The Petticoat Commando Part 3

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At the time the Commandant was at the fort attending to General Grobelaar and about 500 men who were retreating in the direction of Pretoria. During the day bodies of armed burghers were continually pa.s.sing through the town.

On arrival at his office Dr. Krause found Major Davis in the company of two old Johannesburg residents. The latter were dressed in mufti.

Both these men had taken an active part in the agitation which preceded the war.

Major Davis in soldierly manner addressed Dr. Krause by saying that he was commanded by Lord Roberts to demand the immediate and unconditional surrender of the town, in the name of Her Majesty Queen Victoria.

Dr. Krause's reply was very short: "No, sir, not immediately and not unconditionally."

Major Davis thereupon said that Lord Roberts had also expressed a desire that the Commandant should grant him an interview, at which the matter could be discussed. Dr. Krause a.s.sented to this proposition.

What the Boers wanted was delay--and if Commandant Krause could delay the forward advance of the British troops a great advantage would be gained.

Lord Roberts was encamped just above the Victoria Lake, close to Germiston. On arrival at the camp Dr. Krause was met by Lord Roberts on the verandah of the house occupied by him and his staff.

A private interview then took place between the two officers, at which the terms of surrender of Johannesburg were agreed upon, and which will be found in the letter set out hereunder.

The chief reason for an armistice advanced by the Boer Commandant was that if the British were at once to enter the town, street-fighting would undoubtedly take place, as the many armed burghers pa.s.sing through the town would only obey the orders of their own respective Commandants and Field-cornets. Such street-fighting would be a serious menace to the women and children and to the other peaceful citizens of the town. Lord Roberts agreed to this, adding that he had once, in Afghanistan, experienced street-fighting and would not like to see it again.

Another incident of this interview is worth recording, viz. the protest made by Dr. Krause at the presence of the two civilians who accompanied Major Davis. Lord Roberts asked for the reason of this protest, and was informed that, according to the view of the people in Johannesburg, these men, through the part they played in the mendacious political agitation which was carried on prior to the war, were partly responsible for the war, and further that he (Dr. Krause) had in his possession a warrant for the arrest of one of these men for high treason, issued prior to the commencement of hostilities, and consequently their presence in the town was looked upon with a great deal of disfavour and resentment.

Lord Roberts expressed his regret, and said that these men had accompanied his officer only because he was told that they would be excellent guides, knowing the locality and the officials.

The terms of surrender were agreed to, including an armistice of twenty-four hours. This delay undoubtedly helped to save the Republican forces from utter destruction and certainly enabled General Botha and the other Boer officers to retreat with their men beyond Pretoria and to collect their scattered forces.

Dr. Krause returned to Johannesburg after this interview and immediately set about making the necessary arrangements to carry out his part of the bargain. A Proclamation was issued, calling upon all armed burghers and other capable men to leave the town; all officials were ordered to be in readiness the next day at the respective offices, for the purpose of handing over their administration to their successors.

Early the next morning Mr. William Shawe, the Deputy Sheriff, was dispatched to Lord Roberts, with a formal letter, confirming the terms of surrender agreed to at the above interview. This historical doc.u.ment is, I believe, here printed for the first time and reads as follows:

"JOHANNESBURG, "_May 30th, 1900._ "Lord Roberts, "Commander-in-Chief of Her "Majesty's troops in South Africa.

"YOUR LORDs.h.i.+P,

"Referring to the verbal interview I had with Your Lords.h.i.+p this morning, with reference to the surrender of the town, Johannesburg, I now wish to confirm the following in writing:

"(a) That all officials and other Government employees will be treated with the necessary respect and consideration. On their behalf I can give Your Lords.h.i.+p the a.s.surance, that until the surrender is complete, everything will be done by them to facilitate Your Lords.h.i.+p's work, in so far as their honour allows.

"(b) With reference to the protection of women and children (including the women and children of Burghers on Commando),--that these persons will not be molested by the troops,--Your Lords.h.i.+p having already given the necessary instructions in this connection.

"(c) That property will be protected, also forage, except in so far as military requirements necessitate it.

"(d) That as regards the 13,000 Kaffirs still on the mines, the necessary precautions will be taken by Your Lords.h.i.+p:--in this respect the Special Mine Police corps, till now under my command, will render Your Lords.h.i.+p all a.s.sistance.

"(e) Enclosed I send Your Lords.h.i.+p a copy of a notice distributed by me, which speaks for itself, and from which Your Lords.h.i.+p will learn that all fighting and armed burghers have been ordered to leave the town at once.

"(f) It grieves me to have to inform Your Lords.h.i.+p, that notwithstanding our arrangement, that no armed men would enter the town till to-morrow at 10 o'clock, several armed persons entered the town (evidently without Your Lords.h.i.+p's knowledge, and contrary to instructions), and several of whom are under arrest; one who attempted to disarm a burgher was wounded, and is at present in the hospital here.

"Finally, I must request Your Lords.h.i.+p not to enter the town with too great a force (for reasons already communicated to Your Lords.h.i.+p). I shall send some one who will conduct Your Lords.h.i.+p personally (or the officer in command) to the Government offices to there carry out and complete the necessary formalities of handing over the town. All chief and other officials have been notified by me of this arrangement, and they have been ordered to hold themselves in readiness to hand over their offices to the persons appointed thereto.

"I have the honour to be, "Respectfully yours, "(Signed) F.E.T. KRAUSE.

"Acting Special Commandant."

On the morning of May 31st, 1900, the sun rose in his bright winter splendour--the sky was blue, and not a cloud appeared upon the horizon. Mother Nature seemed to emphasise the darkness and bitterness in the hearts of the staunch and free Republicans by her dazzling brightness. The new era had dawned, heralding the victory of the invading forces and giving practical proof of the old adage, "Might is right."

At about 10 o'clock Commandant Krause received a message from Lord Roberts announcing his presence on the outskirts of the town (at Denver) and expressing a desire that the Commandant should personally come and meet and conduct him to the Government offices, there to hand over the "keys" of the city. This request was complied with. The British were then seen entering the town, headed by Lord Roberts, Lord Kitchener, and Commandant Krause. On arrival at the Government offices the different officials were presented to Lord Roberts, who requested them to remain in office until they were relieved of their duties by an English officer.

The surrender of the Golden City was an accomplished fact!


In conclusion, and as a contrast to this terrible period for the Republicans, I may here be permitted to publish a letter written by Lord Roberts to Dr. Krause, which will show in what manner the Golden City was previously administrated and afterwards handed over to the British troops on May 31st, 1900.



"I desire to express to you how fully I appreciate the valuable a.s.sistance you have afforded me in connection with the entry into this town of the force under my command.

"I recognise that you have had DIFFICULTIES OF NO ORDINARY NATURE TO CONTEND WITH OF LATE, and any weakness in the administration of the town and suburbs at such a juncture would doubtless have been taken full advantage of by the disorderly element which necessarily exists in an important mining community. THANKS TO YOUR ENERGY AND VIGILANCE, ORDER AND TRANQUILLITY HAVE BEEN PRESERVED, and I congratulate you heartily on the result of your labours.

"Permit me also to tender to you my personal thanks for the great courtesy you have shown me since I first had the pleasure of meeting you.

"Believe me to be, "Yours truly, "ROBERTS, F.M."



After her brothers' departure, described in Chapter I, Hansie fastened her "Vierkleur," a broad band of the Transvaal colours, round her hat, and announced her intention of going into town to see the British troops come in.

Her mother thought it a most unseemly proceeding, and declined to accompany her wilful daughter, but the latter did not wish to miss what she knew would become an historical event of great importance, and rode away on her bicycle, accompanied by her faithful retriever, Carlo.

The thought of the conspicuous band of ribbon round her hat, in green, red, white, and blue, gave her a certain feeling of comfort and satisfaction.

At least none of the friends she might chance to meet that day could suspect her of being in town to _welcome_ the enemy.

The air was charged with the electricity of an excitement so tense, so suppressed, that it struck her like some living force as she rode through the thronged, though silent streets.

The Petticoat Commando Part 3

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