A Chronicle of London from 1089 to 1483 Part 9
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[Sidenote: A gret snowe.]
In this yere fel the grettest snowe that evere was seyn before this tyme; wherfore a vercyfyer made in metre thise vers:
[Sidenote: v's'.]
_"C'stino tiburci s'c'or' Valariani Nix cadit innanis vent' vehemens Borial'
Emulsit silvas ussit quas rep'it herbas Edes dampnose detexit et impetuose Quas clam p'stravit sic plurima dampna patravit."_
[Sidenote: A weddyng.]
And in this yere the erle of Barre wedded dame Elianore the kynges doughter at Bristoll, aboughte the Exaltacion of the Holy Crosse.
Sire John Bryton, knyght, custos. Ric' Glouc'. A^{o}. xxiij^{cio}.
Herry Box.
[Sidenote: A gret rysyng in Walys.]
[Sidenote: The Normanes arryved at Dovorre.]
In this yere was a gret rysyng in Walys, wherfore the kyng wente into Walys and made pees and reeste. Also the townes of Bloy and Bayone werre wonne be S^{r}. John Seynt John and other worschepful bachelers of Engelond. Also the same yere the Normaunes arryved at Dovorre and brent a gret part of the towun and martyred an holy man that was clepyd Seynt Thomas of Dovorre: but the Normaunes were sclayn every modir sone, ther eschapid none. Also in this yere the kyng was defraunded of his lond in Gascoigne in this manner, sothly: the kyng hadde yoven the forseyd lond of Gascoyne to the kynges suster of Fraunce, for that sche schulde be yoyned to hym in fre mariage, and be some of his counseill enfeffed here in the sayd lond of Gascoigne; whiche lond of Gascoigne sche yaf to Charles here brother and to other, and the matrymoigne betwen here and kyng Edward sche sette at noughte, and wolde noughte stonden therto. Wherfore kyng Edward sente hyse amba.s.satours to the kyng of Almaigne, Spayne, and of Aragon, and to manye other dukes and erles beyonde the see, preyenge and askynge counseill and helpe of the seid matier: of whiche some because of affynyte and for yeftes yeven, and some for good and faire beheste of yeftes, graunted the kyng his axynge.
Id'm custos. John Dunstable. A^{o}. xxiiij^{to}.
Adam Halyngbery.
[Sidenote: Alle the wolles and felles of Engelond arested.]
[Sidenote: The clergye of Engelond graunted moche good to the kyng for his werres.]
[Sidenote: And the lay peple graunted the x p't of there goodes.]
[Sidenote: xxv m^{l} and viii^{c} Scotts.]
[Sidenote: The kyng tok the castell of Edenburgh with alle the regalies of Scotlond.]
In this yere the kyng lete areste alle the wolles of Engelond, wolle felles and hydes; and he tok to hym alle the money to hym graunted of the pope in subsidie of the holy lond, and collecto's[22] of the same dysme thorugh Engelond, and he dede for to be born to London into his Eschequer: also the convocacion of the clergye of alle Engelond beynge at London the Wednesday nest after the fest of seynt Mathy, the kyng asked a gret some of the clergye toward his werres whiche he hadde with diverses regiones and provynces; and the clergye graunted hym halven dele there goodes sp'uelx and temp'elx, oughtake benefices not pa.s.synge x marc: and the said taske the kyng let gadere at iij tymes evenly of the yere. Also in this yere[23] the kyng hadde of lay peple of Engelond the x part of there goodes, whiche he let gadere at two tymes of the yere be even porcions. The same yere the werre aroos betwen the kyng and the Walssh peple, in whiche werre was sclayn greet mult.i.tude of peple: and that werre began aboughte the feste of seynt Cosine and Damyan. And in this yere a worthy marchaund callyd Laurence of Lodolowe was dreynt in the see to Flaundres ward. Also in this yere S^{r}. Thomas Turbevyle for treson was drawen and hanged. And in this yere Sire John Seynt John discomfyted the erle of Artoys; but in the seconde bataile the said S^{r}. John was taken and enprisoned in Fraunce. And in this yere S^{r}. Herry Mortymer resceyved the ordre of knyghthoode at Portesmouth. Also this same yere the kyng Edward, magre alle the Scottes of Scotlond, he toke the toun and the castell of Berewyk, and killed there xxv m^{l} and viij c Scottes; and there were taken S^{r}. William Douglas, S^{r}. Symond Fresh.e.l.l, and the erle Patryke. And in this yere, that is to sey the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cclx.x.xxvij, the kyng tok the castell of Edenburgh, where he fond the regalyes of Scotlond, that is to seye the kynges see, his crowne of gold, and his ceptre, whiche regalyes the kyng offred sithens to seynt Edward at Westm', in the morwe after seynt Bothulphes day: and at Myssomer, John Bailhol kyng of Scotlond come to the kynges pees to London. Also this yere Edward the kynges sone was admirall upon the see.
[Footnote 22: "Of the collectours" _in the Cotton MS._]
[Footnote 23: _See note_ F.]
Id'm custos. Thomas Suffolk. A^{o}. xxv^{to}.
Adam Fulham, drap'.
[Sidenote: The kyng lete gadere in Engelond cm^{l} quart' of corn for to send to Gascoigne.]
This yere the kyng lete gadere in Engelond in diverses schires an hundred thousand quarters of corn, and sente it over the see into Gascoigne: and the kyng pa.s.sed the see in August, and with hym xx^{ti} m^{l}[24] Walsh men and too m^{l} Englysshmen and too m^{l} Irysshmen; and there aroos a stryf betwen the kyng and his lordes, that non of them wolde pa.s.sen with hym over the see; and the kyng arryved in Flaundres: and there was taken trewes for too yere betwen kyng Edward and kyng Philipp of Fraunce; and S^{r}. John Seynt John and other prysoners were frely delyvered out of pryson.
[Footnote 24: "x.x.x thousand" _in the Cotton MS._]
Id'm custos. Will'm Stortford. Anno xxvj^{to}.
John Stortford.
[Sidenote: Certeyn men were arested for brekyng of the toune of Cornhull.]
In this yere, in the feste of seynt Andrew, the kyng graunted to the lordes all there axynge of the poyntes of the olde chartre: also the Scottes areysed werre ayeyns the kyng of Engelond: also the viij day of Paske, Thomas Romayn, Richard Romayn,[25] Richard Gloucestre, Nicholl Faryndon, Adam Halyngbery, Thomas Cely, John Dunstale, Richard a.s.shwy, John Wade and William Storteford, weren aresteed for brekyng of the toune in Cornhull. And in the viij day of May[26] in this yere the kyng faught with the Scottes at Fowkyrk, in which bataile xxiij m^{l}[27] Scottes were sclayn, and of Englysshmen but xxviij, honoured be the highe G.o.des grace.
[Footnote 25: _Omitted in the Cotton MS._]
[Footnote 26: "The day of Marie Mawdelyne" _in the Cotton MS._]
[Footnote 27: "x.x.x m^{l}"--_Ibid._]
Herry Wallys, maior. Ric' Sop'lane. Anno xxvij^{o}.
Thomas Cely.
[Sidenote: The fraunchise of London was graunted ayeyn.]
[Sidenote: A maryage betwen the kyng and Margarete the kynges sust' of Fraunce.]
[Sidenote: He wan all Scotland.]
This same yere the fraunchise of London was graunted ayeyn for ij m^{l} marc, whiche was sesed ayeyn into the kynges hond; and for to make leve of that some, the servauntes bowys in the citee were sette at the tallage as well as the maistres. Also in this yere men of London wenten and sercheden the chirche of Seynt Martyns in the feld for tresoure of gold, thorough the wordes of a gardyn', whiche seyde how there was a gold hord; but they founde nought: wherfore the dene of Poules of London, be comaundement of the erchebysshop of Caunterbury, denounced them alle accursed openly at the Crosse of Poules that sergeden as above seyd. Also in this yere Robert Wynchelsee erchebysshop of Caunterbury spoused the kyng Edward and Margarete the kynges suster of Fraunce togidere: and also pees was mad betwen bothe kynges. And in this yere the kyng wente the thridde tyme beyounde the see into Scotlond, and thanne wan it alle.
Ely Russell, maior. Henry Fyngreth. A^{o}. xxviij^{o}.
John Armentires.
[Sidenote: The Traylbaston.]
[Sidenote: And this yere quene Margarete com into Engelond.]
[Sidenote: The kyng enprysoned his sone Edward.]
This yere come the kyng to London and ordeyned the Trailbaston, whiche wente thorough the reaume, and arrered therby moche tresour.
And in this yere the quene Margarete com into Engelond; and the citeizens of London reden ageine here in good aray, abought cc persones atte the leeste. Also this yere the kyng enprysoned his sone Edward, because that Waulter Langeton bysshop of Chestre hadde compleyned that the forsaid Edward, be counseill of Pers of Gavaston, esquyer of Gascoigne, hadde broken his parkes; and forasmoche as the said Edward the kynges sone was ladde and governed be the said Pers, the kyng dede exile the forseid Piers for evere.
Id'm maior. Lucas Hav'yng. Anno xxix^{mo}.
Ric' Champenes.
John Blount, drap', Rob't Gallere. A^{o}. x.x.x^{mo}.
maior. Pet' Bosynho.
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