Voting Bill Ready for House Action," NYT, June 5, 1970. Samuel Lubell, the prescient: Samuel Lubell, the prescient: "The 18-year-old Vote Could Beat Nixon in '72," "The 18-year-old Vote Could Beat Nixon in '72," Look, Look, July 13, 1971. July 13, 1971.

Haldeman started worrying: Dean, Dean, Blind Ambition, Blind Ambition, 40. 40.

"Jesus Christ, John!": Ibid., 44. Ibid., 44.

"I have requested this television time": PPP 231, July 15, 1971. Nixon calling conservatives "the animals": Margaret MacMillan, PPP 231, July 15, 1971. Nixon calling conservatives "the animals": Margaret MacMillan, Nixon and Mao: The Week That Changed the World Nixon and Mao: The Week That Changed the World (New York: Random House, 2007), 259. (New York: Random House, 2007), 259.

Birth of White House secret police: Kutler, Wars of Watergate, Wars of Watergate, 11214; Reeves, 11214; Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 349; Anthony Lukas, 349; Anthony Lukas, Nightmare: The Underside of the Nixon Years Nightmare: The Underside of the Nixon Years (New York: Viking, 1976), 68108. (New York: Viking, 1976), 68108.

An acquaintance described Krogh: Ibid., 73. Ibid., 73.

G. Gordon Liddy: Ibid., 86; Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 349; G. Gordon Liddy, 349; G. Gordon Liddy, Will: The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy Will: The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980). (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980). "I "I enjoyed enjoyed the ma.s.s salute": the ma.s.s salute": Ibid., 4. Ibid., 4.

Furnished with a red wig: Lukas, Lukas, Nightmare, Nightmare, 81. 81. "The art of espionage": "The art of espionage": Ibid., 90. Ibid., 90.

FBI agents visited Dr. Fielding: Ibid., 93. Ibid., 93. "Krogh should, of course": "Krogh should, of course": Ibid., 94. Ibid., 94.

Young and Krogh filed the action: Reeves, Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 353. 353.

Hunt approached a Cuban friend: Lukas, Lukas, Nightmare, Nightmare, 95. 95.

"I think we have a perfect": Ibid., 98. Ibid., 98.


A pulp thriller of relevance: David St. John, David St. John, The Coven The Coven (New York: Weybright & Talley, 1972). (New York: Weybright & Talley, 1972).

George Gordon Battle Liddy suspected: G. Gordon Liddy, G. Gordon Liddy, Will: The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy Will: The Autobiography of G. Gordon Liddy (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980), 217. (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1980), 217. Liddy gave over twelve pages: Liddy gave over twelve pages: Ibid., 14759. Ibid., 14759. restraining hold: restraining hold: Ibid., 193. Ibid., 193. For, "To permit the thought": For, "To permit the thought": Ibid., 268. Ibid., 268.

It was like one of the agents: Anthony Lukas, Anthony Lukas, Nightmare: The Underside of the Nixon Years Nightmare: The Underside of the Nixon Years (New York: Viking, 1976), 77. (New York: Viking, 1976), 77.

The International a.s.sociation of Chiefs: "91 Policemen Reported Kill in First 9 Months of 1971," NYT, January 2, 1972. "91 Policemen Reported Kill in First 9 Months of 1971," NYT, January 2, 1972. In Philadelphia, former police chief: In Philadelphia, former police chief: Jefferson Decker, "Frank Rizzo, Richard Nixon, and Law-and-Order" (master's thesis, Department of History, Columbia University, 2003). Jefferson Decker, "Frank Rizzo, Richard Nixon, and Law-and-Order" (master's thesis, Department of History, Columbia University, 2003).

In New York vigilantes shouting: "Fire Bomb Kills Woman, Hurts 13 in Hurok Office," NYT, January 27, 1972. "Fire Bomb Kills Woman, Hurts 13 in Hurok Office," NYT, January 27, 1972. A cabdriver in Queens rammed: A cabdriver in Queens rammed: "Cab Rams Protesters; 5 Hurt," NYDN, January 25, 1972. "Cab Rams Protesters; 5 Hurt," NYDN, January 25, 1972. Two attempts on his life followed: Two attempts on his life followed: "Author Shot," WP, January 16, 1972; "Violence Besets Newsman After Book on Newark Riots," WP, January 19, 1972. "Author Shot," WP, January 16, 1972; "Violence Besets Newsman After Book on Newark Riots," WP, January 19, 1972. Newark Boys Chorus School: Newark Boys Chorus School: "Vandalized Buses Bring an Inquiry," NYT, January 5, 1972. "Vandalized Buses Bring an Inquiry," NYT, January 5, 1972.

"What burns me to the bottom": "A Wallace Backer Stirred by Busing," NYT, May 14, 1972. "A Wallace Backer Stirred by Busing," NYT, May 14, 1972. Then one hot evening: Then one hot evening: "Irene McCabe and Her Battle Against Busing," "Irene McCabe and Her Battle Against Busing," Detroit News Detroit News Web site, Web site,

In Was.h.i.+ngton, D.C., feminist Ti-Grace: Patrick Allitt, Patrick Allitt, Catholic Intellectuals and Conservative Politics in America, 19501985 Catholic Intellectuals and Conservative Politics in America, 19501985 (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1995), 153. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1995), 153. In Mountain Home, Idaho: In Mountain Home, Idaho: "The Covered Wagon," "The Covered Wagon," New York Review of Books New York Review of Books 17, no. 11 (December 30, 1971). 17, no. 11 (December 30, 1971). In New Mexico, in the rugged: In New Mexico, in the rugged: "Dying Young in New Mexico," WP, January 16, 1972. See also "State Aides Scored in Albuquerque Riots," NYT, June 16, 1971; "Albuquerque Divided over Cause of First Major Riot," NYT, June 20, 1971. "Dying Young in New Mexico," WP, January 16, 1972. See also "State Aides Scored in Albuquerque Riots," NYT, June 16, 1971; "Albuquerque Divided over Cause of First Major Riot," NYT, June 20, 1971.

The federal commissioner of public services: Philadelphia Inquirer, February 9, 1972. February 9, 1972. In January, police in New York: In January, police in New York: "Police in 3 Cities Defuse Bombs Placed in 8 Banks," NYT, January 8, 1972; "FBI Seeking Soldier in Bank Bombs Case," WP, January 14, 1972; "U.S. Extends Hunt for Bomber to Europe," CT, January 15, 1972. Stanford and H. Bruce Franklin: "Radical Professor Firing Approved," WP, January 10, 1972; "Stanford Fire Laid to Arson," WP, January 18, 1972. "Police in 3 Cities Defuse Bombs Placed in 8 Banks," NYT, January 8, 1972; "FBI Seeking Soldier in Bank Bombs Case," WP, January 14, 1972; "U.S. Extends Hunt for Bomber to Europe," CT, January 15, 1972. Stanford and H. Bruce Franklin: "Radical Professor Firing Approved," WP, January 10, 1972; "Stanford Fire Laid to Arson," WP, January 18, 1972. The next day, in Miami: The next day, in Miami: "Addenda," WP, January 19 1972, A9. "Addenda," WP, January 19 1972, A9. That same day, Mayor Daley: That same day, Mayor Daley: "Chicago Water Called Safe from Poisons," "Poison Plot Story Stuns Friends of Two Suspects," "Tighten Water Plant Guard After Poison Scare Arrests," CT, January 19, 1972. "Chicago Water Called Safe from Poisons," "Poison Plot Story Stuns Friends of Two Suspects," "Tighten Water Plant Guard After Poison Scare Arrests," CT, January 19, 1972.

"Typical of the group": Richard Reeves, Richard Reeves, President Nixon: Alone in the White House President Nixon: Alone in the White House (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001), 322. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001), 322. "The show was a total glorification": "The show was a total glorification": Ibid. Ibid.

Two University of Michigan English professors: Christopher Russell Reaske, ed., Christopher Russell Reaske, ed., Student Voices on Political Action, Culture, and the University Student Voices on Political Action, Culture, and the University (New York: Random House, 1971). Black Viewpoints, (New York: Random House, 1971). Black Viewpoints, a Signet paperback: Black Viewpoints a Signet paperback: Black Viewpoints (New York: Signet, 1971). Michigan, BU, Princeton gynecological clinics: "Colleges Expand Modern Psychiatric Aid," NYT, January 1, 1972. (New York: Signet, 1971). Michigan, BU, Princeton gynecological clinics: "Colleges Expand Modern Psychiatric Aid," NYT, January 1, 1972.

"after reading this book": Julius Lester, "Blacks Rage to Live," Julius Lester, "Blacks Rage to Live," New York Times Book Review, New York Times Book Review, November 22, 1970. November 22, 1970. On August 21, Jackson was shot: On August 21, Jackson was shot: "'Soledad Brother' and 5 Are Killed in Prison Battle," NYT, August 22, 1971; Charles R. Ashman, "'Soledad Brother' and 5 Are Killed in Prison Battle," NYT, August 22, 1971; Charles R. Ashman, The People vs. Angela Davis: The Trial of the Century The People vs. Angela Davis: The Trial of the Century (New York: Pinnacle, 1972). (New York: Pinnacle, 1972). A black crime wave broke out: A black crime wave broke out: "Anti-Negro Group Vexing Police in Wilmington, N.C.," NYT, October 1, 1971. "Anti-Negro Group Vexing Police in Wilmington, N.C.," NYT, October 1, 1971. In Baton Rouge, Louisiana: In Baton Rouge, Louisiana: "Muslims Blamed as Four Die in Baton Rouge Racial Disorder," LAT, January 11, 1972. "Muslims Blamed as Four Die in Baton Rouge Racial Disorder," LAT, January 11, 1972. In upstate New York: In upstate New York: "Syracuse Seeks a Truce Between White and Black Youths," NYT, August 8, 1971. "Syracuse Seeks a Truce Between White and Black Youths," NYT, August 8, 1971.

Attica riot: Tom Wicker, A Time to Die A Time to Die (New York: Quadrangle/New York Times Books, 1975). (New York: Quadrangle/New York Times Books, 1975).

The Chicago Tribune Chicago Tribune ran: ran: "What Do You Think of the Handling of the Attica Prison Riot," CT, September 15, 1971. "What Do You Think of the Handling of the Attica Prison Riot," CT, September 15, 1971.

Lindsay, Agnew, Attica responses: WP, January 20, 1972. Nelson Rockefeller shocked his liberal: Nelson Rockefeller shocked his liberal: "Agitation at Attica: Rockefeller," NYT, September 25, 1971. Muskie response: Richard Scammon and Ben Wattenberg, "Agitation at Attica: Rockefeller," NYT, September 25, 1971. Muskie response: Richard Scammon and Ben Wattenberg, The Real Majority: An Extraordinary Examination of the American Electorate The Real Majority: An Extraordinary Examination of the American Electorate (New York: Coward McCann, 1980), 15. (New York: Coward McCann, 1980), 15.

"Sometimes when I see those columns": PPP 222, July 6, 1971. PPP 222, July 6, 1971.

Fielding break-in: Lukas, Nightmare, Nightmare, 99101; Liddy, 99101; Liddy, Will, Will, 16369. 16369.

The Plumbers sketched out possible: Ibid., 170. Ibid., 170.

On September 8 the president: Reeves, Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 368; NLT, conversation 27442. 368; NLT, conversation 27442.

"We have the power": Stanley Kutler, Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes Abuse of Power: The New Nixon Tapes (New York: Free Press, 1997), 29. (New York: Free Press, 1997), 29.

"Bob, please please get me the names": get me the names": Ibid., 31. Ibid., 31.

In truth, the responsible: Francis X. Winters, Francis X. Winters, The Year of the Hare: America in Vietnam, January 25, 1963February 15, 1964 The Year of the Hare: America in Vietnam, January 25, 1963February 15, 1964 (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1999). (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1999).

At a September 16 press conference: PPP 292, September 16, 1971. PPP 292, September 16, 1971.

Indeed, none of his briefers: Lukas, Lukas, Nightmare, Nightmare, 83. 83.

AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL: Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 371; Lukas, 371; Lukas, Nightmare, Nightmare, 84. 84.

"Five million might finance McCarthy": NLT, Colson and Nixon conversation, December 23, 1971. NLT, Colson and Nixon conversation, December 23, 1971. Another was to secretly push a black: Another was to secretly push a black: "Nixon's Fateful Reversal," WP, October 30, 1997; Reeves, "Nixon's Fateful Reversal," WP, October 30, 1997; Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 371. 371. by January McCarthy announced: by January McCarthy announced: "White House Discounts Bid by Ashbrook," NYT, January 2, 1972. "White House Discounts Bid by Ashbrook," NYT, January 2, 1972.

also in January, Colson: Reeves, Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 424. 424.

Antonin Scalia and White House OTP: Public Broadcasting PolicyBase, "Nixon Administration Public Broadcasting Papers: Summary of 1971," "all funds for Public Broadcasting": "all funds for Public Broadcasting": Ibid. Ibid.

The News Twisters: David Brock, David Brock, The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy The Republican Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How It Corrupts Democracy (New York: Crown, 2004), 2633; Jonathan Aitken, (New York: Crown, 2004), 2633; Jonathan Aitken, Charles W. Colson: A Life Redeemed Charles W. Colson: A Life Redeemed (New York: Continuum, 2006), 14344. (New York: Continuum, 2006), 14344.

Bestseller lists: See, for example, Time, Time, December 27, 1971. December 27, 1971.

"They're using any means": Kutler, Kutler, Abuse of Power, Abuse of Power, 8. 8.

The New Yorker New Yorker ran a cartoon: ran a cartoon: "Lessons from Watergate: A Derivative for Psychoa.n.a.lysis," "Lessons from Watergate: A Derivative for Psychoa.n.a.lysis," Psychoa.n.a.lytic Quarterly Psychoa.n.a.lytic Quarterly 45 (1976): 3761. 45 (1976): 3761.

"I thought your delegation": Joseph Persico, Joseph Persico, The Imperial Rockefeller: A Biography of Nelson A. Rockefeller The Imperial Rockefeller: A Biography of Nelson A. Rockefeller (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982), 80. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1982), 80.

"The Carpenters are hardly": "Those Rea.s.suring Carpenters," CT, August 16, 1971. "Those Rea.s.suring Carpenters," CT, August 16, 1971.

in a 1966 Esquire Esquire profile: profile: Gay Talese, "Frank Sinatra Has a Cold," Gay Talese, "Frank Sinatra Has a Cold," Esquire, Esquire, April 1966. April 1966. "I'll do anything to defeat that b.u.m": "I'll do anything to defeat that b.u.m": Kitty Kelley, Kitty Kelley, His Way: The Unauthorized Biography of Frank Sinatra His Way: The Unauthorized Biography of Frank Sinatra (New York: Bantam Books, 1987), 424. (New York: Bantam Books, 1987), 424.

"Okie from Muskogee" and "Welfare Cadillac": "Love It or Leave It: New Patriotic Music Wins Fans, Enemies," WSJ, August 18, 1970.

Polling on economy: Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 351. 351. He had excoriated: He had excoriated: PPP 250, August 4, 1971. PPP 250, August 4, 1971.

"That little Jew c.o.c.ksucker": Reeves, Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 343. 343.

My account of Connally hiring and New Economic Policy is drawn from Allen J. Matusow, Nixon's Economy: Booms, Busts, Dollars, and Votes Nixon's Economy: Booms, Busts, Dollars, and Votes (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998). An added source on Nixon's conviction of America's economic limits comes from John Judis, (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998). An added source on Nixon's conviction of America's economic limits comes from John Judis, Grand Illusions: Critics and Champions of the American Century Grand Illusions: Critics and Champions of the American Century (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1992), 190224. (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1992), 190224.

Colson explained the bottom line: Jefferson Cowie, "Nixon's Cla.s.s Struggle: Romancing the New-Right Worker, 19691973," Jefferson Cowie, "Nixon's Cla.s.s Struggle: Romancing the New-Right Worker, 19691973," Labor History Labor History 43 (Summer 2002): 25783. 43 (Summer 2002): 25783.

"n.o.body asked," a historian observed: Matusow, Matusow, Nixon's Economy, Nixon's Economy, 154. 154.

The speech began with a boast: PPP 264, August 15, 1971. PPP 264, August 15, 1971.

"Nixon Stuns Democrats": Nick Thimmesch, WP, September 2, 1971. Nick Thimmesch, WP, September 2, 1971.

"In all the years": Matusow, Matusow, Nixon's Economy, Nixon's Economy, 156. 156. The stock market joined: The stock market joined: Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw, Daniel Yergin and Joseph Stanislaw, The Commanding Heights: The Battle Between Government and the Marketplace That Is Remaking the Modern World The Commanding Heights: The Battle Between Government and the Marketplace That Is Remaking the Modern World (New York: Touchstone Books, 1999), 63. Time (New York: Touchstone Books, 1999), 63. Time once more rhapsodized: once more rhapsodized: "Nixon's Grand Design for Recovery," "Nixon's Grand Design for Recovery," Time, Time, August 30, 1971. August 30, 1971.

"New Score Is Dow 32": Matusow, Matusow, Nixon's Economy, Nixon's Economy, 156. 156.

"Robin Hood in reverse": Ibid., 158. Ibid., 158. The only national politician: The only national politician: Gordon L. Weil, Gordon L. Weil, The Long Shot: George McGovern Runs for President The Long Shot: George McGovern Runs for President (New York: W. W. Norton, 1973), 129. (New York: W. W. Norton, 1973), 129.

On August 17 he became: PPP 268. PPP 268.

"clearly this divides the Democrats": Jonathan Sch.e.l.l, Jonathan Sch.e.l.l, The Time of Illusion The Time of Illusion (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1975), 183. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1975), 183.

By the standards set by HEW: Allen J. Matusow, Allen J. Matusow, The Unraveling of America: A History of Liberalism in the 1960s The Unraveling of America: A History of Liberalism in the 1960s (New York: HarperCollins, 1984), 193. (New York: HarperCollins, 1984), 193. Joe Kraft hoped: Joe Kraft hoped: "Holding Line on Busing," WP, January 20, 1972. "Holding Line on Busing," WP, January 20, 1972. But the "fanatics" spoke for: But the "fanatics" spoke for: George Gallup, "76% of Public Opposes Busing," WP, November 1, 1970. George Gallup, "76% of Public Opposes Busing," WP, November 1, 1970. Nixon ordered Ehrlichman: Nixon ordered Ehrlichman: H. R. Haldeman, H. R. Haldeman, The Haldeman Diaries: Inside the Nixon White House The Haldeman Diaries: Inside the Nixon White House (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1994), 328. (New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1994), 328.

John Mitch.e.l.l proposed Richard Poff: John W. Dean, John W. Dean, Blind Ambition: The White House Years Blind Ambition: The White House Years (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1976), 4950. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1976), 4950.

"He's a real reactionary": Reeves, Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 376. 376. "f.u.c.k him": "f.u.c.k him": Ibid., 383. Ibid., 383. "The simple fact is that": "The simple fact is that": Ibid. Ibid.

Powell was the author of a memo: The full text of the August 23, 1971, memo is at The full text of the August 23, 1971, memo is at Rehnquist had reportedly: Rehnquist had reportedly: Letter to the editor, Letter to the editor, Newsday, Newsday, March 9, 1972. This quote was in circulation at the time, but I have not been able to verify its authenticity. March 9, 1972. This quote was in circulation at the time, but I have not been able to verify its authenticity.

"Rehnquist is pretty far right": Reeves, Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 387. 387.

"Conservatives," he complained: Reeves, Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 29495. 29495.

Buchanan strategy memos: Sch.e.l.l, Time of Illusion, Time of Illusion, 18081. 18081.

Even the most conservative: "5 Democrats Ask Nixon to Set Date for Pullout," NYT, April 23, 1971. "5 Democrats Ask Nixon to Set Date for Pullout," NYT, April 23, 1971.

"The sooner we get the h.e.l.l": Reeves, Reeves, President Nixon, President Nixon, 382. 382.


There might be five serious parties: "Splinter Politics," NYT, January 2, 1972. "Splinter Politics," NYT, January 2, 1972. Wicker's more sober colleague: Wicker's more sober colleague: "Reporting the Campaign," NYT, January 7, 1972. "Reporting the Campaign," NYT, January 7, 1972.

The president's approval rating: "President Holds Firm at 49 Pct.," WP, January 20, 1972. "President Holds Firm at 49 Pct.," WP, January 20, 1972. The January 17 Harris: The January 17 Harris: "Sen. Muskie Pulls Up Even with Nixon in Trial Heat," WP, January 17, 1972. "Sen. Muskie Pulls Up Even with Nixon in Trial Heat," WP, January 17, 1972. The day after the Harris poll: The day after the Harris poll: "Selling of the President Will Be Musical," NYT, January 19, 1972; see also "Ads in 'Selling of President' Musical Irk McGinniss," NYT, March 3, 1972, 28: ironically the play of McGinniss's antiMadison Avenue book included a product placement for a pesticide company owned by one of the investors. "Selling of the President Will Be Musical," NYT, January 19, 1972; see also "Ads in 'Selling of President' Musical Irk McGinniss," NYT, March 3, 1972, 28: ironically the play of McGinniss's antiMadison Avenue book included a product placement for a pesticide company owned by one of the investors. When the president sat down: When the president sat down: "Nixon Shows He Is an Old Hand at TV Techniques," NYT, January 5, 1972. "Nixon Shows He Is an Old Hand at TV Techniques," NYT, January 5, 1972. The "Anderson papers": The "Anderson papers": See, for instance, "A Look at How Foreign Relations Are Conducted Now," WP, January 20, 1972, and Art Buchwald's humor column "Another Secret Doc.u.ment," the same day. See, for instance, "A Look at How Foreign Relations Are Conducted Now," WP, January 20, 1972, and Art Buchwald's humor column "Another Secret Doc.u.ment," the same day. The The New York Times New York Times editorialized: editorialized: "The President in 1971," NYT, January 2, 1972. "The President in 1971," NYT, January 2, 1972.

in real life, during its run: "Pet Slayer Strikes Again," CT, January 14, 1972. "Pet Slayer Strikes Again," CT, January 14, 1972.

In the entertainment pages: These films are from NYT, January 4, 7, 1972; LAT, January 12, 1972; and CT, January 15, 1972. These films are from NYT, January 4, 7, 1972; LAT, January 12, 1972; and CT, January 15, 1972. Rex Reed called the new western: Rex Reed called the new western: "Blood Bath for s.a.d.i.s.ts," NYDN, January 21, 1972. Two reviews of "Blood Bath for s.a.d.i.s.ts," NYDN, January 21, 1972. Two reviews of Clockwork Orange: Clockwork Orange: "'Orange'-'Disorienting but Humane Comedy'"; "...Or 'A Dangerous, Criminally Irresponsible Horror Show'?"; both in NYT, January 9, 1972, Arts and Leisure section. "'Orange'-'Disorienting but Humane Comedy'"; "...Or 'A Dangerous, Criminally Irresponsible Horror Show'?"; both in NYT, January 9, 1972, Arts and Leisure section.

Topps trading cards of 1972 presidential candidates are occasionally available on eBay. Democrats hoped he would not: Democrats hoped he would not: "Democrats Spin Wheel to Allocate Hotels, Seats at Miami," WP, January 20, 1972. "Democrats Spin Wheel to Allocate Hotels, Seats at Miami," WP, January 20, 1972.

Only one thing was certain: "Kennedy Ties Viet Deaths, Nixon Policies," WP, January 18, 1972. "Kennedy Ties Viet Deaths, Nixon Policies," WP, January 18, 1972.

California Democrats announced: "Kennedy to Appear at Democratic Rally in L.A. Next Month," LAT, January 12, 1972. "Kennedy to Appear at Democratic Rally in L.A. Next Month," LAT, January 12, 1972. then the next day: then the next day: "Kennedy Plans to Inform Florida That He Won't Seek Nomination," NYT, January 12, 1972. "Kennedy Plans to Inform Florida That He Won't Seek Nomination," NYT, January 12, 1972.

Five days later his friend: NYDN, January 23, 1972. NYDN, January 23, 1972.

Patsy Mink and Secret Service protection: NYDN, January 23, 1972. Edward T. Coll: "Benefit Is Minimal; N.H. Debate Has Minimal Benefit," WP, March 6, 1972. Sam Yorty, the Los Angeles mayor: Sam Yorty, the Los Angeles mayor: Hunter S. Thompson, Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail '72 (New York: Popular Library, 1973), 52, 80. (New York: Popular Library, 1973), 52, 80.

"Moscow Muskie": "Muskie Scores N.H. Publisher," WP, February 11, 1972. "Muskie Scores N.H. Publisher," WP, February 11, 1972. Wilbur Mills, the powerful chairman: Wilbur Mills, the powerful chairman: Thompson, Thompson, Fear and Loathing, Fear and Loathing, 208; poll is "Democrats, in Debt, Turn Down Fund-Raising Idea," NYT, January 9, 1972. 208; poll is "Democrats, in Debt, Turn Down Fund-Raising Idea," NYT, January 9, 1972. Senator Vance Hartke made a: Senator Vance Hartke made a: Ibid. Ibid.

Pete McCloskey: "Simon to Auction About 70 Works," NYT, March 30, 1971; "McCloskey's Campaign: Truth-in-Government Issue Is Key Hope," NYT, January 6, 1971. John Ashbrook: "Nixon's Too Left-Wing for William Loeb," NYT, December 12, 1971; "White House Discounts Bid by Ashbrook," NYT, January 2, 1972. "end as all previous attempts": "end as all previous attempts": Matusow, Matusow, Nixon's Economy: Booms, Busts, Dollars, and Votes Nixon's Economy: Booms, Busts, Dollars, and Votes (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998), 157. (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1998), 157. Nixon moved to buy off: Nixon moved to buy off: PPP 387, December 9, 1971; NYDN, January 25, 1972, on Otepka. PPP 387, December 9, 1971; NYDN, January 25, 1972, on Otepka. It worked: It worked: National Review: Garry Wills, National Review: Garry Wills, Nixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man Nixon Agonistes: The Crisis of the Self-Made Man (New York: Mariner Books, 2002), preface, xv. (New York: Mariner Books, 2002), preface, xv.

Henry "Scoop" Jackson: Richard J. Whalen, "Will the Real Majority Stand Up for Scoop Jackson?" NYTM, October 3, 1971. The The New York Times New York Times reported, "He hopes": reported, "He hopes": "Jackson Believes He Must Win Florida Primary or Forget Presidential Bid," NYT, September 30, 1971. "Jackson Believes He Must Win Florida Primary or Forget Presidential Bid," NYT, September 30, 1971.

He switched parties for a presidential: Vincent J. Cannato, Vincent J. Cannato, The Ungovernable City: John Lindsay and the Battle to Save New York The Ungovernable City: John Lindsay and the Battle to Save New York (New York: Basic Books, 2003), 500. (New York: Basic Books, 2003), 500. "a combination of decadence and barbarism": "a combination of decadence and barbarism": Ibid., 146. Ibid., 146. even though the welfare population: even though the welfare population: Kenneth S. Baer, Kenneth S. Baer, Reinventing Democrats: The Politics of Liberalism from Reagan to Clinton Reinventing Democrats: The Politics of Liberalism from Reagan to Clinton (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2000), 25. (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 2000), 25. even though the Knapp Commission: even though the Knapp Commission: "The Knapp Commission Didn't Know It Couldn't Be Done," NYTM, January 9, 1972. "The Knapp Commission Didn't Know It Couldn't Be Done," NYTM, January 9, 1972. A survey by the Addicts Rehabilitation Center: A survey by the Addicts Rehabilitation Center: Charles Rangel, "Do You Know Any 12-Year-Old Junkies?" NYT, January 4, 1972. Charles Rangel, "Do You Know Any 12-Year-Old Junkies?" NYT, January 4, 1972. "City Restrooms May Be Razed": New York Post, "City Restrooms May Be Razed": New York Post, January 30, 1972. January 30, 1972. "42d Street Crowd Helps Robber Flee": "42d Street Crowd Helps Robber Flee": NYT, January 5, 1972. NYT, January 5, 1972.

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