Adventures and Recollections Part 14

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The agitation for a School Board for Keighley in 1875 was strongly opposed by many of the ratepayers. Both Liberals and Tories were seeking office, and there was a third party which entered into the fray. The Tory party said they would run seven of the nine candidates; the Liberals claimed to run the whole nine; so this third party came up to the scratch and said they would run three candidates for the sole purpose of splitting the votes. The names of those who composed this little party were Joseph Fieldhouse, Bill Spink, "Little" Barnes, Adam Moore, James Leach, d.i.c.k Royston and myself. Our meetings were held in Bill Spink's little cobbler's shop. There was no very great interest taken in the election by the public until a certain incident happened. Mr Walter McLaren (M.P. for Crewe) and I often met together at Mr Amos Appleyard's printer's shop in Church Green on business connected with election literature. On one occasion I went to the printer's, and during the few minutes' waiting before I received attention, I had an opportunity of perusing the "copy" for a bill which Mr McLaren had just previously brought in to print. The bill was to call a _private_ meeting of Liberals at the Albion Hall to select candidates. Seeing a chance for a good, though, perhaps, unwarrantable "lark," I altered the word "private" to _public_ and, when Mr Appleyard came to attend to me, handed the bill to him and asked him to print it as a poster. He had delivered the bills to me the same night, and I had them posted, with the result that, instead of a hole-and-corner meeting, there was a crowded audience of mixed political opinions. The Liberal leaders were completely non-plussed. The people were asked what business they had in the hall, and were ordered to leave. But they said they had attended by public request, and refused to budge. The proceedings relapsed into a state of confusion, and no business whatever could be done. However this meeting served one good purpose, for it enlisted the interest of the public in the election. The election day at last arrived-March 31st. 1875-and it was found that two of our three candidates (Joseph Fieldhouse and Adam Moore) had been returned; d.i.c.k Royston being just thrown. This was the general rule at all the local elections: our little band of "conspirators" were pretty sure to return their candidates, or a good majority of them. Eventually Mr James Leach "put up," and he was elected to nearly every public body in the town; and this through the agency of the party I have mentioned.

At this time great interest was taken in many of the elections, notably that of the Local Board.


For a time my connection with Keighley was severed as I went to reside at Bradford. During my stay I became mixed up with literary characters-Mr J.

O. Mee, editor of the _Bradford Observer_; Mr Joseph White, author of a volume of poems and several prose works, and others. I made weekly contributions to the literary column of the _Observer_. I may mention that many of my best productions date from this period, when I was occupying a cellar cottage in Croft-street, Bradford. Perhaps the Editor will pardon me for introducing my verses, ent.i.tled "Joe Hobble; or, fra Howorth to Bradferth":-

Fra Howorth tahn the other day, Bi t' route o' Thornton height, Joe Hobble an' his better hawf Went into Bradferth straight.

Nah Joe i' Bradferth were afore, But sho hed nivver been; But hahsumivver they arrived Safe inta t' Bowling Green.

They gave a lad a parkin pig, As on the street they went, Ta point 'em aat St. George's Hall An' Oastler's Monument.

But t'little jackanape being deep, An' thinking they'd nivver knaw, Show'd Joseph Hobble an' his wife T' first monument he saw.

As sooin as Joe gat up ta t' rail, His een blazed in his heead, Exclaimin' they mud just as weel Ha' goan an' robb'd the deead.

But whoivver's ta'en them childer dahn, Away fra poor owd d.i.c.k, Desarves his heead weel larapin'

Wi' a dahn gooid hazel stick.

T' lad, seein' Joe froth at t' mouth, He sooin tuke ta his heels; For asteead o' Oastler's Monument, He'd shown 'em Bobby Peel's!


It was while in Bradford that I wrote the drama ent.i.tled, "The Wreck of the Bella; or, the Life and Adventures of Roger Tichborne." The drama, which was revised by an old Bradford actor, was written for my friend Joe Gledhill's benefit. Joe and a company which he got together played the drama at the Drill Hall, Keighley, and the performance turned out a great success. I had not intended any use for my production beyond for Joe Gledhill's benefit, but he and his company, finding how it "caught on,"

performed it up and down the district. But its fate was soon sealed, for while it was being played at Lancaster, I received an edict from the Lord Chamberlain to withdraw the drama from the boards under pain of a heavy penalty, as the last trial of the Tichborne case was pending at the time.


Returning to Keighley, I turned my pen to writing for a comic annual, which I had brought out under the t.i.tle of "The Haworth, Cowenheead, and Bogthorn Almenak." This I produced for several years, its contents consisting of rhymes and local dialect sketches. I also started a monthly paper called, "The Keighley Investigator." After the first issue I enrolled on my staff Theophilus Hayes, a gentleman well known in the town, who a.s.sumed the editors.h.i.+p of the journal. He wrote the leading articles, while I supplied the comic matter, satires, dialect letters, &c. The periodical had enjoyed an eight months' existence when, unfortunately, my worthy friend, Mr Hayes, was served with a writ for libel. He was summoned to Leeds a.s.sizes, and although the paper engaged eminent counsel (Mr Wheelhouse, Q.C., M.P.), we lost our case, and had to pay a fine of 50 and costs. Mr Hayes underwent a night's incarceration in Armley Gaol, but next morning I managed to secure his release by paying the fine and all costs. The libel action was, I must say, taken with an object by a party of Liberals, through a certain auctioneer in the town. The fact was that the paper was too "hot" to live amongst the mighty men of Keighley. These times were very eventful ones to the town in many ways, particularly in regard to libel actions, for at each of five or six successive a.s.sizes there was a libel case from Keighley-a circ.u.mstance which caused the Judge to remark on one occasion that Keighley ought to be called "The City of Libels." I next turned my attention to writing my celebrated work, "T'History o'th' Haworth Railway." I say "celebrated" because the pamphlet ran through so many editions, about 100,000 copies in all, being sold. With the returns I was placed in clover; and now that I look back to the time, I appeared to have money for any purpose except saving it. In collaboration with a young man named Benjamin Hopkinson, son of the late Mr Barber Hopkinson, surveyor of this town, I subsequently undertook the production of "The Keighley Spectator." The paper went on nicely for eleven months, its circulation and our revenue increasing greatly. We had for some time received articles for insertion from a Nonconformist parson in the town, the Rev Mr Gray. The contributions, being on subjects foreign to our non-political and non-sectarian principles, had almost invariably been rejected, until the writer appealed to the printer, who was the proprietor of the paper, and happened to be one of the parson's "flock."

The proprietor told Ben and I it was no use-we must insert the Rev Mr Gray's articles. Now, Ben and I were convinced that to publish that gentleman's contributions would be to kill the journal, but the proprietor was firm, and so, as a protest, we resigned our positions as joint-editors. The parson was put in to edit the paper, and when the next number, under his hand, was issued, it was seen that the paper had travelled from Africa to Iceland, as it were-its contents were so cold and watery. This, the first under the Rev. Mr Gray's editors.h.i.+p, proved the last issue of the "Spectator."


In the years 18756 the town-and, indeed, the whole country-was greatly interested in the conduct of the Keighley Board of Guardians with respect to the Vaccination Acts. The Guardians refused to direct their medical officer to enforce the Acts, and the Local Government Board finally appealed to the Court of the Queen's Bench for a mandamus against the Guardians, to compel them to put the Vaccination Acts into force in the Keighley district. The mandamus was granted, but the Guardians persistently refused to obey it, and the consequence was that the Local Government Board applied to the Queen's Bench for a writ of attachment against the eight members of the Board who had by their open votes defied the law-Messrs R. A. Milner (chairman), J. B. Sedgwick, t.i.tus Ogden, John Jeffrey, Hezekiah Tempest, David Normington, James Newbould and Samuel Johnson. Johnson afterwards promised obedience, and was released from the attachment, which was granted by the Court of Queen's Bench. I shall never forget the "rumpus" there was on Friday, the 11th August, 1876, when the High Sheriff and his officers came to Keighley to arrest the Guardians mentioned. Thousands of people were in the streets. The Sheriff's officers secured the Guardians, and conveyed them to the Devons.h.i.+re Hotel. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon the Guardians came out of the Devons.h.i.+re yard in a conveyance, which, contrary to expectations, proceed along North-street. It was originally the intention of the driver to go to Bingley station, but fearing he would not have time for the journey, he pulled up at Keighley station. Here both platforms were besieged with demonstrative crowds. The train was missed, and the crowd unyoked the horses from the conveyance. A number of mechanics seized the shafts, and wheeled the vehicle with its occupants through the streets of the town. Indescribable scenes took place. William Smith, an auctioneer, who was suspected of complicity in the Sheriff's operations, was badly handled. Finally, the Sheriff hoisted a flag of truce, and the Guardians announced that they had been granted another night's freedom on condition that they would leave quietly by train the next day. On the seven martyrs proceeded to York Castle.



Much interest was taken, I remember, in the visit to Keighley of a social and temperance reformer of the name of Captain John Ball. He had two "lieutenants" with him, named Mountain and Roberts, both good at "spouting." Their meeting place was the old Independent chapel in Upper Green, and the services drew large congregations, many people of various denominations attending. The work went on very well for some time, and I believe that a fair amount of good was done; but, unfortunately, Captain Ball "could not stand his corn," and-if Dame Rumour was to be believed-frequently indulged in a "wee drappie," and occasionally overstepped the mark of moderation. Of course the people attending his services made great capital out of the ugly rumours, and one and another commenced to pull the "captain" in pieces. Now, I had all along entertained a certain respect for Captain Ball, so I took it upon myself to defend him, writing a pamphlet in which I gave prominence to the fact that it was the aim of all religion to forget and forgive. The little affair blew nicely over, and the congregation continued to hold together, until John had another fall; and the climax was reached when he committed himself for the fourth time by coming to Divine service "blind" drunk. On this occasion one of his lieutenants, who accompanied him, was not exactly sober. The incident reminds me of the old ballad:-

Robin and Johnny were going down t' street; They called at t' first alehouse they chanced to meet.

While Robin drank one gla.s.s, our Johnny drank two, An' they both got a drunk as my granny's old sow.

It was truly an awkward position for any man to be in. Captain Bell could not make a defence, and he was excommunicated from the "Glory Band."

Perhaps the following verses, extracted from my piece ent.i.tled "My Visit to t' Glory Band," will give some idea of the incident. I paid my visit in company with "Owd Jennet, t' Ranter, fra Havercake-row":-

So they prayed, an' they sang, i' ther owd fas.h.i.+oned way, Until a gert chap says, "I've summat to say;"

An', bi t'heart, I'st a fallen dahn sick i' mi pew, But I thowt at toan hawf he sed worn't trew; Fer he charged Parson Ball wi' bein' drunk i't'street, 'At he'd been put ta bed three times i' one neet.

"Does ta hear," says owd Jennet, "what t'hullet is sayin'?

He's usin' his scandal asteead o' bein' prayin'; Fer John Ball is respected by ivvery one, Soa I salln't believe a word abaat John; Fer him an' ahr Robin are two decent men, Soa pray yah nah hearken they'll speak fer thersen.

"Soa all wor nah silent,-they mud hear a pin fall; Fer n.o.body wor hissin' or clappin' at all.

Scarce hed long Gomersall spun out his yarn- Wi' his two blazin' een he had scarcely sat dahn, Than John stood up on his pins in a minute;- An' rare an' weel pleased wor I an' owd Jennet.

"My brethren," he sed, wi' a tear in his ee, "You sall hear for yourselns my accusers an' me, An' if I be guilty-man's liable ta fall As well as yer pastor an' servant, John Ball; But let my accuser, if faults he hes noan, Be t' first, an' no other, ta throw the first stoan.

"I've drunk wine an' porter, I do not deny, But then my accusers hev not tell'd you why; So ther false accusation I feel it more keen, 'Cause I've hed the lumbago i' both o' my een; Besides, mi back warked as if it wor broke, An' mi throit's been so parched wol I thowt I sud choke.

"I've been soa distracted, an' handled soa bad, Wol I thowt monny a time I sud ommost goa mad; An't' doctor hes tell'd me ther wor noa other way n.o.bbut going ta Blackpool or else Morecambe Bay; An' charged me ta mind, if I sat dahn to dine, Ta lig inta t' porter, an't' brandy, an't' wine.

"Soa nah, my accusers, what hev you ta say?

You can reckon that up in yer awn simple way; But if ther's a falsehood in what I hev sed nah, I wish mi new hat wod turn into a cah; So this is my answer, an' this mi defence."

"Well done!" sed owd Jennet, "he's spokken some sense."

Soa his speech nah he ended, but it touched 'em i't' wick, Fer we all could see plainly it wor nowt but a trick; And Jennet declared-tho' she might be too rude- If he'd come up to t' dinner he sud hev some home-brewed, Fer i' spite o' ther scandal sho wor praad on him yet, An' if he drank wine an' porter who'd owt ta do wi' 't.


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