From Farm House to the White House Part 29

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Was.h.i.+ngton's advice to Colonel Dunbar was: "Reorganize and march upon Duquesne. That fort can be captured by strategy."

"I can do nothing with an army so demoralized as this," replied Dunbar.

"We may as well consider this campaign ended. Our force is now too much reduced to capture Duquesne."

"Nevertheless I believe that this defeat may be turned into victory,"

added Was.h.i.+ngton. "At any rate I am not in favor of utterly abandoning the attempt."

"Better that than to make a second attempt and fail," retorted Dunbar.

"I do not propose to remain and see the remnant of my army annihilated."

"What, then, will you do?"

"Strike my tents and repair to Philadelphia and go into winter quarters," answered Dunbar.

"Go into winter quarters before dog-days have fairly set in!" exclaimed Was.h.i.+ngton, surprised by the suggestion. "What will the people of our country say to that?"

"They may say what they please," said Dunbar. "The risk is too great for me to a.s.sume under the circ.u.mstances, and I decide to go into camp in Philadelphia."

"Then there is no alternative for me but to return to Williamsburg,"

added Was.h.i.+ngton, perfectly satisfied that Dunbar was too much of a coward to be intrusted with the command of an army.

Colonel Dunbar acted accordingly; struck his tents, and, under the impulse of his excessive fear, hurried his troops off to Philadelphia.

Was.h.i.+ngton regretfully and sorrowfully marched the Virginia force back to Williamsburg. News of the disaster had reached that place before his arrival, causing great excitement and sorrow; but when the people looked upon his shattered and diminished force, their hearts were touched, and their fears greatly augmented. Nor did they attach blame to Was.h.i.+ngton; on the other hand, the sentiment was universal that, but for his bravery and skill, Braddock's army would have been well nigh annihilated.

Governor Dinwiddie immediately called together the a.s.sembly to consider what could be done in the crisis. In the meantime he conferred with Was.h.i.+ngton respecting the way of retrieving their loss.

"Raise a force of two or three thousand men," said Was.h.i.+ngton, "and reduce Fort Duquesne as soon as possible. Under the flush of this victory the French will urge the Indians on to devastation and carnage throughout the frontier. A speedy, bold, successful attack upon the fort will prevent such a calamity."

"I had not thought of that," answered the governor, "but it is a sensible view of the matter to take. We must protect the country against Indian depredations if it be possible."

"Or we are in a far worse condition than ever," interjected Was.h.i.+ngton.

"You know what the Indians are under the excitement of victory; _savages_ in the worst sense of the word."

"And there will be no mercy shown to the defenceless settlements and the scattered families of the frontier," added the governor. "All the horrors of Indian ma.s.sacre and outrage will be witnessed in our country."

Governor Dinwiddie canva.s.sed the whole subject with Was.h.i.+ngton, so that he was prepared to make definite suggestions to the Legislature when that body convened. He advised them to raise two thousand troops and make a liberal appropriation of money, "to carry the war into Africa,"

on the ground that otherwise the enemy would be emboldened to prosecute an aggressive war.

When the Legislature a.s.sembled, leading members opposed aggressive warfare, and advised only defensive operations on the frontier. So they voted to raise a thousand troops only, and appropriated money accordingly, a very great disappointment to Was.h.i.+ngton and those who took the same view of the situation that he did. At the same time Was.h.i.+ngton was appointed commander-in-chief of the Virginia forces, with the unusual power of appointing his own field officers and aide-de-camp and secretary. This was on the 14th of August, 1755.

On a former page we said that expeditions against the French and Indians at Niagara and Crown Point were planned at the same time the expedition against Duquesne was determined upon. Both of these expeditions failed.

They started from Albany, N.Y., the first under the command of Governor s.h.i.+rley of Ma.s.sachusetts; the other under William Johnson, an Irishman, who was on intimate terms of friends.h.i.+p with the most powerful chiefs of the Six Nations. When these two expeditions were fairly under way, news of the disastrous defeat of Braddock reached them, and completely demoralized the troops. The Indians, who were always inclined to join the winning side, deserted the ranks, and many white soldiers followed their cowardly example. The expedition under Johnson accomplished something in another direction; but both expeditions failed, so far as the proposed reduction of Niagara and Crown Point was concerned.

"A fatal mistake!" remarked Was.h.i.+ngton to Mr. Fairfax. "Such timid measures are just suited to encourage the enemy."

"It cannot be otherwise," answered Fairfax. "To provide just enough men to make a good target, and just enough money to pay for shooting them down, is very poor policy, in my judgment."

"When it comes to actual service," continued Was.h.i.+ngton, "there will not be over seven hundred reliable soldiers for fighting. To defend three hundred and sixty miles of frontier with this small force is next to impossible. To ma.s.s them in one locality will leave other localities exposed; and to divide them up into squads, and scatter them over the whole distance, is arranging them for the enemy to readily cut them off one after another."

"A b.l.o.o.d.y work, that infuriated savages will enjoy," remarked Mr.

Fairfax. "The more I think of it, the more I shrink from the contemplation of the horrible butchery that will probably follow this serious mistake of the government."

"Yet I accept my appointment, lest a refusal be misconstrued," continued Was.h.i.+ngton. "But I have served so long with inadequate support by the government, followed by disasters, that I had hoped for the most liberal provisions now."

"And they should have been freely granted," added Mr. Fairfax.

"No one can be more sensible of my failures than I am," Was.h.i.+ngton remarked with his usual modesty. "If an old proverb will apply to my case, I shall certainly close with a share of success, for surely no man ever made a worse beginning than I have. Still, I want a fair chance to redeem my fortunes if I can."

In September Was.h.i.+ngton established his headquarters at Winchester, beyond the Blue Ridge, in the beautiful valley of the Shenandoah. It was a frontier town, one hundred and forty miles northwest of Richmond. He found the people of the town under great alarm in consequence of frequent reports of depredations by French and Indians. The town was crowded with men, women, and children, who had fled from their homes in the wilderness to this place for protection, on hearing that the Indians were on the war-path. Many of these reports were exaggerated, and others had no foundation in truth. For instance, one morning the report came that a party of Indians was within twelve miles of the town, pillaging, burning and murdering in the most terrible manner. The report filled the inhabitants with consternation, and women and children were half crazed with fear.

Was.h.i.+ngton ordered a company of soldiers to follow him in driving back the foe, but not one of them would respond. Their fears were greater than their patriotism. Suspecting that the report might be exaggerated, he sent out scouts to learn something more definite. The scouts returned in one hour with the startling intelligence, "The Indians are less than four miles away, destroying everything in their track."

On being questioned by Was.h.i.+ngton as to the facts in the case, the scouts said, "We heard their yells and guns distinctly, and there is not a shadow of doubt but that they will fall upon Winchester within an hour."

Was.h.i.+ngton appealed to the soldiers again, and supplemented his appeal by authority and threats.

About forty volunteered to accompany him to meet the savage foe. Moving with extreme caution and circ.u.mspection, they reached the spot where the scouts heard the yells of Indian warriors. Sure enough, they heard a kind of yell and the discharge of a musket, but nothing that indicated the presence of savages to Was.h.i.+ngton's experienced ear. Pressing on a few rods farther, a turn of the road disclosed to Was.h.i.+ngton two drunken soldiers, cursing, yelling and carousing, and occasionally firing off a pistol into the air. He made prisoners of the two worthless fellows, who had proved the scouts to be cowards, conveyed them to Winchester, and locked them up.

This incident shows that there was little discipline among the soldiers, and little self-possession among the people. In his discouragement, Was.h.i.+ngton wrote to Governor Dinwiddie:

"In all things I meet with the greatest opposition. No orders are obeyed but such as a party of soldiers, or my own drawn sword, enforces.

Without this, not a single horse, for the most earnest occasion, can be had, to such a pitch has the insolence of these people arrived by having every point hitherto submitted to them. However, I have given up none where his majesty's service requires the contrary, and when my proceedings are justified by my instructions; nor will I, unless they execute what they threaten, that is, 'blow out our brains.'... I would again hint the necessity of putting the militia under a better regulation, had I not mentioned it twice before and a third time may seem impertinent. But I must once more beg leave to declare that, unless the a.s.sembly will pa.s.s an act to enforce military law in all its parts, I must decline the honor that has been so generously intended me. I see the growing insolence of the soldiers, and the indolence and inactivity of the officers, who are all sensible how limited their punishments are, compared with what they ought to be. In fine, I can plainly see that under the present establishment we shall become a nuisance, an unsupportable charge to our country, and never answer any one expectation of the a.s.sembly.... Why should it be expected from us, who are all young and inexperienced, to govern and keep up a proper spirit of discipline without laws, when the best and most experienced can scarcely do it with them? If we consult our interest, I am sure it loudly calls for them. I can confidently a.s.sert that recruiting, clothing, arming, maintaining, and subsisting soldiers who have since deserted have cost the country an immense sum, which might have been prevented were we under restraints that would terrify the soldiers from such practices."

Another trial which Was.h.i.+ngton experienced was the refusal of Captain Dagworthy, in command at Fort c.u.mberland, to obey his orders. Dagworthy had received his commission from the king, and he claimed that hence he was Was.h.i.+ngton's superior, who received his commission from a provincial governor. This affair created much excitement in Was.h.i.+ngton's command, and his officers drew up a memorial, praying him--

"To appeal to General s.h.i.+rley, who was commander-in-chief of all the British forces in North America, and whose headquarters are in Boston.

His decision will settle the question forever."

Was.h.i.+ngton applied to Governor Dinwiddie for permission to proceed to Boston at once for this purpose, and obtained it. Notwithstanding the deep snow and wintry weather, he started upon this mission on the 4th of February, 1756, accompanied by Captains Mercer and Stewart. They travelled on horseback the whole distance, and "took with them their negro servants, who, riding behind with their master's saddle-bags and portmanteaus, and dressed in fine livery, with gold lace on their fur hats, and blue cloaks, gave quite an air of style and consequence to the little cavalcade."

In New York City Was.h.i.+ngton was entertained by Beverly Robinson, a distinguished citizen, at whose house he met a very accomplished young lady, Miss Phillips, sister of Mrs. Robinson. Her many attractions captivated the young hero more than any lady friend had done since his experience with the "Lowland Beauty." However, he did not capitulate, but bore his colors forward to Boston, whither his fame had gone before him.

He received a warm reception in Boston, such as was never accorded to so youthful an officer. His gallant conduct in saving Braddock's army from destruction, together with other deeds of heroism, known throughout the Colonies, had made him famous; and now, "his tall and commanding form, the manly beauty of his face, his dignified bearing, his rich and handsome dress, and the unequalled skill with which he managed his large and n.o.ble horse," awakened admiration in the minds of all beholders.

Having procured an order from General s.h.i.+rley, under which a commission from a provincial governor was as good as one from the king, Was.h.i.+ngton started upon his return journey, after remaining ten days in Boston. He stopped two weeks in New York City with Beverly Robinson, whose wife's charming sister greatly pleased him. In her he beheld all that was beautiful in person, graceful in accomplishments, and excellent in character. There is no doubt that the young hero, who had withstood the a.s.saults of French and Indians combined, had resolved to surrender to the bewitching charms of this damsel. But he found that a true and worthy friend of his had already captured the prize, and was exulting in the possession of her heart. Disappointed, but not cast down, he bade the charmer adieu, and hurried away.

He reached Williamsburg on the twenty-third day of March, after an absence of seven weeks. He had but just arrived when a messenger came das.h.i.+ng into town, the bearer of appalling news.

"The Indians are approaching Winchester in force, burning and plundering as they go!" he shouted.

"Have you any better evidence of their depredations than rumor?"

inquired Was.h.i.+ngton, recalling some experiences of the past, "or do you announce what you _know_ to be a fact?"

"The evidence of their approach and plunder is positive," replied the messenger; "and the inhabitants are flocking into town from their pillaged and burning homes."

Was.h.i.+ngton was satisfied that the startling tidings was no false alarm, and, putting spurs to his charger, he dashed away to Winchester. His arrival rea.s.sured the terrified inhabitants and they bravely rallied to defend their homes. Everything was put upon a war basis as soon as possible. A few days pa.s.sed, and Was.h.i.+ngton wrote to the governor as follows:

From Farm House to the White House Part 29

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