A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 11

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[Footnote 35: "Bitekyn" _in the Cotton MS._]

Nicholl Faryndon, m'. Adam Burden. A^{o}. vij^{o}.

goldsmyth. Hugo Garton.

This yere of oure lord a m^{l} cccxiiij the kyng Edward with a ryall oost wente into Scotlond; and upon Missomer day faught with the Scottes at Strywelyn; and there he was discomfited and fledde, and moche of his peple sclayn.

John Gysors, m'. Stephen Abyndon. A^{o}. viij^{o}.

William Bedyngham.

In this yere it befell that there was a rebaude called John Tannere, the whiche wente aboughte and seyde that he was the goode kyng Edward sone, and called hymself kyng Edward of Carnarvan, and seide thorugh necligence of his noryce, whil he lay in his cradel a sowe com in and foule rente hym, and the noryce durste nought tellen it, but toke a tannere sone[36] and kepte hym in hys stede, and so he was putt to kepyng of another noryce, be whiche he was preved of his rewme: and for to make this the more certeyne to be belevyd, he schewed the places of the woundes which that he seyde the sowe hadde mad. And he seyde that kyng Edward maners were acordyng with the maners of his fadyr the water-berere,[37] for as moche as he loved swyche rude werkes: and for this seyenge moche peple yaf credence to hym and leved his wordes. Also the same John Tanner chalangyd the chirche of the Frere Cannes at Oxenford, whiche was somtyme the kynges halle, and kyng Edward hadde yeve it to them to make thereof there chirche. But natheles at the last he was preved fals, and was taken and brought to Northampton, and there he was drawen and hanged; and before that he was put to his penaunce he confessed before the peple that the devell be hyghte hym that he schulde be kyng of Engelond, and knowloched that he hadde served the devell iij yere and more.

[Footnote 36: "A carter son" _in the Cotton MS._]

[Footnote 37: "The carter." _Ibid._]


Step'us Abyndon, Hamo Goodchepe. A^{o}. ix^{o}.

drap', m'. William Golith.[38]

[Footnote 38: "William Bedyngton" _in the Cotton MS._]

[Sidenote: The toune and the castell of Berewyk was lost thorugh treson.]

[Sidenote: Too cardenals comen into Engelond to make pees.]

The same yere, that is to sey the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxvj, upon Midlentyne Soneday, the toun and the castell of Berewyk was lost thorugh treson of Piers of Spaldyng, thanne beynge kepere of the same toun and castell. In this yere too cardenales comen into Engelond for to make pees betwen Engelond and Scotlond, whiche weren robbed upon the more of Wygelysdon; of whiche robbery S^{r}. Robert of Middelton was ateynt, and jugged to be drawe an hanged and beheded at London, and his hede sett up at Neugate; and hise quarters were sent to iiij princ.i.p.ale citees of Engelond. And in this yere was an orible moreyn of beestes.

John Wyng've, m'. William Causton. A^{o}. x^{mo}.

Rauf Balmere.

[Sidenote: A gret derthe of corn and othere vitailes.]

This yere was a gret derthe of corn and other vitailes, for a bussh.e.l.l of whete was worth v_s_: and the poure peple eten for hunger cattes and hors and houndes; and too yere and an half a quarter of whete was worth ii marc; and the poure peple stal children and eten them, and thanne anon after there fille a gret pestilence among the peple.


Id'm maior. John Prions. Anno xj^{mo}.

William Furneux.

[Sidenote: The Scottes come into Engelond and distroyde Northumb'.]

This yere the Scottes comen into Engelond and distroyden Northumbr': and the citee of London sente to Yorke cc men of armes; and Scotlond was entyrdyted.

Id'm maior. John Pulteney. Anno xij^{o}.

John Dallyng.

[Sidenote: A parlement at Yorke.]

This yere the kyng held his parlement at Yorke; and S^{r}. Hugh Spencer[39] was mad chaumberleyn of Engelond. And in this yere was Thomas the erle of Lancastre beheded.

[Footnote 39: "Sir Hugh Spencer son" _in the Cotton MS._]

Hamo Chikell, m'.[40] Simon Abyndon.[41] A^{o}. xiij^{mo}.

John Preston.[42]

[Footnote 40: _See note_ I.]

[Footnote 41: _See note_ I.]

[Footnote 42: _See note_ I.]

This yere were the Spencers bothe the fadyr and the sone exiled out of Engelond; after they were ayeyne revoked be the kyng.

Nycholl Faryndon, m'. William Prodhom.[44] A^{o}. xiiij^{mo}.

goldsmythe.[43] Arnold Conduyt.[45]

[Footnote 43: _See note_ I.]

[Footnote 44: _See note_ I.]

[Footnote 45: _See note_ I.]

[Sidenote: The rysynge of erles and barons of this land.]

This yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxj was strongly the barouns werre; and Thomas erle of Lancastre the xij kal' of Aprill was beheded. And in this yere was the rysynge of the erles and barons of this lond; and they token S^{r}. Piers of Gaveston, the kynges sworn brother, and smot of his hed; for which the kyng afterward in oo day dede do beheded xx/iiij lordes and gentyles for the deth of the seid Piers.


Hamo Chikewell, m'. Ric' Constantyn. A^{o}. xv^{o}.

drap'. Ric' of Hakeney.

[Sidenote: The sonne was turned into blod.]

In this yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccxxij, the laste day of Octobre, the sonne was turned into blod, and so endured fro the morwe of the day unto xj of the belle[46] befor noon.

[Footnote 46: "of the Belle of the mydday" _in the Cotton MS._]

Id'm maior. John Grantham. Anno xvj^{o}.

Rog' of Ely.

[Sidenote: The vi^{th} peny of moveables.]

[Sidenote: An ordynance what the kynges offycers schulde taken in every degre.]

This same yere the kyng hadde the syxte peny of moebles goodes thorugh out Engelond. Also in this yere in the monthe of Juyne, forasmoche as the officers of the kynges houshold have ben alwey behynden, and in no certeynte of that they ought to don, nor in no certeyn what thei schulde taken of the kyng be resone of there offices, whereof examination of the saide offices ne myghte not be done, ne the officers charged as they oughte to ben, to gret damage and dishonor to the kyng, and the governaunce of his houshold not wel disposed, the kyng havynge reward to the state above seyd, and hise goodes in other manner dispendid thanne they oughte, comaunded Sire Bertilmewe Badlesmere styward of his houshold, Sire Hugh Spencer chamberleyn, Sire Roger of Norbury tresorer, and Sire Gilbert of Wyghton countroller, that thei schulde ordeyne thereupon remedie; whiche be the vertu of the kynges comaundement, ordeyned alle manere officers of houshold, and what service every officer schulde have, and what every officer schulde take, and what servaunts every officer schulde have, and what the servaunts schulde take: and whan alle the ordinaunce was made and rad before the kyng in presence of the worschipfull fadres William Milton erchebysshop of Yorke, Maistre Walter Stapilton bysshop of Excestre, the bysshop of Ely chaunceler of Engelond, the bishopp of Norwych, the bysshop of Salisbury, Sire Herry le Scrop, Sire Herry Sprignell, justices, it was a.s.sentyd and contentyd perpetuelly to be observed.


A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 11

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